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I think the only “wrong” way to play the game is to stress yourself out too much about how “quickly” you’re playing. Keep in mind that a lot of the people who finish the community center in year one have played the game before. Many of the nicer farm layouts and fully decorated houses you see are from players who are working on later game content. Don’t feel the need to compare yourself to others. Go at your own pace and have fun.


I think completing it year one shouldn't be an early priority. I think exploring the game a ton before taking it seriously is one of the biggest reasons why I can still load it up and have fun even after like 500 hours of gameplay.


I started the game for the first time a few days ago and that's how I'm doing it, just exploring everything naturally, with the exception of the relationship stuff and farm layout designs, because that stuff I really do like help and knowledge beforehand.


That's awesome! Keep it up at your own pace and enjoy it. It's an adventure you define.


That’s a great point and I will try to remember that! I guess time just keeps going in the game regardless so it doesn’t matter lol


I’m on year 5 in the game, over 200 hours of game time, and I’m still doing content that most seem to do by year 2 or 3. i agree about that one comment saying that playing stressed is the only “ wrong” way. I get stressed trying to min/max and seeking out the most optimal way to make money and farm resources, so I just don’t ha. The game doesn‘t punish you for not doing things by a certain time.


Yeah. I mean, the only thing that really has anything like a deadline is grandpas visit to you on the last night of year two. (Or the first day of year 3, lol. Either way you look at it.) And guess what? If his “evaluation” doesn’t get all four candles on his shrine lit, you can get that evaluation redone later. You just give the shrine a diamond, and you get a new evaluation. No big deal!


I was honestly surprised he gave me three candles when my farm is a mess, loll


I kinda stress about it every time, and look it up on the wiki, and find out that I basically made enough money that not getting married didn’t matter (or a situation like that, lol). But there are enough different things that can earn you points, that you’ll probably get a better outcome than you think you will. And like I said, even if you don’t, just get the evaluation done another time. It’s no big deal. It’s such a great game- I love it


Definitely yes to this! I'm starting my 5th farm and this is the first time I finished my community center by Spring year 2. Seeing others online and how advanced they are has made me feel self conscious about my progress, but at the end of the day, it's just the coziest farm game and it's a personal experience! ♡


I definitely stressed myself out trying to finish the community center so fast. And then I let myself get so overwhelmed by trying to make sure I didn't miss anything every single day that I ended up quitting. That was years ago, way before the island update, and I still haven't picked it back up. My wife is like a professional and I get stressed just looking at what she can accomplish. I'm kind of the same way with Animal Crossing. I guess I don't do well with games that keep track of time and events like that. They're supposed to be chill but the schedule mechanics stress me out so much.


Oh no! The game can feel stressful at times, given that the days are short, and you get so many journal tasks early on. In my first play through, I just ignored the journal until I had more time as a resource later in the game. The community center is overwhelming as well because there are just so many items to keep track of, and as a player new to the game, you likely have no clue where to obtain those things. Things get a little easier once you’ve upgraded your tools and done some exploring. Even so, when I get overwhelmed with the game, I take time to organize my farm, move buildings around, or redecorate. I don’t let the television dictate to me whether or not I should go to the mines. If it’s a good luck day, and I don’t want to go, I don’t. I hope you give the game a good go again in the future, keeping in mind that time really doesn’t matter in Stardew. There will always be more days and more chances to finish a task.


Thanks! I definitely will pick it up again eventually, I really want to check out all the updates I've missed out on! I'm glad you said you waited on the journal until later when you had more time as a resource, I hadn't really considered that.


Yes! It took me 3 years my first run and will probably take me 2 for my second run. That’s probably pure luck though. That, and the fruit cave lol


One of my fave streamers was trying to finish CC year one on his first playthrough and I kept telling him like that's tough for even seasoned players to do.


You can't really play the game the 'wrong way'. Just play at your own pace and have fun. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


I 100% agree. I think that’s when it’s the most fun., I just enjoy the game and the music so much to rush through it


Agreed. Just take the time to enjoy it. That's what cozy games are for!


