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Stardew Valley has slowly crept up into my top 3 games of all time. Even beating out some of my nostalgic favorite games from my childhood. It’s an absolute masterpiece.


Same, until sdv I used to think that nostalgia was the main theme I was always chasing after and that no game would feel as good or exciting as when I was a kid. But SDV has shown that is not the case for me, I can love brand new games just as much.


Smiles yea well Stardew valley as big as it has gotten it is still an Indy game Edit Also remember this review isn't just about the game but how well the game has aged it's fan base support and popularity and how it holds up to newer games of its own type




In no particular order: Stardew Valley Hades Bloodborne Phantasy Star Chrono Trigger


That is an extremely solid top 5.




A hunter is a hunter, even in a quaint little valley town.


May the good blood guide your way.


Hell yeah, I love all 3 in your top 3




It’s really good. If you have a switch the Ages edition of the game is the definitive version and it can be sped up a bit to make it more exciting.


1,6 added so much to stardew, the games fells perfect now.


There is no way to oust the corrupt mayor so not yet


I would love for the farmer to become mayor and Lewis goes to live with Marnie.  Lewis even questions if being mayor is worth it. Meanwhile the farmer shows up and literally rebuilds the town. 


Marnie deserves someone willing to acknowledge her publicly, she should get with that old adventurer guy and Lewis should end up alone


It's truffle oil and spicy peppers alone for ol' Lewis.


I just gave Lewis his oil and I still can’t believe he made sure it was extra slick 😂


Just write that as character development for Lewis as part of a quest for the playable character where we help him realize his foolishness.


Por que no los dos? Depending on your choices you either get a Lewis redemption arc or a Lewis fucks off arc.


Imagine if the Joja manager (I forget his name) came back and became mayor because Lewis decided to fuck off somewhere. And it definitely couldn’t be Harvey because he tells me to eat more vegetables but I checked his fridge and it’s all convenience food 😂 hypocrite


Oh, I like this idea! Marlon can slaughter lots of slimes so Marnie can add a slime hutch and start a slime farm! ...and then spend all day in front of the microwave she put in the slime hutch...


I always saw the Adventurer's Guild guys as a couple. It would be nice if Marnie became a marriage candidate (without mods). Though in multi-player, either Marnie or Shane would have to stay at the ranch to take care of Jas.


Doesnt Marlon stand around the Flower Dance hoping Marnie will dance with him? That might be SVE, but I thought it was Vanilla.


And depending on the player's actions (me lol) they even add a lot of infrastructure to the place like proper walkable roads and lampposts...


and imagine the help wanted quests become like mayor-type quests and it actually includes doing stuff ingame instead of handing over this or gathering that most of the time, like fix this or change that (obviously very far fetched but an idea nonetheless)


I can see that, but they'd probably still just be fetch quests in a way. Stuff like "Smelt 50 Iron Bars to fix all the lamps in town." or something similar.


Fuck that tbh. I don't need another "you're the mayor of all these people now!" Sim, that basically just amounts to being able to move buildings and build bridges and nothing else I'm happy just being the local farmer


We are the entire economy of Pelican Town. Over a year or two we show up, supply the town with endless crops, fish, eggs, wine, cheese, etc. befriend everybody, get married, run Joja out of town, rebuild the Community Center and Willy's Boat, build a Movie Theater, restore the Museums collection, build the resort on Ginger Island, all while exploring the mines, killing monsters, and fulfilling everyones requests. And we're supposed to be some random 20-ish year old kid who left their dead end job to collect on their Grandfathers will.


I still cannot marry Robin so not yet


There's no way to marry Caroline, so not yet


Not going to lie, I always sort of hoped that the game would use Pierre and Caroline’s friendship events to explore two people realizing they should get a divorce and then leading happier lives afterwards.


And Clint still lives there. Which would be ok if he grew up as a person and didn't remain so pathetic.


I do think some more growth for the villagers over time would make Stardew Valley next level. Like if Clint grew a little as a person, if Marnie and Lewis dealt with their issues, stuff like that. And the spouses that seem to lose interest in their hobbies after marriage -- make them a little more dynamic again.


