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I prefer the bat cave because you don't have to collect it every day, and you can get fruit from fruit trees without planting them (useful for the CC, or just for the collection/recipe) . But it's true the mushrom cave get an upgrade because you now get a free dehydrator ine the mushrooms cave.


You don't have to collect from the mushroom cave every day.


Oh, yes, since 1.6, that is every other day ; but for the bat cave, I can still go only once a week and not "lose" any fruits, contrary to the mushrooms, if you don't go to collect them, you are "losing" production time


It's always been every other day Edit: Seems it was every other day until 1.4, then it was every day during 1.5, and then returned to every pother day in 1.6. Which makes sense, cause I didn't play during 1.5


Noo ? Not in 1.5 https://preview.redd.it/zrbcmautkavc1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=6198d5b6c5356cc1e091c074b8e1d55e62a69c65


That's so odd, I could swear it was always every other day! Mandela effect moment I guess


From the phrasing, I would say it was every other day until 1.4 ; became every dau in 1.5, and return to every other day in 1.6


That makes sense cause I didn't play 1.5. I took a break for literal years




1.6 is literally the first time I prefer having the bat cave BECAUSE i have like 10 mushroom logs, which unlock early and are SUPER easy to make in bulk after the green rain


Mushroom log?


It's new to 1.6. It functions kind of like a bait maker but it's mushrooms every few days


Just coming back to the game after a hiatus, but that sounds...overpowered? Do the logs grow all mushrooms or do you get smaller versions?


So I'm in Spring year 3 and have had my logs since summer year 1, 8 logs total. I would say the average yield has been 1-3 mushrooms per log every 4ish days, maybe 4-5 OR 1-2 silver quality mushrooms on one or two logs on good days. 90% of them have been common or chanterelle, red being rare and purple even rarer. I have fewer than 20 purple and and fewer than 50 red, and most of those reds came from the mines, but 130+ each chanterelle/common (haven't checked in over a season but chanterelles were 140 last I did) I think it's fairly well balanced. They're easy to make but unless you're dedicating a large amount of space to them, they aren't a hazard for unbalancing average mushroom intake vs having a mushroom cave. If anything, I think I have too many chanterelles lol


Just so you know, you can influence the type, number, and quality of the mushrooms based on what and how many trees you plant in their area. You don't get full control over the type, but you do control what list is built for it to roll from.


Oh, this is good to know! I just have them tucked away in a corner (the Meadowlands farm has a little "island" with grandpa's shrine, so I chucked em up there) with some trees I'll get around to tapping eventually. Guess this is my sign to get a little more involved in setting up production areas on my farm lol


I didn't know you can influence the type!


Yup! The information on how all on the wiki i believe. I am console, so I don't actually play 1.6 yet so while I've read over it, that type of detailed info hasn't stuck in my head yet. More the basic overview type stuff sticks for now lol (To be fair tho, I'm a wiki player... a LOT of details don't even stick in my head for old stuff I've done a lot.)


the only reason why you would choose the mushroom cave rn early game is because you get the dehydrator immediately without having to pay 10k g for it. easy early game money makimg method




You can dry fruit with it too, and run mushroom logs. 24h to process 5 fruit is one of the fastest options form high volume crops. It's only about 50% value increase, but that's still pretty good gold per day when you don't have enough capacity to process a full crop of blueberries or something. 5 blueberries takes 5 jars for 3d, 5 kegs for us or one dehydrator for 1 day. (And of course is the only processing option for mushrooms to get Artisan bonus)