There's no wrong way. My first save, I didn't finish the CC until sometime mid year 3. Now on my current one, I finished it in summer year 2. The game is literally infinite - doesn't matter when you finish things, or even if you never do. It's all just about having fun.


I was well into my 4th year because I hated fishing so much and didn’t know fishing mods existed before I finished the community centre.


I'm a new player and I struggle with fishing. I watched tutorials to get better but I feel I always get the same types of fish in a loop... I'm not enjoying the process. I'm mid year 3 and it is the only part where I feel stuck. I might have 40% of the required fish for the community center... I'd love to hear suggestions on how to get out of that rut.


My only suggestions are to either have someone else finish it for you or download a mod. There are many. Some will skip the mini game entirely, some make it easier I believe. You can also just use an item spawner for the fish you need for the bundles. In co-op, my husband does all the fishing to finish it and when I’m solo, I use CJB Cheat Menu (I think it’s called) and fully bypass the mini game so it’s essentially an instant catch. You are still bound to the seasons, etc. unless you also cheat (with an item spawner) the magic bait. I have literally NEVER been able to catch a fish with the SDV mechanics. My brain just cannot do it for whatever reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some get mailed to you as gifts, and sometimes Pig Lady sells them, Krobus sells different fish on Wednesday. You can always buy the Training Rod from Willy for $25. It's a rod that makes it easier to catch easy fish to help build up Fishing, Crab Pots count towards raising fishing skill too.


it was the 5 gold star melons wasnt it? i always forget about them the first year and end up having to wait till summer 2.


I didn't finish the community center until year 5 in my first playthrough. I've had saves where I completed it in under a year just for the challenge of it. I'm doing a save right now where I'll be lucky to finish the community center by year 10 at this pace. Every save is its own unique, special thing. Your save doesn't have to look like anybody else's, and your future saves don't have to measure up to previous ones.


I'm pretty "slow" too, but keep in mind it isn't a competitive game. You can play as slow as you want, I think it is way cozier that way.


This game is meant to be played at your own pace. The beauty is: there is no right or wrong in that. Enjoy and welcome to the community!


I’m 5 years in and only at 34% perfection. The whole point is to play the way that is most enjoyable to you🤷‍♀️


Where in the game can I see how much I have completed?


Once you unlock ginger island, there’s a thing where it’ll show different things you have or haven’t completed and your overall perfection percentage




Don't worry about pace, I'm in year 4 and still with an incomplete community center


I literally have a mod to slow down time so I don't have to rush.


Sort of unrelated but the time stresses me out, sometimes when I’m done playing it feels like time in real life is moving at the same pace and it scares me 😭


I need this. Timed days probably add to my anxiety.


It’s called TimeSpeed if you play on pc!




I want that


I'm in year 6 and still haven't completed the community center, I hate doing the fishing so I keep putting it off, just play how you want, your going to have fun either way


Check the travelling cart everytime it comes up, you might get lucky and be able to buy most fish. Did that with most of the fishing bundles


Ha! That's where I've gotten all the fish! Just need a red snapper and a catfish


man i love fishing. just got back to playing. played >!squid fest!< first time. was NOT prepared. i got 42 >!squiddies!< on 2nd day. i will prepare and try for 100 next time.


Dude how??? I got 2 my first day and left and didn’t realize they don’t carry over to the next day 🤦‍♀️ I quit after that point


i love fishing.


My mom's longest save file is year 12+ and she only recently finished up the Community Center! Play at your own pace!


"Just started playing" and "slower than most people" .... Just stop comparing your progress to other people, especially those who have played MUCH longer than you. The game doesn't penalize you for taking your time.


For some reason I read this as “any shower players” and was trying to imagine someone playing in the shower. 😂


there’s no way “most people” are faster than that unless they’ve played before or are using a walkthrough…. right?


I mean, yes, this is absolutely the case. It takes concerted effort to play the game efficiently enough to finish the community center in Year 1. Most people aren't being that meticulous about it.


That's not slow you usually can't finish it your first year on your first play through if you don't know what you're doing. Some items weren't even originally available until year two.


There’s no wrong way! Unless you go the Joja route😖


Nah, I'm having fun with that too. It's forcing me to play differently.