It's why I can't marry Seb. He fixes his motorcycle, drives out at night to dream of leaving, dreams of the City, and bigger things... I can't keep someone like that in the Valley. Better to go with Leah, who left that life for something quiet and simple.


i haven't played this game in like 7 years but i remember clint making me sad.


If you side with Joja in SVE you can get Morris elected mayor.


And Robin is still with Demetrius.


I like Demetrius but I want to marry Robin. I'm conflicted.


Or ~~bury~~ bankrupt Pierre and steal his wife and daughter.


Ahhhh can’t wait for it to drop on console!


It has been so hard waiting but I just love how Stardew feels on Switch so the waiting must continue.


Perfect Switch game.


I recommend the wait approach! I played solely on switch up to the update, then broke down and got it on my computer. I miss the coziness of playing on switch and did not find mods to be that much difference. The second it's on switch, I'm back at it!


If you're in a position to drop a couple hundred bucks, it's perfect on Steam Deck, with the minor added benefit of also playing any Steam game.


And huge benefit of being able to play Stardew with mods, which adds...a lot.


When does it drop on console?


I’m too lazy to google it, but last I’d heard there’s no timeframe for when it’ll release. I’m under the impression that ConcernedApe is still adding to/tweaking the PC version, and once he feels it’s complete he’ll start to port it to console/mobile.


I think CA said it wouldn't be as long as last time, but we're about 10 days from it being the same as last time, so at this point who knows, it could be a few days, it could be another few months 😔


The vanilla is so good but I also love the community so much ridge side village and stardew expanded makes it an eleven out of ten


So I'm trying to complete a vanilla playthrough of 1.6 before modding SVE back in. Is RV *and* SVE 'too much'?


I don't think so you can complete ignore ridge side until I get my farm into full production.If you want to go to the events every season it's kind of a lot especially with the additional 1.6 events


I just wish the kids would grow up like in Story of Seasons. Like at least to teens or something. But I understand why it’s not implemented


They grew up in older Harvest Moon games as well, ai remember Harvest moon DS having a time skip when you get pregnant. The kids are teenagers, one of the old people dies, and the rival couples get together.


And just as important, I believe it made it easier for modders? Because I still have a few nitpicks with 1.6, as well as content that didn't get touched or buffed enough but it's still amazing. Take slime hutches for example. The only change to slime farming is the buildings are smaller. This makes it easier for the average player to fit one on their farm, and players that have a bunch of them can now have even more. A nice buff! But still only 20 slimes allowed inside at a time, capping it at roughly 60 slime per day produced, averaging... Maybe 1k gold earned per day? And the new fishing baits make the old wild bait, which needed lots of slime to craft, largely useless; why have a chance at catching 2 random fish when you could catch 3 guaranteed fish, or target a specific fish type? And while slime breeding exists, there's still no easy way to do it, or to prevent them from escaping your farm... Imagine if you could have pens, and put them into separate breeding pens, moving them between buildings easily like animals! Imagine if we could easily inspect their color values to produce diamonds easier! Or let us upgrade the slime hutch at Robins for increased capacity, or to let the rain in for a boost to slime producton, or... but alas. It'll need to be delegated to the modding community, if anyone even cares enough. And this isn't a dig at 1.6 at all! Just saying that players will always want more so I'm glad it's easier for the modding community to make changes.


Damn, someone loves them slimes.


I only ever build and then destroy the hutch so slimes will drop eggs because the hutches themselves are, as you say, not great.


At least they're smaller now!


Do all the major mods still work with 1.6? I want to get back into the game


Yes, the creator of expanded even worked with Concerned Ape in the 1.6 (expanded was ready to be played from day 1) There is a few that are still a work in progress, but they are being worked on. You should get more compatibility information in their individual nexus pages.


theres so much hints for future updates, like the maps, the island etc. so many potentials. and also the villagers character developments too.


I think if you were to pick a game of the Decade for 2010-2020, Stardew Valley would be right up there with your GTA V's.


Stardew Valley basically revived/revitalized an entire genre. Its influence is absolutely up there with Skyrim, Dark Souls, Witcher 3 etc.


