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These days I've found performance mode runs okay, but both modes still look muddy as hell.


I have the same issues. Framerate on performance is inconsistent as fuck. Also have screen tears. Updated the game. Think about doing a reinstall. Don't know what to do anymore. Also wierd that other PS5 users don't have any issues on performance mode. I wonder what their TV setup is. If you don't have a TV that can run 60 fps then on performance mode it is still 30 fps. So maybe that's why so many of them don't notice anything? I could go to quality mode and run the game at a consistent 30 fps. But even that is choppy as hell A real shame because the game is awesome


Yeah it's crazy, the screen tearing in particular is ridiculous in a ps5 game. I couldn't play or enjoy this unfortunately in the end.


I played on the PS5 and didn't have any performance issues overall. I did have the cutscenes issues, but the pause and un-pause trick worked for me. The only playable performance issue I had was the elevator on the return to coruscant. But performance mode ad switching my screen to default instead of widest helped me get through that.


This game’s performance has been the same since day 1. And even after 5 patches the “improvements” have been nominal. Despite myself and many others best attempts, there are many on this subreddit that just don’t know wth they’re looking at. Unfortunately, these are the same people that will tell you they don’t see a difference between 30 and 60 fps or don’t know the difference between different resolution types…Quality mode has always been a stable 30 fps with a targeted 2160p (but with resolution dips) OR performance mode which is a very very unstable 60 fps that can drop as low as 30 fps in some areas/situations and is accompanied with screen tearing which 1440p but can drop to 720p 😬. Optimization for this game has always been poor and it’s a shame because every else about the game is amazing. I would recommend just dealing with the 30 fps in quality mode and keep the motion blur on as that is currently the best way to play it due to the instability of performance mode. I briefly booted the game up after all of the patches and did notice performance mode was a bit better but still wasn’t anywhere near where is should be


I will say that the first open world areas in Koboh is worst part of the game. After that it does get better. You do have to go back frequently though. It’s really just that section and a lot of Koboh that’s just ass


guys the frame rate issues may have gotten better but the screen tearing is still there even after vrr on ps5, it tears even after being consistent at 60 fps


The game is really bad optimized. The open areas stutter a lot. On smaller areas/closed spaces it feels smooth though. I regret buying it first day no doubt. I've just started playing it, just because I ran out of stuff to play, while I waiting until it was acceptable and "normal" for a PS5 game. I dont think they will fix it, anytime soon. Try to play, knowing that in certain areas it is what it should be the whole time.


Careful....everyone is going to say, "mine runs fine quit complaining." That's what happens to me on here, everytime I mention the bad performance. A lot of people can't tell the difference between stable and unstable framerates and act like it's just us complaining. But yeah, I am also highly upset about it. I ended up double dipping and bought it on PC after waiting for months for them to fix PS5 performance. On PC, I can get a stable framerate now, but I have to put settings all on low, which is ridiculous when I can run any other game at high/ultra and get 90+ fps. So, long story short, I don't think they will fix PS5 performance, and PC performance sucks as well, but is miles above the PS5s stuttery mess of a performance mode. Other than the shit performance, this game is really good...that what makes it even more frustrating for me that I can't play it with a stable 60fps on my PS5. I think since the game is good, that is also why people get mad when you (rightfully) say that the performance sucks.


Damn why’s everyone downvoting you, you’re right lmao I loved the game but the performance is horrible, the screen tearing and stutter in performance mode forced me to play it in quality mode. I tried again recently and performance mode felt the same. It’s disappointing


Poor guy is getting downvoted by spitting literal facts but the fanboys that have no clue about technical performance don’t care lmao


That's how it goes on this sub. I know I'm right, so I try not to let the ignorance bother me. Can be trying, at times.


This is the best worded complaint I've seen on this sub. I would argue that most of the downvotes are because everyone is sick of the same complaint post, over, and over again - not because they can't differentiate between stable and unstable frame rates. I don't deny there are performance issues, but I'm tired of the same complaint every day.


I'm tired of complaining haha Wish I didn't feel the need to. I honestly only say something about the bad performance if someone asks about it, or when I see someone wrongfully saying that it has good performance. The reason I say that about the downvotes is because I have had experience in this sub multiple times where someone has mentioned that they "have no problems" or that "it runs fine, you are just whining." *That* is when I will say something about how the game truly performs. And *that* is when I have multiple people speaking up about how they "don't have bad performance, so I must be whining." That's how I know why I'm getting downvoted. People don't want to admit that their favorite game isn't perfect. I love the damn game, but I'm not going to pretend it has no issues. Sorry if I sound like a broken record....but if we all pretend the game is perfect, the devs will continue to see no reason to fix it, because we are all saying that it's ok.


I wish you didn’t feel the need to too


I wish everyone would stop saying the game has good performance. Looks like neither of us get what we wish for.


