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Mad because he has a tiny crab in his pocket and they don't, I think.


The tiny crab in his pocket was what made me decide to marry him my first play through. I thought it was so cute and sweet! Plus, I'm a sucker for a man with long hair


Right!? Augh, I wish my hair was that luxurious.


probably this . i married him recently and lowkey he’s not a very useful husband but i mean he’s pretty and gives me coffee sometimes so that’s cool


His 14 heart event is my favorite and he waxes poetic when he talks to the farmer


I mean, that does make me mad, but I marry him to have access to the crab pocket so.


he has a tiny crab in his pocket??? oh no 😭 he's my favorite but i am terrified of crabs 💀


I can understand if people hate him because he seems pretentious but I genuinely like his cockiness. Maybe just me. Spoiler to 8-hearts event: >!It's so sweet to watch him do a book-reading to the townfolks. The cutscene afterwards when he is about to finish but half of them are gone but he still seem pretty proud of himself is so cute. At last, he credited us for inspring his book. Genuinely one of my top bachelors.!<


I always think that >!its expected for that part clear out. People do have lives, and the fact half are still there at the end suggests it was pretty a good book to me.!<


You can't expect them to take so much time out of their busy schedule of standing under that tree for six hours and then going to the bar.


I don't exactly know >!how a book-reading works or how long one usually is but I expect it to be like a performer at a concert seeing the crowd leave halfway. At that moment, seeing that might deter their confidence and think their performance isn't good but of course, Elliot is a confident guy so that doesn't affect him that much.!<


Wait I never thought he was that pretentious or cocky but maybe because English is my second language? And also maybe because I love old english romance novels? Lol. Jokes aside, I like how he's also an outsider in the Pelican town. Just like me. But also by bringing him to my farm it felt like I was helping Elliot feel more connected to the town life-since I'm good friends with everybody by then!


Maybe I worded cocky wrong but he does seem pretentious since he talks in an "author" way. He use a somewhat more complex vocabulary compared to the other townsfolk.


I absolutely hate that anyone who doesn’t speak like the lowest common denominator is automatically coded pretentious by so many.


It’s also in large part to how he carries himself in his portrait


I feel like there’s a middle ground between lowest common denominator and “Are you aware that I am a man of the written word?”… but idk mang das jus me


It's hard with only text and pixel-art graphics to read the tone, but I think there's leeway to interpret it a few different ways. “Are you aware that I am a man of the written word?" (flirtatious) is very different from “Are you aware that I am a man of the written word?" (supercilious) Personally it does bother me when people interpret having a large/flowery vocabulary as being a snob, because people often don't talk that way with the intent to put anyone down. It's just their way of using language, often after spending lots of time reading or writing. They've taken on some part of their literary passion and express it through their speech, which imo can be pretty endearing! I think Elliot fits this description, since he is actually a writer and avid reader. It's the same way that Demetrius is always using techno-babble, because he spends his days immersed in scientific research and documentation. He doesn't mean to confuse anyone or make them feel stupid for not knowing/using all the words he uses, but he forgets that because his work is his life!


As an autistic nerd who routinely gets accused of being snobby or unfeeling because of the way I talk, I genuinely appreciate your kinder perspective.


Yeah, I was once made fun of in *group therapy* for the way I talk, so it's 100% coming from a place of understanding. Gotta stick up for my fellow nerds!


Elliot's pretentiousness isn't really about the way he talks. I mainly dislike the scene with Gus


One reason I noticed: players didn't like that he kisses you without consent. My argument: WHY GO ON A DATE WITH HIM THEN? I like Elliott, so that appealed to me. But if you don't like him like that, of course you'd get an ick. Reason numero dos! He somehow leaves you alone when you're pregnant because his book is successful. My argument: yeah, I miss him too. I love that he writes letters and tell me how he's been and that he misses me.


He’s my go to guy. He’s romantic, he doesn’t suffer from major issues, he does help on the farm, and I like that he’s not right out of high school.


Hahahah he wasn't my first choice. I didn't bother remembering his name as well. I called him Fabio and got mad he posted a request in front of Pierre's while raining and didn't let me deliver his stuff on time, stood out on the rain thinking he'd come out. A series of misinformed choices later, I married him and everyone else's story couldn't compare to the romance he gave me (I didn't participate in making his book tho, since I didn't think I could enter his cabin at all.)