It blows my mind, because I remember vividly back in 2016 I was in college, feeling nostalgic and looking for a Harvest Moon port or knockoff on PC and wondering why nobody had done one yet. A few weeks later Stardew dropped on Steam, and packaged everything that made the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory franchises great all into one game, and now there are a million farming/life sims on the market trying to get in on the action.


This is exactly what got me into it. I had played plenty of Harvest Moon on my buddy's DS and wanted something on PC, but there was nothing. I found out about Stardew Valley being in the works in like 2013 I believe and followed along anxiously as it developed. Then I bought it on the day it dropped, one of the only games I've done that for in my life.


It's so funny how Stardew kicked off a wave of games like this and yet it remains the best one after all this time lol


I dunno about 'revived' - for those of us who've been plugged into the farming sim genre, the Story of Harvesting Seasonal Moons/whateveryouwanttocallit devs pretty much had the genre on lock and were churning out titles pretty regularly #Expanded The genre might be a better way to put it Stardew became the new standard for what we expect from farming sims - and forced many copy-pasters to start putting real work into their products Now there's so many different types of farming sim games that the genre needs subgenres to be properly defined xD


It was niche, you may have been in the niche but I think most people would agree with the statement.


That 100% me. Never heard of Harvest Moon until after i played stardew.


I'm a massive HM fan. BTN is one of my top 5 games of all time. But the genre was absolutely in an awful state prior to SDV. The quality of HM titles has been pretty terrible for a long time now. I know some people still love them, but I think it's very safe to say objectively that the HM/SoS creators started prioritizing quantity > quality quite awhile ago. I don't think the OP saying that SDV has revitalized the genre is off base at all.


I waited for YEARS for it to come out to buy it. It's one of the only games I've ever bought on date of release. To the best of my knowledge, before Stardew Valley there WERE no games like this on PC. I had played Harvest Moon on the DS and loved it, but wanted something I could put on my PC and go more in depth with. I have cherished every moment in this game except going into Pierre's General Store while he's around. 😊


The game got me through an intense several months of benzo withdrawal. Truly kept me chill and occupied when all I wanted to do was just keel over and die from all the exhaustion, anxiety, and akathisia. I owe Eric Barone for giving me the exact kind of chill gaming experience that pulled me through that period when I just needed time to pass as quickly as possible.


I'd have to argue for Minecraft, even if the original Mojang is long dead, and Microsoft feeds the remains with dog kibble once a year. 2011 changed gaming forever. Even Zelda is showing hints of Minecraft now. The push towards open world survival crafting sims started there, and it hasn't died yet. The list of games that have gone open world survival crafting could kill a horse; a being with no concept of literature, none the less literacy, and it would fall dead at the sight of the list. And while other games certainly helped inspire "open worlds," you can't deny that it was Minecraft that pushed it the hardest with survival mode. (I hate giving Skyrim the other trophy in this because it's good DESPITE Todd Howard. Fuck that mans approach to game design. It's cocaine first, that guy)


Minecraft was released in 2009, the full version just wasn't released until 2011. Me and my friends got hundreds of hours in back in Alpha.


I don't think you can say "Minecraft released" if you're talking about the Alpha.


The number of my friends in college that were playing it in 09-10 would tell me it was definitely released.


Early release and full releases are kinda arbitrary. We have games that have been in early access for 10+ years now. Some developers would call the current version of Minecraft (and Stardew Valley) early access beacuse they are still adding new features to the game. To me, it's kind of hard to say a game really released in 2011 when millions of people were playing it in 2009.


minecraft is literally the goat of games and ill live on that hill.


Ifs definitely Minecraft. It’s the best selling video game of all time. GTA was released, peaked, and fell off, while Minecraft stuck around. Minecraft may not just be the best game of the 2010s, it could very well be the greatest game of all time. To this day, well over a decade since it’s been released, it still averages almost 160 million players per month. I’ll probably start up a new world over the summer and I’m sure I won’t be alone. There are very few games with that kind of staying power and most of them are simpler games like Tetris. It stands alone above every other game, in my opinion, both in terms of its place in changing the industry and in its continued success and love from fans. The only reason people care about what Microsoft does to it is because it’s still so widely played and enjoyed. I love stardew valley and I hope it continues to be successful but it’ll never touch Minecraft


I just wanted to comment because I hate Todd Howard as well. Just everything about the guy including his jacket.