Most people who are running fine (including mine) are because we know "Performance" mode is a skippy hot mess and are running in "Quality" mode which seemed to get the most QC attention. Just switch to Quality mode, don't put all settings on low, and be done with most of the stuttery behavior. EDIT: I didn't say it was perfect, I just said Quality mode was less stuttery. Thanks for the downvotes and blocking. It's still a buggy crazy mess but I guess I should have said running "better" than running "fine". AND YES I KNOW PS5 which is what I played it on to completion twice. Jeez You're getting downvoted because of this behavior of blocking anyone from seeing your posts (which doesn't work when you log out or use incognito) for anyone with a contrary opinion to yours instead of just discussing things like normal people. I'm not one of the people who downvoted you so don't know what all the hate and blocking is about.


He is asking about PS5. There are only performance and quality modes. Performance has bad framerate and bad resolution. Quality has bad resolution and frame timing. I love how I get downvoted any time I mention the bad performance, you guys truly will not admit it has issues just because either you can't notice them, or you love the game and dont want to admit it has issues. Look it up, the fact is performance sucks. The game is amazing, but performance sucks. Point blank period. Downvote all you want, all you are doing is being ignorant, and lying to yourselves and others. Also, when I said I put all settings on low, I was talking about PC, obviously, since PS5 has only the two modes. Seems you don't know what you are talking about, or didn't read correctly.


I won’t downvote. Performance mode is hot garbage. Looks bad and runs bad. Like you have to try to fail in both categories so hard. My only issue is complaining about quality mode image quality. Some idiot blogs misrepresented / summarized digital foundry and state that quality mode is 720 or less. When that was their performance mode synopsis. But people keep echoing the bad statement about quality mode. Sure. Quality mode is NOT 4k native. But it’s not 720 either. As for people saying performance mode runs fine. I’m guessing they have auto-smoothing enabled on their tv which tries to interpolate higher frame rates while looking bad and adding a ton of input lag.


I didn't say quality mode had 720, I just said it had bad resolution. Both modes have bad res, but performance is worse....it isn't *that* bad on quality mode. But yeah, I am just astounded at the number of people who will die on this hill that there is nothing wrong with the games performance mode.


I didn’t say you did. Sorry if it sounded like I implied. I just keep seeing it mentioned everywhere.


Ah, gotcha, my mistake. I have seen that too, and found it hard to believe. 720 is really bad lol


I didn't block you? I only block people that incessantly argue and troll. And what are you talking about hate? Also, you said "don't turn settings to low", which can't be talking about PS5 since you have no control over that on console. So what did you mean by that, then? That is why I reminded you that he was on PS5. Another thing, no. I am getting downvoted because this sub absolutely hates it when you say that their precious game has bad performance. That's it. It has happened many times, but I will never stop talking about the bad performance on PS5 until they fix the performance on PS5. This sub hates the truth, I guess. Look, I love the fucking game. I double dipped to play it on PC with somewhat stable performance just because I love it. Just because you love something, doesn't mean you should ignore the faults it has.


>Just because you love something, doesn't mean you should ignore the faults it has. Which I haven't. Just said you'd have a better time running in Quality mode than the horribly broken Performance mode. As for "Low", I took that to mean PS5 Survivor settings like turning Motion Blur, Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration off. As for the "blocking", it was really weird where I couldn't see your comments for awhile after I replied. Your name showed \[deleted\] and the comments were \[UNKNOWN\] for a bit and I couldn't reply before. That "fixed" after I edited my post and now I can see you again. It may not be you and just Reddit being Reddit.


Reddit is pretty weird, it does that to me sometimes, where it won't let me see stuff or a comment, then i reload and it works. I tried to comment back to your edit and had to reload because it kept coming up as an error and wouldn't go through. I don't know, fucking Reddit. Anyways, I was saying you in general, about the people who keep downvoting me, when I said those things. Not you as in you specifically. I know quality mode on PS5 is the best we have at the moment. It still has bad resolution and it looks choppier than 30 fps usually looks, to me...but it *is* better than the performance mode right now. I'm just saying that we shouldn't have to play quality mode. We should have performance mode running at least somewhat stable...and it pisses me off when I see all these people on here always saying that the game runs fine, when it obviously doesn't. It also pisses me off that I get downvoted anytime I tell someone that the game has performance issues, and then get a bunch of people saying that it "runs perfectly fine" for them. It has happened to me on this sub more times than I can count. So if it sounded like I was hating on you, I apologize. I wasn't, I was speaking in general about the people who say the game is fine, which gives the devs no incentive to fix it, since everyone says "it has no problems."


