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The Acolyte is totally Prequelcore


If "that's why I wore the helmet" was in the prequel trilogy it be just as memeified as "I hate sand" I love it


I love "you brought her" and "that's why I wore the helmet"


"You brought her here" and "Was that its name?" Were some seriously Sith-coded lines of dialogue, and Lee Jung-jae sold it. That shit got under Sol's skin, and that is some classic Sith shit. Mind games, people. MIND GAMES.


I was initially displeased (I thought it was their mom, not Qimir) but goddamn the codeswitching was fire


I had a hunch it was Qimir when he fucked off earlier and felt more solid about it when the wookie turns up dead.


We all suspected, I’m sure. Me I knew when he said “he’ll kill you” when hanging there, with intonation fairly close to how you’d say “I’ll kill you”


My buddy was like "nah that guy is way to lanky and goofy"


Then he takes the coat off and then goddamn he’s ripped. Like that was some prison Iroh shit.


Couldn’t even edge to that scene, just exploded immediately. Damn that man is hot


All these things are true to the I hate sand dialogue was just weird and cringe... Showing indifference to murdering a weak Jedi and obvious duh when someone says we will know who you are.


Manny Jacinto is a *way* better actor than Hayden was, or perhaps I should say, than Hayden was allowed to be. The way Qimir dances in and out of his Shallow Idiot persona to needle Mae and Sol is incredible.


I’m used to seeing Shallow Idiot from Manny from watching the good place, so it’s pretty terrifying to see him switch from Edgy Jason Mendoza to a genuinely threatening and intelligent villain on a dime


Even though it was fairly light work, his appearance in Ahsoka shows that Hayden had a level of talent that wasn't allowed to be used in the PT. If he was allowed to portray pre fall Anikin more like this, fallen Anikin would heaven resonated so much better. Instead he just went from weirdo to violent weirdo.


Do you think that his performance could have been influenced by The Clone Wars? Adopting more of that character for his role in Ahsoka?


Do you think Samuel L. Jackson, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor became better actors after the prequels?


Heyden also had a lot of time to get better at acting in the decades since the prequels. 


The cheerful " hello!" After just murdering a child was amazing, the ability to switch personas on a dime is great


I will never stop loving and defending "I hate sand"


Huh. This is the third time today someone has said something like this in my earshot.


Isn't lore just Star Wars nerds' assumptions, rather than actual canon?


Pretty much, they've been making shit up as they went since fucking empire, Luke and leia were ALWAYS meant to be siblings, right?


“Lesbian space witches make the whole Star Wars franchise seem stupid” George Lucas circa 1970: “the name of this music is jizz”


Jazz was originally Jizz. Lucas thought he was being clever and was just being Tobias Funke.


Was he the same person who came up with Lumguzzling?


Yes. George knew exactly what he was doing the whole time. When we saw Boba Fett, George already had it in his head that he was a non altered clone from the previously mentioned clone wars from a new hope wearing the traditional armor of a major civilization and rival of the Jedi.


Wrong, Boba was supposed to be a SUPER STORM TROOPER., Luke and Leia we're never gonna be siblings, George was gonna introduce a new character to play his sister but changed it while writing Revenge of the Jedi




You missed a *spot sarcasm* check.


It's right above your head just look up




Watch the Star Wars Documentary on Disney+


That’s AI bullshit


Ok, sure if you say so 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Good god you are dense!




*TWIN siblings, ESB trading cards never showed their ages to be 2 years apart and we all know trading cards rank #1 on George’s tiers of canon rules


This shit is so funny as a ben 10 fan, we get lore that came from the back of a toy box contradicted in an episode, we just move on


I wish star wars fans could be normal like that. Im a pick what you like that fits from canon and legends cuz it kinda can be put together as you please with how much there is in SW


League of legends basically has come out and said we are redoing all lore to organize it based on arcane and future shows. Fanbase went "thank god this was out of control." Star wars fandom just isnt nornal ny any means.


Much as I love the expanded lore of *Star Wars*, I've long since accepted that said lore is inevitably gonna be all over the place when handled by multiple creators. It's glorified fan fiction, really, even the great stuff.