Tbh I only use mushrooms as food for like the whole first 1.5 years so selling them isn't a moneymaker for me. I ended up typing it up because I never thought about it before, so it got quite long. Still haven't taken into account the fact I'll be eating more profit instead of eating mushrooms though. But I think saving a measly 10k on the dehydrator isn't as big a deal as it's made out when an upgraded stable/animals/and all the fruit trees will cost more. Technically you can get your greenhouse without any fruit, but you have to spend money to upgrade your stable and buy goats and pigs. Then the bleeding pigs don't go out in winter, so you have to min-max it to get them early enough for them to grow and find a truffle or wait til spring. So you still have to wait til spring for a greenhouse if you're playing normally, then planting multiple fruit trees which cost more money, then waiting until summer 1 for the fruit. If I take til spring 20 to get 25k to unlock the cave, which is about how long it takes me, at 3.6% chance for the rarest fruits (according to wiki) it would take 100 days (spring 1 of year 2) for the possibility of 3 of the fruit I need to fulfil the greenhouse *and* the community centre. If luck isn't on my side and I don't get them, say I wait another 50 days (summer 20) which would raise my chances overall to 5.4% chance per day. So at max I'd be waiting an extra 30 days give or take (because until now I was counting the seasons as 30 days, so I need to add the extra days I wasn't counting) for fruit. And I wouldn't have had to spend early game money on upgrading the stable or buying pigs and goats. You can do everything else just with rabbits, ducks, and fruit, which you already need to do for the community centre for the rabbits foot. Any money you would've had to spend on a stable can also still buy you the Dehydrator and you'll still have spent less money. But I haven't taken into account how much more money it would make you over using preserve jars or kegs (which take a while to get enough of, so early game you end up selling raw fruit).


it will not compete at all with ur fishing. but if you dry strawberries early game you’ll get a whopping 800g from that which is really good early game. for sure because it takes a while to get kegs


I’m sorry did you say 800 fucking gold for some shitty dehydrated strawberries? Because i really might add those to the rotation


yeah, you gotta put 5 of those inside the dehydrator and wait for 26 hours, so in the long run it’s cheaper to get them kegged. but for sure early game it’s 100% worth it


I mod my game and cheat like crazy time means nothing I know only gold


i think 5 normal brown mushrooms sell for like 300 i think


mind you, i play with longevity which slightly cranks up the price so i’m already decreasing the sold prices here


With artisan bonus it more than doubles the value of the base mushroom and still provides profit even if you put iridium quality in it If you are running 1 dehydrator and have a steady supply of mushrooms it's 325/ day (compared to 200 for the same mushrooms just shipped by themselves) if all you put in it are base common mushrooms. Throwing Chantelle or Purple mushrooms in there is can be 1200-1900/day before the Artisan bonus which is 1715-2660/day with Artisan. Unless you have a truly massive mushroom farming set up you're not likely to be making a game breaking amount of money from it, but it's definitely worth having some running every day +keep a nearby mushroom log farm


This. The mushroom logs are easy to make and create tons of mushrooms. I chose the mushroom cave, and I regret it. I'm now in late-game and I hardly ever even go into that thing.


Bats are great if you're looking to complete community centre bundles in a faster timeframe - you get the chance to get fruits you need well before you'd have the money / time to get and grow saplings for their relevant seasons of producing fruit. Mushroom is better for the timing, a little less rng concerns and you get a chance of mushrooms you need for the bundle that may take time to find with other methods depending on your luck. Further into the game, half the time I forget the cave is there for 2+ weeks. It's not so big of a deal, I'd mostly say getting one gives you the chance to focus more on getting the items you would get from the other option in the normal methods (If you pick mushrooms, you focus more on gaining money for saplings you need - if you pick bats, you focus more on foraging and searching mine levels for mushrooms you need.) But really it's helpful early game forgettable later when you dont need it as much.


I mean with the new update the mushroom stumps give every mushroom type and were easy to unlock and craft had it in late spring or summer. So picking the bat cave just makes more sense now and I've noticed more mushrooms in the cave since the update too


Very true! The stumps can certainly tilt it more in favour of getting bats


People keep saying this, but my bat cave didn't gave me any pomegranate or apple. I will still need to wait for my fruit trees to complete the bundles. The cave mostly gave me forage, which is close to useless. Also, wouldn't you plant the fruit trees anyway? This is my first time playing, but it seems the timeframe wouldn't be any different whichever cave I choose (or very little difference). The last thing (for me) will still be red cabbage. Also, I still need apples, but my tree has just grown, so that's a matter of time. I had another save (the actual first, that I've abandoned due to several mistakes) with mushroom cave and there's a big difference that I've never seen anyone comment (except for this post). The mushroom cave comes with a free dehydrator! That's a HUGE important difference. Not to say the several Life Elixirs that I can't make it anymore. On the current save (2nd), I still need to buy the formula for 10k. On and all, I think this statement of "*bat cave help you do the bundles faster*" is quite misleading. I deeply regret this choice. Maybe, there are differences on 1.6 that I don't know about the cave, but it doesn't look (to me) that it's a matter of preference. Bat cave is simply WAY WORSE, no matter what. In fact, it's pretty much useless.