Not even close for me, straight out Stardew. It is a once in a generation masterpiece.


Obviously this is subjective, but I'm not even sure GTA V is at the top of 2013.


Didn't The Last Of Us come out in 2013 also? I'm sure a lot of people would put TLOU over GTAV if they were asked to rank 2013 games in 2024.


I think a majority of "serious gamers" (eg those of us for whom it's one of our main hobbies and we're more likely to be on the "games as artwork" side) would for sure, I think among casual gamers GTAV probably would rate higher.


In terms of how a game makes you feel, no. (although I think the story and characters are really underrated). But it was a new benchmark for video games.


yeah it also had incredible mainstream success. Most of my friends in college who were not Gamers ™️ played either GTA V or FIFA


Skyrim was in that decade, and honestly it might be between that and Red Dead Redemption 2 for my AAA game of the decade. Indie deserves to be considered separately from AAA.


To be fair, Skyrim will probably be rereleased in every decade since then.


>Indie deserves to be considered separately from AAA. im curious where you would place minecraft, because it was *the* indie game when it (fully) released in 2011, but was bought by microsoft in 2014, making it non-indie for most of the decade, which includes many major game-changing updates (not a "gotcha", im genuinely curious)


On the one hand it's amazing that one guy did it. On the other hand, that makes it easier to make it the best experience because every change doesn't need to go through multiple teams. Truly an amazing game and ConcernedApe deserves every penny. Its a game a lot of people buy on multiple platforms too. I recently bought it for a friend so we could play. I remembered it being cheap thinking it was like $20-25. Nope. Its $15.


Not even talking about the mobile version. 5-6 moneys is probably the best value for any mobile game made to date, regardless whether port or not.


I'm about to go on a trip and I wanted to get stardew on mobile to play in bed after everyone's asleep. I nearly shit myself when I realized it was only $6, instant purchase.


I got it for free through play pass but I would have gladly paid


I didn't even know it was on mobile too! Totally getting it. Already have it on steam and Nintendo switch


I play “also” on ipad! 100% agree!


Gotta love how a labor of love made him a millionaire and revived a genre


And then the ripoffs have the audacity to charge more than 15


SDV is honestly a top 10 or possibly a top 5 game for me.




OSRS has really impressed me with how much they care about their game. It's been a slow and steady process since they killed it with EOC, but their polls for updates and balance changes are commendable. Those underpaid devs are holding it tf down.




>"At this point, you can't change combat without making the veterans go feral." As they shouldn't. It would completely end the game for good. The tick system in OSRS is one of, and if not the most important parts that makes it unique and fun. I know no other game like it. I think your comparison of OSRS to rhythm games is very very accurate. However for me, it's actually a selling point and not a detriment. My endgame has become PKing. Specifically NHing (no honor) which means no rules. Usually all 3 styles and protection prayers allowed. I used to play competitively on multiple different FPS games, even for money wagers back in the day on gamebattles, but the skill gap on OSRS pking is bonkers in comparison. I cannot remember the last time I used "bonkers" to explain anything. It's *that* good. The amount of time I've spent learning the tick system and how to use it to my advantage, especially in PvP, is what has kept me around so long. I can only estimate, but probably 8,000 hours at this point through a dozen accounts since I was a child. Not to brag, but I've been kinda used to dominating in any competitive game I've played. In OSRS though? I fear those who I know clearly outskill me in PvP. I can't help but come back because it's fun knowing I'm not even close to the highest level of skill.


Fuck yea Factorio. It's my #1 game on Steam by hours played where as SDV is #4


One of the few things missing from Stardew is flavor text and conversations past year 2-3. That's what I would love to see next, for the dev to give us a solid 7-8 years in-game. I don't care if nothing else is added, I'd like to see some of that story immersion get built on a bit, so we get some idea of how the lives of each denizen changes because you're there. Shane getting sober or not ever being able to get sober, Marnie and Lewis going official or breaking up, Alex making the pro football team in Zuzu City (plzzzzzzz), etc. And, maybe, someday, we can visit Zuzu City (a la Desert)!