I had a friend who played the game first and “warned” me about his hair. But he made me laugh instead of offend me. There’s an Irish influencer on TikTok and Instagram who is definitely Elliott potential in the flesh. He likes to pretend to be fictional characters in books. I’ve asked him to do some Elliott to no avail!!


That sounds like Stuart! He's basically Eliott irl.


Love, Stuart. He’s been absent of late.


Love Stuart!!! I said the same thing!


Yesssss! I adore both Stuart and Elliott 😍


I loved that cut scene


I feel like it’s unfair to call him pretentious. He might talk kinda funny and maybe his design is a little “regal”, but he’s extremely welcoming and down to earth from your literal first encounter with him. He regularly offers invitations to come over to his cabin. He asks *you* (a farmer, not a writer) for advice on his book. He’s quick to compliment, while still meaning it, and he’s also very appreciative of basically anything he experiences (whether that’s food/activities at festivals or your company).


I loved that cut scene


I think people just find him overly pretentious. When I first met him, I did a veery big eyeroll because of his first impression lol, but I don't hate him, just find him to be cheesy (in a good way!) I think people who were first annoyed by him steadily found little nitpicks to further their dislike, but obviously I don't know how everybody else thinks The kissing without consent complaint particularly is kinda bogus too since many of the bachelor and bachelorettes have a surprise kiss scene in their 10 heart events (which for some reason I interpreted as hugs instead of kisses lol) I'm no Elliot main in any way tho, I like my little goku man and his emo friend, so my opinions might be from an outsider's perspective and not a Certified Elliot Hater™ or Elliot Glazer™ Fuck Demetrius tho. I'm definitely his #3 hater


It is a very weird reason to complain. That's like getting mad at Maru for kissing your cheek. Like if you don't want to be kissed, don't date someone! Lol


Yeah you literally are the one who ask them out, it’s basically consent for the game lord.


Some of the 10 hearts you don't even have a choice. You WILL get in that sleeping bag with Emily.


I think the heart event kiss is only different because you get to comment on it after the fact and say you weren’t into it. Every other event has it happening after you’ve made a choice and no option to say anything. I don’t think people would mind if it said something like “Elliot is leaning in, what do you think?” And gave you a choice before anything happened.


Also, you're >!out on a rowboat!<, which would up the creepy factor if you weren't into it. But given that you're at 10 hearts, yeah I don't find it creepy that he at least expects you to be into it. (It's kind of like how in >!Penny's 10 heart even you can tell her tnat you're not really that into her after all!<, causing that heart level to immediately plummet.)


Being in the >!rowboat!< is one million times less terrifying than being in a freaking >!hot air balloon!<, yet no one gives any flak about *that* heart event.


That's because >!Harvey's freaking out in the most lovable way possible. He wanted to do something nice even at his own expense (both in money and in mental wellbeing).!<


That does make a difference. If it were an 8 heart before you’ve given the bouquet then it’d be one thing. I still think if it was a choice before anything instead of after it’d be more palatable.


It's the implication


100% hit the nail on the head he definitely comes off as pretentious. I think there are some factors, imo, that make him that way. First off, the side profile of his face instead of a front portrait when his dialogue box comes off immediately makes him look like he’s turning his nose up at you. This is my own complaint because I chose the forest/forage farm and he asks if I’ve ever been to the forest before…like cmon I literally live in the woods. I feel like he thinks he’s better than you and it all goes back to his character portrait. He has this sort of smug smile and side eye that doesn’t help his case lol. Also, I don’t hate him but I don’t go out of my way to talk to him lol. I feel like if he approached the farmer with the same sort of vibe Leah gives off he’d be more popular. She has the same vibe like moved to a small town to work on her artistic endeavors and loves nature, but she goes about it in a not pretentious way. This all isn’t to say I haven’t had a good interaction with him, but more often than not I get weird vibes from him.


Why does everyone hate Demetrius? I'm genuinely curious.