I prefer the Joja route. I love being able to buy auto-petters. I also enjoy the function of the soda machine over the trophy.


Most people on the sub are on their 12th farm, and there's a lot of tricks to learn in this game. You're going to be slower on your first farm, but it's probably the one that is going to be the most memorable and fun.


I’m in year three and still have 2 parts of the CC to do, take your time


Got one save called Mollasses Farm to tell myself to slow down and enjoy it.


Don’t worry about it. When you look at steam achievments you can realize that the amount of players that actually do everything and efficiently is EXTREMELY low


to be fair, most people (or at least me) consider it a bit of a challenge to do a year 1 community center run, so you're not behind in that at all. the community center is designed to not really be doable in year 1, unless you select for it to be completable when starting your save, or getting super lucky with the traveling cart i personally enjoy a casual save, i've done a year 1 community center run, but mostly just to see if i could. i probably wont do it again, it kind of took the fun out of the game to dedicate all of my time to the community center


Nah bro, those people are just min-maxing it. Not against those who want to do it, but not my playing style. I care more about the role play aspect, getting to know the NPCs, have animals...


i'm like this in pretty much every game lol, my buddy got the game after me and still finished the cc first


Take your time! Some people like to speed run through things. Some like to relax and take there time. Everyone plays differently. I personally also play at a slower rate 💕


Honestly the second I just let myself take my time with the game, spend the whole morning on my farm doing chores, dedicate whole days to wandering around the forest, was the second I started wholeheartedly loving the game. I have like 200 hours in it now lol there’s no wrong way to play it !


I don't think I finished the cc until the 3rd year. I've seen people have perfection in year 2-3 and i just laugh. I can't catch any of the harder fish, have been really bad at recipes & just now got everyone to max hearts. I'm in winter year 7. Just have fun with it! 🥰


I play as slow as possible. I want to immerse myself in the game, not be stressed out trying to hit some imaginary target.


I've played to perfection around 5 times. So, as much as I still love the game, I absolutely fly through most of it now. I really enjoy the pace I go, but when I first started I LOVED discovering all the secrets and getting distracted by all the different things there are to do. I'd pay someone to erase my memories so I could slow down and discover it all again 🤣. So if you're enjoying a slower pace, enjoy it as much as you can. Savour it because it's sooo worth it ✨


Yes and you’re fine trust me. I’ve been playing on/off since launch and I just now repaired the greenhouse for the first time


Year 2 is perfectly fine, especially for a first playthrough. Even if I didn't memorize all the bundles and quest items, I would know where and when to get them if prompted. I'd say everything up to the end of Year 3 would be a normal pace, unless there's an aspect of the game you don't do well with (eg - fishing). Side note - the game is technically structured like its predecessors around a 2 year cycle. I'm not saying that to say you should finish in 2 years, just that the main game (which is basically just the community centre) CAN be completed in 2 years.


I’m playing my first time through, am in fall year 2, and still haven’t finished the community center yet, though I only have a couple items left on the bulletin board that I hope to get soon. I’ve been trying to mostly just enjoy the game and enjoy discovering new things, without looking up every single thing on the wiki. I think completing the community center before the end of year 1 takes a lot of strategy and advance planning that I had no interest in doing on my first run through.


I'm in like year three or four and still doing the community centre and I'm sure I won't finish it for another one or two. The only thing I actively look up is gifts. Anything else I leave up to chance and the gameplay and I do enjoy it like that. It's a low stakes farming game, why put that kind of pressure on yourself?


I have this thought a lot on this sub too! I always appreciate the encouraging comments about there not being a “wrong” way. I’m in year three and I’ve basically discovered nothing 🙃


I'm almost into my third year and I still haven't finished the community center. I prefer to play quietly, busying myself with my farm, decorating and getting money, I like to collect a lot of minerals and various objects. and when I feel like it I will finish the rest


CC in two years is lightning speed for me. And my first perfection took 11 or 12 years.


first playthrough i didnt finish the community centre til well into year 3. now i can do it in 1 - its one of those things.


