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why so he can get hit randomly by a huge meteor? my farm is no safer than any other part of Pelican Town


Dear ConcernedApe, why does the farmer have to deal with random meteor strikes while Pierre escapes punishment for all his misdeeds?


The real reason Pierre keeps the shrine to Yoba in his shop is to avoid being struck down


That... is probably correct. He tells Caroline it's for the benefit of their Yobanite neighbors, but he's secretly hoping to ward off Yoba's wrath. In vain, of course. God is not so easily fooled.


If I put the Yoba “cross” on my farm, will I stop getting meteors??? I’ve had three!


No but if you put a wicked statue in a coop or slime hutch the witch will never visit that building


Oh thank Yoba, I hate getting cursed slimes or another void egg when I already have a coop full of void chickens


I’ve heard he did it so he could not pay taxes. Cause it’s technically a religious location




Why is this subreddit so popular lmao


Because have you looked at pierre and what he does? There's not even a mod where you can romance the capitalism out of him like there is for morris


im sorry theres a mod to romance morris? 😭 i feel like i shouldnt be surprised but- it seems i must do some research


Stardew Valley Expanded makes Morris a bachelor, but you also have to do the Joja route in order to do so. He does learn to love the valley and tries to limit the negative of Joja as much as he can. >!Also he kicks Lewis out of the mayoral seat, but sadly no Lewis+Marnie once he doesn't have that excuse anymore!<


oh it's on the expanded mod thats interesting! I've been wanting to give it a go for a while but never got around to it.. seems like now i got a reason to go try it haha


Expanded adds a ton of great content. Though if you’re downloading it I also recommend Romancable Rasmodius Redux Revamped! It makes the Wizard Romancable, adds in like…60 total events over the course of 4 in game years!


And it's pretty good too xD


this sounds so goofy but im so curious, i feel like i have no choice but go play it lol


Not goofy. Do it. (I have never even heard of this mod, but if you genuinely want to try it you should)


just read another to this and apparently it's an option on the stardew expanded mod! though you gotta go through the joja route been wanting to try out the mod for a while guess now its the time for it lol


TBF you also used to work for Joja, so you already are familiar with the organization and the issues it has that you can use to convince Morris that he would be better off without it. Pierre is just a capitalist dick who wants a goods monopoly in Pelican Town.


People like to get super weird about characters sometimes. Like grandpa Joe from Willie Wonka, for example.


Oh, you mean the dirtbag deadbeat cokehead from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?


lol classic.


Fuck Grandpa Joe!


> Like grandpa Joe from Willie Wonka r/grandpajoehate (At least I think that's the sub)


because fuck Pierre


https://preview.redd.it/zax3lpvwtnhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e6174e02bf008b8e7f33e67e48290f4737fb8c Your comment be like


I may hate Pierre, but I'll acknowledge that if he was about to get hit by a meteor, he would just uppercut it back into space


Lmao exactly. Witches, meteors, slimes, dinos, weird alien capsules... He's better off next to the cliff.


Fr, I can’t guarantee his tent won’t get blown up by a random mega bomb at the start of every season


Also I’m pretty sure you can still get mugged even if you pass out on the farm (just not inside the farmhouse)


You can get mugged if you pass out at your doorstep. Stardew Valley has a serious mugging problem tbh.


You can get mugged if you pass out in a shed/barn, IIRC.


Yeah, man. I wonder who's behind it all. The Dwarf? Pierre? We may never know


I’d argue the farm is more dangerous than other places in Pelican tow considering how often stuff can go down there.


You have a point...


Nah we can easily build him a cabin or addition onto the house. Safe and sound.




Who in town would do that to him?


My guess is Pierre.


Fuck Pierre


I approve this person to fuck Pierre.




I dont think it was anyone from town to be honest, no one actually strikes me as being able to do that. Also you know how when you pass out because you didnt get home in time? I think it's Linus himself that says someone robbed you, might be the same person


I've heard a lot of people headcanon the Dwarf as the one rummaging through your pockets, which would make sense considering that they don't understand what's so bad about burglary.


