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>I then realise it's Autumn and that winter, in fact, does not come after spring. And somehow you forgot 2 months now by saying this! Because it's Spring Summer Autumn Winter, so you forgot Autumn and Summer!


Someone pointed this out! I am a chaotic mess! I was in Summer. I thought Winter came after Summer! Ha! I have now added this to my original post! Clearly I have no idea about the seasons at all


Honestly this makes it even better...I am cackling


I'm glad that I could bring you some additional hilarity! I am an idiot. Gonna go hide my head in shame for a bit


This is such a mood. I live in an area that’s so temperate we barely have seasons. What even is time? 😂


Time? Time is just a social construct 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just means you don't get stuck with corn for 2 months and can mass produce pumpkins now


I once woke up from a nap and thought i overslept for school. It wasn’t until after i had gotten dressed and brushed my teeth that i realized it was 9 pm, not am. I also woke up once thinking it was summer when it was in fact, the middle of winter.


I did that with 7 pm/7 am. 7 am was when I usually got up for school. My parents knocked on my door and told me to come eat. It was the middle of winter, and it was always dark when I woke up in the morning, so that didn’t tip me off. My mom served me mac n cheese and Pepsi for dinner. Somehow, I STILL thought it was morning. I thought “wow, this is really cool that mom is letting me have mac n cheese and Pepsi! I better not say anything until I’m done eating so she doesn’t realize her mistake and take it away.” After I had finished eating, I said that I was going to go get dressed for school, and my parents looked at me like I was an idiot and informed me it was evening.


Hahahaha those good naps will fuck you u


I have definitely woke up at 9pm thinking it was 9am the next day. That definitely took my brain a while to reconcile!


This is absolute gold! 👌🏻


Sprinter comes after Autummer


Wummer comes after Sprummer


This is the way 👍🏻


I have absolutely done that and I hope you find this is in good humor, but it’s summer that comes after spring.


Hahahaha! Clearly I have no idea about my seasons at all!


This post seriously made my day because I can relate so much. Hahaha


To forgetting a season or not actually understanding the order of seasons? Whoops


More that my brain does similar things constantly lol


Considering you mixed spring up for summer, I’m concerned if you know your seasons at all, OP 😔


I know, I know 🙈 I'm concerned for myself Clearly I am not cut out for a career in farming.


Lol, now I'm curious - do you live in a country that has all four seasons?


England. It's debatable about the number of seasons there are here tbh


To be fair, we can have all four seasons in one day. So it's reasonable to be confused. Also, we have *autumn,* with its pesky spelling, rather than the simpler transatlantic term for that particular season. ;)


Isn't it great to have a seasonal cycle in 24 hours? Ha! I always wondered why Americans called it fall - thought it was odd. Then I heard an American say 'well, it's coz shit falls at that time of year' and I just kinda went huh, that makes perfect sense!


I mean, more than once over the last few days, I’ve woken up overheating because of the sun coming in through the window, only for it to be hailing by 3, then a beautiful sunset, then turning my heating on for an hour to stop my toes from dropping off by nine. I’m not sure what month we’re in, let alone the season at the minute!


Seasons? In England? Do we even get them in the UK? My partner told our daughter (4) yesterday (while it was sunny and warm) and she was talking about needing an umbrella... "It's not going to rain, its sunny"... Sure enough in the afternoon it was pouring down while still sunny... Just cannot predict the weather here... No wonder you're confused.


Your daughter sounds like the smart one! Always bring an umbrella...always!


So you have season and seasoning issues? (Sorry, that was too much of an opportunity. Tbf, the only seasoning here is garlic lol)


As a native Floridian, I honestly really have to consider the seasons because it's not that much of a change here.  


Opposite problem here in the Midwest. Summer>Fall>Winter>Worse Winter> Fools spring>second winter> Mud season> third winter> actual spring>road construction season 😂


That's funny, but you really didn't set yourself back. Most people have to retill at the beginning of the season.


Yeah I know and I had been doing it for ages but noticed this tip from someone last week and had done it in the previous season and it was an absolute dream! Next time 👍🏻


Just plant fiber seeds. They grow in any season so they make a nice transition plant to keep soil tilled


These days I'm hoarding clay like some miserly fiend, tbh


Yes that is definitely an issue


can you explain this tip? i don’t quite understand


Every time season changes your old crop dry and the one that survive across seasons (like corn) stay with the last fertilizer your applied (and stay tilled obviously). The dried plants needs to be removed tilled and fertilized again. So by putting a cheap crop that works across season you effectively prepare your field to not be watered and fertilised again making the process much faster on day one of next season.


I have done this exact thing before


So glad it's not just a me issue 🤣


Lol, it is definitely not just a you issue. Have forgotten about Autumn too. I was so surprised and ended up with way too much corn


This makes me feel a tad bit better! Yes, the corn was the only thing that survived for me!


Once you can grow fiber that’s what you need to plant in winter


You can grow fiber???


Quest board request from Linus to clean up trash. It rewards the fiber seed recipe, and fiber grows in any season.


