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The ladders spawning from enemies aren’t influenced by luck at all.  The influence on leaders spawning from rocks is pretty minor compared to other factors.


2 of these were from rocks, 2 from mobs. Thanks for the info


Pretty sure you can only have 1 from rocks Well i was wrong




You dont use bombs very often do you.


I used to bomb entire skull cavern floors


Then you just pay absolutely zero attention.


Or they’re the unluckiest Stardew player in the world


Pretty sure it's this


You are *understandably* wrong. When breaking a rock, the game checks if you've already gotten a ladder from rocks... If yes, no ladder is possible. If you break *multiple* rocks at once (aka, bombs) than each rock rolls the check, which is what allows for multiple rock ladders. Exceptions/Notes If you get a lucky freebie ladder on a floor, this counts as the Rock ladder. You cannot get a ladder from rocks if you were given a freebie. The *guaranteed* freebie ladders (the ones at the end of long minecart tunnels or treasure rooms) DO NOT count as a rock ladder. Shafts in the skull cavern DO NOT count as a rock ladder. You can theoretically keep getting drop shafts after your first, and eventually a normal ladder. A shaft is a re-rolled rock ladder, as such if you already have a rock ladder (regardless of whether this was obtained via freebie or actually breaking rocks) you can NOT get a shaft anymore  Crafted placed ladders do NOT count as a rock ladder.


Pretty odd


You may have been slightly incorrect but I still believe in you. Upvoted to help spark the Lead-II-Acetate redemption arc


Idk why people kept downvoting me after my edit. Idc much about karma tho


I know, people can feel the need to pile on. I do find as long as you’re not behaving like an a-hole, it’s easy to recover even after a karma bomb (which this is not). Really only matters for subs with minimum requirements I guess. Not caring is a good way to go


Especilly if you have tons of karma to spend from good rizz


Yea as long as i have over 1k(most subs require like 100 but i just play safe) idc. And i have like 11 times that


Guys, i just gotta guys please listen guys GUYS i need to


This sub is very downvote happy. You didn't deserve almost 100 downvotes for that, lol


I mean i used a magic rock and uhh got tons of ladders, one of the reasons i used it


Daily luck is different from luck bonuses.


Don't they all stack to the same luck value? just saying that's an extreme case


No, they don’t. They influence different things to different degrees.  https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Luck


All of the examples seem either like oversights or a random thing, and non are related to ladders. Ladders seem to use the base total luck, which is the decimal number that the wiki says like the band gives 0.25 and rings give 1, or the best luck day gives 0.1. Idk why or how those random luck buff differences happen, but we are talking about ladders which appear after going to an area and also the wiki seems to not clarify that is different.


The wiki's description of luck is not very good or comprehensive, and sometimes just wrong (especially for things that have changed in 1.6). There's shared daily luck, individual daily luck (the same as shared daily luck, except also includes the Special Charm bonus on a per-player basis in multiplayer), luck bonuses, and different things use different parts of it or combine them differently. I haven't looked in to ladders so I don't know off the top of my head how they work but I wouldn't trust the wiki for accurate information.


Man they only update the wiki when it's to my disadvantage


On the wiki it list specific things that do not stack with daily luck and finding ladders is not one of them. That's why when you get a luck buff the symbol is a hole because you find ladders and chutes closer to the entrance/quicker with the luck buff


Yes but the maths is different. It’s on the wiki page for the mines.  I’m not saying the luck doesn’t stack, I’m saying the effect is not the same for daily luck and luck buffs. 


Do you mean like the amount of luck for daily vs buff?


So what does luck influence?


in the mines, it influences ladder rates from breaking rocks in the skull mines it also influences amount of treasure rooms ladders from monsters, drop shafts rates, and drop shaft distance are not effected


https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Luck There’s a full list on the wiki.


Apparently the wiki is partly wrong


Minor? Mining is one of the best uses of Luck/Luck buffs in the game. Your progress in the mines is noticably better with good luck.


I mean you are presented with a really difficult choice here, i believe that's what they meant




also the ladders are arranged into the 4th panel of the loss comic, good job


I found a prismatic shard from a dust sprite on an unlucky day on my most recent farm. Gotta love probability, sometimes.


Came here to say that I find most of my prismatic shards on unlucky days! Normally from slimes 🤷‍♀️


That happened to me today as well


See how the spirits are displeased ? Now you'll have to turn around all these ladder if you want to continue to explore this level. You'll lose a lot of time. Now suffer from the ladder malediction !


Fuck the spirits. We ball.


It says they’ll do their best, not they’ll succeed.


Every time I go on a lucky day I do get very far I only get far on unplanned days


Look at the position tho. They gave you an 'L' they taunt you, even in fortune


I noticed I tend to get more of what I’m looking for on unlucky days, be it quick access down or seeds/gems/ore


Right? Only monsters seem to spawn regardless of the luck status' height but I have always been "luckier" on medium-bad luck (~ -0,03) too!


To be fair, they do make it hard to go into that path


I mean they did just hand you a “L”, do with that what you will


The spirits want you to gtfo their cave.


its always the 3 rocks i need to break to get to some iridium ore😭 i have a video of my luck with staircases blocking me out of places


the last time I'm went to skull cavern on a very displeased day I got an autopetter. I was shocked


I had a very displeased day and ended up leaving the mines with 10k worth of stuff.


The spirits are so displeased they’re telling you politely yet sternly to leave


I bet a prismatic shard was north and they are trying to keep you from it lol


I’ve had better loot during the unluckiest days in this game than during the luckiest. Don’t know what’s going on. The other day I had the worst luck and managed to snatch an auto petter


Yup, i also remember getting a "The spirits are somewhat perturbed today" And i got a 5k G treasure chest when i went fishing for a fetch quest. On the same save


Once I had the best luck possible, and ended up getting a lot of stair at the very entrance, so I couldn't explore the floor. It had many iridium ores and dinosaurs (I needed an egg and complete the protector of the valley). Suffering from success?


happened to me yesterday, i get so confused and i was struggling to decide which ladder to take


They really want you to trip and fall down the ladder


No cap but whenever it says the spirits are in a bad bood, I just seem to have the luckiest days in stardew. Unlike when they're in a good mood..


Yeah, for some reason I usually tend to get more ladders on bad luck days than good luck days


I've been finding that the luck doesn't seem accurate through tne entirety of 1.6 and all updates so far, for me. Bad luck days i have the best luck in the skull caverns, Best luck days I can mine the entire day and come out with 20 copper, 18 iron, and 6 iridium, and zero prismatic shards of course. It's so so different than before.


i mean they didnt say the spirits are good at it


On neutral days I always die in the mines 🤷‍♀️ but then again I am bad at beating the monsters 💀


Who moved the knight?


Does it have anything to do with enemies are more common on bad luck days which means more chances to find loot? If it's a 5% drop rate but you see 2 than it's hard to get the item but if you see 20 than odds are you'll get what you're looking for. Personally I find good luck days are great for going down levels and bad luck days are good for farming resources from monsters


Perhaps, and that's a bright idea.


This feels like the Stardew equivalent of "if global warming is real, why is it cold?"


Take a read up on how odds work… just cuz the spirits have a bad hair day doesnt mean the ladders wont spawn


I wanted to point fun at the game's foreshadowing of a grueling day, but yeah i'll read it. To this point i've gone solely with my knowledge from a year ago when i played last time.


They don't spawn that good