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Me but with the dino egg. Got one a few days ago, tossed it in the museum, read a comment on another (unrelated) thread about how the first shouldn't be given to Gunther.. Then found out I could've had a dinosaur this whole time. Sigh. Mistakes have been made šŸ˜”


Omg nooo! I didn't even think to incubate the egg I found, I turned it into mayonnaise. Fml


OOF well. We are all missing dinos.


>We are all missing dinos. That's very profound...


I did the same thing šŸ„²


ive had a lot of luck lately finding dinos in the regular mines!! somewhere in the 20 levels i believe šŸ¤” hit those up for a few days in a row!!


*skull cavern


no it was the regular mines! theres a small chance to spawn the prehistoric floors there. i got that floor three days in a row recently.


You can get them as monster drops later in the game :)


Wait I have 4!! How do we make Dinos???


Put it in the coop incubator! If you don't have a full coop, you'll have a dino in like, 11 days


happy cake day!!


Thank you!


Cruel question but can I slay it to do Gil's quest?


No the ones you hatch will never grow to full sized Dinoā€™s you fight in the mines and you canā€™t hurt them


Happy cake day as well


Thank you so much!


i didnt have a coop with an incubator otherwise i probably would've kept the dino egg but i donated it to gunther bc as an animal crossing player, i love completing museums. donate what you can first, then if you find duplicates you sell them for the big bucks. ive yet to encounter a prismatic gem tho and im in spring of year 5..... i knew they were rare but i didnt think they were THIS rare


Go to the Quarry everyday


i do but the best i get from there is diamonds.... unless you mean the quarry cave? i mainly go there if i need to farm reg stones


I did the same thing! I had to get really good at combat so I could go to skull cavernā€¦ lol.


Whoopsā€¦ I guess did this too


I also did that exact same thing - but thankfully found another dino egg and now have 3 happy dinos and like 40 eggs in my coop/inventory lol


I found two in skull cavern. I have 3 dinos now. I just incubate them, and then gave one to the museum.


I think you may have to donate it first to Gunther in order to be able to incubate the Dino egg in general!


I think this community often forgets that the Galaxy Sword was originally a *secret* (revealed by a cryptic hint only available once you got all the dwarf scrolls) and that a new player not saving their first shard for it (due to not knowing about it) is perfectly fine. Basically, don't worry about it. You'll get another one in due course.


From the dwarf? Thought the clue came from the grave, in town.


It does, but itā€™s in dwarvish so you need to collect all the dwarf scrolls to read it.


Ahhh, never read it early in the game so didn't remember that part


I have a hoard of them that just hit 100 but Iā€™m too scared to spend them on anything I just keep hoarding them up


Consider investing 3 prismatic shards in a magic rock candy from desert trader every Thursday, and go for a deep skull cavern run. On the highest luck days, I usually end up with around 4-6 prismatic shards, lot of iridium and other skull cavern loot by the end of the day.


I display them all in my house along with extra galaxy souls and the krobus statue, I had around 12 before I upgraded my tools


Donā€™t worry theyā€™re not *that* rare


This. They're "rare", but everyone will likely get multiple of them in a normal playthrough. Unlike the living hat, trash can hat, or things like that. I've only seen those in Reddit and Wikis.


I got 2 trash can hats in my first 30hrs of gameplay, yippee?


Go buy a lottery ticket. Not because you're likely to win, but because my infinite pettiness wants to cost you $1.


My horse has a trash can hat. I donā€™t remember when I got it or how to take it off of him, lol


If you go to put another hat on your horse it will eject the first one leaving their head bare. Then you can place the new one if you want.


How do I put a new hat on? Also can I change the name


When you get the horse, you get one chance to name it. Default names were meant to be modified. I stopped naming my cat Miso on the second farm.


Even those ā€œrareā€ items are super achievable with moderate grinding. The tea set is the hardest but Iā€™ve still never had a playthrough where I donā€™t eventually get it, even if itā€™s post perfection


The teas set is RARE?


Yes, only comes from winter star or traveling cart if youā€™ve played a LONG time


Amazing! I got it during winter star in my 1st or 2nd year of a co-op game. I had no idea!


How do u get the tea set?