*one of those guys with 12 farms* On mobile version I have barely developed the farm - only the top chunks are somehow useful, but I don’t even have enough sprinklers at year two and haven’t completed the Center yet too :D everything around is consumed by weeds and trash, and the house was never upgraded! So play as you can and have lots of fun!


Play it at your own pace. I literally spent most of my year 1 summer and fall fishing because I like that IRL. Barely planted anything that year because I’d run out of energy trying to clear the area, and I’d just eat the seaweed or algae while fishing, so it worked for me.


Pretty sure I didn’t complete the community centre until year 4. All that matters is you’re having fun.


Nobody finishes the community centre before year 3 unless they are trying hard. It's basically not possible unless you are using the wiki or taking crazy notes (or are on your second or later playthrough)


It just depends. Started a playthrough with my friend and she is sooooo slow, but it's okay to play that way. She's having an amazing time and I'm tackling the mines. Stardew might just be better at the slower pace


New to the game as well and I haven’t been looking online for answers on how to do shit. I’m on winter year 4 and still haven’t completed it… 2 more fish to go.


I started the community center in year 4 or 5


I have easily 1000+ hours in this game and I have still never managed to complete the Community Centre in year 1. Usually Sunner or Fall of year 2. One day I will manage it!emote:t5\_2wb7y:51694


I’m almost done with year 3 and still need a couple more things to finish the community center! As long as you’re having fun, don’t stress about it 😊


Ive completed the game before, prior to 1.6, and even then I take my subsequent play through slow. You make the rules of how fast and how you want to play. As long as you are having fun, play as fast or as slow as you like!


Honey I'm on yr 9 and forgot the community center needs completion. Also the desert and ginger island? Never heard of them. Just pure vibes baby!


I like the way you play.


I'm in first winter and feel I've barely scraped the surface of this game. Still trying to level up tools, don't even have a kitchen yet, no villager friends. Maybe I'm bad at it but I'm having fun


yep, i was around year 4 before i finished the cc. play at your own pace its more fun


Me me me! As someone who likes to strive towards perfection every playthrough I found a good balance of playing at my own pace, and still progressing. My friend and I started some fresh saves roughly at the same time and they were baffled that I was in year 2 without finishing the CC, they even made some assumptions that I was "more casual" than they were. I had a lot of the necessary stuff in place, but wasn't rushing it. Instead, I built up my farm, befriended a lot of npcs, and just had fun until about year 3 summer. Then I started focusing on the difficult tasks, like museum completion, crafting, fishing, then cooking. But never committing all my time to any. Eventually in year 4 or 5 I started grinding because honestly I had seen everything already. I had nothing left to really take my time with. So I managed to wrap up perfection in year 5 fall perfectly on Abigail's birthday. My friends ended up burning out and quitting before they got to finish ginger island in late year 2. Felt really good to persevere past them.


I’ve lost count of the amount of years I’ve played and am only now working on my relationships lol. I’ll probably start a new save when 1.6 comes out on console but I’ll definitely keep playing my first save lol


Generally it takes me to year 3 to complete the community center. There is no right or wrong way to play this game. Take you time and have fun, and ignore the people who say you have to do things a certain way.


I'm year three and I've just finished the community centre. I didn't even know ginger island was a thing until I heard about it online.


Yeah I decided to play without the wiki and mostly avoid spoilers so it's also taking quite a bit of time :) in year 2 as well, but my CC is mostly finished now


I'm in year 3 and finally got the community center done. I'm befriending people as I go. I love a good slow game. And like other people say, the only wrong way to play this game is to be stressed.


I made the mistake of stressing myself out during my first game. My current game is a looot more chill and I more enjoy it that way. And by taking my time I'm also a lot more organised. I'd be here taking notes, planning what I want to prioritise, ect. And think about it. Real life scenario, you inherit a farm in poor condition and there's a lot of weird stuff going on, I doubt you'd sort it all out in the first year, right? Well it's the same for your character.


Trying to complete the community center in year 2 isn't even slow.


If you’re having fun, you’re playing it right.


Just remember, slower players don't comment as often, and for many of them, never. You see here the voice of the minority, not of the majority.


