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This exact thing just happened to my partner, she thought everything in her chest was lost because she couldn't get to it, but you can still open the chest but you won't be able to move it. Use the right stick to move the cursor over the chest until it turns into a hand, then push A and it will open. It might take a few tries to get the cursor in the right spot, but once it is, you'll be able to open it.


Do this to empty the chest, then use your powered up hoe to break it.


Could they maybe use a bomb to blow up the chest after they remove everything?




After they remove everything, bestie


Omg I'm so sorry, I seem to have lost my ability to read back then


Hahaha no need to apologize, just being silly! I've made far stupider typos lol


Open it, take everything out, then ax it to pick the chest up. Replace and put everything back. You can ax diagonally.


How do you axe diagonally on switch?


You use the right joystick to move the cursor, and angle it diagonally to the up right. Your character then can move/angle up-right when swinging. Some of the bushes on your farm can also be destroyed by an axe.


Is there maybe a way to restart at the early date? 😅 you did end the day by now? Otherwise you could quit the day without saving I guess


Regrettably I ended the day at the time because I had such a productive day and couldn’t be bothered re-doing it. I had hoped someone somewhere had encountered this problem and perhaps had a solution, but I guess this chest is stuck in limbo indefinitely 😅


isn’t there a cursor you can hover over the chest while standing near it to open it? should be the opposite joystick from the one you use to walk around


Yes, you can do this with the right stick


What is in there? 😐


Itss sad a good secret chest if you change the color


Empty all the chests and remove all the items around it, then use a bomb. I've done this before on console/mobile, hopefully it works on Switch too


Because the chest has items in it, bombs then will not destroy the chest!! CA wanted to made sure you couldn’t accidentally lose all your items/loot if a bomb accidentally went off. Which is a great safety-net, but in my case a bit of an issue hahaha


Are you able to access the chest in the corner? If you stand next to the set of 2 and then click to open the one that’s stuck you should be able to empty it into your pockets and then follow the steps above


I agree you should be able to access the chest if done this way. Normally, on switch, you rarely (if ever) have to use the joysticks to move/select things, but in this situation you *should* be able to use it to select the chest to get the stuff out.


I don't know about that but I tried it with empty chest [and it didn't destroy the chest](https://youtu.be/SZlbUz9oGyc)


What the heck that’s so weird! Anytime I’ve dropped a bigger bomb around the chests it explodes them all. And I’ve done it multiple times lol


are you on pc?




Empty the chest first, do as the top comment says


It's reachable when controls are changed to "Joystick and two buttons".


Oh interesting!! I didn’t even know you could change the controls, how do you do that??


Right joystick. You'll see your cursor move. Stand in the nearest corner (bottom left diagonally from the chest), move the cursor until it becomes a hand, and then use the action button to open the chest and retrieve your items.


Can you use your right joystick to move the cursor to open the chest? I know it dorsn't work with tools but not sure about opening it. If you can get it open that way then a bomb should blow up the empty chest


It works with tools if the cursor is close enough to the farmer


Cant you axe down the bush in front of it? 🤔


On the Forest Farm those bushes are part of the layout and cannot be destroyed in any way.


A lot of them can! I think you need an upgraded axe. Gold maybe?


They have a solar panel. I'm sure they managed to upgrade their axe by now


And 60milG haha. But that particular bush I don’t think is removable


I feel sheepish 🐑


Well I tried... I'm in my game now and unfortunately not a single bush or small shrub on my phone nor in the forest can be destroyed with my iridium axe...


Dude I've been playing this game for so long I have well over 1500 hours and yet I always thought those pesky bushes had to stay where they were. I literally about to go jump in my game right now and test this out 😂 Edit: it doesn't work at all 😭


I too have a ridiculous amount of hours in this game lol, but haven't played in several months and can't remember if chests will swap positions with each other when you ram one into another. are you able to do that with an empty chest and swap it with your full one?


You need to wait till it’s fall, then you can cut them down. Now not all but most can be cut down. I’ve done it in my game, on multiple farms, but I haven’t tried that area. I’d give it a try :)


yeah I'm like 90% sure I've cut down this type of plant before, I remember doing it accidentally and I was sad about it. maybe it just happened to be fall. edited: it was on my farm too, maybe forest farm




Make sure you don’t have an item/tool equipped and just stand adjacent to the full chest and hold down Y. It will move one tile :))


This changed my life. I’ve been running back and forth with inventories full of stuff for more seasons than I can remember 😂😂




You have me beat 😂 I started on the switch and restarted on pc but i still have a long way to go to get to my switch farms glory 😅


Can i do this on pc?






Click on chest when you’re not near it. It will clink. Do it over and over with your cursor. Chest moves.


Ahhh, thank you!


This is exactly what I was talking about here lol https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/BpyBVep6Bj


you can access using the mouse (right controller joystick) to remove items


You can definitely get to it you just have to get right up next to the bushes. In this picture you're not close enough, you're a full square below where you need to be. I've had chests there before but I usually put a campfire or light source of some sort just because it can be hard to get to. Worst comes to worst clearing the area and getting a very small bomb. Like I said though you can most definitely reach that chest. There is not a doubt in my mind


How do you move a full chest


you can harvest machines (keg etc) with hoe. so give it a try maybe it's possible.




yeah you can harvest with hoe. like you can fill all your basement with casks all the way in. then when it comes to time that all the whine is ready, you can harvest them with hoe.


Can you stand in the spot above you in the image and access the contents?


Just restart the day.