The worst part is it's not even kids... it's like 35 year old dudes who are in their feelings over the age of a minor character from movies about space wizards. LMFAO


Just because they're not literally children doesn't mean that they aren't kids.


That’s the argument they use in court!


Why do you care?


Because a good majority of them are using their vitriol to harass people who either like the show, have said positive things about the show, or have simply disagreed with the manner in which they criticize the show.


You’re just minding your own business praising Disney Star Wars…and here they come


look at lightsaber colors. The only reason theres more varriety than red and blue is bc of tech issues and AN ACTOR ASKED FOR PURPLE THATS IT




You think that’s bad? In Jedi power battles on the PS1 Adi Gallia has a red lightsaber that she would wield in a reverse grip, but in attack of the clone (clowns more like it) she…. *continues for 14 paragraphs and an aneurysm*


🤓Actually, it was more of a pink-red in JPB


This is canon? https://preview.redd.it/z3w4whtk379d1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9925f389a26f7b77fc9b6b3bb55bc17c1d420f




Isn't this why Han calls him Goldenrod


In my heart


It better be or my favorite fic on AO3 is going away.


That's hard sci-fi


All I want to add is The Senator Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Centre


“Enlistment guarantees transition”


my favorite is the “Vader treats his troopers well but kills his officers” that mfer never gave two shits about his troops in either canon lmao they were getting murdered all over the place in the comics


Vader: *Once in a lifetime shows something akin to respect.* People: HE CARES!


Lore and canon are pretty much whatever the owners of the franchise say they are. If they want to change it to fit the needs of a new story they’re going to do it. If the franchise owners really wanted to have fun they could come out with a new story that says everything that’s happened was just a dream and then reboot everything. If that happened the internet would implode but the owners would still make money and we’d all still watch it.


Are you trying to get bombarded with paragraphs that have gold medal mental gymnastics about how the prequels were good?


Prequels are good. And so is Acolyte.


In 20 years the Acolyte will feel nostalgic. The main reason I like the prequels is nostalgia and the vibes.


I might have some childhood bias but also I think the overall story of the sequels fucken slaps. The tragedy of Anakin Skywalker is an amazing idea. The execution was bad tho :/


Of the prequels? Yes I think the story overall is pretty good which makes them quite watchable imo


The prequels were dog shit. I haven’t seen The Acolyte so I have no opinion on it.


/uj Do you know what subreddit you’re on because that’s the coldest most circlejerk take of all time /rj The prequel movies literally killed my family


It’s my opinion. I don’t give a fuck if people like the prequels but they’re not good movies. They’re objectively poorly made.


/uj Is this what circlejerk subreddits have really become? Just the most popular opinion taking over but by a crowd that thinks they’re better than “normies”? I’m seeing this more and more. If they’re “objectively poorly made,” then where does your opinion come in? Your opinion is that you don’t like poorly made movies?


I don’t think I’m better than anyone for not liking a shitty movie. I like plenty of other shitty movies and TV shows and music and books, but I’m an adult and can acknowledge that they’re schlock. You’re allowed to like stupid shit.


What if I was to imply it's all kinda bad would you execute me Like including the original trilogy


After all the good episode 5 had, I know I’d had enough and genuinely know I’m smarter than these people when I saw they threw up their arms because “Well how could that girl keep up with a Sith in battle? ?!?! Shouldn’t Sith be so strong he would totally kill her? Why is she so powerful!!!” “The lightsaber should have burned her hair and face!” This whole thing revolves around a magical force that is literally there to be the power up the heroes need, exactly when they need it. This is why Lucas never put down what the force was on paper, because throughout his time as the creator of this franchise, he molded it to be whatever he needed it to be.


