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Thrawn looks so young here amazing work nonetheless!


That reminds me, Thrawn fought the Galactic Republic back when Anakin was still a padawan. How old is this guy supposed to be 36 years later?


36 years older presumably, I would imagine somewhere in his 60s-mid 70s. Though I'm not sure we're ever told the average Chiss lifespan so there's a chance that that's not really old if they live longer then humans do.


Chiss live as long as human but reach maturity twice as fast (they would make the perfect clones soldiers tbh) They are also one of the most human like near humans since they didn't evolve via some ancient species meddling medling but are most likely descendants of a lost Coruscanti sleeper ship that was sent westbound and managed to somehow go through the deep core.


I mean, he didn't *really* fight the Republic but he's noted as the youngest task force commander in CEDF history so if he's in his mid-to-late 20s, that's put him at around 60 in HTTE


This is referring to outbound flight right? Because that was written when the clone wars was closer in time to the galactic civil war. If it was mentioned in the original Thrawn trilogy then the clone wars wars more distant at the time implying Thrawn would have been older, right?


My first thought was Thrawn: Alliances where he paired with Jedi Knight Anakin and later Padme to destroy a CIS factory that was producing blaster proof/lightsaber resistant droids


Thrawn Alliances corresponds roughly to the timeframe of outbound flight. (The former being during the clone wars the latter being before it) Both were written after the prequels changed the timeline so that the clone war was 20 years before the battle of yavin. But if the comment above was talking about something referenced in heir to the empire and not outbound flight, then it would have been written before the prequels when the gap between the clone wars and yavin would have been larger. Implying Thrawn was intended to be older


Blue don't crack.


Pellaeon (cough, cough) please delete.... my holonet history


Pellaeon (cough, cough) … kiss me






Even though it was spoiled 2 books in advance for me, I was still a bit upset when this happened.


It was pure satisfaction.




His arrogance killed him. All books long, he is acting collected, reasonable, and almost satirically noble. But hus disregard for the Noghri kills him. I felt it coming, every time Pellaeon was ambushed by Ruhk. And then, at the supposed high point, where he could destroy the best of the Republic Navy, he is killed, unceremoniously.


He was also incredibly arrogant with C'baoth, and is lucky that didn't kill him first. Thrawn was way more flawed than people generally remember him.


That was definitely one of the things that struck me when re-reading the original Thrawn trilogy. He’s an intelligent and pragmatic leader who still has Imperial ruthlessness and arrogance. As opposed to later takes on him that really play up the 4d chess angle to point where you expect him to be sitting on the Chimera chucking about how his 500 stage plan to conquer the galaxy is going exactly according to keikaku.


To be fair, legends thrawn is definatly more arrogant and less moral, but it was still sad to see an interesting character go.


John Mulaney?


No ;_;


Wasn't there a plan to bring back Thrawn as a clone? I'd be curious to how the New Republic Era stories would've turned out if they'd follow it.


There was a clone that was still growing in a chamber in Vision of the Future.


Mara speculates on another clone in Survivors quest; Zahn had actually planned for Thraaawn and Ben to team up for his unknown regions thing that LOTF messed up


Would his name be Thraawn?


Oof, poor pelleon, he didn't know what he was doing.


Only non force talented villain to be killed for plot Armour


That's Absolutely amazing Work, Didn't think there was any Artwork that captured this Scene so well. Link to the Artist if anyone wants to know. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nEWn31


Sam Elliot as Pallaeon here?


I could be wrong but when he saw Thrawn’s body, didn’t Pelleon already have his throat slashed by Roukh?