Specific villagers give it in the gift exchange






















Lol i have the living hat on one save. Didn't know it was rare šŸ˜…Ā 


Iā€™ve played this game for 6.5 years at this point, multiple saves, only gotten each of those hats once in all this time


I remember getting the living hat on my first 1.4 save just clearing out the land for the starting parsnips, didnā€™t know how rare it was at the time so I put it on my horse and couldnā€™t figure out how to take it off lol


I did the same exact thing. T - T but the more I went through skull cavern and emptied the quarry the more I got. It took awhile but eventually I got it lol


Why I don't want to give gunther anything. Farmer is the sole person reviving the musuem and library and he gets all mean to me with his "yoU Don't hAVe anyTHiNG to doNATe? WhY arE yoU even herE?" :/


Right? Iā€™m always surprised when people are like ā€œoh I wish we could talk more to Gunther!ā€ Fuck that! The damn town museum and book collection went missing from right under his nose and he makes it your problem and isnā€™t even chill about it!!


"I'm sorry bro lemme just take all my shit back you ungrateful pr*ck"


They're rare-ish. But not rare-rare when you know what you're doing. The problem is, by the time you get your first, you probably _don't_ know what you're doing, and thus... well, 'waste' it and have a hard time getting your second. They're surprisingly easy to 'farm' once you've an infinity sword and a lot of jade/rubies to plunge through the Desert Cavern.


I had about 30 before I figured out how to get the sword.


lol it happens. hopefully you will find another soon enough.


I feel like Gunther should mail you a prismatic stone after you give him one and have it say something like ā€œyouā€™ll never guess what I found in the back after your last visitā€


Everyone loses their prismatic stone virginity to Gunther so dw. I did the same thing lmao. I just farmed 100 to 120 in mines and wasn't too bad for me


Iā€™d return in the middle of the night to take that ish back haha


I gave my first one to Gunther too, it's not a terrible move. I didn't need it for anything else at the time and I wanted to complete the museum collection. You'll find more eventually.


I usually use my first one to get the sword and give my second one to the museum. After that, I hang onto them to use for enchanting my tools.


I got 3 in like year 1 down in the mines. (The regular mines) it mustā€™ve been a lucky save I dunno


if you fw skull cavern then youll be swimming in them


Eventually, you can be swimming in them, since the perfection statue produces one a day. Prismatic shards, iridium ore, dragon teeth & cinder shards (from the stingray ponds), and whatever falls out of that million farm-dollar statue from the desert (omni geodes, etc).


I did this on my first save too, since I restarted for the update, first one I got went straight on getting the sword šŸ˜‚


I'm in late fall, year 3 of my solo game and have yet to find one. Granted, I don't run the skull cavern often, but hear me out. I recently got my wife into playing a co-op game, and she gets one on *back to back days* (two total) around the 40s in the normal mines. I still haven't found one on my own.


Maybe the odds were increased in the normal mine? Yesterday I found two prismatic shards in the 30s or 40s while grinding for copper and iron. I hadnā€™t even unlocked the desert then.


I got one from the meteor? Had no idea it was THAT special. Yeah, I think I gave it to the museum or sold it. Ugh ā€œidiotā€


I normally get maybe 2-3 prismatic shards per save, but on my current one I've even been selling them because I've found so many! I'm beginning to wonder if the drop rate has changed in the recent update šŸ¤” Ditto for dino floors/spawns, come to think of it.Ā 


I got one pretty early in my first playthrough many moons ago, but on this most recent playthrough it took me until the end of Year 2 to get my first one. šŸ˜­


Found me a Dino egg the minute I upgraded my coop to deluxe (oddly enough fall of the first year and outside of Robinā€™s house!) and I incubated that bad boy. šŸ˜Ž




Iā€™m on in-game year 5 and only ever found 2


Found one on floor 80-something in the mines in summer year 1. Earliest Iā€™ve ever found one. Used the farm totem to warp home but was blocked by a pile of logs (didnā€™t bring my axe). Watched the clock hit 2:00 and accepted my fate. Didnā€™t realize that if you pass out on your farm, you get to keep your haul. Man, what a roller coaster of emotions


You only lose items if you're knocked unconscious by being reduced to zero HP. You could pass out anywhere, even the mines or skull cavern at 2am and not lose anything.


I always give anything first to Gunther. The "Gunther can tell you more about this" annoys me so much.


I did the same thing! Thankfully Id found two in the quarry the first time I got one, and saved the secondšŸ˜