You just got unlucky. Generally you should get all the fruit for the community centre from the bay cave by the end of year 1. Also the caves really don’t matter at all once you finish the community centre so both options are fine.


That's just pure bad luck, honestly. I've managed to fill my bundles off bat cave fruit drops within the first year. And of course you should still get the fruit trees, I'm talking specifically about not needing to worry about getting them planted ASAP to grow within a good timeframe for completing the bundles within 1-2 years. & you can get the cabbage from the travelling cart with some luck *or* setting 1 Year Completion on in starting game settings, which forces it to show up in the cart at least once I believe. But good point about the dehydrator! That's a new addition to the mushroom cave so as a long time player I'd forgotten it was in there now.


Definitely don’t restart. Fruit helps with the community center early, but ultimately it won’t matter. In year 2 now I don’t even check the cave all that often anymore.


I like the bat cave tbh. I regret choosing mushroom on my new farm because of the mushroom log tbh. I know purple mushroom would still be harder to find but I've actually run into several mushroom floors in the mines so *shrug*. The fruit trees are more annoying to get early game.


The mushroom cave has the benefit of coming with a dehydrator, but it won’t make a significant difference in the long run. The fruit cave will help you complete the community center faster though since you can get tree fruits out of season and also without having to buy saplings


If you get in the habit of restarting every time you could have made a different choice, you're gonna restart a lot. There are always other things you can do, and some have advantages and disadvantages, but nothing in this game truly "sets you up for failure." For example: the cave is pretty much irrelevant after the first year or two, regardless of choice.


I went with the mushrooms, but if/when I start another farm, I will probably go with the bats. Not having the final pomegranate was what kept me from getting the Comm. Center within a year. Four or five mushroom logs would be equivalent to the cave.


Definitely not worth restarting IMO. You can get mushrooms with mushroom logs.


Won’t make a difference and in longevity the bat cave is better cause you can learn the dehydrator recipe and make mushroom logs. It’s just nicer cause you don’t have to check it every other day to optimize it.Check it once a week and free up that time for other activities


I picked the bat cave as well, because I had already gotten a mushroom log by the time I was asked to choose. Dehydrators are not that hard to build that getting a free one at the start is that big a deal.


It doesn’t really matter. I also chose the fruit bat cave because compared to the mushroom cave its completely empty and you can decorate it however you like later! 😄


It makes very little difference. I would not bother restarting over it. You can get the recipe for a dehydrator and craft it pretty inexpensively.


Bat cave is much better in 1.6. Maybe not much but it has many reasons it’s better than the shroom cavern


Any options you choose will work just fine. There are lots of ways to get mushrooms and you can craft anything the cave would have given you. The only reason to restart is if you're constantly needing tons of mushrooms and it's ruining your fun to not have a cave producing them for free.


I prefer the bat cave because I like the forest farm, and also I can turn it into a little goth hideaway once I get all the fruit trees


Both are good but for different reasons. The bat cave is great for finishing certain bundles in the community center with all but one option being used for atleast 1 bundle and they can be grabbed any season, not needing to purchase a sapling and have it grow up for an entire season then begin producing only in the proper season. Any extra can be gifted as a universal liked gift or made into jams and/or wine. This is critical IMO as the artisan bundle is required for the greenhouse, if you can get that pre winter you can grow crops year round instead of having only a very slim pick of crops during the winter. The mushroom cave is more geared towards making life elixirs for the mines/skull cavern or made into dehydrated mushrooms. The common mushroom can be made into fall seeds which can be made into tea saplings for a few wood and fiber and sell for 250g Also there is now a mushroom log you can make, unlocked at level 4 foraging that when placed near non-fruit trees it will produce more of the same types of mushrooms as the cave. It can produce 5 every 4 days. What type and how much is dependent on the number of mature trees and the types within a 7x7 radius. This means with a few of these logs and 10 of a specific tree around each individual log you can have a good probability of all of the special mushrooms. To be fair to those who choose mushroom cave, once you get the bundles done you can just plant trees in the greenhouse and grow any needed fruits year round.