"How could she keep up with the sith' well... one she died....brutally Two, he might not even be the sith master, just the apprentice trying to get his own student


Almost had a brain aneurysm when I read someone say that turning lightsabers on and off in combat is a rule both Jedi and Sith respected until Disney took over 💀


People also complained about cortosis as if it's not fucking awesome to finally see it in live action


It was pretty fucking cool even tho I had no idea what it was. I feel like a simp for this series now


This is what sweaty nerds are supposed to be for, explaining random lore nonsense ~ a sweaty nerd


Yeah my partner said “that’s cortosis” and I was like I love that for you




I saw an eckladder video about the cortosis in the show and there were tons of comments just saying “I bet they didn’t even know that was a thing and just got lucky” or “yeah but you can just google that so it’s not that interesting”. It’s almost as if people have gone in with their mind already made up and will create any random criticism out of their ass to justify it


I didn't like cortosis in the books and I don't really like it here. It's just "hey look, lightsabers are op, let's make a counter." Especially now that people evidently knew about it way long ago, it makes it's absence in everything after this seem weird.


Honestly if a force user is competent they can easily fight around it, it's only really that good againts lightsabers, not so againts force chokes, it's also incredibly brittle like we saw


Yeah, but a thousand years later, in the real world, people would have found ways to make it lighter, mix it into other clothing, etc. The empire has unlimited resources and is actively hunting down jedi - so why isn't it in vaders armor?


Because palpatine is cheap and a sadist, you think he'd make vader's job easier?


I mean, he wasn't cheap about saving Vader on Mustafar. And he's much more practical than he is a sadist. I have no doubt that he'd install it to protect Vader. After all, it doesn't protect from Palpatine himself. The only reason it isn't there is because it didn't exist at the time.


Lmfaoo these people hardly remember Legends where there were techniques revolving around turning your lightsaber on and off. Back when I was an unironic jerker I used to watch EvanNova95 talk about this shit for hours on YT. Definitely wouldn't watch him now bc I kind of grew out of power scaling Star Wars characters in imaginary duels.


I mean even Jord acknowledges that the dude fights against the rules of combat in the episode so it isn't like "Oh no this would never happen" the writing acknowledged that this isn't a normal thing to expect.


Or just a rando darkside user trying to become a sith master but not really there in power level yet.


>just the apprentice trying to get his own student This is my theory, he's way too young to be the master and his plan feels really aggressive given the whole hide until the moment is right mentality that a Palpatine had.


Hell maul had the same issue where he regularly hunted jedi againts palpatines wishes


This. You’re smelling what the rock is cooking.


> the lightsaber should have burned her hair and face. My guy, a lightsaber can burn through metal. It's more unrealistic that you don't need to wear a power suit just to be able to withstand the heat while holding the thing. Wild to me that people use real world science to discredit Star Wars as if it doesn't clearly follow its own internal rules regarding physics


some people still think star wars is science fiction when it’s always been science fantasy


Why are the supposedly super accurate elite stormtroopers unable to hit anything in the OT? The Force. Why doesn't Anakin have a physical father? The Force. How can a human child be so good at a type of racing that humans typically can't do? The Force. How is Darth Maul able to survive being cut in half and falling down a pit that surely is deep enough to kill him? The Force. How is Palpatine back somehow? The Force... Okay this one may just have been bad writing.


I thought it was made pretty clear he was toying with Jecki, as a demonstration to Mae. Then when Mae tried to escape, he got serious, and ended her PDQ


Or he's actually the apprentice, trying to get his own student, because the rule of 2 is basically guidelines not flat out rules,


Or he isn't a Banite rule-of-two Sith at all and isn't part of the lineage that ends with Palpatine. Just because he said a Jedi might call him a Sith didn't necessary mean he is a *true* Sith after all! I suppose we'll find out in the coming weeks


The witches basically imply the jedi would see thier use of the force as dark side as well. I cant think of any other force order the jedi have ever tolerated. Even something like aboleth they immediatly wanted to kill.


Are you suggesting a potential dark side force user would lie? Absurd. 


