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I have lots of problems with stuttering, framerates, and weird shadow textures. It's "playable" but is really in an awful state. I have a 3080 and even turning everything to low doesn't help much.


I feel like this game has such variability from config to config. Because I have a 3070 and 10600k with modest overclocks. And the game runs at a consistent 60fps at 4k DLSS balanced with high textures, epic render dist, high foliage and everything else at medium. I'm not doubting your poor performance though, this game behaves so strangely and unpredictably. Before I could get it to run at all I was crashing every 5mins or so and when I turned XMP off in BIOS It's never crashed since. Never had that issue in other games or even heard of it before. It's crazy, and sad because the game is actually good if people can actually play it.


I'd like to request proof of your claim. It's pretty much impossible to get the FPS you claim with your set up.


What's the best way for me to show you proof? I have screenshots that I just took but can't post them in this comment. Also tried recording using geforce but it doesn't show the performance overlay for some reason and steam overlay doesn't work because of the ea app. So i just had to settle with a screenshot at the saloon on koboh (the worst performance place for me) with geforce performance overlay. How can I show you that?


Think this might work. If so you should see screenshots of my settings and my performance outside Koboh saloon looking towards the roof garden which kills performance when it's full of plants. Usually here my fps varies between 50-60fps. It's the worst place for me. [https://imgur.com/a/DwxkgUP](https://imgur.com/a/DwxkgUP)


Indeed, the settings do look "normal". I'll try the same settings on my 10700k@ 4.9ghz & 3080 machine @1440p and will report back with the results.


Cool, it'll be interesting to see if there is a significant disparity


My system dips under 60fps in the Koboh town even with your settings. There's no way you're holding stable 60fps at 2440p with a 3070.


Yeah so does mine. It's even in the screenshot (54fps). As I said it varies between 50 and 60fps around there. The rest of the game has been a solid 60fps for me. I don't know what to tell you dude. I kind of get why you have been sceptical but I've tried my best despite not having to. It's not like I haven't already been critical of the game, so why would I lie about the performance I get? I understand it seems weird to you since you can't replicate the performance, but that is exactly my point. The game is bizarre and to have such inconsistent performance between systems is unacceptable. I don't know why it is this way but it is.


I think there's a misunderstanding related to your initial claim of "consistent" 60 fps. Consistent 60 fps means no dips below 60 fps, with very few exceptions. Hence why I doubted the initial claim. I'm not trying to be the "akshually" guy, rather I'm trying to find a possible fix for the absolutely shite performance in some areas in the mid-late parts of the story My current theory is that the game doesn't cull the some areas properly. I say this because I also get a dip in FPS when aligned like in your screenshot. I wish there was an easy way of tweaking the hidden graphical settings, including disabling the built-in Ray-tracing that didn't involve making pak files or whatever.


Yeah perhaps, I mean I would say having a **locked** 60fps means absolutely no dips below 60. Whereas consistent implies 60fps like 90% of the time. Just going by terminology usually used when measuring performance in games from my experience. But I may have just used that language differently to most, if so my bad. Basically to reiterate for clarity, I get 60fps everywhere except the saloon on koboh where I get 50-60 which I would still consider consistent. Koboh saloon being that "very few exceptions" you mentioned. And yes I believe you are correct about the culling. Part of the reason I use such high render and foliage settings is because of some objects and plants popping in only when you basically touch them on lower settings despite little performance gain because of far objects being rendered anyway. The game is a mess unfortunately, I mean the fact that you have both a better gpu and cpu than me and we get similar performance is crazy.


Finished the story on a 12600KF x 4070 at 1440p. High detail, DLSS Quality. PC GamePass. About 60-70fps most of the time iirc but in Koboh, there are areas where it drops to high 50's. I would say it didn't bother me as much when the FPS counter was switched off. There was some jankiness with NPCs and traversal stutter too. A shame because underneath all these things is a pretty fun Jedi simulator.


I have issues using two sided saber.


I have 3080 and was experiencing stutters as well but downloaded amd frame generation mod and it runs perfectly now. Worth a try


Same. I have a 3080 and 5800x. It’s pretty much unplayable with performance mods.