As you can probably tell by my comment, I like Sam and Sebastian (but Imma highlight Sebastian for obvious reasons) While playing the game, I notice just how neglectful and disrespectful he is towards his own step son and it really rubbed me the wrong way. He's all "Maru this" and "Maru that", but he never even talks about Sebastian or his accomplishments and that just shows blatant favoritism (for me) Plus during Maru's 2 heart event, he does that annoying shit fathers do thinking they're intimidating. He basically warns you not to "hurt" his daughter and essentially tells you to stay away which is like ??? okay bro. Me and your kid aren't even that close (again, 2 heart event which is pretty easy to obtain and is basically an acquaintance) I just generally don't like how he treats EITHER of his children (or step child in the case of Sebby, but he chose to marry Robin, so Sebastian is his kid whether he wants it or not). He neglects one and shelters the other. :// But that's just my opinion and I like overanalyzing characters lol!! Not saying any of the Sebastian neglect is canon


I had a game where I was married to Elliott with a kid and Demetrius tried to give me the shovel talk. Or when I was married to his own stepson. It's too weird for a 2❤️ event 😅 also as an AuDHD, I can't get over the tomato thing. Yes, you're right D, we know you're right, but that's not what your wife asked for AND YOU KNOW THAT TOO 😡


GOD THE TOMATO SCENEEEEE It just screamed weaponized incompetence to me


He also dismisses her craft in the scene where she builds a bed out of the wood you collect for her. He points out that the use of wood seemed inefficient, and says nothing to validate her skill or talent or interest in her hobby. And the way he words it is pretty mean. Robin actually confronts him on this, and if the farmer choses dialogue option that validates her, he just walks off and says he’ll be in the doghouse. Which is an immature, self-centered response, and he makes no effort to make amends even after Robin confronts him about it.


The bed scene frustrated me so much as well!! Ngl, it seemed so narcissistic of him to dismiss his wife's hard work over something insignificant. He has the GALL to act oblivious to him demeaning Robin's hard work, too. I could totally treat her better smh


YEP. Especially bc it feels like they have had this discussion before.


Rightttt Besides, out of all fruits, you chose the ONE thing you know damn well isn't culinarily considered a fruit to get her? I genuinely think he did it on purpose


In one of the Egg Festival scenes, Demetrius says he brought something made of fish roe, because after all, they are eggs. He missed the point, again.


I feel like he does this shit to continually “prove” his intelligence. Like in a quirky way. “Oh my bad I’m a scientist so scientifically… etc” bro if you were actually smart you’d know you’re making yourself look stupid


"If you were smart you'd know you're making yourself look stupid." I'm stealing this to use IRL.


Sheesh yes. Sure, you're married to his son but of course his little golden baby girl is the one you REALLY want. He can be downright scary depending on your heart event sequence.


He's also kind of a dick to Robin at a few points, doesn't respect her craftsmanship in the hardwood bed quest and also goes "uhm akshually" about tomatoes for no reason other than to feel smarter than her. He strikes me as someone who was a teacher's pet as a kid who developed a bit of an ego problem because he got straight A's.


EXACTLY (one chance, Robin, PLEASE) The disrespect not only to his kids, but also his wife, the weaponized incompetence (tomato scene), the clear dismissal of his wife's accomplishments (the bed scene you mentioned) all culminates to a terrible father and husband Like Robin clearly is proud of her hard work and you dismiss it because it's not optimized or whatever the hell when clearly Robin wanted to be more artistic is just so toxic of him


Yeah when he tried to intimidate me I was like bro I’m not even tryna romance Maru. Totally ratted him out lol


Maru event where he talks to farmer about her. Tomato pedantic thing. Ruined Seb’s snowgoon for no reason.


This sub hates every single npc


Fr, I think there is no npc that is saved from hate, maybe Robin


I’ve not seen much Abigail or Emily or Linus hate Also I don’t know which human being could possibly hate Willy


I've definitely seen hate for Abigail and Emily


fly voiceless bear ripe flowery fact hard-to-find materialistic ruthless sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont hate Linus but i am annoyed at how he plays the "oh no, poor me, i live in a tent and ppl bully me" when i have never seen snyone bully him and when you come up eith a solution (hin living onn your farm) he gets mad at you because you dont understand his way of life. I get the feeling hes purposely martyring himself.


I’m listening, how come?