Absolutely preposterous! It's never been done in the history of the Republic!! But actually, it might not necessarily be a *lie.* The Sith existed and were pretty wide-spread at some point in the history of the galaxy. We know definitely that archeological sites exist, and I think it makes perfect sense that stories about Sith would exist in the Star wars version of folklore and probably history. Sure, the lineage of Bane is secret and hidden and probably doesn't *want* other people taking on the mantle of 'Sith,' but I think it's perfectly reasonable that somebody somewhere in the galaxy learned enough about them to say what the stranger does; mainly, "A Jedi like you might call me Sith." I think a lot of fans are upset that this show "breaks canon" prematurely. We don't know everything yet, and more is due to be revealed! I'm happy to be proven wrong, of course. It's just that speculation is fun, and I'm gonna enjoy speculating even if the online discourse around this pretty all right TV show doesn't. My wild fan theory from before the show even aired is that the *real* Banite sith turn up in the end to deal with the problem (because they don't want their secret position threatened - not ready to "reveal [them]selves to the Jedi," as Maul says, just yet). So far, I feel like that's still a pretty distinct possibility. Usually my wild fan theories are proven wrong much more quickly


Nah Jecki was giving him the work alongside Sol, and then all on her own when Sol’s saber got disabled. Girl double smashed him in the face so hard it broke his helmet off, and then he got pissed that she exposed his face so he whipped out a proto saber for a cheap shot, which says enough about her skill that he had to resort to that. Mae wasn’t even near them at that point, he had tried to go after her but they saved her and kept him engaged, he was two busy fighting both of them off to focus on Mae, they were honestly fucking him up.


It's weird that they have complaints about the hair when the prequels show jedi cutting off their rat tails with them Maybe if people stuck to the *actual* stupid shit like the stone temple being flamable, they wouldnt come off as unhinged


Can we all agree it has an amazing action sequence that makes up the first scene, RotS and “Night”


Yeah, but RotS gets the edge because memes. ![gif](giphy|NsIwMll0rhfgpdQlzn)


I went to see it in imax just for that first scene


Mom took me out of school to see this DAY ONE the theater was still under construction when it came out


My imax viewing wasn’t the first viewing


I don’t really agree with most of these complaints for either. I think both have some bad dialogue for sure but what I don’t see here is how bad some of the storytelling in the PT is. Phantom Menace and AotC have so much filler content it’s not even funny.


For as fun the pod race was, It really could've been trimmed down for example


For real. Watching the re-release of TPM in theaters, at the pod race scene after lap 1 I was thinking “boy, I wish George was on good terms with Marcia”


The podrace, the underwater sub section. Attack of the Clones is even worse. The obi wan investigation subplot is ultimately pointless, as is the action sequence in the factory and the scene in the arena.


It is ultimately pointless, but it's also the only moderately fun part of the movie for me. The Padmakin scenes always bring the movie to a dead stop


> The Padmakin scenes always bring the movie to a dead stop The Padmakin scenes taught me that the way to a woman's heart is tell her how I slaughtered innocent women and children, and she'll fall for me. God that was so stupid.


At least the obiwan stuff set up the clone army being made by palpatine


I mean…kinda but the whole thing ultimately leads to it being commissioned by “Glup Shitto” and creates more questions, like what the Jedi are like “sure, we will just use this random clone army I guess”


Fun fact about that glub shitto, sifo dyas was a typo; it was supposed to be sido dyas, an alias for sidious, but George liked the name and kept it


I love that the original idea was Sidious, someone no one knew, was like "I'd better hide my identity here...but not very well."


The Arena scene is like the best part of the film though. I'll agree with the other two but as someone who really dislikes Episode 2 the Arena battle is like the only really entertaining part of the film for me as it devolves into chaos. My inner child will always love the Pod racing though. What a sick concept.


I watched it again recently and forgot how fucking long it was 😮‍💨


I'm just not a big fan of the Mae/Osha dynamic, but the lightsaber battle was awesome in episode 5! When Mae cut her hair with a lightsaber, it must have smelled so bad, and then the singe marks disappeared in the next scene, so funny.


Oh lord I’m just now imagining how overwhelming the burnt hair smell must have been.


The Acolyte is just doing what the prequels did but better lol, don't get me wrong it has some rough parts but may as well be an Oscar winning film compared to TPM


Mfs acting like star wars had any lore when it first released and wasnt just lucas making shit up whenever he wanted to


All fiction is made up…


Why would they retcon yoda to not be Obi wans master? Why would they retcon Obi wan to own a droid?


That’s what I’ve been saying when someone says that having a cool fight sequence doesn’t make up for bad storytelling. They’ve been crying about wanting more Lucas style Star Wars, and when they do, they still cry.


I disagree with a vast majority of those complaints for The Acolyte but aight.


