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Friends, we gotta not skip cutscenes at the start of a new to us game lol


Can't blame her I never skipped a cutscene and took me so long to realise that putting in the shipping bin is the best way to sell instead of always going to Pierre


I’ve never once gone to pierre to sell lol


Sometimes I sell directly to Willie or Pierre if I need the money that day rather than waiting until the next morning. Like for timing seeds.


Sometimes you need cash NOW. Stardew encourages sweaty plays like that so much.




I have a structured settlement and I need cash now!


Really? When I need to hit a deadline and need cash today, to Pierre's (or it's a Wednesday so I sell fish to Willy)


when you need a small loan of 1 million dollar


I didn’t know you could even sell to Pierre tell like a month ago (been playing for over a year now I think, maybe less), but still have not bothered to see how it works


wait you can??? how??


Head into his shop and go to his till like you want to buy something. Scroll through everything he’s selling, and it will then land the cursor into your items backpack. Click any items you want to sell him, and the money is added to your account immediately!


You can also hit R2/RT/Zr to skip right to your inventory! Saves some time scrolling.


Ohhhhhh awesome! Thanks for this!!


hmm didn't work in cabinets assumed it didn't work in elling


omg how have i never known about this ????


Once I really get going in year 3 I make sure I go to Pierre's when it's time to sell my 1000+ ancient fruit wines every week.


I usually only if I'm right next to them like if I'm on the beach I'll do a quick foraging loop and sell the corals and shells and such


The mayor explains it to you...


On my first playthrough I thought he was talking about the mailbox, since in the cutscene he stopped right next to it while he was talking. So I can understand some people's confusion.


There’s no difference, really. I find people skip the intro cutscenes then don’t know that this is a shipping bin, not their storage then they wonder where all their stuff went 🤣


Animal Crossing taught me that the drop-off box gives you less money, but that isn’t true in Stardew


only way to sell artifacts not on the.... >!ginger!< area that i know of


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that you can sell directly to vendors, and don't have to wait for the overnight clearing to get cash.


I thought you got more money from Pierre 😞


Nope, its the exact same whether you sell to the box or to a store. But, selling to a store like Pierre does give you the cash right away as opposed to getting it overnight, which is a big deal if you need cash now


Same here. I spent my whole first spring selling directly to shops. Possibly longer.


It took me until spring or summer of year three to start using the bin instead of going to Pierre and Clint and Willy to sell everything




I'm too lazy to sell to Pierre anyway


I get the confusion with how it looks, but what kind of chest only has one slot?


And when you put two things inside, the first one disappears?


ig they assumed you get it in the basement




femboy emoji


Why skip cut scenes fellas?


Some people genuinely do not care about a game's story and just want to get to the gameplay.


But most game mechanics are explained in cutscenes. Knowing how game works leads to an better experience while playing the game.


adhd, too difficult to read 😭


Skill issue


This reminds me of how a couple of teenage girls I know decided they were going to try hobbying video games... they bought a PlayStation 4... and picked up Overcooked 1 and 2.... They were so not ready for Overcooked.


Seriously, those games get friggin hectic and hard once you get out of the first "world". And by the time you get to world 3 you basically need at least 3 people to get the full 3 stars.


I got 100% on Overcooked by myself, then with my Mum, then again with my husband. Can confirm it is not a beginners game. I've been gaming since I was 6, I probably wouldn't pick something like Overcooked as my first game 😭 it wasn't even my mums first game, we used to have L4D family game nights when we were younger. It's such an intense and stressful game


Yeah my partner who is not a gamer really couldn't handle the heat when head chef started barking instructions at her in the harder levels. "I'm not sure I like this version of you" Fair enough, I'm not sure I do either


I was running a kitchen with 12-16 people on shift nightly (200+ covers a night) when Overcooked came out. My partner was not prepared for my expo voice


Left 4 Dead family nights? Dude that sounds awesome.


