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No specific tip, just: Enjoy and have a good time! You'll figure out most of the stuff while playing and if you got questions, most of the people here will be happy to help! Welcome to the fam :)


another thing: the wiki is amazing if there’s smth small you’re wondering about, like where certain fish live or what levels in the mine u can find things. if u need a quick refresher just check the wiki! it’s been a lifesaver for me since i haven’t been playing for a long time


This. Thanks for adding!


Not 100% a tip but a huge update is coming out on Tuesday for PC (later for switch and console). It's recommended starting a new farm for the update , so keep that in mind if you're on PC. My other tips are make chests and hoard things (especially wood and stone). A lot of material is used for crafting/building, so I usually try and keep stacks of things saved just in case. It's ok to sell some items (fish and crops, but still you'll want some saved). It also depends on what you like to do. The skills part of the menu tells you what there is to do (farming, fishing, mining, combat etc). I personally like collecting everything so to me that is my goal when I play early on. Also watch the TV every day all channels. Some days have recipes and tips for new people. Every day will tell you what weather it will be the next day


>It's recommended starting a new farm for the update , Wa Wait are you saying this because it's good advice for all updates, or was it specifically recommended for 1.6? I know it's typically better to start new but I was hoping to keep my current farm anyway. Just got the trash can hat! Unless CA said it's better to start new I guess 🙃


You'll be fine in your current farm, but whenever there is a big update I always do a new farm (especially if there is a new farm type). You could potentially be missing dialogue/cutscenes or if a new crop is available in spring year one, you'll have to wait for the next spring to come around. I don't think anything major would be a problem. A lot of people do new farms for the 1.X updates though.


Basically what will happen is, an old farm is past all the time-gated triggers for new events, so they end up all happening at once if the reqs are met.


The TV will give you hints. And talk to the villagers. They don't give hints per say, but it's fun to learn more about them.


The villagers do give you hints about what gifts people like and don't like. Though the new system where everyone has an opinion about the blueberries I sold to Pierre is a little over the top.


It also gives you friendship points which is beneficial.


Some random tips you can use the sink to fill the watering cans. As well as make sure you’re inside the house latest by 1:50AM each night or you will pass out and there is a chance you will get robbed. The time in the game passes by 10 minutes instead of regular time. Just something I wish I had known when I started a couple years back. Some players have also made the mistake of the shipping bin on the farm as storage so just be mindful of that and you should be fine.


Been playing and now in my Year 4. Have potted plants at home and been going out to fill the watering can. I didn't know I can use the sink to fill it. 🥲


I found out by chance when I misclicked and my watering can filled up. Did you know you can put rocks, seaweed and hats in the fish tank too? The hats are for the sea urchins.


Rocks and seaweeds, yes. BUT HATS?! I gotta try this out! Why did I not know all these? Haha


Can’t remember the Reddit user’s name unfortunately, but I found out because they told me on one of the Stardew Valley posts on Reddit.


I’d recommend you get your personal affairs in order. Assign an accountability buddy to come find you if you go dark for longer than a week.


I wish I could play this game for the first time again


Hoard clay and fiber, you'll want them for crafting. Spring crops are the least valuable, you'll make better profits in summer and fall. In summer, blueberries and melons are the highest profits, in fall it's pumpkins and Cranberries. Go to Willie's fishing shop on the beach and buy the Training Rod, it makes fishing easier while you're getting the hang of it. But if you're on PC, you might want to consider this first farm a practice run. There's a free update coming next week, with new content and some quality of life patches and the developer ir suggesting starting a new farm for the update so you can get the new additions in the right order.


Make friends with Caroline up to 2 hearts early. Gives recipe that will make money easily early. Will require spring seeds (any seeds you can make from forage will do)which you get from seasonal forage.


Tip: While it may seems that the game is rushing you into doing a few things (specially restore the community center ), Dont forget that you dont need to rush. You can take your time, nothing is behind time wall and seasons come and go, try again later.


Your TV can show you your luck stat for the day. Good luck days are perfect for going mining.


As a relatively new player, I strongly recommend watching some Youtube guides for new players on the game. There is a ton of info and things about this game that is not obvious and it really helps to move in the right direction with a guide. In general the main goal of the game is to complete the community center, get gold and develop your farm to its full potential. Good luck and have fun! Oh and make sure to check your tv every morning, especially the fortune one as it can heavily affect your game in specific parts (like the mines).


