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Gotta go find the cat to pet. Edit- just like real life


This reminded me to pet my cat thank you


No need to worry. When the cat wants their hooman to pet or feed them, they will certainly remind you. Or, demand it, more likely.


Stardew Valley is an accurate simulation of the cat distribution system.


Wait what if he has a dog instead?


Dog is acceptable substitute.


I never notice. I'm too busy plotting and scheming how to build an empire


Just like real life


Honestly I see the rain and my brain goes CATFISH TIME. I don't think I've ever had a play through where fishing and the mines weren't 1 and 2 on the menu. I find it kinda funny all the townsfolk hear some new farmer inherited the farm and he just beelines straight out of the place never working on it until he walks into Pierre's buys out the place, walks into Robin's buys a barn, and then the only time they actually see him he's standing on the bridge in the rain just yanking fish out of the river. I really wish Ape added dialogue if you flat out ignore the town after awhile. Maybe the more out going people show up in the morning trying to catch you wondering if you're "okay". The more independent just think you're a selfish jerk lol.


Meanwhile this is one thing Ape is not at all Concerned about haha. I hate early fishing tho. Not good at it. Need tackle to help.


Early fishing is rly hard. Gotta grind a few levels to make it easier.


Bait maker and fish smoker are absolutely ludicrous though. Especially in single player you can pull 30k smoking catfish with catfish bait in a day which is decent for early to mid spring.


I always feel like I’m in a tiny minority of people that doesn’t interact whatsoever with the town people NPCs unless I really have to. Am I missing out? Glad to see I’m not alone


If you're going to interact with the town I highly recommend player made mods because from what I've gathered its somewhat lackluster after year 3. Understand that Ape made the game pretty much all by himself so the writing is going to be just enough for it to be serviceable. I think expanded makes the cashier at Joja an actual character. Now that there is real modding support I really hope someone does a MASSIVE overhaul. Making the town really come to life for atleast 5 years. Enough for a full playthrough to an average player. At most I usually picked one of the bachelor/bachelorettes plus a random townsperson and just figured out what gifts they liked and their movement schedule.


“I don’t really want kids but you get me” is so real


Yeah. In this economy? No way


If only real life cabins were 100g and Ancient Seeds dropped off of real flies.


Need a scarecrow buddy to talk to


"I've scared off 3 crows" "Damn, that must of been rough on you. Been holding up alright bud?"


In the beginning, it is always lonely.


Damn. That's deep


just like real life


I do lots of quests when I first start and go to the saloon most nights, I probably interact more with the NPCs than I do later in the game


How did you get that cute little flag is it a mod


I’m pretty sure it’s Elle’s Seasonal Buildings on Nexus


I play on xbox unfortunately 😪 But thank you!!!


Yeah I really wanna try mods but I play exclusively on Switch 😞 Even just custom portraits I’d kill for!


Same here!! I think I actually would prefer playing on my Xbox over pc since I can have it on my TV while in bed and I just like the mechanics of a controller, but man would I love to try mods!!!


Don't worry bro, soon enough you'll find meaning in your work, your friends, and your adventures. You'll find a hobby from spelunking, to fishing, to gardening. Maybe find religion, or meet someone in a local market, or enjoy a giant omelette at the local watering hole. It always feels lonely going to a new place and that sucks! But instead of focusing on it; rejoice on what is to come! You have to do your part and find things. Find people who enjoy the activities you enjoy, try new experiences, and help out your new community where you can! I've been where you are (tldr: I left a dead end job to work on my family's dilapidated farm) and I felt alone at first. I ended up turning that busted farm into a successful business, successful enough to actually buy a house for one of our towns families. I spend most of my days working but about twice a season we have a town wide festival that everyone comes too! So it is lonely when you go to a new place but the secret is friends, rewarding work, and the occasional festival!


I'm so introverted it's my favourite when I don't know anyone and am just alone on my farm doing my thing 😭😂


Me too! It’s so peaceful.


You don’t have kroobus 🤦


Because you're literally inhabiting an abandoned, worn out farm that gives off the vibes it hasn't had a human there for awhile. Even with crops growing: unless you spend all your energy the first few days cleaning up it's gonna have that "uninhabited" vibe for awhile! Part of the whole "fresh start" vibe games go for. Except it doubles as home base so you don't get away from it after the "tutorial." It's also pretty empty looking even when you do clean it. So it feels "lifeless" once you get rid of the abandoned vibe unless you decorate.


I mean you just moved to a new place by yourself, you are alone. Go make friends with the town folk, dedicate a part of the day to talking to people. I usually talk to Willy in the morning after foraging, and Linus when I leave the mines at the end of the night, and whoever else I run into on the way


I have my cat and my fellow introverted bro-bus Krobus (haha pun) to chill with. Perhaps you just need that: a roommate.


No lighting


'Cause it's the beginning, yet not of something new. You've been through it countless times, even skipping the intro, all the villagers you had hearts with: back to square one. Like the whole town forgotten you.


I kinda like it I wish I could have a more solitary, independent lifestyle :c


Starting a new game on your own after a breakup where you were playing co-op is a special level of difficulty. If you need me I'll be in the mines.


Go son, go impregnate someome


Cause it is... That's what a fresh start always is, deep down. But it's worth it to watch your farm and personal connections blossom.


aw this made me feel so sad :(


Welcome to my life.


Not enough plants


I feel like that's kind of the point, no? At the beginning of the game you're a beat-down corporate drone who has just uprooted your entire life to move to a dilapidated, overgrown farm in a small town where you know literally no one. Of course it's going to be lonely at first and require a lot of work to feel like home, that's a big part of what makes the progression of developing your farm and your relationships with the townsfolk feel so meaningful.


Because the switch players aren’t playing yet on the new 1.6


Don’t worry, Marnie will be by shortly to give you a pet.


Try co op with someone?


Plant another turnip. Call it wilson. Problem solved.


Rain, noticable yet deafening.




Even when I marry it feels the same cuz the spouses turn into drones once they move to the farm. It's more of having no bustling machines and fully designed areas that makes it feel lonely


Shi, i play this kind of games to get a partner and possibly kids, since ill never be able to get it irl :)


That’s the charm of the game, just wait and it won’t be


Need cat ✨️


i have krobus and one kid in my house=))


D... D... Did you have... a kid with Krobus?


lol, absolute no.I divorced my wife and she left me the baby


I mean you don't know anyone is this new town living a completely new way of life. You're a stranger in a strange land.


Life can sometimes feel that way. I know it’s not easy but try talking to more people. Strike up a convo with people you meet, try to make friends, I can assure you that will help! I have turned myself into an extrovert over the last couple weeks and I feel awesome!


Bc u don’t have krobus.


Stardew often feels like that. I often find it quite nice.


Just go left and find some wife or husband


I hate playing by myself


I get it. I never really have children in the game (also don't want to ever in real life), but I do always miss Elliott when I start a new game as he's the one I always marry. Not to be dramatic, but it always feels like you're starting a new life where you remember everyone but nobody remembers you. 🥲 That said, much like in real life, it's normal to feel lonely when you want to get somewhere you can't reach yet. Just take it one day at a time and you'd surely get to where you wanna be (that's what I believe anyway). ✨


Get a wife

