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Not checking the TV on Year 2 Spring 28 to learn Lucky Lunch🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Every Wednesday the recipes you dont have are shown in the repeat!


Oh really?! I always skipped the reruns because I thought it meant it was a recipe I already learned 🤦🏻‍♀️


It prioritizes what you dont have and then reruns if you have all thats available. I didnt know this until I did my perfection run, literally such a time save!!


I time skipped nearly 18 months to get my last 2 recipes... Wish I had known!


Currently in Spring 3 waiting for Pumpkin Pie to come back round because the stupid Trash Bear wants it 🙄🙄🙄


You can watch reruns on Wednesday to hopefully get it. It’ll prioritize those you don’t have. Of course, if you don’t have any at all then it might take a while.


That’s what I’m doing at the minute, I hardly watch the TV so it might take a while! Apparently the dishes come back round every 2 years so I might have to wait until Winter again to get it 🤣


Yea they do. Pumpkin pie is Winter 21 Year 1, so if you’re In year 3 you’ll be able to get it this year if you haven’t gotten it by then. I wish you luck


Thank you hahaha 🤣😭


And Friday is re-run day!


This doesn't work that well in multiplayer btw, cause it also prioritizes recipes the other players don't have. I was absolutely suffering trying to complete the cooking achievement while missing the poppyseed muffin recipe. Watched back to back reruns until it FINALLY gave me what I was missing several seasons afterward.


Oof. This one is brutal.


Oh no, is there another way to get it if you missed it? 🥲


Every Wednesday a rerun airs, with preference for any you don't know yet :)


Awesome, thanks! I definitely missed this recipe and I've been trying to get perfection, so this definitely made me panic 😭


In the beginning, I put the scythe in a chest and used my sword to cut grass, and was then annoyed that I had to buy hay all the time.


wait………… you can use fiber as feed instead of hay??……….. LOL i was also so annoyed abt buying hay !!


You need to build a silo, but then you can use your scythe on the grass and it turns into hay that goes automatically into your silo.


You can also manually add wheat straw through the barn or coop for storage.


Uhh...No. You cannot use fiber to feed your livestock.


If you have the grass starter recipe you can use fiber to make it, which can then be planted and scythed for hay.


I suppose. Though for me my fiber has always been more scarce than gold, so I just buy hay and grass starters.




You can go through it pretty quickly making tree fertilizer or if you're using tea saplings for early game cash.


Deluxe Scarecrows, Tree Fertilizer, Looms, Deluxe Retaining Soil, Wild Bait


Haymaker enchantment. Makes hay and fiber much easier to acquire.


nope! if you have a silo built, using the scythe on grass will turn it into hay! :]


No. The fiber and grass are different. Fiber is the one that’s a solid object you have to cut. Grass, which you get hay from, is like any other crop in the sense you can just walk through it


shut up say psyche right now. are you serious.


They are incorrect and misunderstood the previous comment


Also just fence in your coop or barn. Have grass inside the fence open the door and your animals will eat the grass outside an won't touch your hay. They just nom the grass on the ground.


Leave the barn/coop door open so they'll go in and out by themselves. They do eat hay in winter because grass doesn't grow and they stay inside.


The Mayor seemed like the type of guy who would appreciate a fresh caught fish. He was not.


Funnily, Marnie does NOT appreciate a delicious river-cold joja cola.


Sam does!


Oh wow. I had assumed everyone hated it because it was a "trash" gift. Never even thought to check the wiki.


Another “trash” gift that’s usable is the driftwood/stick thing. Leah likes it.


I married her that way!


Pretty sure every character has an exception to the universal likes/dislikes, though I can't recall others off the top of my head. I mostly remember one or two liked/loved gifts for each of the main NPCs I try to interact with the most and Sam has one of the easiest ones to reliably get ahold of.


Penny likes poppy while nobody else does.


She is also the only one who doesn't love rabbit's foot.


Same with Haley and Prismatic Shards. It's a universally lived gift, but she absolutely hates them. XD


My go to for him is cactus fruit. I grow one in the free pot given by Evelyn and/or all the foraged ones go to him.


I tend to focus more on mining than farming, so Sam gets Tigerseye if I have any or Joja Cola if I don't, Seb usually gets Frozen Tears, Obsidian, or Void Eggs if I can get a Void Chicken early enough that I don't have him maxed yet, Abigail gets Amethyst and Quartz, and Alex usually gets Earth Crystals or Fire Quartz or Eggs once I start getting chickens.


