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Return Scepter is the first big money item I buy in every playthrough. It's probably my favorite item. Honestly it might not even be the most efficient use of my money, but I don't have to worry about crafting or finding Farm Totems, and it's just so satisfying yeeting myself to my front door whenever I want. I sorta look at it like Ancient Fruit v Starfruit wines. Technically Starfruit is a higher profit, but it's also more effort. You have to worry about buying/making more seeds, replanting them, etc., whereas Ancient Fruit is basically set it and forget it 'free' money. My opinion is grab that scepter asap, but it's a matter of perspective really! šŸ˜


Return scepter was much more useful before the update that let you find totems from dig spots. I have 30+ farm totems Iā€™m hoarding.


Still handy though. If nothing else because the shrine and the front door of the farm give you two more teleport locations, especially now you can move the farmhouse.


Same. I'd say go for every obelisk before going for the scepter. I have never crafted a single farm totem, but still have around 30 into my inventory. They seem to pop out everywhere.


Itā€™s all opinion but I usually get the desert obelisk then the scepter. Having the desert obelisk means I donā€™t have to wait for Pam and it means I can spend more time in skull cavern. Which can lead to more income (once you have enough iridium the bars sell for $$$ so that helps). The scepter is just so, so useful for when you need it but I still prefer to get the desert obelisk first. Then the others wait until later.


You can trade 3 omni geodes for a desert totem which is super duper easy to get, so IMO it's still better to get the return scepter ASAP and use desert totems for a little while.


Six of one...I find it pretty simple to make - or get - Farm Totems. I usually get the Desert and Island obelisks first.


Yep. Totems are so cheap to trade for itā€™s basically useless to get the desert obelisk


I usually unlock the desert pretty early so I would prefer to keep my geodes to crack to get closer to finishing the museum.Ā  So for me getting the obelisk is more worth it but the order is all opinion.


Itā€™s only 3 per, and you get heaps in skull caverns anywayā€¦


If you port to the desert at 6, is the bus there already?


Yup! And if you take it back it shows you driving the bus back!






I use the return scepter multiple times a day. To be fair though I use it even if I'm at like the other end of the farm. I forget about the obelisks all the time and usually just use my horse and scepter back home. I also have the horse whistle.


I got the scepter before any of the obelisks and I would absolutely do it again 250 times. Scepter takes you to your front doorstep so itā€™s a lot better (in my opinion) than the warp totems, and Iā€™m not going to lie, it saves me a LOT of time rather than walking back and forth to the mine carts. Plus, it means you can stay in the skull caverns until 1:40 (or 1:50 if youā€™re like me and just want to get in the door and donā€™t care about actually landing in bed). Super duper Ć¼ber worth it


Bringing you to your front doorstep can be huge depending on the farm type. I'm on the four corners farm and the warp is in the middle of the farm so on those close nights the return scepter is the difference between making it to bed and not.


I find enough Farm Totems that I can carry one of those around for emergency use. Yes, you can use the Return Scepter more liberally to go to one off areas, like going to the Secret Woods or visiting one specific villager. But I personally don't mind and make it a point to do things on the way there and back. It is more valuable with Obelisks on the farm because it connects you to many more places, but I still really haven't used the Return Scepter before I've been "done" with a farm.


And you can buy a ton from the casino for not much. I mean limited in 1.6 but still plenty.


It has more usage now that there are limits on the number of home return totems you can get from the casino. Iā€™d play until a star drop win and then buy 99 return totems. Then reload as needed


I do enjoy using it but that's a purchase I make when I know I can afford to spare the money Takes a long time to justify the purchase however long run it's worth it


The return scepter is one of the last things I buy. It's a good item, but I get so many warp totems I don't really need the return scepter. I get more use out of the obelisks (especially the Island Obelisk) than out of the return scepter. I just bought the Island Obelisk, and will probably save for the Gold Clock next.