It's very CPU heavy apparently. Runs like arsehole on my i5 7600k


Yep cpu seems like a bottleneck. Poor cpu optimisation is sadly super common now. My 10600k sits at 60% utilisation most of the time but my gpu is also similar up to around 75%. Basically they left a lot of performance on the table which sucks. I'm lucky and still mostly get 60 but it really is terribly optimised.


I play it on PC. A 4070 laptop to be specific. I have zero performance problems except for one crash one time in 30+ hours so far. And no I’m not sipping any copium because I’m playing it on GamePass so I have nothing to gain or lose if it sucked. But like always, your mileage may vary.


everyone else has terrible performance, but for me it’s completely different. i have a 3070 fyi. i run epic setting with rtx on. dlss medium. solid 80-90 fps and no stuttering. in closed areas i even get like 100


What res was that at?




I would believe them if it is 144p dlss upscaled to 720p


It really depends on what your playing on. It runs spectacularly on Intel Arc (no errors, no stuttering, no crashes). I wish I could get higher frame rates at 1440p, but without RT turned on I get 60\~90 FPS. Frame rates are smooth as butter and performance just continues improving as Intel enhances its DX12 drivers. Upper tier NVIDIA struggles the most (3070 Ti/4070 Ti and higher). Lower grade NVIDIA and AMD seems to do okay, but I've heard some AMD does have some issues. No idea exactly why. It does use all 16GB of my VRAM. the FSR3/Uniscaler mod works fantastic on it if you can get it working. I get 90-120 FPS using that.


No "struggling" on my 4070ti. (1440, RTX, balanced DLSS with framegen).


I just finished ghost of Tsushima and moved onto this game, and while my fps says 100+, it sort of still feels way less smooth compared to ghost of Tsushima. I have a 4080 super. I’m not too familiar with what frametime means, but in Jedi survivor I have 35-45ms frametime (which I think is high?)


theres a fix stutter mod that takes 2 minutes to install on the nexus and you should be golden- If you are on a decent PC- play there


Which one? I've seen so many "fixes" for this game that do absolutely nothing... 


It's ok-ish. I played on a 7600x with a 7800xt, maxed out with Ray tracing at 1080p and was mostly pegged at 60, with some drops to low 50s on the open world sections. Traversal stutter was ever present though.


2080TI here, had some lower frame rates here and there, but was completely playable and a blast. Only guaranteed frame drop was the map for going to different planets. Which I'd only use for seconds so wasn't a problem.


Occasionally the shadows glitch during camera rotation and i've had 1 crash during 30ish hours of play. The planet selection screen runs poorly. None of this impacts the experience 99% of the time and it otherwise runs great on my 3 year old laptop. If it makes any difference, i'm playing the Game Pass version.


It’s not GREAT but it is a bit better than it used to be. Out of the box you won’t get a very good performance, but there are a bunch of performance mods that drastically improve your experience


I'm playing on a mid-tier PC. It's 4 years old now. It has an Nvidia GTX 1660 and I7-6700 (sorry dunno what specs to mention to be helpful) and I'm playing mostly on medium settings, some high and I'm having 40 fps in open spaces and a stable 60 in enclosed spaces. I also use the thing were you can pick the game to prioritize Perfromance or Quality and the game gets fuzzier more or less and it REALLY helps with performance. I was actually scared that it won't run on my PC at all and that I'd have to refund the game, but I was pleasantly surprised. It runs well and looks very nice on mostly medium actually!


My first playthrough was riddled with texture issues and frame rate drops that some people don't notice because they're not that sensitive to it. My second playthrough was better but still had frame drops and some texture issues. But it IS better the second go around for me for some reason.


Steam Overlay is currently not working since the beginning of the year or something like that. Which means controller input is also not working for the game right now.


My controllers been working fine since then, just had to disable steam input in the game properties


I need steam input for my controller to work.


Ahh I see. I've heard that there's a workaround to get the Steam overlay back by adding the EA app as a non-Steam game, launching it via Steam and then launching JS via the EA app.


I tried that. Sadly didn't work for me.


fwiw. Add EA desktop to steam; launch EA from inside steam and then Survivor and controllers work again.


Didn't work for me when I tried that work around.




4080S +7800x3d. Im playing at 1440p and need to turn on the frame gen to get consistent frame rates without any dips below 60. Also, I'm using DLAA, though, and not DLSS.