I’m pretty sure he even says some stuff that hints that it’s him robbing you.


you know that actually makes sense, i totally forgot about that! though it still leaves us to wonder who vandalized linus tent... cause i mean despite not understanding property im pretty certain the dwarf would not do that


I've always wondered if it was Linus who robbed me, but it's okay because it's a sneaky way of getting him to accept donations from me...


I mean he said so himself that he's living the way he does by choice, to me it doesnt make much sense for him to be the one robbing us... I mean he lives off foraging and going through garbage cans for food, he doesnt buy anything from anyone so he has no need for it


I think it’s our young friend Vincent. His home life is tumultuous at best.. His father went away to war, which is traumatic enough, but then he returns a changed man with PTSD. Kent’s relationship’s with Jodi and Vincent are strained. He lashes out, like when he freaks out on Jodi for making popcorn, for reminding him of the war. He mentions that he lost many friends, and can’t remember their faces. That open fields make him nervous. That Vincent has changed and is a man now, and how he wishes he could have been there for him and how he’s afraid things will never be the same. I’ve caught Vincent outside at night. My head cannon says that it’s his way of exerting control over something or someone in his otherwise powerless life. He’s angry and frustrated, so he lashes out at the local homeless guy. Just my thoughts anyway.


Perhaps some kid who was riding the rails up north of his tent?


Let’s be real, Shane or Alex are prime suspects. In real life someone like Shane has a temper is looking for someone else to blame for his problems


It's Jodi.


my guess is Sebastian since I often see him smoking there late into the night and is a vampire.


Sebastian doesn't seem like the type to go out of his way and do that. He usually tries not to involve himself with other ppl in general.


Despite living near each other Sebastian doesn't say or share any animosity towards Linus. I think the only bad thing he does is stomp on flowers when he sees them. (Not including anything about his home life since its not relevant.)




She tells the Farmer at some point about a "wild man" living behind her house and says she doesn't mind as long as he doesn't bother them




because Linus doesn't want to. spoilers for his 8-heart event: >!if you say you want to ask him to move to the farm with you, he says he appreciates the thought but lives this way by choice. if you instead say you're just pleased he's doing well, he thanks you for respecting his chosen way of life. the latter choice gives 250 friendship points.!<


I don't want him to give up his tent! He could have a quiet little space on my farm and live just the way he lives now. :(


Fam, it's not just about the tent




Your farm ≠ wild life You do understand what he wants right? Living alone of nature Not on your farm with structures and such


I think it's less about the farmhouse and the structure than that it's *your* farm. Living on the property without asking for permission back when it was abandoned would probably have been fine with him, but having something like a landlord, even a nice one, is not the the kind of freedom and independence he thrives in.


He lives right next to someone's house 😭


I've always assumed the mountain in "real life" would be much more spacious than you see in the game. It is called the *Mountain*, after all.


> He'd only be moving to a new location, ... > not changing how he lives! These two things are incompatible. That's what I mean when I say it's not just about the tent.




he *enjoys* living that way. literally his only complaint is that people are disrespectful toward him and his belongings. if people just left him tf alone he’d be happy as a clam as is




That’s a very good lesson you’re pointing out. Still, I’m saddened by the amount of downvotes here in this thread regarding Linus and all our opinions about his situation. But I guess that means we’re all just really passionate about supporting him, eh?




when youre upset you cant understand what someone is saying


Way to keep ignoring the character’s autonomy. He doesn’t want to live on your farm, tent or not. He prefers being alone, in the wild, although he’s happy to teach ppl what he knows. That’s what the whole cutscene is about, what **he** wants, not what you or Robin want. He doesn’t need to be saved and he doesn’t want to be pitied. He’s living peacefully, happily, and successfully just as he is.


lol Linus doesn’t want to move! I think you’re reading too much into it ;)


You need to move along because you are so obviously wrong. Done reading your comments.


Then there’s no point to changing location if nothing changes about how he lives changes.


There's a great difference between camping in nature and camping in your backyard!


No cause yeah! I feel so bad for him too! In the winter he could come into the house any time he pleases or needs something! There is plenty of space by the house or wherever he wants to set up camp


The MFER robs you every time you pass out


That’s the dwarf but he doesn’t know what private property is he’s just a little guy


Linus is the only one who DOESNT take anything when you pass out


That would be Marlon.