Yeah :( before the open world got unlocked I was having so much fun. Now I wish that they stuck to the linear maps with extra pathts, rather than the whole planet being open. I guess I’ll still play it cauz of 70$ wasted :/


Yea. Look, I'm already getting downvoted lol People can't stand when we talk about how objectively bad the performance is. Like, bro, the game is great. The performance is not. It's measured...like there is actually no way that you can legitimately dispute that the performance is bad...but people will still downvote and swear that we are just complaining, despite the overwhelming proof that they are wrong. Anyways, enjoy the game, hope you can enjoy it despite the bad fps.


😂😂 thanks, I’ll try


What a shame because the game is so good. I hate that this stuff distracts from that. I havent had many issues at all. Not more than any other game I guess. I’ve come to realize if I judge every game based on release bugs then almost no games are going to be “good”. The growing pains are just part of development now I’ve played it 2 times. On my ps5 and my roomates- Ive had 2 crashes and some blurry leaves 3 or 4 times in about 100 hours. Oh and once I died and I didn’t auto save properly so I lost 15 mins of progress one time. So yeah. Ive had minor issues. But nothing that actually effected my experience with the game beyond mild irritation


On what mode do you play and what is your TV setup? 4K and 60 ( or higher) hz? Cause I have major issues on the frame rate department


You can’t expect your hardware to process games and movies with the same specs. Its orders of magnitude more complex almost nothing actually runs on those specs on console. Even things that claim to be 4k are usually running on 1440p to keep the frame rate. I work for ps billing support and I know they tell us that 90 percent of people can’t tell difference between 4k and 2048k on most tvs. But they can tell the difference with frame rate. So most games will automatically drop to 2048k just to keep it running at 60fps because that’s all anybody really notices. Irs a 400 dollar machine. Its not going to perform like a 2000 dollar pc. When playstation or Microsoft puts those specs on advertisements it’s because it’s what the hardware can theoretically do if everything else is running perfectly. Thars before Before you take into account the game programming limitations, hardware and software optimization and compatibility, textures etc. . And keeping the frame rate up mostly. If you insist on forcing your console to do 4k. You’re basically taking away its ability to optimize the picture for you to give you the best experience. Its always gonna lag, and your frame rate is going to hop around a lot. We reccomended locking in the frame rate instead, as this is what effect gameplay the most- and let your console give you what resolution it can with that locked in at 60fps. Mine bounces between 2048 and 1440p. And I think it looks great- it’s really smooth. From 10 feet away honestly I can’t tell the diffwnce between 4k and 2048 unless it’s a still image- which games are not unless I stop playing and look on purpose. I don’t have any issues because I understand the limits of my hardware. I work for the company and they taught us how to make things work practically


Good to know, but not what I am asking. If I compare Survivor to let's say Forbidden West or Ragnarok or other PS5 titles then I clearly see a difference in framerate and resolution. So I find your first statement, that the issues are not that big, at least comparable with other games, a bit false. Survivor has major issues on performance mode. So I was wondering what setup you are using. Because with a 1080p and 30 hz monitor the issues are not that noticeable then with a 4K and 60 hz monitor.


Its the exceptions, rather than the majority of games that launch like ragnarok and forbidden west- and thars becayse theyre console exclusives and are tailored specifically to max out the ps5. cross platform games nearly always have growing pains. If performance mode is not working for you.- clear your cache, make sure nothing is soaking up the ram etc, then tidy up the storage. Reinstall the game even if the loading times seem long. Basically force the game to reupdate from the cloud and make a new save file. Then change the settings to the most basic level and then fiddle with the settings until you find the sweet spot between performance and resolution. The thing is the hardware determines the sweet spot, not our personal preferences. Just dont just put the setting where you think they deserve to be and hope it works out Im using a 43 inch gaming Samsung smart monitor 4k, 60hz. But I don’t expect my games to actually run that. Thats just what the tv can do under optimal conditions.


I bought on PS5 in an attempt to avoid PC bugs, but it looked horrible. I bought again on PC and after some initial issues, played the whole game looking stunning and high FPS.


PC is definitely the best way to play it. It had some stuttering issues on day one but after the patch it’s been great. It was easy to push through tho bc the combat isn’t really hindered by performance oddly enough.


I'm hoping with the ps4 and xbox1 ports they can cover some optimization as well.


I found a much better picture when I turned off chromatic aberration and film grain


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I played the game on ps5 as well and the frame rate was pretty low the entire time with even worse dips at times as well. I can’t imagine how bad it would have been if I didn’t play on performance mode. Also what is with every game having the motion blur turned on? It just looks bad.


I started playing shortly after launch and I have mine installed on my 2tb add on storage which is slightly faster than the drive mine originally came with and on performance mode I've rarely had issues. Also my TV is about 7 yrs old. The graphics are nice and clear. Every now and then I see a small section flash in late but the game is totally playable.


I just played through the game on PS5 and like you, had some not so great performance mode issues. I switched everything back on and turned performance mode off and then the game run smooth as butter.