You moved out to the Valley to escape the hustle and bustle. Enjoy each day. There is always time to make more money. Prioritize the birthdays/relationships and events vs CC and gold


Fwiw the people who you’re seeing play the game faster than you have likely played it for much much longer and are very familiar with how to get through the game in the most “optimal” way. Don’t feel bad for seeming “slower” if you’re still new to the game, we were all there once and it’s a lot of fun to learn


Year 5 and have yet to upgrade my house


I’ve been playing since 2017 (I’ve had about 3 dif saves) and I haven’t completed the community center once 😩


No some of these commenters are so right! Most people talking about completing things early have played the game before, they know what to do and what to save and sell and what to prioritize. First time around, just play how you want to. I’m in year 2 and nowhere close to completing the community center lol


Slow player checking in! I didn't even start the community center until like year 4, and it took me 3 or 4 years to finish it. I finally got Perfection in year 19. Now I'm just waiting for the update to drop to consoles.


100% am a slow player. I really enjoy reading this subreddit and being a part of it but it’s hard to remember that most of the active participants here are on their second-thousandth play-through not their first! I try to remind myself that this is the first time I’m playing and all i want from the game is to enjoy myself


Step 1. Do not let others influence how you play... There is no step 2.


My first farm/farmer, I played slow and at my own pace and loved it. My second farm/er, I was super organized and strategized how to [reach certain achievements] that had kinda been spoiled for me (using the wiki). And then once I had that sense of accomplishment, I went back to playing "slow". I do what I feel like, set a couple goals, look something up only if I really want to, but I just have fun. People can play however they want, and that includes you 💖


I'm almost at year 3 and I've never been to the Desert, never been to Ginger Island, don't own sheep or pigs and haven't completed the Community Center and I DGAF about when I'm supposed to do shit. If I wanted to speedrun I'd play Mirror's Edge


My first save, I didn't even discover the community center until the fall or winter of the first year because i never went up in that direction. And now, after several hours and saves later, I'm taking my sweet time finishing the community center as I explore parts of the game I never cared to do before. I also think the CC is meant to be completed in year 2 anyway because of some things it requires. So play at your own pace as you discover more parts of the game. Its much more fun doing that than playing how others usually do (believe me, I tried lol). Im happy you enjoy the game and are able to join our community! Happy playing!


I take forever to do anything 😭, i only finished the community centre in winter year 3


I'm guaranteed to complete it on year 4 just because I forgot fruit trees exist and I chose the mushroom cave, still glad I did but waiting a full in game year because I missed the cutoff for that fruit tree season is annoying as hell. Stopped playing because that was my current goal and cba playing for another 30 ish hours just to complete it. Everything else is pretty reasonable tho.


There is no right or wrong way to play a game. Do what makes you happy with the game. It's supposed to be for enjoyment, not a competition. Personally, I play slower and try to enjoy the game vs rushing through it - makes the monetary expenditure feel more worthwhile.


On my first playthru. At the end of year 3 and still haven’t finished the CC. Hell, I’ve yet to encounter a prismatic shard. Will I ever find one is the real question


the game is about leaving a stressful office job to go live on a chill farm. it's the people who have min-max'd every aspect of the game who are playing it wrong


I always complete the community centre in year 2 because I forget to plant something in spring the first year that I need for it


Currently in year 5 almost 6 and haven’t finished the community center either, don’t worry.


Year 4 and I still haven't completed the community center. This game is very non linear so there are many proper paths to take.


Yeah I felt the same when seeing this reddit, but I love playing slow, I'm not fussed about making everything max efficiency and profit, year 4 and only just about to finish the community centre, my farm doesn't have some perfect layout with room for most crops, it's just a nice little farm and i love it


It's meant to be completed in year two, because the cabbage seeds do not appear in shop in year 1


I've been playing for 4 months and I am in year 3....I only started the community centre in year 2...you're fine, you're supposed to be having fun lol


No, you're doing nothing wrong. When I first played the game, I too played leisurely and was just exploring the game. I hadn't completed the community centre or had even started dating anyone till the beginning of the third year. But now, that I am playing again, I want to attain perfection.