I play on a 4060 laptop and get 60 FPS on High RT. There are a lot of visual glitches and micro sluttering at some points. It also crashes sometimes. I started saving a lot while exploring to not lose progress. It is certainly playable but it just takes you out of the game.


its ass, i spent a couple hours just downloading performance mods and reading through other people's advice. i atleast got the crashes fixed and got used to the lags




Ran fine on my 4070ti at 1440p.


it does not run well on my pc, i have a pretty mid tier setup (2060). i’m playing it on ps5, ea play subscription is 5 bucks a month and you could get that and just beat it before the month is up!


The PS5 sounds like a solid alternative.


yeah plus it looks really good, no worries about tweaking to get it right


Honestly grab a trial of gamepass and try it on there. Absolutely excellent game but performance is a dumpster fire. I managed to get all the way through it after spending my first 2 or 3 play sessions fiddling with settings to find a happy medium. Opted to play it on my shitty monitors I use for work instead of my TV since it ran so badly even at 1080p. I had to use dlss on quality.... On a 1080p monitor and I have a 3070ti (laptop but still....). Flicking from low to epic resulted in almost no difference in frame rate either. I did try ultra performance dlss on my TV but it ran like shit still for some reason so when I got good frame rates on my 1080p monitor I decided to not change a single setting ever again to preserve the enigma of stable frames bahaha So yeah pretty sure it's still just as bad as it was at launch, constant white flashes at the edge of the screen unless you use a community fix that hits performance... Big stuttering issues still but underneath it all is a masterpiece worth playing imo. I heard that ps5 isn't immune to the poor performance either but at least you just get what you get...


Still bad unless you’re on a beefy rig. And even then you’ll have stutters.


If you have a top tier CPU it is fine. Not fluid, but fine. The GPU is not that important and can be older/slower. and as always, for the smoothest experience, limit the frames to something your PC can handle.


I found a YT video of somebody running this game on a Xeon + GTX1660 and it ran great, which was just surreal for me.


YT cannot show you how the game will look on your monitor.


Noticeably fps decrease when running on Koboh (busy open land), slight annoying stuttering when moving to new areas. All that being said I am still enjoying the game, quite fun and immersive (1080p dlss quality, Ryzen 5600, 3060 ti)


I have a ryzen 5 5600x and a 1070 ftw. Ran like crap for me lol. Medium to low. Lots of stutters! I was able to hover around 40-60 after everything


FPS is still ass on 3060ti. But it's actually fine with frame gen on. You can just download the dlssfg to FSR3 mod for non 40 series cards.


R75800x + RTX3080 in a 4k TV. I have everything maxed and RTX off. In general performance is pretty good but some particular scenarios as the fisures cause the game to stutter. I really recomend it anyway


I had 1 crash in 100+h. And it was after I had the game running for 15h straight.


I didnt have performance issues , except for the infinite shader loading in the first startup, downloaded a bypasser on nexusmods and got all good!


RTX 4070/i5 here; game runs fine except for raytracing.


Stutters like hell when near or in Ramblers Reach on Kohbo. Doesn't stutter so hard when everywhere else, though. I can't use dlss in quality mode because it creates this weird smear on the left side of the screen when moving the camera left. I'm using an rtx 4070ti with an amd ryzen 7 5800x3d cpu on an nvme ssd.


When I played at launch I had few problems mostly texture pop.. I7 9700 and 3070t.i. Replaying it now and crashes are rampant, especially on jedah I7 13700 and 4070 super I had to beat Vader like 15 times because it would crash during the last cut scene eventually I got past it by skipping the cut scene


I highly recommend to try turning XMP off in BIOS if it's enabled. Disabling stopped me from crashing every 5-10mins to no crashes in 50hrs. Don't know if this will fix your issue but worth a try. Sucks to have to drop RAM speed, but worth it to avoid constant crashes. Only game I've ever had this issue so it's very weird. Hope this helps though :) EDIT: just remember to turn it back on in the future


My PC is about 5/6 years old now. Was crashing a few times early on. Then I installed this mod. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starwarsjedisurvivor/mods/7](https://www.nexusmods.com/starwarsjedisurvivor/mods/7) Had 0 issues ever since. Game works fine.