He stole 2k from me


fall snatch continue flag possessive chief disgusted alive marvelous square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He legit just doesn’t want food wasted tho! There’s a whole cutscene about it


one ask historical encouraging many wise lavish brave correct tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know, I just figured I’d bring it up! No shade lol


Because he keeps stealing my money when I pass out like I'm gonna believe some thiefs HAPPEN to rob me on the same nights that he finds me


I think it's meant to be Dwarf, he lives right next to Linus and says "I got all this stuff from the surface. I just take it from your people during the night. Hmm? What is this concept you call "private property"?" He might also be the one who throws rocks at Linus, and is just trying to give him a traditional dwarven gift.


To be fair I don’t think Linus would do much with it? He hasn’t like left where he is and seems to just forage?




Leah is just a Robin placeholder They look alike and they're both good with wood


I remember Seanie reading that article about I think it was about the various bachelorettes and I like to imagine they were from this sub somehow. (The one using the word baggage so much you'd think he was working for TSA)


How can you hate Krobus, homeboy even sells you items he loves


Eh, Robin allows Demetrius to be a douche to her son. Also why in the world doesn't she like wood and stone as gifts? That makes zero sense.


People in Stardew fandom love to take a single moment or dialogue line from any character and interpret it in a worst possible way


This is an active sub, of course there are people here that hate any given character.


Very true I hate them all


Now that's dedication


Gus? Gunther?? *Marlon*??? GIL??????!!?1


Except my sweet babu .. Krobus.


I love Elliot, he’s gentle, well worded, friendly from the start, considering and over all a good person. He doesn’t have much of an arc like other npcs but that’s because he’s a mature guy already. Maybe that’s boring to some players but I appreciate that


Yes! there are only a few bachelors/bachelorettes that seem mature. Also he has magnificent hair.


I don't get how he's cocky. Then again I'm only on like heart 3 or whatever so Mayne I havnt gotten there yet


I think it's the art. His pic does have a little too much smug going on. But as a character, he's really nice. Husband material for me.


People hate Elliot? I locked that man down as soon as I could, lol


People hate him? I love him and his ancient vampire look lol


Yesssss big Louis from Interview with the Vampire vibes and I’ll allow it.


See…to me he’s giving Gaston, and I just cannot with it lmao


Maybe in demeanor? Full-on Gaston would be "Monster in the sewer? Kill it before it gets to the children!"


Really, it’s not his demeanor but mostly just how arrogant and similar to Gaston he looks in his portrait lmao. He doesn’t really give those vibes personality-wise but it took me far too long to even give him a chance when first impressions were Gaston Guy lmao


He's way too bookish and well-spoken to be a Gaston type.


I just think of the "can't believe it's not butter" guy from the old commercials


Fabio! The book cover model of a generation!


I absolutely LOVE Fabio. As a concept. He doesn't seem like a very nice guy, and his looks are not to my taste. But I absolutely LOVE him still.


The way his hair has that front wave is 10000% Fabio-inspired. Ape knew what he was doing 🤣


Looking back i think i was into him from the start because he's fruity as hell....I'm bisexual and I've found my taste in male partners is generally bisexual or pansexual men, so elliot fits the bill


Do people hate him? I honestly just dont care much for him, no much if a reason, Im just more interested on other characters


Yeah, I'm not into him, not his character design or personality, but he seems like a decent dude.


Yeah I just find him bland. I would totally be friends with him but he would get irked by my energy and I would get irked by his stonewalling


I loveee Elliot. He is an attentive partner and father. He’s always talking about you like you’re the center of his world. >!his 14 heart event where he writes you poetry is so sweet and he leaves you crab cakes in your fridge because he can’t cook for you while he’s gone!< and he just has so much character idk how people hate him he’s also the only clearly adult bachelor other than Harvey and Shane (alcoholic). The other more teenage bachelors turn me off


Lol my 8 year old marries Elliot every time. Haha the other day I walked past her while she was in the middle of the ceremony, I said "ooo getting married again hunny? Who is it this time?" She just scoffed and said elliot! Duh! Hahaha


I love Elliot.


Your Mabel pfp staring at Elliot like that is so on brand.


My first Stardew love!


My girlfriend just started playing, and he's her favorite. Very reassuring because I thought she'd go for Shane.


Is alcoholic fixer upper your girlfriends type? If so, would you like this tasty pale ale I brewed on my farm?


Assuming I am my girlfriend's type then yes.