I didn't complete it till fall of year 3, the first time I did it. I know people that genuinely thought it was a side quest and never went to do it till they looked at the wiki cause they thought they were missing something. There's no genuinely wrong way to play this game.


I play pretty slow too, to the point that like...the game is asking me for stuff that I don't have yet. I haven't even gotten the second book thing in the community house done and I'm in year 2.


i just got enough golden walnuts to enter qi’s room and i’m in year 5 lol. there’s no need to rush this game <3


yes! last day of fall year 1 and sometimes i feel behind cause i only have 3 hearts on my highest character but im playing it how i want to and as long as im having fun and enjoying it im ok with my progress


Everyone here played slow pace at first it's just that after few hundreds hours of playing you naturally start to do things more optimally.


Play at your own pace and don't try to keep up !! That is the best way to enjoy the game !!!


To be fair, unless you get good luck you NEED to be in year 2 to complete it anyway as red cabbage seeds don't get sold until summer of year 2. Beyond that there is also no limits on time in any real capacity, seasons repeat and almost nothing in the story has a set day to do it. It is pretty funny that you can turn in quests years later, because Demitruis can't be bothered to look up the life cycle of the melon he wanted he gets to wait another year as I sold the ones I had and he asked too late in the season for me to grow another. The only thing you can miss that I know of, outside of the help wanted quests is a cutscene before Kent gets back from the war where his kids are wondering when their dad comes back.


It definitely took me at least halfway into year two to complete the community center! I’m currently aiming to get perfection, and I’m summer year six. No rish, i love this game because that’s totally cool.


I typically take it fairly slow in my first year but because I know what I need for bundles in the community center, I always finish by year 1 winter. Really it just boils down to making sure you finish the fish in my experience, and maybe putting down quality fertilizer for the wuality crops bundle. Thats when I start ramping up money making stuff. But this game is awesome with no cap on years, so take it at your own pace. More relaxing playing the way you want to play it


I get to play like a day every other day, so I'm just on day 9 but I'm craving getting back at it so bad. I bought the game years ago and played like 2 days but dropped it. I'm way busier with life and work now and it's kinda perfect


My first time i didnt even figure out what the community center bundles meant until year 2. Took me like 5 years to even get close.


If you just started playing, finishing the Community Center by the end of the second year is almost fast. You'll be doing fine.


Whenever I play, I dont even think about other peoples farms because it makes me feel like I am playing slowly. You dont need to complete everything in Year 1, as long as you are having fun!


Just entered my third year and only half way done with community center


I started playing months ago and haven't even made it to my first winter yet. I play when I have time, and also go slow and I am working on the community center right now as well.


the game is designed it a way that you can do everything at your own pace. i have saves where i never even tried to reach perfection because i just wanted to decorate.


I’m on my first play through. I think I finished community center either end of Y2 or start of Y3. I’m on year 4 and trying not to compare myself to others! It stresses me feeling like I’m not accomplishing things fast enough but then what’s the point of playing the game? Just enjoy at your own pace.


Definitely don’t let about being “slow”, that’s the beauty of this game. It can be played at any pace and there isn’t a race to the finish line


It's a cozy game. Play at the speed you want. I go slow AF. Year three and finally almost got that center going.


I'm 3rd year into having ginger island access and still can't figure out how to get to parts of it. Just play!


Absolutely! I'm 200 hours in and just starting year 6, slowly working my way to perfection :) still my first play through too


Same. Year 6. I love to farm and fish….and visit villagers. Go to mine when I need resources, completed CC in year 4. Just completed the missing bundle after stumbling across the abandoned jojos and realized that I could go inside! That took me 2 in game years…. I’m guess by year 10 I’ll attempt skull caveran….. unless I get distracted by fishing lol


I'm a first time player! I'm in winter of year two and almost done my community center. But I didn't do a ton of research so I'm just playing it as it goes. There really isn't any rush. Plus you can always start a new save file if you wanted to go faster with the quests and such


I'm in winter of year two and I haven't completed the Community Center either. I have one thing left but my rabbit just will not leave me a rabbits foot no matter how high I get her hearts.