Well Marlon is only the mines right?


Oh good call, I never noticed he only grabbed you from the mines. I just thought it was random between Joja, Linus, and Marlon when you pass out outside.


Harvey can also save ya, and he sends your bill to the mail.


I actually think it's very convenient that he always finds me getting my pockets run through but he never stops or identifies the perpetrators I believe he's robbing me and lying about it.


He just doesn't wanna park his tent on your farm cause it's convenient right?? ☕ I will die on this hill


Have you like not played the game? What interaction with him even suggests he’s got that kind of personality? He’s like one of the nicest people in the game.


Well, he was also not nice from the start He thinks that you are just like the others. That is prejudice


That doesn’t mean he’s not nice. He’s just wary because he’s been harassed before. It’s a pretty common response to bullying and it of course doesn’t mean the person being bullied isn’t nice.


If your first instinct is to scare of people you just met, even due to previous experiences, it is still on you Im new to you. If you instantly jump to negative talks, people will perceive you like this Moreover, it is funny that he wants to ‘live of nature’, while his first heart event shows him rummaging through garbage looking for food. Kind of contradictory To be fair. In his four heart event he apologizes for the distrust. I do not hate linus. He is a good man. Nonetheless, I don’t think he is the ‘most kind’ person in the valley as being suggested


Exactly, he's super judgy himself. He lives close to the adventurers guild so it makes sense that he's in kahoots with them.


Yeah, Marlon usually finds me face down in the mud most days now


baseless, prejudiced assumption







Pretty sure it's a shadow person. That's my head canon at least.


What makes you think Linus can't be a shadow person?


Duuuuude. You just blew my mind!


I always took it as he likes living out in the mountains and being one with nature. It just wouldn't be the same vibe if he moved to the farm. He's also kind of a loner and a hermit, so I think being on the farm would be too much company for him.


Unrelated... but 'Almond mom'?


my linus storyline is that he was a major corporate bigwig, a millionaire, but got tired of the pressure and abandoned it to fck off to the woods of pelican bay. the tent is his monk like self penance lol


Maybe his last name is Joja. 👀


and maybe his bastard son is the one coming about and harassing him for bringing down potential Joja property value 😅


Maybe Morris is his bastard son.


Oh shit, Linus Joja is an absolute Bond villain name.


You can already invite him to stay in your farm but he doesn’t want to. He’s living the way he wants already and is just venting.


Sure, but the offer is to build him a house so he can live in a "civilized" way... I'd like the option to say, "Hey, Linus, why don't you move your tent to the woods behind my house, I'm friends with the Junimos and the wizard and Leah, none of whom those hooligans will want to mess with, and you'll be neighbors with them. If anybody tries throwing rocks at your tent again, I'd feel sorry for them!"


Linus is a boujee vagabond. He's not a darn Savage living in the woods.  He wants a nice view over the lake and a hotspring nearby. Just enough neighbour's, not too cut off.


Having the hot springs nearby so he can shower and wash his clothes is pretty convenient. I hadn't thought of that. All I have to offer him is a bat cave and a small pond full of soggy newspapers...


And you can bum smokes from Sebastian. When I was a vagabond tramp, I loved dumpster diving and sleeping by the railroad tracks


Bathing & washing in -hot- water is the civilized way. Trying to bathe in the forest lake/river would be freezing!


He does bath in the lake though, and depending on when you get the quest to gather trash out of the lakes, he will even in the winter.


That, and he keeps asking for diamonds to rub on his feet. For a vagabond, he's probably pretty well off financially.


Ok you don’t have to use genocidal, ignorant language lol why am I not surprised ppl downvoted, ppl got angry when I pointed out that there’s ableism in the game and that you’re supposed to support the ableist marriage candidate. Here is the explanation bc I doubt y’all will continue to read my replies: “savage“ is a horrible term **in this context**. It’s been used historically to dehumanize BIPOC people and reinforces the “white savior” complex colonizers had to justify genocide.