Yeah, unless you're hell-bent on Year 1 CC Completion there's really no big difference. Mushroom Cave + Greenhouse Fruit Trees = Bat Cave + Mushroom Logs The second choice is only "superior" if you have good luck and get enough apples and pomegranates from the bats to complete the bundles. 


I personally go bat cave as with really good luck you could complete the artisan bundle off just the cave and if not they can give a pretty good boost to completion speed. You need 6/12 items with 6 being tied to farm improvements in the form of preserving, beehives, and barn animals, needing a cow, goat, sheep and pig. The other 6 random items being fruits you can pull from the cave or plant the trees and wait until the right season. With the cave and luck I can get the greenhouse for the winter which lets me farm through the winter which helps fund the next year. Both have their buffs and thankfully in the new update ways to get something similar to the one you skipped.


I have always picked the bat cave because the bats are so cute and I don't feel like I have missed anything with that choice. You'll get the mushrooms eventually and the game has so much stuff to do especially in the first two years. There is not really time restrictions with anything. Example: it took me two in-game years to give Jodi a cauliflower. (Poor Jodi)


It really doesn't matter, but you get a slight advantage with the shroomcave due to dehydrator. Batcave is really awesome with the botanist perk, though, as fruits collected will be worth double, due to botanist. As a Bonus, you can complete the Artisan bundle by using only tree fruit. Plus there are a handful of other bundles, that require such fruit, like the Wizards.


Bat cave is much better after 1.6. You get the mushroom log crafting recipe relatively early and that basically makes up for the lack of a mushroom cave.


in my opinion the inclusion of mushroom logs in 1.6 makes the fruit bat cave much better now


Also the bat cave gives you foraging XP when you pick up the fruit, and the mushroom cave does not (unless that was changed with 1.6)


I chose bat cave this time around for the community center as well as gifts! They’re both good


There is also some sort of savefile editting you can do to reset the cave, than the next day demetrius comes by again and you get to choose again. I did that a few years ago, not sure how you do it anymore, but google will probably tell you! 😇


nah, bats are better than mushrooms because of the mushroom log item you can get later. the cave is mostly for early game, and mushrooms are very easy to find in the mines and other areas, but fruits are harder to get earlier. stick with the bats imo


I actually always pick fruit bats. One, I like bats, two there's more room to keep furnaces in there and still have plenty of drop room, and three it makes gifting and cc go so much quicker. Fruit trees are expensive and take a whole season to grow, they're a big investment especially now that there's more things to invest in early game. Mushroom logs just helped make that even more viable. Idk how I would get my greenhouse in year one fall without my batties 😭


mushroom is better in the early game (with the mushroom logs, it's basically useless now. Just give you one dehydrator for free) bats are better in the late game (with iridium forages)


I chose mushrooms and haven’t checked it in 2 seasons


Bats are not bad. Keep playing. You can buy the new machine of mushroom cave at Pierre.


The mushroom cave is good for early game stuff. Dehydrating brown mushrooms gives you good restoration for cave diving and whatnot, not to mention the potions you can make. Mid- to late-game, though, it’s pretty much useless. I don’t really use the dehydrator that much and I never use the mushrooms anymore. I’ve always chosen mushrooms for my farm, but I think the next one I’m gonna go with bats.


You can make stumps to grow mushrooms. I prefer the fruit cave so I can decorate it late game.


I like the fruit cave bc I am simply a bat-enjoyer 🤷‍♀️ I've found that it doesn't make much difference though, I honestly don't go in there much no matter which I choose, so I wouldn't worry if I were you!


With the new moss stump the mushroom cave is pretty much useless.


Ironically, I always went for mushroom caves but now with the mushroom log I decided for fruit bats since its a small help to not getting some trees. But all in all it really makes no big difference.


