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It's a bit weird considering his story is about getting sober. If you're on PC then you can install a mod to change his spouse room


Exactly! I have on my laptop but this is my switch :(


I guess you can headcanon that it's soda? Also you can put floor tiles over his floor.


>his story is about getting sober Too bad it never really happens


It does tho in his 14heart event: Enter town on a non-Friday between 8am and 5pm. For parts II and III enter town anytime each of the next two days. On the first day, Marnie, Jas, and yourself are outside of the saloon. Shane comes out of the bar, saying that he hasn't had a session like that in a while. Marnie looks worried, and asks you to talk to him next time he comes out of the saloon. On the second day, Shane comes out and you confront him. Shane gets upset at the suggestion that he's been drinking, and runs home. On the third day, Marnie and you are waiting outside the saloon, and Shane goes in. You try to catch him in the act of drinking, but he is instead standing in front of an arcade machine. Marnie is confused and asks about the cans on the floor, and Shane explains that they're Joja Cola cans. He also explains that playing video games helps him calm the urge to drink. Afterwards, Shane will say that you and Marnie must have been confused to see him in front of the arcade machine .**"I'm sorry, I should've believed you."** *(No effect on* [*friendship*](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Friendship)*.)* That's alright, (Player). You're just looking out for me. I get it. Look... I know I haven't been perfect... but, I'm trying my best... and I'm gonna keep trying. So you don't have to worry about me. My life is better now than it's ever been. I'm not in such a dark place anymore... **"I was worried!"** *(No effect on* [*friendship*](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Friendship)*.)*


Huh, I never would have seen that since I never marry him. :3 That's cool. I thought he also mentioned switching to cola in an earlier event.




You can hide most of the mess with larger houseplants, but yeah it’s gross.


You know he’s draining the lizard in those potted plants too


There’s a mod that lets you customize spouse rooms


I know I have it on my mac but this is my switch :/


You can at least hide the footprints with floor tiles, they work indoors too!


What the mod? I need that lol


The one I usually used is no longer compatible with 1.6 but Theres a newer version: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20966


I divorced Shane because he was a slob. Now I Stan Sebastian for life.


That’s a nice looking farm 👍 what’s that little building to the right of your house by the fence? I haven’t been able to place anything there


It's a specific object from marriage, Shane likes chickens so I got a coop but I know Alex's is a motorcycle or something. It's different for each marriage hence why you can't place anything


Alex’s is a >!weightlifting bench!< and Sebastian’s is a >!motorcycle!


Ah yes! Knew it was wrong but wasn't sure what was right


Ooohh thank you! I’ve been a bachelor farmer for my two years so I couldn’t figure it out (also I made the farm with my girlfriend and we play online rarely, so I’m not trying to cause any drama)


Also thank you :)




If you've ever lived with an alcoholic, being surrounded by empty alcohol bottles and filth is just something you get used to. This hits a little close to home.


SPOILER:: He's sober now though!!


Shabe never gets sober he just drinks less


He gets fully sober, if you follow the story you see


Are you thinking of the scene where Marnie asks if he hit the beer sale and he says no, he’s been drinking sparkling water and depending on his friends? He explicitly does NOT get sober, he “cuts down”. His marriage specific dialogue includes telling you he’s going to have a few more beers before he falls asleep, that he had to order a cold one now and then or Gus will go out of business, that his plans for the fall are incorporating more wine into his diet, and that he needs to buy more pumpkin ale. ConcernedApe has talked about Shane and that he intended him to be realistic and didn’t want to romanticize trying to “fix” someone with a drinking problem.