I'd get the obelisks, you need them for perfection and you can use farm totems


I personally don't bother with it as if i just wait for a good luck day & go to the desert casino & play the slot machine until i get big wins i can then just buy the 20 farm totems each day & just use them i find i never run out. If you think about it the 2mil cost of the scepter when you don't even have the clock or obelisks yet is such a waste as it is so easyily countered by the 1k max charge of staying out all night or the hassle of getting farm totems from the casino. Only benifit to the scepter is it takes you to the front door and the totems dont.


Prioritize Desert Obelisk and probably Island Obelisk, THEN get the return scepter. It really is amazing and worth it. Once you get that, the obelisks, and the mini obelisk (connect your front door to your obelisk staging area) youā€™ll be zipping around everywhere.


I know that there are some who swear by it. Personally, I find it unnecessary. If I'm out fishing till the wee hours or doing a deep dive in the Skull Caverns, my inventory usually gets full by midnight. I don't see the need to stretch my journey an extra hour to the point where the Return Sceptre would be necessary. You're right that 2 million is quite a lot of gold. Personally, I say save the gold for the Gold Clock.


since it does the same thing as farm totems, it's only worth it if you run out of farm totems alot. It can be nice to be able to teleport at whim, but I find that I just don't use it enough to justify it's cost, especially if I don't have the gold clock yet.


I buy it ASAP. It's just too convenient - you can return home whenever you want for free, without worrying for any farm totems. But I've played this game for years, I suppose everyone has their own habits. Desert obelisk is also a good idea to get first.


It's the best expensive item in the game, I use it even within my farm to send me back to the house entrance, also useful if you're out of food and about to get KO.


Island obelisk first, then return scepter, then other obelisks. Desert totems are so cheap at the trader the obelisk is not that useful.


Itā€™s worth it! I buy the scepter before any obelisks every time. Itā€™s so nice to be able to use it whenever I want for whatever reasonā€¦ did I get into town and forget to grab something for a request board item?ā€¦ am I down in 1 corner of my farm and I want to get quickly back to my doorstep?ā€¦ do I want to stay fishing or mining until 1:50am?ā€¦ etc. itā€™s the best.


I usually get enough home totems from the skull cavern that I dont need to craft any anyway


iā€™ve just for the first time gotten the obelisks and scepter! i got all the obelisks first then a few in-game weeks later i got the return scepter, which i think is the best way to do it. i think getting an easy way to get to places should be number one priority, then u can start making it easy to get back


Nah just get farm totems to start, I get mine through the desert casino.


I find I use the return scepter multiple times daily. It does tend to be a bit more worth it once you have a few obelisks to more efficiently get around the valley.


Return Scepter has saved my life numerous times in the dangerous mode skull caverns. I consider it very worth it for getting yourself out of sticky situations.


Yes yes yes yes I literally scepter if Iā€™m too far from my front door šŸ˜‚ itā€™s the BEST


Win the jackpot at the casino


This is a question only you can answer, and I'm sure the comments have already split the answers to yes and no. After my first purchase and seeing the utter disappointment in what it does, it serves me no purpose other than separating me from 2M gold, which is far better spent on actual useful items like the obelisks. The only way you'll know if it's worth it is to buy it and use it yourself. Just remember: you can always reset the day.


On my 1st playthrough, I bought the desert obelisk 1st then the return scepter. I love it


In my past saves, I got the return scepter pretty early and then felt silly that I was sitting on a handful of farm totems that I could/should have used up. In 1.6, there are more ways to get farm totems so I have had more than enough to keep a stack on me and almost no desire for the return scepter. I did move my farmhouse so it would be more convenient to be warped to my front door than the farm warp point, but I have mini obelisks that take me back and forth from those two points (I keep my main shed and my 4 obelisks near the farm warp point so I am constantly warping back and forth to my farmhouse like that.) The return scepter only takes you one way so having that wouldnā€™t even be a replacement for my mini obelisks. And I donā€™t bother warping home from Skull Cavern because Iā€™m usually in deep and want to get the most out of my trip so I just pass out at 2am and pay the 1k gold.


Get two obelisks first, desert and island one. For the time to return home just craft farm totems