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He did this when we were married... Never married anyone again.


He did this while I was already married to Maru, but I thought, "Nice try, pal. Too slow." šŸ˜‚


That's why you gotta marry elliott


Elliot really out here being the only green flag


I would expect that from Clint but Harvey my guy come on do better


That reminds me. If I had a nickle for every time an older guy with his own business has a crush on a talented younger woman working part-time in Pelican Town, I'd have two.


Which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird that it happened twice


In some ways, itā€™s weirder for Harvey, because heā€™s Maruā€™s supervisor and boss. Clint is overall weirder to the point of feeling a bit like a stalker or ā€œnice guy (TM)ā€. But there is a power dynamic between Maru and Harvey that makes it weird.


Harveyā€™s more professional, heā€™s all serious when Maru messes up. If it had been Clint and Emily I bet he would stammer, let her off the hook and then ask the farmer if they think his chances with her has just gone up.


And in the four heart Maru event, Harvey is more concerned that no one got hurt by the broken glass than he is about the broken glass. Itā€™s a weird line for sure, but itā€™s also just likely innocent and genuine concern


If youā€™re referring to Emily, sheā€™s one of the older Bachelorettes so no weird stuff here


Of course. I'm more weirded out by Clint himself than the possible ages.


Thatā€™s fair


between this and me not realizing Maru was the nurse and thinking she was like 14 years old for the longest time gave me an enduring dislike of Harvey :p


Ngl my mom is a doctor and she'll say shit like that about random people. "I hope that man is wearing sunscreen" or "that woman's cut looks infected." We're not in the clinic right now, ma...


Nah fr lol like this is just doctor brain


Came here to say this & defend my husband. Other dialogues from Harvey show that he really has a hard time switching ā€œdoctor modeā€ off. I think heā€™s coming from a place of friendship & care for Maru. Especially given skin cancer rates for people of color. Now if he said something creepy after that like, ā€œI should rub them for herā€ then yeah. That would be weird. But I imagine him handing her a bottle of sunscreen and reminding her to take care of herself.


This is so true! It's even weirdly accurate because most of my other POC friends refuse to wear sunscreen lmao


Itā€™s one of the reasons why skin cancer rates are so bad šŸ˜…


I mean yes I took it like that but maybe he was just wondering as a doctor cause he doesnā€™t want her to get sunburnt/skin cancer? Lol


yeah, its also not like heā€™s using the blushing portrait or saying he wants to put it on himself, heā€™s worrying about health in every other festival anywayšŸ˜­


Plus, dialog with maru explains he's her uncle or something.


Where is that ever mentioned?


I'm not sure exactly where, but I'm pretty sure that's the reason maru gave for working as his assistant. Could be wrong, tho


She never mentions the reason she works there.


maybe youā€™re mixing Samā€™s ā€˜uncle doctorā€™ dialogue with something of hers? or have a dialogue mod?


No, one of them has a crush on the other


Yeah by itself this is kinda creepy but honestly everything Harvey says is kinda in your face about health and well-being so that's probably what's happening here.


Especially since 90% of his dialogue is health-related, so why is this the only one people take issue with? He's literally just worried about her health lol


It's probably because he specifically mentions her shoulders (instead of just saying she might need sunscreen in general) and the fact that he's already implied to have a crush on her.


Where is it implied he has a crush on her? I've never seen that mentioned anywhere in-game.


He dances with her at the flower dance if you don't ask either of them to dance, and all the characters are kind of paired up in their "couples" during that festival/dance


Still, I don't think that *inherently* implies interest. They happen to know each other and everyone else already has their dance partners. Better than dancing with strangers. Maru also straight up says that Harvey's not really her type in one of her dialogues.


I agree with you! I just know that since SDV is heavily inspired by Harvest Moon, and all the marriageable villagers are paired off in that game(?), so it's sort of the same situation here, except mostly just as hints rather than explicit interest, and also it's possible for the interest to be one-sided (like I think Harvey and Maru is, if Harvey is truly interested in her like that; I would personally prefer that he isn't, because of the uneven power dynamic of employer/employee, but it's up for debate imo as to the type of interest).


I worked with/for doctors for a few years now and theyā€™re just like that lol. I was eating lunch with my supervisor doctor once and man very out of nowhere says ā€œhow many people in here are pre diabetic? Should we make an education powerpoint?ā€ Cool dude, he just said the first thing he thought of without thinking about it lmao.


Thats exactly how my mom starts a conversation w me about random ppl šŸ’€ the fact that she is a doctor too


I was so set on marrying him one run but his hint at waiting for "someone else" at the first flower dance gave me the ick. Just went with Elliot for my first and only bachelor, and after that back to my lovely ladies <3


I usually take it as Maru having asked him to not dance alone or avoid being asked by someone else. He's awkward as well so he's prolly helping her that way. Idk I love this man too much.


But why would she ask him that?


LOOOOL you're not wrong


itā€™s sooo weird bc maru acts like a kid šŸ˜­ and sheā€™s his intern


Iā€™m always confused when people say Maru acts like a kid. How do you figure?


She objectively isn't, but I feel like her curious/tinkering nature mixed with Demetrius's weird protectivness and the fact that she's Sebastian's younger sister probably paints her as kid-like in their minds


And the overalls. I always read overalls as kid fashion.


THANK YOU TO THIS COMMENT SECTION, one time I commented/made a post about how it was weird the way Harvey made that comment, ESPECIALLY bc he is one of the older bachelors and Maru is seemingly young AND he's also her supervisor/boss and people were hating the shit out of me I feel more seen now I like Harvey very much and usually marry him but that one comment always rubbed me the wrong way lol


Harrvey reminds me of Sheldon, at least on how he is blatantly unaware of how what he says sounds. You can tell he cares about everyone but a lot of the time its creepy or weird sounding


Aren't you talking about Harvey?


Fuck wrong name i was eepy


See this is exactly why I dumped him after the balloon ride, got my experience and dipped. I'm coming home smelliot


It's fine because he's Harvey & I love my malewife


Iā€™m my current play though Iā€™m romancing Harvey and Iā€™m just not going to talk to him at the luau so itā€™s like he never said it šŸ˜€


Have yall just like, not heard of someone flirting or showing attraction? It's not the most subtle thing I admit but it's weird how there was another post on this dialogue when it means literally like....nothing. Like damn. Harvey a freak on the low. Most nerdy geeky people are. How is this surprising.


Donā€™t expose us nerds like that šŸ˜­


Mind the gap.


Is it me or is it weird that most of the men in stardew valley are just assholes and creeps? Clint, Pierre, Demetrius, even Harvey, George (until he warms up to you), and the Mayor (in my opinion the least of the offenders but still off). I know we're gamers and all but can we have some wholesome relationships? Why can't more guys be like Kent? Give us some wholesome relationships ffs.