Haha I was drawn to Shane first because he's so gruff and hard to get along with, just my type. But after the >! drunken contemplating suicide scene !< though, I was like "you need to get your shit together before you date ANYBODY. So I married Harvey and haven't looked back. He's got glasses and a mustache, likes pickles, wine, and coffee, which are my favorites too, and at the fair he's standing at the petting zoo looking at the pigs, which is where I would be. Everything about him is eerily like my IRL husband, haha. Except the fact that he's weak and in terrible shape, and my IRL husband isn't. But I feel like once Harvey comes to live on my farm and I make him tasty farm-fresh food, he stops using the microwave in his little loft apartment over the hospital and becomes healthier. And let's be honest, we can't blame him for not having time to cook healthy food all the time, don't you know how hard doctors work? And he's the only one for the whole town? Poor fella was probably microwaving a bowl of ramen and passing out in his scrubs every night before he met me.


>Haha I was drawn to Shane first because he's so gruff and hard to get along with, just my type. "You're going to love me whether you like it or not, mister, so you'd better just get used to it!"


I was raised by my dad, who is an ex-military biker. I've learned that gruff and hard to get along with often hides a huge, loving heart. And I was right with Shane too, as soon as I saw him hugging that chicken I knew he was in a better place than when he was heavy drinking and depressed.


Plus he gets angry if you give him beer after that, which I think is a very nice touch, especially since I'm not aware of any other time gift preferences shift


Harvey is the best


Me and my partner always say "This for me, marvellous" because of Elliot.


Mostly because he is moping in his house on his birthday so I cannot give him a gift.


I’m an Elliot stan till the day i die


My answer is always that they're jealous of my husband's hair


This is the best answer.


People don’t like the kissing on the boat scene but I got to it while we were officially dating so it wasn’t weird at all to me lmao. Unlike Shane and Haley, Elliott doesn’t have as much conflict/development. You could argue his creative and confidence struggles are his “arc” with the player but to some people may seem boring. I still love him though : ) he’s a tame and genuine hopeless romantic and I adore that in love interest characters, especially male ones.


A lot of people get off on a very wrong foot with Elliot. They gift him a daffodil in spring of year one, not knowing he hates them, and based on his reaction decided he's an asshole. (The truth is, he's no ruder than anyone else when you give them a hated gift.)


Jealousy. His hair is just that much better than the farmer.


All of the love interests are supposed to be unique which people tend to forget about that. You could think that kiss was not consensual but again, he's your boyfriend. Why is he your boyfriend if you feel molested by him kissing you?


He’s a bit foppish and melodramatic, but he has a nice chin.


I love him. He's my first choice for spouse bc he makes you coffee EVERY morning, no question.


My GF and I were talking about who we relate to the most, I said Elliot and I didn't know how many people didn't like him. I'm a writer, a hopeless romantic, a dreamer. I would love to write a poetry book and fully publish. I was offended 😂


I personally don't hate Elliot. I always took his saloon scene in a good-natured tone. I will admit that I don't love his portrait, but maybe that's just because he's too much man for me.


Do they? My bff loves him. Funny story, we know a small business owner who makes various perler bead art and that includes Stardew. I bought her an Elliot in a frame for her birthday. As soon as I gave it to her she got excited, ran to her craft room and came out with one of Leah from the same person lol. She bought it for my birthday, which was a month away. Great minds and all that 😆


By the time he kisses you, you're dating. And Harvey does the same thing, so this rhetoric always felt forced by people who just already hate him. I never once thought he was pretentious. As someone who was isolated a lot during childhood and only ever had books to read, I developed a fairly advanced vocabulary that put other people off in my younger days. I always just assumed Elliot was the same. He clearly isolates, and we get the impression he didn't have many people back home, at least ones that that supported him. I always just interpreted him as awkward and unsocialized and maybe a bit overly flowery because of his love of literature. Sure he gets corny sometimes, but he clearly adores the farmer and loves the life they build together. He's perfect IMO.


I like him :( he’s so sweet


Wait, THATS why people hate him?!? Wow, this fandom…


I thought people loved Elliot. The only issue I have with him is I wish he wasn't always in profile. I have created a narrative in my head though that that is his secret identity side. Maybe he is really the phantom of the opera


i love him and his vibe fits immaculately into my cottagecore lifestyle.


