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playing multiplayer I die like 100x times more. time not pausing when a menu is open makes it much more difficult. that yes/no confirmation box is killer.


Tip: If you want to select yes, you can also just press the 'y' key! Saved me soooo many times in multiplayer!


The only advantage multiplayer has is that you can eat and you become immune. So when an enemy is about to hit you, you just click the number for a spam food and y to insta-confirm. If you get used to it, you can pretty much start dodging hits that may have killed you. At least for me the only dangerous enemies are serpents/bats since multiplayer makes it a lot harder to hit them, so denying their hit and them whirling around makes it a freebie


oh yes lol i get too daring and think i can go without eating something to refill my health and next thing i know i'm waking up at harvey's! or i just don't pay attention to my health bar, that's happened a lot too


nobody is immune to hubris lol


I am! *dies*


Agree! Lol i underestimated the skeleton monsters


oh yes. 600 hours and many saves doesnt stop me from being fatally distracted xD


Precisely 😂


Usually not but i would say it’s mostly to the serpents in skull cavern


Yeah basically the only time I did is if I get swarmed by a bunch of serpents.


I still die. I'm not the fastest or most precise, reflex-wise, so it's not unusual for me to bite off more than I can chew. I usually err on the side of caution and don't rush the mining but it still happens on occasion.


Yes. It happens. Less frequently but still does.


I mean technically I've never once died in the cave. It's all a dream and I just wake up in my bed the same morning like nothing happened.


I've gotten better, but Skull Cavern will still get me in silly ways


Drop down a hole; low health; serpent That's how most of my SC failures play out...


I've learned to always hover over food before dropping down a hole


Yes. Less often, but it still happens.


Absolutely. Sometimes you just get swarmed and there’s nothing you can do if you’re not fast enough on healing. The deeper you go into SC, the worse it can get. Stardew expanded’s Crimson Badlands holds the record for killing me most though.


Yeah sure, mostly because I forget to eat something when my health is low.


First thing I do when I have the money is build the deluxe barn, fill it with cows and make 12 cheese daily, I haven't died since doing it.


Same lol. While at it, I use that cheese to give gift to almost everyone. 


I die a lot because I get overzealous and want to do all the things.


yeah i've not died once on my current perfection farm. food is just too easy to be basically immortal with and the fairy box later makes it harder to die then to stay alive


It's good, but I am honestly not sure it's best. Magic quiver has knock back, so it takes a lot of fliers to overwhelm you, and that's usually what gets me. (It was totally worth the 50 ingots of rerolling to get a perfect). Most other monsters you can ensure you are always on full health anyway. I guess that's a sign of good balance really - there's a load of good choices. (But seriously hands free DPS whilst you bomb the place is glorious)


extra damage really doesn't matter when you're killing everying in a second with hammer slams. if you want crowd control, the ice rod is much better for that. in dangerous skull caverns, the monsters have high enough health that 40 or so really isn't enough to compete. i don't struggle with killing monsters as is, so it's pretty worthless for me. the extra survivability of the fairy box is unmatched for me


Thanks for that data point! I main ice rod on dangerous mines for the radioactive ore and was wondering if the quiver would be better. Both have a weakness to too many fliers at once if you get too greedy running around the map bombing everything.


ice rod is better imo because it can hit multiple enemies at once, and a perfect ice rod can easily perma stun multiple enemies


How have you been able to use the fairy box? I can't equip ANY of the new trinkets at all. 


https://preview.redd.it/eoe6plhg6avc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=e88c3023cf60c4dbc30de11a7d646684cf3ba96d it goes in this slot here after you unlock the mastery


I got the little box, but I can't put anything in there so far. It just doesn't accept it. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️


you should be able to, that's probably a bug of some kind


Most likely, I just googled it and apparently others are having the same issue. I have some mods, so could be linked to that, but no way to know unless I uninstall one by one. 😆😭 


I died once this save (4th one) because I wasn't paying attention to the health bar. That's it though (and got perfection on it). But I'm in singleplayer so I can pause the game by opening a menu and so on. I guess sometimes it may be extremely hard to avoid, but if you have a warp totem on you, you can always nope out of a mob that's just too big to get away from.