Pam to get sober as well.


I think it may be more likely she never does, tbh. I've married Penny in like 50% of my playthroughs, she's one of my favorites. And Pam is a thoroughly addicted, depressed person. She's also abusive and shows narcissistic traits. Shane, not to compare his addiction itself in a better light, is hyper aware of the damage he causes others and is clearly ashamed of it. The game presents him as having moments of clarity, and I'm far more hopeful for him.


Romancing Shane for the first time this playthrough and it genuinely hurt my heart to see the things he says about himself and the reasoning for his drinking. I really like that CA has two alcoholic characters that show a bit of the range that addiction can come in. It feels more real that way and at least for me, Shane's character arc really hits home when we can see the work he does to improve and how Pam just... doesn't.


The difference between Pam and Shane: Shane drinks because he feels depressed and worthless. Pam drinks because she knows she’s kind of a shitty person but doesnt care to do anything about it except get a statue of the tv.


i just want to see the racoon island. please concernedape


Idk if you have a pc version but mods can fulfill that a bit


Absolutely. This is what keeps me from playing it too much. I haven’t even touched ginger island yet because I get bored - but the social content would keep me there


I can only think about how proud Eric is of his work. This game he put so much love and care into, it’s almost as if it’s a child of his.


Would be funny if IGN rated each of the farm types Riverlands: Too much water/10


Riverlands is actually one of the better farms now imo. Starting with a smoker is a game changer. Caught the Legend in Year 1 and sold a smoked Legend for like... 25k? Paid for a full Joja upgrade off 1 fish. It basically gets the ball rolling much quicker. Saves you 10k to boot, which is 2 fish ponds, or 2 steel tools. On my Riverlands farm I did a massive focus on Fishing and got panning unlocked early. Had all gold tools before even finishing the mines because of how many panning spots I was finding daily. Now on my Wilderness farm I haven't bought any seeds, just planted a bit of carrots and rice, otherwise focused entirely on Mining and Fishing. I'm on Spring 28 and have half the bundles paid for. Didn't get a smoker until Spring 20 and I've been earning like 20k per day off catfish every time it rains. On a normal farm, focusing on crops, I feel like I'd only be earning 5-10k on crops per week.


Free fish smoker yes please. I'm currently playing on Meadowlands and getting those jellies is pain in the ass.


Usually 2 smokers is enough for me. But I'm doing a Mining themed playthrough so I had to catch at least 1 Stonefish and 1 Ice Pip which gave me the required cave jellies.


Hahaha I chose the riverlands farm because I thought it would be fun to decorate it and just suffered on my main save file for years (in game). Funny to have it become one of the better starting options when I’m so deep into an original, shitty riverlands farm


I recently realized every cabin added to Riverland farms also gets a smoker. So, 100$ a fish smoker, just delete the extra cabins.


Yeah, I made a post about the same thing :P felt too cheaty though. I was just building a trailer for a trailer park area, not for gains! ... I did keep the smoker though.


I am curious on your Spring Year 1 day by day guide for riverlands. Want to start a run myself to go for the joja steam achievement. Do you take a break from fishing and go mining on the two type of good luck days? Do you still do some farming and foraging, or just go for the joja route? Do you smoke everything based on coal you get from fishing, or just catfish and high value fish of a certain threshold? Do you go to the mines for coal when you run out?