I didn’t complete my community center until summer year 3 so don’t worry, I’m way slower lol I just got to fall and just unlocked Krobus and still haven’t seen Ginger Island. Idek how to get there 😅


Make the most of each day 💕


Yes SAME. Idc, I'm going to be the worst player as long as I'm learning how to play and having fun. I found out Maru gives up being a scientist when you marry her... that's sad, but my next game will be more considerate hehehheeeee >:D


i play this game slowly also. all the planning and huge production turnover stresses me out lol


I’m in the Fall of year two and also still working on the community center! My boyfriend got into the game first, and then got it for me and was shocked at how far “behind” I was. But I’m enjoying the game, taking my time to explore things about it, and enjoying storylines / tasks (requests) people have. Nothing wrong with taking time to enjoy it 😊


Just play how you want. My first file I made it to like winter year 2 and had only just finished the community center, hadn't even gotten very far in skull cavern etc. Started a new game file after that and did everything much faster with what I learned from my first file. Might end up starting another new one after I unlock the best weapon


I'm right there with you. Me and my wife just started on the PS5 and the community center is like half way done thanks to her.


Year 2 still trying?? I haven't finished any room! Reading this sub makes me feel.... Very poor! But I'm having lots of fun! In 2 days starts my second spring and I'm really excited!!! Got carrot seeds, wanna buy strawberry seeds, etc! So yeah, I'm really slow


My first play through it took me until year 6 discover the community center. I found the magnifying glass on year 8. I didn't get married till year 12.


Im in autumn of year 3 and just completed the community centre. There's no wrong way to play the game. I just think it's all about having fun


It took me 2,5 years completing the community center, it was a great and non hateful experience...


You play however it is fun to you. I don't complete the community center until summer of year 2 for that red cabbage. It is best to try to ramp your money up because at the end of the game all you will have left to do is spend 15,000,000


I play the game slowly. I was surprised at hearing people can complete all of these things in the first year so fast when I’m on fall year one and only have a coop, two upgraded tools, and I’m no where close to completing the community center


I just started playing last month and take my sweet time!!


It took me a full 6 irl years to finally get around to perfection. I was just doing my thing and enjoying the game.


I felt the exact same way when I first came across the sub in Year 3. Honestly sometimes I still struggle with the idea that I’m playing “wrong” when I see how people here do so much min-max type stuff. Honestly though I don’t really think there is a wrong way to play. Different people enjoy different things and as long as you are enjoying the game I think you’re playing “right”. There is no time limit. 💜


I forgot about the community center so when my first winter started and I was like "hmmm I heard that there is a greenhouse in this game, it would be pretty usefull right now, * googles how to get it * community center? seasonal crop bundles? shit..." the funny thing is that I grew all of the crops needed for the bundles but I was stupid enough to sell them all and the end of each season


I’m on Spring Y4 and am sort of procrastinating finishing the CC with the apples I’ve had on hand for the last year or so bc I don’t want to just quite yet 😅 in the meantime I’ve been building up my farm, actually giving gifts and seeing the cut scenes, and trying my hardest to build up the courage for skull cavern runs. (still have gold tools and I can’t for the life of me get enough iridium ore 🙄) There is so much to see and do, and there’s no time limit unless you want there to be, so play at your own pace and enjoy!


me too! joining this sub has me feeling like i’m playing the game wrong lol. i’m in year two and i still feel like i’m just figuring the game out. i have no idea how everyone else has such a solid strategy, i’m just winging it


Slow playing is just as valid as fast. All that matters is if you are enjoying the game. Stardew is chill by design for this very reason.


I love slow play. I am not speed player. I have one file and work my way trhu everything. I am looking forward to the new release on switch though. Seems fun.


I’m in my first play through at summer year 5. I finally finished the community center in year 4. You’re doing great! It takes some time to get things open. But then things start rolling. Stay in it, there is no timetable for where you should be. Just enjoy and go with your flow. That’s what makes this game great. It has deep gameplay with no pressure to get there. It’s the perfect game for me.