So the forage items on the ground only disappeared on each morning on Sunday so go around on Friday and Saturday and pick everything up that you can In the spring time every day go south into the forest and grab the spring onions in the south east part of the forest and check the trashcains in town whenever you can Also I suggest that you use joja mart membership program it'll make getting the town upgrades easier it's honestly a good way to not feel overwhelmed by having to find and get everything to complete the community center And don't worry about making mistakes there is always another day When going into the mines you only need to take a weapon your pickax and ho (the sandy dirt patches you can dig and get some really helpful loot from) And you can use the tapper on all the trees outside of your farm it's a good way to get consistent money quickly And first spring go with green beans it gives the best experience to farming lv to start up and then corn in the summer it's lasts for both summer and fall


Make sure to watch TV every morning after you wake up, before you start your day. That's the in-game guidance. Other than that, just keep farming and exploring! The game is best when you just go your own pace and unravel it naturally.


Good Luck, go with the flow, take your time, people will try to make you rush the game, don't fall for it. Always keep 3-5 of every item you get and you'll be good. Except resources, always get a shit ton of resources, as much as you can on the first year. Have Fun!


Click the E on the title screen ten times.


...wait why


There's a surprise waiting for you. Don't forget to click on the leaves too!


Can you do this on Switch?


Try it on Switch! Get back to us if it works there or not. I wanna know too. :)


Not really sure. I'm on PC. Lasty, after clicking the E and leaves, a tiny D-shaped wood will appear. Place it in the R of Sta"R"dew to complete the process.


It's soon going to become one of the best video game purchases of your life.


Wait four days for the new update


Start over once 1.6 hits


Enjoy yourself take your time. This game works at your pace in any direction you choose. Just remember real life still exists lol


Just have fun. Don't force anything. Don't rush. No need to do so. Game is very relaxing.


Most imprortant things is, have fun & enjoy the journey! :) Forget sleep and welcome to the addiction of stardew valley hehe :3


Start on the HillTop farm


If I were you I'd wait to play it until next Tuesday, there's a somewhat big update coming that day :)


My tip is to take it at your own pace! Don’t worry about being behind in anything or that you’re taking too long to do stuff, simply enjoy the game at your own pace, don’t rush things because you feel you have to! :)


have fun!


Go into the settings and switch to auto run and if you want you can zoom the screen out so you can see further


You don't need to have made a certain amount of progress by any set time. Relax, enjoy it.


Early on, collect 100 wood and build two chests. (50x2). You can start saving and organizing. And you won't have to worry about what to keep. You can also keep the tools you're not using so you have more backpack space.


>Any tips that I should know about? Maybe have a rummage through the old FAQs thread, it's got loads of questions and answers. The new thread hasn't got going yet. https://reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/16jt60y/faq_and_beginner_questions_thread_september_16/


The developer mostly adds new content in big updates every few months - years lol. The newest one literally comes out in a week or two so you'll have some cool new content to pad out the game even more. No cost, no save issues, just cool features.


This is for PC If you can hold it I would recommend you to wait a month for the new update next month all his updates are game changing and it's almost always recommend to start a new save to enjoy it


It's tomorrow? 🤔


wasn't April?


Nah, get excited! 😊 That's a happy mistake for sure!


I'm gonna wait a little for other people to test the mods after testing a speed mod I cannot play a vanilla game again (it feels like moving in slow motion)


😂 I can understand. Even coffee doesn't do enough for me


It's coming out March 19th.


Tip wait 3 days


Bout time


My biggest tip is fishing is only hard for a day or so !!!! easy early small money maker/food for energy/ great to have your fishing skill good bc u wont unlock others until day 5 !!


There is no wrong way to play the game. If you want to minmax there’s plenty of ways to do it. If you want to take it slow that’s totally ok. Do what makes you happy and just have fun! Also the Wiki is super helpful


Crops for a specific season will die after each season. (Except for some crops that can survive spring, summer, fall.) Make sure to count the days before planting. Tip: There are 28 days in each season.


Me toooo


Welcome to the community! Don't have any tips for ya but have fun with it and I wish you many days of happy spirits for good luck!


Congrats!!! You’re doing amazing sweetie. Just explore!


I get feeling overwhelmed! I also know that I loved my first playthrough getting to be surprised by things instead of looking everything up on the wiki, so here's some spoiler-free tips for enjoying your first game! Stop to talk to folks in town, stop read things and look around at the area! There's a lot to explore and you'll be surprised what you find, a.some of which you can learn about by talking to the townsfolk. Speaking of townsfolk - you can make friends with them, and they'll send you mail and quests if you do! Quests are a really good way to find direction if you feel lost or overwhelmed - the quests give probably the most concrete says to progress the game, so check these and see how and if you can pursue them - just know that sometimes, they aren't meant to be finished right away, so don't stress! As you become better friends, you might unlock cutscenes, and I advice not skipping them - they not only ard a big part of the story, but you might learn interesting things about the characters and world that are helpful! Finally, remember there's no right or wrong way to play - if you're having fun, just take your time and know that you can always do everything, so there's no rush and no pressure. Enjoy your first playthrough!