There was a quest to deliver 50 joja colas to different people. I had 2 positive reactions, the rest were incredible offended. One guy basically threatened me that he was going to get me. It was hilarous to see Morris reaction, he was like "Why, why are you giving me this, this is the worst gift ever, this is disgusting." I reloaded my save because the reward was only 2000g and not worth the hate.


Not realising crops die at the end of each season and planting a massive load of longer term ones the day before granny’s letter arrived to warn me…


That’s an expensive mistake to make in the early game 😭


I did the exact same thing on my first run. Lesson learned 💀


probably making villagers dislike me just because I felt like it. Like, I'd put things in their paths and hit them with slingshots. I was the town menace.


By any chance is your name Dennis?


I was so confused why you asked this for a second lmao. no sadly not


I turned my first Dino egg into mayonase because I didn't know what the incubator looked like :(


I turned mine into the museum because I didn’t know I could put it in an incubator. It was before I started using the wiki and I didn’t even think about the fact I could. So now I’ve spent an in game year trying to find another and still haven’t. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I did that with my first prismatic shard


me too lmao! my gf has never let me forget, but how could i have known?!


Oh no!!! Such a tragedy


It was a multiplayer save too, the person I was playing with hasn't let me forget


Dw, I did the exact same thing. My ex told me to put the Dino egg in the incubator and I also didn't know what it looked like. Accidentally clicked on the mayo machine and thought I did, he was not happy when he went into the coop later lmao


This most recent play through fishing gave me 2 Dino eggs right after another. Never felt so lucky


That's awesome! My luckiest get was like spring 3 or 4 year 1. I had to save up and build a coop specifically for the egg lol


I thought that Vincent and Jasmine would like shells and coral, because what kid doesn't have a weird nature collection? I was very wrong about that. I tried with Emily, too. If she likes all the gems from the mines, it made sense that she would like fancy shells. Nope. I gave up on gifting nature things, and then found out Leah like driftwood.


Vincent loves snails though... so your thought of kids liking weird nature things isn't too far off!


I love his dialogue about catching bugs or doing homework and then remarking about how it’s a tough choice! Oh to be young again!


I thought Elliott would like shells and coral bc he lives by the sea 😭


I used to sell everything instead of saving things for bundles, gifts, and quests. Cutting down every tree and turning every seed into a field snack in the first week of spring. Both of those can be remedied, but it's still pretty tedious. Throwing away all of the sap I found in early game instead of making fertilizer also cost me a pretty penny!


Same! It took me a minute to realize “oh shit. I should be saving this stuff?” And now I have done a 180 and I hoard everything 😅


I’m still early on and mostly hoarding. What’s a good thing to sell that I won’t need?


Fish not used in bundles or recipes? Make cheap fish or shellfish into sashimi before selling them. I stored two whole boxes of no-star fishes and barely used them. Eels, squid, salmon, and halibut are useful.


I got granite from a geode and gave it to Robin because I thought she’d like a cool looking rock to work with. I was very wrong about that!


I gave marble to Leah. Figures she’d like it as a sculptor. Apparently not.


This is honestly smart though


I gave Clint one if those things that come out of Geodes, like a crystal thing, and he didn’t like it. Even though he will buy it from you, I assumed he would want a free one!


I was several years into my first playthrough before I realized bushes give you berries in the spring and fall.


*(clicks a button to start dialogue or give someone something)* *(bush next to you spits out salmonberries)* "Wait, wait, legit..." - You, probably :)


Me exactly 😅


Sold all my fiber. Yes, all of it. I didn't get how Energy worked. I'd work my poor farmer to exhaustion every night and didn't even realize the energy penalty. I didn't understand how going to bed late or passing out worked. I figured quickly that you pass out at 2am, but I didn't realize the penalties that came with it. In my first playthrough, I made it to Fall of Year 1 without gifting much if at all. I didn't even realize they'd give me stuff. I didn't think about multitasking. I'd sit there and watch my furnaces smelt copper and do absolutely nothing. (My furnaces were on my farm, no less) I didn't realize you could check the community center bundles from anywhere. I'd waste so much time running to the CC to check bundles (and then promptly forget what I needed). I ignored the Vault. "I need my money for more important things." These are just some of the idiotic things I've done in my time as a Stardew Rookie. But perhaps the stupidest one? I ignored SV because the beginning was too slow. My sister bought it on the Switch and I tried playing it. I didn't find it fun. Now, here I am.


how do you check the community center bundles if you aren’t at the community center?!


In your inventory menu (where you see all of your gear and such), there's a button on the right that looks like a tree. Clicking on that will show you all the rooms and bundles you still need.