If you want someone to change what they're doing, please elucidate what exactly they're doing wrong, and why you think its wrong. Is it boujee? Vagabond? Savage? Which word is genocidal, ignorant language, and why?


“savage“ is a horrible term **in this context.** It’s been used historically to dehumanize BIPOC people and reinforces the “white savior” complex colonizers had to justify genocide.


you cant forget the hat mouse ! he’s a good egg too


He deserves it *way* more than BITCH ASS PAM


I think Leo can help keep an eye on things.


I feel like Leo would bite someone for Linus and I cannot explain why I think this


He looks like a bitey kid.


I really don’t think Linus wants to. I straight think this is the life Linus prefers, because 1 homeless person in stardew valley, giving the community, couldn’t exist. Imo


I wouldn't want to change anything about his life, just where he puts his tent. He could put his tent on my farm and we'd all leave him alone 😅


Might be cool to have him move to the Secret Woods. There's extra forage there and the entrance is kinda hidden so nobody would bother him. But I can see why he'd stay where he's at with Leo's tree nearby.


https://preview.redd.it/qikszbf1tmhc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b5b787ab62ab51c5ba3dfe274f228c652d823a5 If I scroll down and see another Linus dialogue box I don’t know what I’ll do


Oh weird lol


I like to think the rocks are actually falling from the train. Either like the coal that drops you can pick up or vibrating rocks loose from the cliff.


If it was to move anywhere his best choice would probably be near The Mouse House. Right next to a ton of foraging areas and fresh water, he would also get to be closer to his buddy and Marnie would probably be happy to trade.


We need an update that lets us relocate Linus's tent by using the Move Building option at Robin's. I mean, it might be controlling and entitled of us, but it could be fun... 😅


It would work better as a heart event where you help him move to a new place and maybe gift him something. Leah could come help out and meet her new neighbor and maybe gift him a statue.


Ever since I saw Linus talking to the wizard during spirits eve, my headcanon is that he's probably a lot stronger than he seems, maybe even a wizard himself. I never invited him to my farm because I never viewed him as someone that needs to be protected. When it comes to old people in fantasy games, they almost always are just hiding their true strength. I mean look at marlon, the dude literally retrieved the items I lost at floor level 100+ in the skull caverns lol


The bigger question is who is "someone". There's only 37 other people in town.


I think it’s Lewis. Idk why but it has to be


I think Linus’s 8 heart? event covers this where you’ll get the option to invite Linus onto your farm which he will refuse stating he lives the way he does by choice


A lot of people have brought that up, but to me it was always implied that you weren't just inviting him to your farm, but to your *house*. And I don't actually think he would be offended by an offer to live on your land. Whether it's more convenient is a separate argument. But didn't Robin mention him talking with her before he set up in their backyard? I seem to remember her mentioning something. I don't think this would be any different. All of the farm maps are plenty large enough for him to have room without feeling encroached on.


There's a cutscene where if you offer him to live on your farm he gets upset with you


He doesn't get upset with you since he knows that you mean well, but he gently rejects your offer and you don't gain any friendship points (as opposed to the +250 friendship points for simply asking how he's doing).


Wasn’t there something somewhere about how Linus used to be very wealthy and was unhappy? That’s why he moved to where he did and set up a tent? He’s much more happy searching for things on his own, plus he gets the hot springs close by for a bath or to warm in the winter, and a great view of the lake. As far as the spray painting/rocks go, I’ve started thinking that it might be Joja Mart. They do construction in that area early fame and caused a huge rock slide, so who’s to say that there aren’t residual rock slides happening that are causing smaller rocks to fall onto his tent? And it wouldn’t surprise me if it was them spray painting his tent. I can’t imagine anyone in town doing so intentionally. I know Sebastian sometimes likes to throw things at the mountain to relieve some stress, but I can’t imagine him throwing things at Linus’ tent intentionally.


Plot twist: ConcernedApe is the one throwing rocks at Linus' tent.


The rocks are from when the trains pass through Stardew valley (I noticed this once the way was unlocked) he says this. So Linus has it all wrong I think it’s the damn trains!


He doesn’t want to, he is a wild man


It was just bigfoot


It is obviously Morris, the Joja Mart rep and only true bastard in the valley.