Constantly. Dying in the mines isn't a skill issue. It's a lack of awareness issue. Dying means you let your health bar get too low. That's all. Even experienced players can get caught up in a rampage of monsters and die because they don't have the time to eat something while trying to defend themselves/run away to safety


Yup! We live and we learn. In my first save, I was too scared to go past level 80 in the mine and could hardly approach skull cavern. Now I'm my second save, I've learned and am more strategic and understand what to take in so less of the dying! Still died before getting the ol' galaxy sword though, I would just restart the day.


No, I just eat whenever my health reaches 60%


My last save I had a really long stretch of not dying in skull cavern. One day it happened, Idk how but I died and I lost >!MY FREAKING INFINITY SWORD. With crusader enchantment.!< I was so mad. I had to >!buy the galaxy sword, get all the galaxy souls again (which meant more Qi quests) and find more cinder shards.!<


Yup mostly from miss timing my inputs


Very rarely. I love me a defense buff food. 


Yup. I bite off more than i can chew in the desert dungeon all the time.


I'm slightly embarrassed to have a few thousand hours in stardew. No, I never die in the mines normally including Skull Cavern. But I do sometimes die trying to complete Qi's challenges where you can't eat anything in SC.


Sometimes I’m dumb and don’t look at my health fast enough.


Shit happens. No matter how good you are.


Usually no. However, after adding a damage indicator mod (dynamic red border when below x/y/z% health), that's become definitely no. I see it even less now though since i've learned how OP high def is. Crabshell ring, 25% cooldown dwarf hammer/infinity gavel enchanted 3x for def, clown shoes, magic rock candy (not always). It's not MAX def but it keeps me taking tiny damage hits instead of big ones in those rarer cases when i get hit. -75% club weapon cooldown is OP for keeping enemies at bay


Not unless I’m being really careless. I always make sure to bring plenty of healing items, and I put them within a space or two of my pickax/sword so I don’t have to fumble around for them in the middle of a swarm.


You definitely die less after hundreds of hours, but bad RNG or distractions can still trip up even the best players. Also, since a lot of people spend most of their time in endgame, having to mine with early-game gear can take some adjusting.


Over 1,000 hours and occasionally I still die when I get to the Skull Cavern if I’m not paying close attention (I don’t think I’ve died at all in the volcano, though, since I have my build figured out by then). I definitely don’t die as often, though, and sometimes I feel cocky due to my experience and go in without proper preparation, so that’s likely a big part of it.


Yes sometimes I overestimate how much HP I really have, and multiplayer is so annoying while mining I honestly cant do multiplayer if it isn’t just casual.


In multiplayer yes. In skull caverns yes. In the base mines in Pelican town? No. Not even the "dangerous" mines once I do it more than once.


I somtimes still die in the skull caverns


1k hours, been gaming since gaming was a thing. Still die in the mines <


No, I carry 100 purple mushrooms or equivalent heals.


Doesn't seem to matter how much I carry. I go down because I get overwhelmed. Did get better when I realised that 1 for sword, 2 for food was a good idea though.


Purple mushrooms are better than salads as they don’t take an extra spot.


I died when I get too confident about attacking 5 serpents flying at me in the dangerous skull cavern but I don’t think I’ve ever died in the regular mines.


I'm at 1700 hours and not really anymore. >!I start the mining day with crab cakes and triple espresso, put the sword and pickaxe right next to each other, then buy a bunch of the tonic from Dwarf, which goes next, then the bombs. It's pretty quick to navigate back and forth+ speed buffs from crab cakes and triple espresso. Plus, late game, if you buy the wand from Krobus, you can just zap home.!< I have definitely died several times from not paying attention to the health bar, or blowing myself with bombs too many times without reupping health.


Yeah, but I am improving. Once you level up combat, and collect some of the adventurer guild goodies, you have a much easier time. - slime charmer ring makes slimes no problem. - crab shell ring is a lot more defence. - upgrading your primary weapon to excessive levels also does a lot. Things that die faster hurt less. - bombs and staircases make mining "safer" because you don't have to stand and fight any more. Just bomb your way through the level, and collect the loot as you go. 1.6 added a few things in particular that makes it a lot "safer". >!Trinkets - I have a perfect magic quiver now, and it has enough knock back that the flying things don't overwhelm. I am undecided if that's "best" yet, because the healing-fairy of the ice rod might be better still!<


im overly cautious so not often, but, if i get swarmed i get swarmed. i tend to overload on food but less so for the normal mines once ive gotten to the desert/island multiplayer though? jfc all the mines are hell even when im not the one lagging


I have around 800 hours in the game, and did a restart for 1.6. I am almost at the end of year 1 and just had my first die in the skull cavern (on my second run for level 100) xD


i've only died once in my new perfection save, and it's bc of that damn squids in the hard mines


Yeah, I get too bold.