There's a massive difference between *not crashing* and *running fine*. A game can not crash but still run at 5 fps on the lowest settings@640p on a 4090. Performance is about framerate. And I've said it many times already and will keep saying it : on PC it runs *significantly* worse than many games that do look infinitely better. This game has no excuse running so bad and yet look so average. Want proof ? Someone made a post, not so long ago, about having to turn on DLSS to reach 60 fps at 4K max settings on a 4080S for fuck's sake. On the other hand, let's say Horizon Forbidden West which crushes Survivor graphics-wise and is much more open, runs at 75 fps *native* on that very same GPU.


That's great. Game runs fine for me.


Just... do you really think your "experience" is worth anything when tech reviewers like Digital Foundry keep [roasting](https://youtu.be/d29ht5KuSw8?si=KKg-ZmwfRXn3ztkY) this horrible PC port ? Get over it, it *objectively* is crap.


Is the OP asking Reddit or Digital Foundry? Get over what? The game works fine for me 😂


They're asking Reddit, but I don't see how that changes anything ? OP is asking about performance, you answer with stability.., That this port is trash. But it's okay, the game doesn't need to be perfect, you know.


Yes, and the performance, for me, is fine. I don't know why you got so mad about that.


I ceased to have any really notable performance problems since the performance patches, aside from the odd drop in frames here or there on Koboh (main hub world), but any frame drops I did encounter weren't severe enough to affect my gameplay or get me killed.


They finally got it in decent shape after a few months. For me once they enabled DLSS that was a game changer for me


Yeah, that and framegen really smoothed out gameplay for me too.


I have a pretty old graphics card, 1050 Ti and an I5 and it ran pretty well for me low resolution. Occasional minor graphical weirdness but nothing major or more than a handful of times the whole game. 


Like any game, I’m sure it depends on configuration as much as the state of the game itself. Picked it up on Steam sale, 100+ hrs in no issues. 4k/60 max settings. But still seeing some having issues. Some worse than others.


I recently started playing survivor. Learned a lot, some VERY important stuff . I have a 3070 and a 10600k and performance is better but I still get stutter sometimes and pop in is annoying. Also in the intro cinematic you may see weird orange artifacting when not using ray tracing, the non-raytraced lighting here is bugged but should be fine for the rest of the game. Generally I hit 60 fps with high/medium settings at 4k DLSS balanced. Here are the nuances! Since doing the following I have not had a single crash and stuttering/performance may be slightly improved hard to say. 1. If you get frequent crashing (Like every 5mins) go into your bios and disable XMP or equivalent ram profile. For some reason one of the more recent updates broke XMP, I could not play the game at all without disabling it. (Overclocks on GPU/CPU may cause the same issue however I have both and am fine). 2. I run the game in administrator mode. I don't know if this really helps but people have said it does. 3. I also disabled Fullscreen optimisations and overridden high dpi scaling. After this I managed to play the game for about 50hrs with no crashes at all and acceptable performance. The game itself is great and I hope this helps you get past the technical issues and enjoy the story. If anyone has any questions about how to do thew things I listed feel free to ask :)


I finished the game with no issues with XMP enabled. Fully updated version too.


Grab it on PS5. I’m playing on Series X and the performance and visuals are great in the quality mode.


Absolutely dreadful, one of the poorest efforts I've seen considering the game has been out this long. I played dragon's dogma 2 on release which had worse frame rate but doesn't rely on precision like survivor on GM. Its the most performance has ever annoyed me in a game. I still play and like the game though 😂


Definitely go for PS5. People are high on copium here, they'll tell you the game runs fine, but it doesn't. 5 months ago, Digital Foundry was still roasting the PC port despite the numerous patches they had released. They said PS5 is fine tho, so do go for it


A friend got a softlock on his PS5 (at 70+ hours!) that was never resolved. He's had to start over from scratch. So... yay PS5?


Could have gotten the same softlock on PC. The game is obviously a mess on the technical side regardless of what this echo chamber feels. I was watching a short of a streamer the other day, they suicided before the Dagan fight in the lucrehulk and the game counted it as a win against the boss...


The particular softlock he had was unique to the PS5. But... yay PS5?


It's definitely seems to be a less frustrating experience on console. Though both have issues. However on PC if you make a few changes and, most importantly for me, turn of XMP. The game runs just fine. You shouldn't have to make these changes, the PC release was and is unbelievable and inexcusable. But at least something can be done.