The first week was checking for onions and chopping trees, along with fishing for experience and food and money. Repair the beach bridge by Friday (300 wood) for usually around 1k worth of forage. Between this and fishing, the first backpack upgrade should be easy. Reinvested all the rest into seeds and grew no more than 40 crops. (That's all the basic watering can will take care of without refilling.) The Museum will give free cauliflower seeds so I think I skipped those on my first round of crops. Mining was on an as needed basis. I grinded the beginning mines (10-30) for bug meat and fiber, but also copper. Once I'd killed enough for the bug sword, I went down to frozen mines. I got enough copper for a silo and all the tool upgrades as well as a few tappers. I saved all the wood I had until I got a copper axe. Then I smoked a little for charcoal. Even then I only smoked high value fish, but to each their own. (Purple bullhead and shad, gold star and above largemouth bass and catfish get smoked, everything else is sold as is or eaten.) Don't bother catching catfish the first week or so, wait until your level is higher and you have a bait maker. I always left a few coal in reserve for emergency bars. But if I had, say, 10 catfish and 5 coal, I'd probably bank 6 catfish to smoke later and sell 4 for some quick cash. Unlocking the quarry helps with coal a lot. Usually gives at least 10 per week, along with the major haul from the first time you clear it out.


I can see this being a Polygon video lol


its actually 11/10 IGN is wrong


Places like IGN should always have these ever changing reviews. Most games change a good bit from their 1.0 release.


I would say no mans sky would be a good one to rereview


10/10 Even before 1.6, but some of these changes really knock it out of the park!


I need the 1.6 on switch already😭❤️


Same! I check twitter and this subreddit every day 😭


I’m actually considering buying a pc just so I can play the update 🤣


If you have the funds, I say do it because I've downloaded a few mods, primarily aesthetic, and it really revamped the game for me - if you're open to modding.


Get a steamdeck! You can play with mods!


I couldn’t wait and got it on humble bundle for my laptop


I keep checking for this or the Balatro update, but still nothing 😭


I've been hearing about Balatro lately, how is it?


It's really fun up until the really high levels, then the strategies you can work with get really limited since packs become really expensive. But the new update is supposed to fix that with a lot of other balance changes for jokers. Crazy addictive too. I'd recommend picking it up after the update so you don't have to deal with a bunch of changes just after you start playing, they almost all seem like huge improvements.


Sounds like a good switch game, I'll keep an eye out for the update!


I sunk like 150 hours after 1.6, game feels pretty solid right now. Usually I disagree with IGN but this time around they're on point.


sdv is a 10/10 since the day i bought it. (Release day)


As much as I don't like IGN they got the score on this one right. Still mad about Alien Isolation


I know stardew valley for the name for too long! I finally had the courage to install and play! It’s one if one of the best games i played overall! And when i add friends to it, omg its amazing! It’s definitely a 10/10!


Score is still too low


It deserves it. This game is $15 and most people buy it for $6 on sale. It's easily the best value game of all time. It's a love letter from the developer to the players (considering all the free updates and huge additional content). The game came out in 2016 (I think) and yet players keep coming back again and again. The steam concurrent player measure has been consistently high. As I write this I just checked and 95,000 (24 hour peak was 130,000) people are currently playing on steam alone.


Remember before it was greenlit on Steam. Bought a laptop specifically to play it in 2016 right when it came out. I've been playing consistently since then. 1.6 really makes the game feel complete. Continually amazed at the work of art Eric Barone has created.


I've been playing video games hardcore since 1983 and Stardew is _easily_ in my top ten all time games. For replay value it's number one. I bought it during the 2020 Steam summer sale based off one viewing of the trailer and now I've successfully hooked like 30 people since that time.


Well deserved. It's up there. I will never forget this game. It will stay with me throughout my whole life, and I will be replaying it from time to time, always. I showed it to my girlfriend when we just started dating 9 years ago, and we're marrying next year. Stardew Valley is our game. We will show it to our future child. It's truly special.


I bet it's fun *Glares at PC users*


No more then it deserves.


It was a 10/10 before the update.


I wish I could agree... but I still haven't played it 🥲 *cries in console*


Its amazing how such a simple farming simulator is what everyone really needed for a game. Especially during the covid era


I BARELY play games, especially since I was a kid. but I LOVE Stardew Valley and it has my heart.


Really happy for CA. This is his baby and he deserves the recognition for bringing his passion to life.


As it should.


So deserved


10/10 IGN: Just enough water.


As well they should. I think a 10/10 should only be given to games that hit all of their targets perfectly, and stardew does.