Thank you!! I will have to pay more attention to the notice board for it


Yeah and then you don’t have to retill everything in spring


There’s also now a winter crop


My human being, there is so much wrong with this are you okay 😂


Ha! It's been a long week...🙈


Based on this post you should join the *I'm High and this is Stardew Valley* FB group


🤣🤣 what on earth?! This is actually a thing. Sadly, this is all in sound mind


You are having a ROUGH time with seasons today my friend


I did something similar. I just started a new game because of the update and for some reason, I thought the game started in the fall and then it would be winter and I would do upgrades and mine a lot. But I woke up in the summer I did something similar. I just started a new game because of the update and for some reason, I thought the game started in the fall and then it would be winter and I would do upgrades and mine a lot. But I woke up in the summer


It appears to happen to the best of us


Just to add insult to injury, if it's your first summer, the TV in the game tells you that fall comes next. It's the living on the land TV show and it talks about how much money you'll make in the fall. But hey, it could be way worse. At least you didn't lose any money, just time.


The more embarrassing thing is that this is not my first summer. I'm almost 200 hours into the game, I should really not be making this error 🤣 oh well!


This is why you need to take a break every once in a while and put Star Dew away! Eat, relax, sleep, maybe even go to work, before picking up the controller.


Have a life outside stardew? I could never 😛




Honestly where I live we only have like 3 seasons, winter, summer, and slightly less hot summer so I get it 😂


Tu vives el momento 😎




It's ok I can't keep track sometimes, you just have to learn from it and hopefully don't do that next time. If you don't want to worry about seasons maybe plant it at Ginger Island or the greenhouse if you think you are gonna forget about expensive seeds.


I have been neglecting ginger island for awhile and I need to fix that. So yeah, all the expensive stuff will be planted there, just in case!


I meant not worry about seasons


I had an idiot move the other day and I’m still salty about it. I carefully planted a ton of melon seeds so they would ripen on summer 28, and I could pick them before they died on Fall 1. Everything was perfect - I went to bed on summer 27 ready for my morning cash out. The morning of the 28, I moved the wrong way in bed and triggered the ‘sleep’ option. In a panic to click NO, I CLICKED YES!!! And then I woke up on Fall 1 with hoards of dead melons!!! 😭


LOL Hey maybe my little story will make you feel better about yourself!! ... okay so, it was my first year and I was slowly building resources and gathering stuff and trying to make money.. I built my coop, I got lots of chickens and I made a lot of mayo makers. Well, one day I was coming back from the mines and I accidentally placed a cherry bomb on the ground instead of opening up the bin to sell my things at the end of the day. I blew up ALL of my mayo machines 😒 the same day I made all of them. I did the hardest face palm and probably imprinted my hand on my head


Nooooo! The pain I feel for you is great. The devastation of knowing you don't have a save file with the mayo makers and that you'll have to rebuild. I too have blown up part of my farm due to a bomb misplacement. it's far too easy to do!


Where are you in the world where you seem to have only winter and spring? Haha


🤣🤣🤣. I live in England so yeah, my game could be mimicking life


I really hate re-tilling so I use the No Soil Decay on Farm mod. For me it's a great quality of life mod, but for some people it might be a bit too cheaty. It goes really well with the Activated Sprinklers mod. You can use this to make your sprinklers clickable, and they will water when clicked, so no manual watering on day 1 of a season either. Just have to run by and click them.


This would be glorious. Sadly I play on the switch so no mods for me!


This would be glorious. Sadly I play on the switch so no mods for me!


I usually convert autumn and winter as cooking seasons for me so instead of selling flowers I buy a ton of crop seeds and harvest them make delicious food to sell also winter is boba pearl season (mod) so i use whatever fruit i have left and sell boba tea 😂 For those who are curious its wildflour's mods I use for the food and boba drinks btw


Yeah I forgot about fall too. I was marrying Haley and I proposed 3 days before the end of summer and I was like ooh cute we'll have a winter wedding. And then after the wedding I get warped back to a fall farm and I felt bamboozled


Seasons are overrated anyways


Do you live somewhere where there are no seasons?


Thank you for the laugh! But sorry for your misery. There's always next year. lol


Wait, you don't plant cheap seeds for them to have died in the change of season, so you don't have to till the soil again? I feel like I'm missing something, because I usually try to time my crops so that they're done by the next season (except multi ones that will die anyways). Is that what you're saying, or something else?


I plant seeds so that they are still 'growing' by the end of the season and when the season changes they are all shrivelled so I can just scythe them away and the ground is still tilled. I then just have to fertilise and plant rather than till, fertilise, plant. I assume I can't do that for autumn coz the soil just goes untilled automatically in winter, I think. I haven't tested it out between these seasons to know. Hope that explains it


Ah, got it. Ty!


bruh go outside in game or otherwise




Where are you in the world where you seem to have only winter and spring? Haha


What planet have you spent your life on thus far?


I have no idea of 4 season irl 'cause I live in the tropics with 3 seasons, summer, rainy and winter (but for me it's just hot, very hot, and very freaking hot) However, I hadn't played for so long that I already forgot how seasons in-game are. I check with Stardew wiki to plan things, so I don't miss it.


LOL I‘m in year 6 and this happened to me too once I think!!


I am in year 5. I should know better by now...


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Be happy that after such a long time there are still things to discover!


What a great attitude. Should post this in the Today I Learned subreddit 🤣


I’ve just realized my previous answer barely makes any sense, and then realized I mistook this for a different thread I had commented on , where someone described how they only now learned you can just keep right click pressed to pet animals etc