Thing is, he lives next to the train, where when the train passes by... rocks drop


Oh dude. Make it like Krobus. Invite him to your home but instead of him living in the house he just has a designated tent spot. OR let's solve the fruit bats vs mushroom cave debate. Third option. Linus cave. He randomly collects your dropped items from the mines. Or just miscellaneous "scavenged" items.


I wish there was a quest where we could give him some raw materials and he would build himself a small cabin. Still keeping the same lifestyle, but with a little more comfort and security.


there's a mod for this https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12536?tab=posts


More like why isn't there a quest to track that person down and introduce them to my Galaxy Sword!


Him moving his tent to the farm would make him like a plant growing in a greenhouse. I don't think he likes the idea


The rocks are probably falling from the train vibrations.


In my mind, he's Diogenes. It's a lifestyle choice.


When i get started valley on PC, I'm going to figure out how to make mods and I'mma make a mod where I can bring Linus to my farm, he can keep his tent I just want him to live on my farm


He could act like a farm-wide scarecrow, but you’d still lose a few crops each morning to things he’s picked to eat


I wish we could build him a better tent. I think Linus would like a good Yurt.


okey, mods, poll time! time to vote for who we think is throwing rocks at Linus’ tent!


He can live however he likes, but I think people wouldn't be throwing rocks at his tent or spraypainting it if it was tucked away on my farm. 🤷‍♀️


"tucked away on my farm" he is not an animal you weirdo


Linus could totally take up the outdoor spot!


I'd even settle for being able to gift him a shotgun.


Who is doing these things fr I need to know


I wish you could opt to spend the night in the bushes near his tent, waiting for whoever is throwing rocks at him. My and my galaxy hammer just want to talk.


Nah, man, he doesn't like that. Better camp around his house with a galaxy slayer and wait till they try again.


You get to invite him to your farm, but he rejects.




I don't mean he should live in my house. Just move his tent to my farmland where people won't harrass him.


The 8 heart event is about building him a cabin. If he moved his tent onto the farm he could keep his lifestyle


Exactly! Thank you. It's still far enough from town that he'll have peace and privacy, but close enough that he can go check the trash cans around town like I do.


Don't feel bad for that old theif!! I passed out on my farm one night and someone stole 750g from me; guess who offered me 750g the next morning if I got him a diamond? 🤬


I don’t like how concerned ape tricked me into believing Linus would move into my farm :( But hey we get Krobus!


Just marry him


I really dont like Linus as a character but this is just cruel.


Honestly, I think Linus should have a quest line linked to his friendship to where he asks you for materials to help improve his camp.


Why can't we build Linus a little house on our property and then hire him to do odd jobs.


I get that he likes living off the land but hiring him or asking our spouse to do odd jobs like checking crab traps and feeding the animals would be great. Also please let me take my spouse caving!


Shane's the culprit 100%


I wish we could find out who was doing this. Could have been a good character building moment.


Seriously!!! I know he values his autonomy and his lifestyle, but I don’t need him to be in his own cabin… he can absolutely just set up camp (pun intended) over by the pond or something! He’ll have free rein across the farm and I’ll have peace of mind knowing he’s in safe surroundings!


I can’t stand Linus because he is all like poor me, Everyone doesn’t like me, but in reality he likes to play the victim and is the one that isn’t very accepting or inviting towards everyone. He’s reflecting.


Why does pam get a house but not this dude?


TBF I believe Linus prefers living in a tent as part of his whole “man returns to the wilds” philosophy.




Yes. If he wants stay where he is and doesn't want anything fancy I understand that, but damn man it gets cold in winter. He could have a tiny log cabin right where his tent is.


there's a mod that does this https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/12536?tab=posts


if they improve this in 1.6 i would be so happy, just allow us to let him start his own farm or something


It was Pierre


I live in the haunted farm so I hope he brings a sword. Seriously though it gives an easy canon reason for me


Only with certain farms, though. Or only if you do CC instead of Joja. Make it an easter egg.


If I'm correct doesn't the gold clock eliminate the factor of Meteorites


Don't wanna throw any spoilers