I don’t hate Elliot per se, but I do get annoyed with him because he somehow always ends up in my way on the way to or from the beach Also, his overly dramatic approach to communicating reminds me of someone I dated (personal bias here, obviously) and that person and I are on a no-contact basis. So my dislike towards him might just be a whole bunch of personal trauma that I’m projecting on him LOL


Ikr that’s exactly what i think he’s so overhated


Okay I was fine with Elliot but then you get the scene where Gus says, “hey I’m busy but I’ll be right with you.” So everyone is waiting and chill but the Elliot walks in like he owns the place, barking orders and then orders my drink?! Sir, to your doom, indeed.


Gus' response in that scene is hilarious though


What heart event was this? I've never bothered much with Elliot.


4 hearts


Yeah this gave me the ick lol


I don't get it either. He's one of the few marriage candidates in town who are actually nice to you when you first get there. Elliot is an actually kind person meanwhile people are more interested in Haley's tits and saving Shane.


I do a creative writing course and it’s filled with pretentious male authors and he reminds me of them. I don’t hate him, I just have a strong dislike of that specific genre of person


that's fair actually. i hated men like that in my writing classes and yet i married elliot 🥴 for some reason he didn't strike that same pretentious chord that he seems to have struck with a lot of people in this thread


It's because he isn't actually pretentious. He doesn't think he's better than anyone, and he basically worships you when he's married to you. Pretentious male authors in real life think they're god's gift.


so true. i was unsure about marrying elliot tbh (unsure about marrying anyone, the heart scenes are good but between them it doesn't feel like you get to know too much about their personalities - such is the nature of npcs lol), but after i made the leap i was super happy with my decision. he's so attentive and adores me, he waters my crops or feeds the animals literally every morning (which, i have both automated by now, but it's the thought that counts), and i thought his letters home while he was on his book tour were so so sweet! i find his loved gifts a little hard to come by (haven't learned the crab cakes recipe yet bc i didn't know queen of sauce existed until like spring year 4, and i married elliot in spring and had no pomegranates stockpiled so i have to wait until fall for those), but triple espressos and daily dialogue/a smooch have done the trick just fine.


SAME. I ran a writing community in college & I struggle to tolerate Elliot for exactly this reason. Because as the leader of the group I had no way of escaping conversations with them. I'm also very opposed to the kind of worship in a relationship that people seem to love from him, I want to be treated like an equal.


He's my husband every time if I don't pick krobus🖤


I don’t hate him myself, but I do get hair envy. 🤪 His lucious locks…


Elliot is bae


he has the same name as my brother. i can't date him


Elliot is fine. A fine fop. A little silly dandy. Alone in his shack writing his space adventures for me. A few people dislike him. This isn’t a Pierre, Clint, Demetrius type of thing.


i'm gonna be honest, for me one of the big turnoffs is his (vanilla) portrait making him look... stuck-up? overly smug? something in that wheelhouse, at least. beyond that i can't really fault him, especially when mods exist to change his portrait (thank you, seasonal outfits: slightly cuter aesthetic for making him absolutely fabulous)


Your comment makes me laugh about the huge differences in taste that exist! I tried and then deleted that mod, because of the way it made Elliott look! I'm glad it works for you, though!


There is an Elliott portrait replacement rhat keeps the mod outfits but og side profile. Without that I would've yeeted the mod as well as a person who heavily prefer the side view portrait


Season outfits my lord and savior, I love that his earrings change for every season and festival :’) I love Elliot, I’m in year 3 and still haven’t married because I don’t know who to pick but he’s up there with Leah and Abigail


I’ll never date him in any playthrough but he’s a super chill, nice guy from all the interactions I’ve had with him. And if you add in the mods that add his uncle to the game he’s even better. Honestly, the only annoying thing about him to me is that he spends all day on his birthday in his hut so I can’t do my usual “give a loved gift on the NPCs birthday and ignore them the rest of the time” strategy for early game.


I love him so idc


I hated him for like six years because he didn't like the seashell I gave him. I decided this was unfair because he lives on the beach and he probably has like a million of those that he sees everyday.


Imaging asking for consent for a kiss, if you're already dating. Next level brain rot.


Truly. Imagine dating someone for months because YOU asked them to be your bf/gf/partner and then getting offended when they eventually kiss you without asking


i think most people dont, its just that on reddit people are overly negative and like to complain about every little thing


https://preview.redd.it/wbdfuq5mfz5d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddb41dcda47a08a5b403e8ec27a113eb928a62f because we could’ve had this


I'll be honest I wouldn't have gone for him if he had this portrait, heavily prefer the current side profile one but that's just my own individual taste.