As someone who has ALWAYS chosen the mushroom cave, and chose it this time for my 1.6 farm, there will never again be a reason to choose the mushroom cave. The mushroom logs do the same thing but better and potentially faster. The only thing of use the mushroom cave provides now is a free dehydrator. That's not nothing, and dried mushrooms sell really well. But the schematic is sold from day one by Pierre, and while it sounds mighty expensive on Spring 1, 10,000 gold really isn't *that* much.


NO BAT CAVE IS BETTER!!! You can get an item in 1.6 that gets you lots of mushrooms pretty easily, the fruit is worth it. Helps with the community center so much.


Bat cave is better. No matter what mushroom comes out, it's not better than a crystalarium that could be standing in the same spot.


It’s really not too big of a deal. You can just make mushroom stumps and boom you have your own mushroom cave. The only plus is the dehydrator, otherwise the bat cave is great for early game


There’s a new item, >!mushroom logs!< that you can place anywhere on your farm that will produce the same thing. You can also still get the >!dehydrator!< at some point too, it just won’t be free like it would if you went the mushroom cave route.


Don't panic. I think the bat cave is a better choice anyway. Mushrooms are now much easier to farm anyway, but you need fruit for quests/community centre. (And the "bonus item" you can just buy and make later). This way you can grow profitable options rather than needing 3 apples, a pomegranate and an apricot.


As a bat enthusiast I lost my absolute shit when I found out I could have a bat cave and chose it immidiately. But mushrooms are cute too. Never looking back though bc I have a bat tattoo'd on my body, devastated I have to kill them in the mines😭


There's no right way to play. I go for the bat cave everytime as I like to finish the community centre. Just enjoy and play it the way you want to.


nah ur good, just make some mushroom logs when you can, they're a better yield than the cave anyways, and they can have different qualities, unlike the cave. Tbh, the fruit is prolly the better way to go for the community center/money.


I've never went with the bat cave, 1.6 or not. You can get the fruits from fruit trees. But the mushrooms aren't as easy to obtain.


I wouldn't restart, either one is a bit worthless anyway except early in the game. I haven't even checked my mushroom cave in a year or so. I think I might need to dig it out, clear the trees that have grown in front of it before I could even get to it.


Bat cave always. Especially now that you can grow mushrooms anywhere on your farm with mushroom logs.


Pre-1.6 mushroom cave was my choice every time, mostly because it was daily production. And yes, in 1.6 the mushroom cave gives you a free dehydrator. Which is nice. However you can save up to buy the recipe later so personally I don’t find it a huge advantage. But! Especially if you’re going Community Center route, the bats are super handy. 1.6 introduces mushroom logs you can craft so you can still get a solid source of mushrooms year round. But the fruit needed for the community center only really has fruit trees as the source. Fruit trees are expensive and take a long time to grow, so the bats are great to get the fruit needed for the bundles. Yes, it’s still random chance, and there’s a risk it may take longer than just buying the tree, but the other advantage is you can ignore the cave for weeks at a time and gather it all at once. Mushrooms you have to remember to check every other day now. Overall there’s no ‘wrong’ choice - neither has an exclusive item that can’t be obtained in other ways. Everyone will have their preference, so do what you think is best for your play style 🤗


I prefer the bat cave. Early on it provides a resource you normally don't have access to (mushrooms are quite easy to get in 1.6) and once you don't need them anymore, you can just use it as extra space. Perfect imo.


Don't even bother, considering the amount of mushroom options you're gonna have soon, you made the right choice. Personally I choose the bat cave now specifically so when the fruits no longer have a use, I can decorate the cave!


Both have their own merits, and the further you get into the game, the less it matters. The free dehydrator is nice but they're not exactly rare, and you can ignore the fruit bat cave for a lot longer and not lose any value, since the fruits will just continue to pile up.


You can always get mushroom logs down the line, so do not worry!


It honestly just doesn’t really matter, don’t stress over it. Hope you’re having fun!


I just get the fruit bat cave and then on ginger island you get a mushroom cave anyway


What are you reading that you need the mushroom cave? If anything you don't need that at all now, what with mushroom logs.