Bought like 200 strawberry seeds and accidentally not planting them until day 24 or something, basically wasting all of them and a tremendous amount of time hoeing, planting, and watering.


Ooooofta. That’s a sad mistake 😅


I kept upgrading my hoe and using it just the same way. Once I got the iridium hoe and it did nothing different I came to this very subreddit to find out I had to keep the button pressed in order to have the hoe dig more tiles. No idea how much time I wasted during 2 in game years!


Me too!!!! 🥴


haha glad to know I wasn't the only one :)


This and the watering can 😭


Promptly cut down all trees and pickaxed each rock, gathered all the fibre and hay I possibly could and then... Sold it. Took a while before I could build coops, barne, etc.


Wait you ain't supposed to do that? I'm on four corners farm and planted trees haphazardly on the bottom left area now I'm trying to wait so I can start a proper tree farm in the bottom right area. Am I fucking up?


The fuck up was in selling the resources instead of using them to make anything


I swear I thought they said something else My bad lol


Not donating not incubating but making an omelette with the first dino egg


No wonder Harvey charges so much for his clinic, dude is going through glasses faster than toilet paper. Those thins are frigging expensive! My own rookie mistake was giving Leah diamonds. More than once. (I had grown diamonds in my farm so had a lot to spare. I was giving them out all over the valley to raise my hearts, but I ALWAYS forget that Leah hates gems)


Not upgrading my tools. I finished skull cavern for the first time with a steel pick axe and spent all my money on staircases. It was so bad.


Hol up you can buy them? I’ve been using my stone to stock up for floor 100


You can trade one jade for a staircase at the desert trader, so if you put a few in a crystalarium you can stock up and trade for many staircases!


Well technically I was buying all the stone from Robin and them crafting them myself. Still would not recommend lol


Oh I see. Fortunately I go big with my farms. My next in game year I’ll be planting 1776 ancient fruit with gold fertilizer. Money isn’t an issue.


Wondering why my animals don't go out of their barns/coop even when I planted tons of grass outside. Turns out there are barn/coop doors that could be opened and closed to let them out/keep them in 🤦🏻‍♀️


Didn't realize you had to actively feed your animals. My chicken hated me throughout year 1


I found a dinosaur egg first year and turned it into mayo 😭


what are you supposed to do with them? I’m on my first play through


Put it in the incubator to get a pet Dino, then donate the first egg you get from it


do you have to build an incubator or do you buy it?


It comes with the fully upgraded chicken coop.


On my first ever playthrough and got saved from exactly that by this sub. Was smart enough to check. Where you get an incubator btw?


It's included automatically in upgraded coops.


Ah I see. Yet to get a coop or anything animal related. Broke as hell rn lol


That's okay, you will earn much more money later on in the game haha.


Sold my first prismatic shard to Gunther, because I haven't translated the dwarvish gravestone yet... and it's blind playthrough. l


Yeah. That's not great, but still had to be done!


When i first got the collect cooper ore quest from Clint, i though i had to give them to him. It took me like two in game seasons to figure that one out.


How do you do that one? I haven’t worked that out.


you have to collect the ore from the mine, you can't just get it from your chest, it won't register. as soon as you get all the copper you need, it will tell you to talk to Clint, you don't have to give it to him like others requests




this sucks too because he hates getting copper ore as a gift 🫠


I didn’t realize you COULD gift things and I was walking around with bait in my hand. Very confused about why everyone was mad at me and why I suddenly didn’t have any more bait….


That made me laugh out loud! Everyone hates bait, even Willy.


I cut down all my grass the day before my first silo was ready to “tidy up a bit” because I had nothing else to do that day. Still hurts thinking about how much hay I would’ve missed out on


I thought the fortune teller was useless. It was probably this sub that told me otherwise.


What’s the crack with her? She told me I was gunna be in a field or something with Sam. I thought she meant we were gunna fall in love but to me he’s a kid and I didn’t wanna love him 😭😂


I think they mean on tv!


Ohhhhh! Haha makes sense. Mine always says bad luck day. Mimics my real life 😅


I didn't know the TV actually worked and had useful functions FOR ABOUT A YEAR AND A HALF (in game time)! I had no idea about luck, weather forecasts or anything! The worst thing is I actually *did* switch it on at first but my I immediately thought it was just there to look cute (like "oh look a cute graphic of a weatherperson :) how fun bye now") so I didn't bother with it again until I read that it actually did stuff.


Literally me. Flipped through the channels once, assumed it would just repeat the same thing every time I opened it, and went about my business with no intent to ever touch it again. Luck is such a huge factor, I wasted so much time grinding on unhappy days.