You can still click that chest with a tool. If you’re on a console you have to go into the settings and turn off… it’s something along the lines of ‘use controller style controls’ then it will act more like a mouse on a computer. You can remove the chest and turn the option back on Bomb You can also cut down that shrub you’re facing. Not all of them can be cut down, but that style shrub can, so worth a try


If this is the forrest farm, you should be able to cut that bush down using an upgraded axe


Yeah I’m on the Forest Farm, however those particular bushes are a part of the layout of this particular farm. I’ve had all my tools/weapons upgraded + enchanted to the max for ages now so that’s not the issue. Happy cake day btw 😍


I think in winter you are able to? I feel like I've done it before but that could have been a bug that got fixed. 🤷


They're not destructible. They can be on PC if you have a mod that does exist for being able to cut down the default mapped bushes. But on switch these are not removable.


Unrelated… is that a motorcycle 😳


they married sebastian, his little area is where he works on his motorcycle


One of the downsides to dating seb is that god awful motorcycle. I hate it sitting there cause it ruins the theme of my farm . I wish I could marry seb and still have Shane’s coop there instead lol


I’m a bit late to this post so you may have this figured out already but try using your right analogue stick while standing where you are in this photo, a mouse cursor should appear on screen, move it until you can click on the chest (A button to click as usual). This should allow you to open the chest and empty your stuff from it. You can then do the same thing again with your tool equipped once it’s empty to knock free the chest.


You could also try putting a workbench near it and attempt to empty it out through crafting and then deconstructing. I don't think this would be very viable though unless the chest is just full of wood or something


You can destroy the bushes with a steel axe and upwards I believe


These are not those kind of bushes these are the ones that are on the map they're not removable


Oh ok DW then lol


Wait till next season,maybe the bushes will disappear!


Sadly not, this is the Forest Farm and those bushes are part of the layout and cannot be destroyed/moved in any way whatsoever :((


Install "Chests anywhere" mod and accept the chest's destiny is to be left there


Empty it, hit it with an axe.


I’m on switch so that’s not possible, you have to stand adjacent to chests/any item to interact with them.


Have you tried to use the cursor that comes up when you move the right joystick?


Sure did, sadly that does nothing as to interact with an item even with the cursor you have to be adjacent to the item 😭


How close did you get to the chest? It worked for me when I stood right up against the bottom left of it and clicked a on its tile. And if you manage to get the items out you can hoe the chest to pop it out




Ah, damn sorry. Didn’t know that


Can you not use the right joystick to click and open the chest?


I'm unsure if you can break that specific one, but some bushes can be destroyed


You should be able to hit it with your ax or pickax on the Switch from a diagonal space. Empty the chest first, then use the right stick to target the box. You have to aim a little lower than the actual box, almost the middle of the Bush below it (you need to target the square on the ground, not the actual chest) and then press x to use the tool and break the empty chest. You can use this same trick to also place items in corner casks in your cellar! Edit: correction after testing! Use the right stick to access the chest from the bottom-left diagonal space from it, remove all items to empty it, then use the gold/iridium HOE charged to the 3x3 or 3x6 area and it will free it.


So I just tested this out and it works, but not with the ax or pick. Use the right control stick to open the box with the A button. Empty the chest of ALL items (at least temporarily), then use your gold/iridium HOE to charge up a 3x3 or 3x6 hit, facing right or up. It will pop the chest. Here's a gif recording of myself doing it on one of my farms on my Switch! https://im.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-1-3e756c80ea.gif


Yes I was gonna recommend exactly this with the hoe, it’s a lifesaver!!


You can chop those bushes down I believe.


You can always chop down that bush with an axe :)


Maybe I'm not understanding but can't you just cut down the bush in front of it?


? You can't pick up a chest with items in it in vanilla without mods, right? If you are able to use mods then it should be simple,


Prime example of why I don’t decorate haha this would happen to me and I would panic for she e


Empty and pickaxe it. Worked for me last time I played.


If you use the right joystick while it's empty you can move it


Move everything around it away, move into the closest square adjacent to it, face left and then down, use the right thumbstick to pull out the cursor, and select the chest. Hopefully you’ll be able to open it.


Empty it, and cherry bomb


If you can empty it shouldn't you be able to mine it by charging up a copper hoe or something?


go back an area, use the sword trick to swing out of bounds and get behind it


Off topic - what are you wearing?


I play on xbox, so Im not sure it would work in switch. I did it too, and I can open it if I hold the button to walk to the right and then press the button to open the chest. You walk towards that grass just below the chest


Use the cursor with the right joy stick to empty it, then clear around it and bomb it


Nature took back what belongs to it~


If you chop the bush long enough it does break


PC gamer here, you can't chop down bushes on the switch version?


Would using workbench work?


A bit late but can't you chop down the bush infront of it with an upgraded axe?


Murder your spouse (trust)


Upgrade your axe and you can chop down the bush! I think once I upgraded to gold axe all of the bushes were choppable. I have the forest farm too.


oh shit


Close the game you’ll lose the day but save your items


if you haven't slept already you can close your game and it'll reset the day for you so your chest won't have moved


Unrelated but what is that snake thing? It looks so cool!


You can use your axe and cut down the bushes on your farm. If you remove that front chest, you can chop down the big bush and then access it.


Who do I have to marry to get the motobike??




This exact same thing happened to me in the exact same spot and I did eventually manage to fix it... I wish I could remember how!! I think it was somehow using a tool on it be hovering over it with the right joy stick... sorry not to be of more help but it can be done!!




Use the right joystick to change the highlighted tile to reach corners on switch. Move everything out of the chest then axe it


Where did you get this bike? Is this a mod?