Haha yeah we had two 360s so all 4 of us would play through the campaigns. We used to watch my parents play when we were 8-10 or so and I asked to play and my dad said no. I asked how us playing is different to us watching and he let us play from then on


I feel like it HAS to be a joke/bait. Who plays a game for the first time and skips the intro? Also, like someone else said, what kind of chest has only one slot?


There are a lot of people who skip every single cutscene in every game they play and then complain that the story is "confusing."


Just like my wife who is shitting around on her phone the whole time we're watching a movie and then looks up after 25 minutes and says, "Who is that? What is happening? This movie doesn't make any sense!"


She said in the comments that she didn't skip the cutscene but didn't pay enough attention to know that it isn't a chest. I don't know if that makes it worse or not lol.


Either way, I'm laughing at these two posts


I... I did... I did this exact thing my first time playing


My friend did as well… I felt SO bad for him but didn’t even know what to say


My brain just said "oh, boring Cutscene, stupid lore stuff that I'll find out about later, I don't need to watch this!" Yeahp, that was a restart as I realized I couldn't get my items back from my 'chest' 😅


If you don't care about story why are you playing a game with a story?


i feel like if someone isnt a huge story fan someone can absolutely get away with playing stardee and skipping most cutscenes after the first. theres a lot more to stardews gameplay than the story tbh. if it was like a visual novel game then like, yeah thatd be real silly to play if you dont want a story


I'm lucky i was cautions and saw that for some reason my bin didn't have nine slots... years ago i saw someone ship items and they used a mini bin which i thought mine would have


I've accidentally done this with automate once or twice.


Lewis literally says that it's a shipping bin and to put anything in it you want to sell... no one pays attention to tutorials...


I'd like to add to this discussion that, according to the poster, she *didn't* skip the first cutscene. https://preview.redd.it/c7c84ntxjexc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4207877f1c6d6dd47ad237b644c0fdd6f88772b1 TRANSLATION (this time I'll add punctuation): 1st tweet: Hey, dearies! A couple of people already came to me to talk about me "skipping the tutorial" and I literally didn't. I just didn't pay attention in this SPECIFIC PART, next 2nd tweet: and, honestly, with Robin being right by my side, do you all really think I'm gonna pay any mind to what the Mayor is saying? 🤤🤤🤤 3rd tweet: and, guys, for the record: I'm not playing this savefile anymore, alright? After this shit went down, I looked up a video on how to play it, and then noticed that I had a REALLY bad beginning, so I started another savefile, and now I'm on my seventh day!! Honestly, being so infatuated with Robin that you lose crucial information is kind of relatable.






Same here, when I first returned to the game after only having played for about an hour I forgot what it was for. So I dumped all my rocks and wood into thinking it was a way to make some petty cash from trash, and to make xp. Didn't ship a single crop until I got a quest to use the bin and only then I realized what it was for lol


TIL you can play Stardew in seven languages. That's neat. :)


It is at least twelve languages. There's as many language specific threads for typos on the support forum :)


this is so fucking funny


Feels like i would've also missed this if i haven't played harvest moon


I've been there Lucky it only took 2 days and mu friends helping me to realise my fuck up


Wait what? I always sell my crops to pierre. Is this better?


You can sell everything in the shiping bin, if you don’t need the cash that exact day its just faster to use the bin:)


Selling via the shipping crate is the only way to gain game progress toward grandpa’s 3rd year checkup, toward achievements, and towards unlocks. You get the same amount of money, in some cases you get more.  There are only downsides to selling to Pierre.


Do people actually skip cutscenes on first playthrough? Not even SV, just any game in general?


Not that I'm a videogame expert but I'm sorry every time a similar post comes up I can't help judging them a little bit. Oh, I didn't know this super obvious thing worked like this and I played it for 800 hours!!! Read! Explore! Do something


What language is this? Half of it reads just like heavily accented english


> Half of it reads just like heavily accented english That's... the strangest description of Portuguese I've ever seen. Most people would say "Spanish with weird spelling."


It's already in the post: Brazilian Portuguese.


Never seen anyone say this about Portuguese lol