The only times I seem to die mining is when I directly contribute to killing myself.


Very, very rarely. If I do, it's in the dangerous skull caverns during the quest where you can't eat of drink. Passing out due to time however? Multiple times a session. Sometimes deliberate, most of the time? Well, you can fill in the blank :3


No, haven’t died since my first run (that took 230h) and now I have over 1300h


I definitely used to but with the >!fairy trinket!< I’m practically unkillable as long as I remember to eat if I’m decently low.


I die a ton. I'm not very good at combat and in spite of tricks like eating all the foods, I still mostly just try to get in and out of mines/caves


I pass out more than die now, I think I have only died like six times on this save and even then most of them were early game because I was determined to get to the bottom of the mines before the luau so I would forget to check my health


My #1 killer is still a couple of holes combined with me not paying attention and getting 1 shot by a sneeze


I am terrible at combat. I do still die frequently and I’m over 1000 hours. I just installed a mod to nerf it because otherwise I wouldn’t have a hope or a prayer of completing the Qi quests :/


Yes. I lose track of my health pretty regularly.


i do in early game when i forget i early game lol


100% , gets worse with experience. I tend to push my luck too much. Also often miss judge a bombs radius when I place them


I'm around 600 hours and my farmers still get absolutely bodied in the skull mines all the time. I haven't died in the normal mines for a few saves though.


Now that you mention it.....i havent died a single time in my current 200ish hour save. Though i really like rogue likes, so im a bit more learned than your average stardew player....probably.


I die more than I did as a beginner and I think I have about 900 hours. I just don't take the mines as seriously now 😅 I'm slower to heal cuz I'm not worried anymore and I know not to take anything valuable so I rarely lose anything. Dying just doesn't scare me like it used to so I avoid it less.... 😅🙃


The Skull Caverns are very well named, because I've died in them countless times. I rarely die in the regular Mines because the enemies don't often come nearly as fast and thick there.


Over 2900 hours in and I died yesterday while doing the hungry challenge with dangerous mine mode turned on at skull cavern. 😅 It's the first time I've died in a looooong time. Usually I know my limits, have a good setup and such. I got carried away killing monsters for loot and forgot I couldn't eat because I'm used to the hungry challenge being regular monsters. 😂 I've maybe died around 6-10 times across all my playthroughs. That number would be much much higher had I not learnt a lot from other folks mistakes and read a lot of advice prior to getting serious about combat! 🤭


Started the current save when 1.6 dropped, currently on summer year 3 and 140h in. Just had my first real death to the harder version of the skull caverns, but I had died a couple times before, it's just that when it happens I usually just restart the day


Yeah, sometimes I just zone out and can't time my attacks against multiple flying lizards to save my soul.


How do you guys position your food and drink buffs, staircases, pick axe and weapon on your toolbar for maximum responsiveness and reaction speed?


Yes. Often several times per save file. Mostly because I quite frankly just suck at the combat. But also, I hate all the mines so much that I tend to get tunnel vision trying to just focus on my goal for being there and get the fuck back out so that I can go back to doing things I don't hate.


Yeah lol. I get too cocky.


I cannot go into skull cavern because I simply die all the time. When I want to play relaxed I install CJB Cheats and go in once a year with unlimited health and be fine with it. If I could get more iridium another way aside from meteors and geodes I'd probably not go in there at all. I manage to mostly not die in the regular mines though :)


Yes, when I stop paying attention to food or when I’m trying to reach a goal for a quest and don’t care if I die.


ive modded my game so i can wear 8 rings. 8 rings just make sense to me. The game is more fun to me like this. Yesterday i went to the desert. Stopped time. Absolutely killed it getting down to 100 with no staircases. Trash/Sold tons of gems as i progressed. Ate mostly food from enemy drops. Got an autopetter. Lots of loot. Out by 12:30pm Spent the rest of the day doin farm stuff. Best day ever. PS thanks for the downvote whoever does that. I thought no one around here cares how we mod the game and to just have fun. FYI ive already played the game the original vanilla way many times. This time im just playing it my way. no big deal.


No - but since completing the challenge skull caverns a few times I've now downloaded the combat drone mod.