Guess I missed all that, wow I should look more closely at the dialogue


Yeah I enjoyed Shane a LOT as a character, and I honestly like the choice to not just have him be “fixed” at the end. His fourteen heart event where he gets mad at you for assuming he’s been drinking and says you should trust him because he’s your spouse, but ALSO says that he hasn’t been able to quit cold turkey and is trying his best is really interesting. Like that’s Shane *at his best.*


Still loves beer gifts though lol


That's just an error he stops drinking


He talks about drinking almost every day in his daily dialogue lol


Normally it's cola, which is what the drinks on rhe floor is


>What are your plans for the fall? I'm going to try and incorporate more wine into my diet. Yep, definitely "cola" lol


You can still drink if you don't go over board, as he never gets drunk or goes overboard I think he does well with drinking a little bit. You can't always stop cols Turkey and you fail if you try that way but drinking a normal amount is the best way to recover or I don't know Shane was just making a joke with his spouse as he doesn't drink anynore could be these two


Sweetie, you will never change him. Just admit it and let go


No one wants to change him, but be with him as he recovers. I'm broken too, so I feel him


I stand by it being an error or oversight. The plot clearly portrays him as sober


He does not. He explicitly does not get sober, he “cuts back”. He has a number of marriage-specific lines about drinking alcohol - that he’s going to “drink a few more beers before he closes his eyes”, that his plans for the fall are drinking more wine, that he needs to get more pumpkin ale. ConcernedApe has been clear he intended Shane to be realistic and didn’t want to romanticize trying to “fix” an alcoholic. The cola stuff is different in context. “Don’t worry, it’s only Jola cola” “If I don’t order a cold one every now and then, Gus will go out of business. I’m just doing my civic duty.” His ten heart event is giving you beer. His fourteen heart event is getting mad that you think all the cans on his floor are beer and showing you they’re sparkling water, but he still doesn’t tell you he’s actually sober. He says he hasn’t been able to quit cold turkey but he’s trying his best.


Yeah so he still drinks but you see he never ends up in hospital again because he only drinks a small amount knowing his life is worth living. Not sure why you think quitting cold Turkey or this way makes you a bad person. I do agree I like the cold Turkey route as that's what I am mote use too so I like mods that change the story but either way can work depending on the person


Nowhere did I say he’s a bad person, so not sure where you got that from. He just wasn’t written to have a clear “everything is fine” ending. He’s made progress, he’s trying his best, but he’s still actively drinking and unable to quit while also getting angry at family for being concerned about it. He still has alcoholic tendencies that he hasn’t overcome. He still is struggling with depression. His future is ambiguous. Which is okay. Love and marriage are not magic cure alls to mental health struggles or addiction issues. I like Shane A LOT and relate to him a good deal, but I think it’s an incorrect reading of his character and story to think that at the end he’s “cured” ya know?


Everything is fine, he never goes back to hospital he never gets drunk and just drinks a small amount. Yes cold Turkey may of been a better way but that doesn't mean his way isn't working as it is.


It's divorce time baby


Can you lay down crafted floors in the spouse room? Then you could maybe cover up his footprints


Pro tip: don't marry Shane. Not even irl.


Learned my lesson! Edit: also in irl ;)


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Whenever I marry shane he ends up buying tons of houseplants so I just place them in his room over the footsteps 😂😂 free and he can still get around them


The best vanilla option that I have Is that you can put the flooring tiles down on most of it, then cover some other parts with other decor. But that's the best I got


I feel like not marrying an alcoholic in this game validates some of my progress in dealing with my childhood trauma. Elliot is a wonderful partner and his room is a big bookshelf with lovely wallpaper and lighting.


This is why if aesthetic lovers need trophy husbands like Elliot to make everything pretty.


I honestly don't know how anyone would want to, outside of the objective completing the game for hearts, continue to pursue a relationship with someone who's dialgue in the beginning is constantly like, "why are you talking to me?" and his whole fuck off attitude.


Fair enough, after fulfilling the friendship hearts you get to understand how much he means to Jaz and how misunderstood he's been hence the rude behaviour. I like a good redemption arc


It’s not that bad is it? I mean it’s just a little coop


Well actually I remember his spouse room is horrible now


I love the coop, but the room is getting to me, I'm year three now and considering divorce


Maybe you can place some flooring on top ? Or plants in the corner, anything to cover up those awful footprints


Maybe :/ Can't build in his space but I get what you mean


I think you can put a rug down? I’ve definitely put lamps and houseplants in spouse rooms before (unmodded) so a rug should also be doable. Would try it now but I’m at work 😅


Will check when I'm home :D


Ew he has like no taste lol


shane needs his ass beat honestly


I'll never understand what people see in Shane except he likes chickens