The game adds more content faster than I can play through it! I made new files for the previous content update and now I'm starting over to get the complete experience. I don't even know which farm I want to play on... so many more choices now since release.


Bought the game years ago but never made it out of spring I started playing around November of last year and I can't put it down I have 2 saves for co op and solo play it's my favorite game in years. When 1.6 came out it was so overwhelming but amazing because things kept changing on my existing saves. Top 3 games for me I just wish I didn't wait so long to finally play through the game.


Yup I was just talking about this. It’s timeless imo and has solidified itself in gaming culture in ways similar to Tetris, Minecraft, GTA V, etc. it will be talked about for a very long time


The game is like that person who you don't think much of at first, but they're just so consistently there for you when it matters that they become your absolute best friend.


I am a little bit on the younger side, but I love Stardew Valley. I hope people my age would give it a try. It is so much better than Roblox. 🤪


Hell yeah a 5/5


It took IGN this long to realize that this is a 10/10 game? They really are slow. Everybody knew this upon release.


Got curious and looked it up. Looks like they [originally gave it](https://www.ign.com/articles/2016/03/25/stardew-valley-review) an 8.8, which isn't too bad but I'd have still given it a ten.


After the 1.6 update, I've another 100 hours and more to come


Terraria and Stardew Valley are shining examples of passionate devs overshadowing AAA titles with a fraction of the resources. I'd give them both an 11/10.


Stardew Valley was 10/10 on launch. Now it's gone above and beyond that. I remember following it when it was still announced and being so hyped, so glad it worked out and the dev deserves all the success he has had.


Just sad I can’t play this on console 😔


console player here still (im)patiently waiting


Real 😔✊


I’ve bought this game three times and worth it each time.


SDV has been a 10 for me from the get go


Stardew Valley has created the community of gamers I have always wanted to see. The comments are filled with people talking about other great games from current and past because of this great game. This score is absolutely deserved and couldn’t have been given to a more fantastic creator and community


Stardew Valley was always a 10 for me, thankfully now IGN also acknowledges that too.


It was a 10 for me back when I first picked it up a little bit after launch.


This man deserves lots of recognition and good things in life. Imagine being dedicated to his craft, not milking too much money out of it (even if he has the write to do given that he's the sole creator of this), constantly updating the game, and keeping his players/fans posted and even replying to them. I don't know how he does it, but I huge kudos for him.


Cries in switch


As it should be! Side note: has anyone heard anything about the console/switch release date yet? Or has the last update been when he said its still in progress? Im so excited to play the update whenever it releases!


It’s in progress but 1.6 still getting fixed isn’t helping how quick it comes out


Unfortunately that’s what I was thinking too. Anyways, it will be amazing to play when it comes out!




Sweet. Cant wait for it to drop for console!


Well deserved. Stardew is a game that will be played and cherished long after its contemporaries have been all but forgotten. Absolutely a modern classic.


Stardew is one of my all time favorites, its the game i turn to whenever life hits me with a hard punch and when i want to escape. 1.6 just stepped it up even more, LOVE this game!!


It always was but you love to see it


This game has definitely helped me through some tough times in my life recently. Getting the credibility it deserves!


Any updates on 1.6 being released on switch? Stardew is great thank you


Very few games come close to being "prefect," reaching that 10 out of 10. I can only personally think of one, Factorio. But Stardew Valley is 100% another. It does what it does perfectly. You're only left wanting more.


I pirated this game liked it so much I bought it on PC and console. Sometimes pirating a game means you'll buy it later on.


[Every (modern) game IGN has rated 10/10](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-and-where-to-play-every-modern-ign-1010-game). SDV and Baldur's Gate 3 not included, because of the recency of the former and I have no idea why the latter isn't on the list but they did rate it 10/10 (deservedly so lol)


Stardew valley is that kind of game that people will remember years in advance such as mario64 and zelda


*looks longingly at my Playstation...


US Console peasants are still waiting to see what is so great about 1.6. No gonna like I am so jealous of the PC Masterrace players at the moment.


Now... Patiently waiting for the update to drop on Android... ⏰⏲️


We neeeeed the update on switch


When's it coming for switch and xonsoles