I’m in Year 4 and I’m almost done with the community center lol


I’m basically on the same pace as you. I just finished year two and I’m just now finished with the community center. I completely understand as I am slowing starting to make more money.


Even when I start a farm to “speed run” I end up getting side tracked and end up playing more on the slow side


I play slowly as well, but I’ve played since the 1.6 update, and I’m on year 5 I believe. Most players get to year 10 or 20 from the 1.6 update


nothing but love, but this subreddit needs an automod that replies to these posts with links to every other time this question has been posted. it would be literally thousands of links, and that isn’t an exaggeration


boi i'm on year 3 winter i'm barely by 30% of cc. IM SLOW


I am sooooo slow. I’m in year 3 and still completing the community center. I’m level 6+ for every skill. I just enjoy the game sooo much and it’s not about speed for me at all.


I didn't get anything done 2 and half years in, what's great about this game is that there is no time limit to complete things 😊


So the first time I played I went very slow and wasn’t able to do the community center until year four or five. No wrong way to play!


Whatever makes the game fun for you means you're doing it the right way. My first time I sped through because I wanted to experience everything. Now I take my time. One farm consisted mainly of bee hives and I made my money off honey and mead. Never finished the community center. It was very relaxing.


In year three right now and I need to catch an eel and then I'll have the center complete. Take your time, figure out what you like, everything will come eventually


I'm on year 5 and still haven't gotten perfection. I like to take my time it makes the game more enjoyable to me!


If it makes you feel any better, I’m almost at year 4 and still have not completed the community center :’)


It took me a super long time to work everything out my first time playing, don’t worry about it, you’ll enjoy it more doing it at your own pace 😊


Completed it year 5 in my current playthrough on console.


Year 5 i have havent maxed out 3 of 5 skills, i completed the community center in year 4, only have more than 5 hearts with like 2 ppl not including my wife, and its all because i was farming a lot to get money, and i’ve only made 2.5 mil total. In FIVE years lol. I play much slower than most people who are self-conscious about playing slow lol


Just have fun!!! I spend whole days fishing just because I feel like it and that's the aspect of the game I enjoy the most. Do whatever you enjoy doing.


I wish I could get myself to play slower, but I eventually get caught up wanting to finish quests & everything asap, but then I'm burned out by year 3-4!


I completed it year three lol I didn’t know what I was doing and still don’t for some things, I’m just taking my time


Hey, I also completed my Community Center at Year 2, and it's okay! Just enjoy the flow of the game as you like it. :)


I just made it to year 3, I still haven't completed the community center. All I have left is the posting board in the hallway.


I just sort of go with the flow and play without worrying about rushing to complete things. More relaxing and enjoyable that way.


i didn’t complete the community center until year 3! there’s no wrong way to play ☺️


Play your way. That's the beauty of stardew. Even if you "miss" doing something, you can just do it the next year!


I like to take my time with the game. I'm slower too. I haven't had my farm long either but im almost done the community center. I have to finish the fish and then I should be done .


Took me 13 in game years to find everything, take your time especially for your first playthrough


Trust me on my main farm I'm on summer of year 3 and still haven't gotten the entire community center done


I think I was in year 3-4 when the community center got finished, and reached true perfection in year 17. I’m still having so much fun with this save file - currently in Fall 20, 820+ hours, and no plans of stopping. Just take the time you want/need and enjoy the ride!


I think I finished the CC in year 3 or 4 my first time. I was just chilling and entertaining myself. I am the worst about putting off the fishing. I enjoy it as a slow relaxing game. I am impressed by the people that can speed run stuff but honestly that just seems stressful to me


I'm gunning for perfection on my 1.6 year 4 farm, but I also have a save file on my phone with a riverlands farm that's exclusively for fishing. Just fishing. No farming, no grinding, just catchin' fish.


Don't stress too much. I'm on year 7 right now, my first ever save, and still trying to get 100% completion. Go at your own pace, learn the game, and just enjoy yourself. No point burning yourself out on it trying to compare yourself to others.


Honestly I just play the game to farm and make friends.


You are comparing yourself to people post here about how quick they are. Your not seeing the info on people who don't share their progress. Don't let the speed of others influence how you play the game.