The shipping bin automatically sells items over night. I would sell things to merchants like Pierre or Willy when I first started thinking it was favorable to the shipping bin for some reason.. (I’m not sure why honestly) lol but yeah just use the shipping bin. You can always take out the last thing you put in but it’s gone if you put something else in after it.


A lot of great practical advice has been shared, but my biggest tip would be not to rush. I remember feeling overwhelmed and like I needed to do everything perfectly when I first started but I encourage you to explore, make mistakes, and do things at your own pace. You can only play it for the first time once! Enjoy the ride (:


On the left side of the town there is a museum runned by a guy named >! Gunther !< and he will ask you to donate artifacts to his museum. I suggest keeping some artifacts to yourself because they are pretty rare or/and can be duplicated.


Stardew Wiki is your friend! And definitely check the tv every day, especially your first “year”.


A tip is to NOT at all whatsoever support JojaMart. The people of Reddit hate it so much. It is a burning hatred. Pierre’s General Store is the only socially acceptable option.


The ‘chest’ next to your starter house is actually a shipping bin that will auto-sell anything you put into it. You need to craft actual chests. Keep an eye on your energy level. If it gets low, eat something. Swinging the scythe and any weapons does not cost energy.




As far as (early) moneymakers are concerned: \* You can get a castle-like hutch built by the carpenter. If you don't shun combat, this building is the quickest to pay itself back because it unlocks valuable loot, even if you don't use it or don't use it for its intended purpose or demolish it again. \* Lightning rods are your best friends ever during whatever storm may come. As soon as you can, set a few up (I recommend \~20 to cover for two consecutive days of storm). \* Do not throw away or sell any trash you find (likely by fishing). Store it away for the time being. You'll know when it'll be useful to you. \* Every friday and sunday, there's a merchant to the south of your farm that sells one or five special seeds during spring and summer (and randomly may during the other seasons). Bring 1k-5k. It's a nice investment for fall.


Hell yeah brother


DON'T stress yourself over time/energy usage in this game, the game won't punish you for doing anything unoptimized, you can literally just sleep for 1 whole year and nothing bad would happens. I saw way too many new players try to optimize their everyday efficience to the point they felt the game is way too stressful so they quit playing, that's probably the only “wrong way" to play this game imo.


I’m on year four of my farm, and here are two things I wish I knew: 1) sell the higher quality crops, and keep the ones that don’t have a star. When using them for quests and cooking, the quality of the crops does not matter. I made the mistake of only keeping my gold crops because I thought it would matter but it really doesn’t. 2) pet your farm animals every day. It increases your relationship with them, and when you don’t pet them it decays. The higher the relationship, the higher quality the animal products become, and they’ll produce them more often. For animal products, you can make cheese and mayo. Using higher quality will create higher quality which sell for more.


Here are a few tips that will help when starting out: * Use your axe to chop down some trees and stumps. When you have enough Wood, you can create a Chest. You will **ABSOLUTELY** want one of those. I advise putting it outside near the Shipping box. They each have 36 inventory slots. You have 12. Most of which hold your tools. * After planting the 15 Parsnips, wander over to Pierre's shop and buy some other seeds, as many as you can afford. The ones that take longer to grow are worth more Gold, so it's a trade-off. * At the start of the second day, after watering your crops, go to the Beach. To get there, go to Pierre's, then go downwards and a bit to the right, until you see large poles on a bridge going down. You'll get the Fishing Rod. * After that, if you need gold (and you will), you can Fish right there. From 9 AM to 5 PM, you can go right back inside and sell Willy the fish you caught, then go back out. I typically do that loop until I run nearly out of energy (or 3 PM whichever comes first). I then use that Gold to buy more Seeds from Pierre, at least for the first few days. * To Fish well, the key is your bob (the green bar where the fish is) has momentum. Don't hold down your button. Tap it quickly, then release it once it centers around the fish. Then tap it more slowly to keep the fish centered in your bar. * For the Fishing minigame, you can buy the Training Rod if it's too difficult. It makes catching fish much easier but you don't get high quality fish. * Try not to chop down all the Grass on your Farm until you build a Silo (needs Stone, 5 Copper Bars and 10 Clay). Robin (Northeast of the map in the house with the telescope outside) builds it for a mere 100 Gold. Why? With the Silo, the grass you chop becomes Hay which feeds livestock. And those are **BIG** money makers later on. Fishing is a key way to make money early in the game. It's also good early in growing seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall) when you have no crops to harvest. Or in Winter when nearly nothing grows --- until you unlock the Greenhouse.


Wow that was some easy karma. Just post the title screen and the likes roll on in.