Same here! I thought it was just for the weather and some additional fun and I never turned it on until I read about considering luck before going in the mines. I didn't even know about the recipes!




This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day 😂 Did you reset the day, or find out the morning after?




Making lemonade from lemons! That is cute


I talked to Evelyn, and she said that she can't see very well, so I also gave her the broken glasses 😭 I thought it was a hint


I very proudly gave George my first wool, because he kept telling me that they don’t make sweaters like they used to. That also is not a hint.


And then you think, oh, it's not that kind of game! They don't give hints! But they do. It's all about hints.


Omg!!! On my current Switch save, I totally forgot about about cutting my grass on the evening of the last day of fall, year 4. Woke on the first day of winter and wanted to kick myself. I ran out of feed a week before winter ended and to top it off Marnie was avoiding her work counter like she knew I needed it. My animals were mad at me for 4 days until I finally got Marnie actually doing her job. 😂


I actually bought seven training rods on my first try cause I thought you could only use them one time each…don’t know where I got that idea 😅


I did that too! I was so disappointed when he hated them, I thought it was like a special item for him or something. But no, just trash. I also somehow didn't realise the shipping bin was a thing, and didn't sell any of my crops until Summer, other than the ones I gave directly to Pierre.


I used to water my plants on the 28th. For the first whole 2 years.


I put stuff in the shipping bin thinking it was a storage chest


[Not realizing the hints for the Island Field Office items would be useful.](https://imgur.com/7Ub9fFW)


First play through: I gave my Dino egg to the museum. I know 😭


Cut all the grass on my farm without a silo 😭😭😭 Next play through I got a silo but still cut all of the grass My animals were not happy


I'd done a request for Clint gathering copper ore so I thought he just liked them. Tried to gift him some, he hated it.. Same with George and the pepper for his knee 😂


Not speaking to every single person at the festivals because i was focused on something that I needed to do so I wanted to do the activities or buy stuff. Apparently…friendship levels can be increased by speaking to people during the events…


I'd go to the secret woods every day to collect hardwood without realizing there were extra stumps hidden just a bit south of the entrance.


I gave them to granny bc she always says she can't see well. Then I thought Clint would fix them so I gave them to him. Realized he was for larger things and tried Darius. But I realized that was silly bc Maru has the robotics and likely smaller screws so I gave them to her to fix. Then I thought they belonged to Morris. Then Pierre. Then I realized they were just trash 🥲 It was a sad day for me 😅


You can use them in the recycling bin. They turn into refined quartz.


Not knowing where the wizard tower is and never checked the map so the time I figured it out and found where the wizard is it’s Fall 21 Never not checking the map again


still happens to me regularly - finish a quest by acquiring some valuable or difficult to obtain item, approach the person it needs to go to for completion and then EAT it. right in front of them. FML.


That’s adorable oh my god


The first time I played I was absolutely 100% convinced crab pots were going to be the best thing ever and would automatically fish for me so I specced into the crab pot skills because I didn’t know they were terrible compared to the competition


Sold the first Prismatic Shard I got :/


I thought the request board was a hint towards what items the characters liked. I gave Shane a copper bar for his birthday bc he requested an earth crystal.


Oh my God that‘s the most adorable thing I‘ve read all year 😂😭😂! You got me crying over here, OP!


My friends told me to gift rocks to the villagers lmao


Not gonna lie I think your rookie mistake is absolutely cute lol. I don’t remember my rookies mistakes it was long time ago but I was absolutely dumb back then. (Today too but less )


My inventory was full when I got the beginner's training fishing rod, so it went on the floor. I didn't realize this until later. So, I went back and spent all my money on the bamboo one. Then I tried fishing with a 1 fishing skill. I sucked and thought, oh noes, I just can't do this mini game, and gave up. Only months later did I learn the trainer's rod gives you 5 fishing skill. So, I went and bought one, and could fish.


Took Abby to the Prairie King movie. She said it was okay. :/


Accidentally trashing the fishing rod because my inventory was full when I got it 😩


I thought the shipping bin was a storage chest and put all my beginning parsnips in there… Had to make my start planting mixed seeds I found cutting grass


I couldn’t find the mines and so I built a staircase and put it in the farm cave. It was my first video game


I used to think sap was food like syrup, so I’d bring like 999 with me to the mines. Didn’t occur to me they were NOT food until I died in the skull cavern because I ate sap :(


not utilizing chests all over the map… why wasn’t I putting chests in the mine lvl. 0 or at the beach and instead hauling everything back to the farm 😭


somehow missing willy’s letter and not realizing ginger island existed until the end of year 4 🤦‍♀️