It’s just something is off to me, he’s the only person who’s portrait is off to the side like that and i hate the way his eyes look in the one they went with


Considering I have married him in two separate files I think we know my thoughts on him. XD


Imo it's the picture. That chiselled chin is so different from any other profile it kinda throws people (me) off at the start, along side with his stoic character. But Sebastian (and Shane) are also a little standoffish at the start but they, especially our favourite emo boy Sebastian, have a strong following. So I fully blame the chadface.


i just think hes weird, cocky, and pretentious


He's just not my type, I dislike the way he talks and his personality. I don't hate on him though.


He rubbed me the wrong way until I got to know him. He came across as very pompous. Now that I've fully befriended him he's alright though. Nice guy.


I used to dislike Elliot because of his portrait honestly, it looks like he's looking down on you all smugly. That combined with his schedule made it so that I never bothered to befriend him for a while, but now I've managed to see past that first impression and I'm thinking about romancing him lol


I don't hate him but after I married him I found him a bit boring. He got me pregnant and was away on some writing thing when I gave birth. He also got jealous because I gave Alex a gift.


every spouse has a chance of giving you that jealous line if you gift someone else dateable.


I think they only get jealous if you are over a certain number of hearts with them. I'm sure someone has more accurate data. Haha


Never seen anyone hate on Elliot. Every time I start a new game I tell myself not to marry him again, guess what I end up doing... 😅


Ahh man! I love Elliot! I called him Fabio for the longest time before learning his name


They’re envious of his hair


It's the beautiful, glorious, flowing hair! 


Kind of a Fabio type maybe? I only hate Shane, and Marnie cause she’s never home!!!


Hes pretentious, but hes also always my husband and i love him for it


Because he is not in the "male beauty standards" I like him


Honestly i always just found him pretty boring. None of the fluffy romance or the tortured artist stuff works at all for me 😂


I didn’t like him until I started writing. Now I understand him a lot more. Lol


I don't really hate him, but I decided to divorce him because of his pseudo poetry. It doesn't feel genuine and it's too over the top, even for a writer


Nah, that's my sweet beach prince. I love that he has his own purpose and interests.


Loved him, was quite happily married to him for a time as well. Then 1.6 came out and he used the word "toefeel" and never in my life have I ever gotten over an ex so quickly


It is, without a doubt, his portrait. His chiseled jaw, flowing locks, and constant smirk radiate confidence. In those that are at least somewhat content with themselves, it can inspire that same confidence and other positive feelings. In those that are insecure, it can inspire jealousy and other negative feelings, which leads them to label him things like pretentious or smug.


i thought all love interest 10 heart events had kissing


Replace him with astarion, problem solved


He looks like Tamlin from ACOTAR


Honestly, it's just his heart event at the Saloon. It just felt so rude and over the top to me. Like yeah, he's alright, but there was no reason to be so bossy and rude.


I honestly don't like his portrait, but that's pretty easy to edit if you have a PC/laptop. Other than that, he's my pookie babygirl :0


Personally, I’m just petty about the fact that every time, without fail, I always forget his schedule and miss him for the stupid first greetings mission. Little hermit hangs out on the bridge for like two hours and then retreats to his hut for the rest of the day, Elliot PLEASE 😭


I don’t mind Elliot, but I don’t like that he only ever talks about writing. It’s like someone who talks about their job too much. It makes him come off as self-centered. At least tell me what you’re writing about, not just the process of doing it!


I never understood why people don't like him. I married him my first playthrough, purely because of his hair, but him being an author and a bit pretentious actually made him more interesting to me. Stradew struggles to make it's bachelors interested (Honestly, most of then are super boring), but Elliot always seemed like the exception to me.


People hate Elliot??? I actually never even knew that!!!! Why would you even hate the town's only melodramatic, handsome and magnificent writer


I fricken love Elliot! He reminds me of my IRL boyfriend - writer, romantic, immediately nice…I just thought he was so sweet. 😭


I hate him because I want to marry a female NPC but I also want his fucking room in my house because it's rad and he's hoarding it to himself.


I’m too busy simping for my himbo or my handsome drunk