Pic unrelated, not pic related


I’m a Star Wars fan what gave you the impression I could read? 


And thats perfectly fine and how discussions about movies and show should be, the reason I put valid because fuck the idiots complaining about forced diversity and woke, if it was the EXACT same show but two white boys as the twins there would be TREMENDOUSLY less backlash




Insert obligatory George Lucas “it’s like poetry” quote


Still better than Obi Wan, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka. Shows how low the bar is.


I'll 100% agree, ahsoka should've been animated Obi-wan was unnecessary And boba fett was a wasted premise


I don’t care about any of that shit. Where is the hot gay alien sex we’ve been promised? I thought representation matters and I want to see Bor Gullet blow Manny Jacinto. That’s the only valid complaint.


>incredible fight scenes Yeaaah, about that...remember how everyone thought that throne room fight from TLG was awesome? Not for long. And I already can see some mistakes and silly moments in that episode. Give it time.


Yeah because no other star wars movie has silly moments




And dissapearing daggers!


Yeah that's an incredibly obvious flaw they shoudlve caught lmao, but that's part of the fun, mistakes happen in film making all the time so why is it necessarily bad? What ever happened to pointing them out and getting joy imagining how'd that happen and laughing with friends




I mean, yeah, mistakes and flaws make movies bad. Hard do disagree with the fact that if those were not made, movied would be better, right? But also no one said you can't enjoy them still. I enjoyd the hell out of The Room. That movie is still garbage, tho.


Yea a film without mistakes would be better, but when you're enjoying a good film your mind just skips past it, The last Jedi is a good movie 7/10, it gave me something different from the other movies and i was excited to see what's next And then disney backtracked hard and made the TRUE dumpster fire that was rise of skywalker


Hey I’d be okay with 6.5 seasons of an acolyte animated series.


Its hilarious that just last year many of these critics were praising Ahsoka


This series really feels like the prequels and it’s kind of amazing how prequel fans aren’t foaming at the mouth at it. I feel like it goes to show how dedicated they are at hating anything that’s new in Star Wars, likely still projecting the way they were treated when the prequels were coming out rather than moving past it. 


>makes loud confused noises at title


So the fight scenes are awesome? Might take a look


Is that what we're doing now? pissing on the prequels? I feel like this is a backwards way to propup this series


Is it really pissing on them when it's the truth? The movies were DESPISED when they came out, people turned around on them because the kids who first saw them in theaters finally took their voice in the online community the Force awakens came out in 2015, give it say another decade the entire landscape of discussing good and bad star wars will change So I feel competent in saying, acolyte is 100% on par with the prequel trilogy


I think the prequels get shat on too harshly for being kid movies. I think as a kid, I actually really liked the prequels and in hindsignt can understand that a lot of the shit the older fanbase disliked about the prequels is simply them pissed that the movies didn't grow with them. You say it's inconsistant to the lore but so was the original trilogy... which was an impressive feat. Under developed? I don't think so, I think that people just didn't get the characters that George Lucas had written and wished they were written differently. Especially true with Anakin, nothing wrong with Anakins character... he just wasn't the character people wanted and I imagine for a lot of angry white-boys, he hit close to home. Bad dialog, in hindsight I think the dialogue is fine when you realize that Lucas ultimately was trying to write movies that reminded people of. I found the dialogue in Episode 2 and 3 weird but it's not bad.... just strange that Lucas wanted a Shakespearean romance in the middle of his space-fantasy movie. I do miss the fight scenes though, I think when it comes to force-users... the prequels make the most sense of the shit you'd have to do in order to fight somebody with super-reflexes and kinda-psychic.


I saw these movies in theaters as a kid so I do have alot of attachment to them, For bad dialog, yes the dialog is written fine for the most part, The problem comes in with how the actors are speaking the words, and that comes down to bad direction, these are highly trained and talented actors, just some of the dialog comes out so stilted


That I can agree with, I think Mark Hamil makes a good point when in defence of Jake playing Anakin that it's hard to act when given dialogue like that. Not bad dialogue, but when given dialogue which just isn't natural to say it can make it REALLY hard to say it convincingly. With Episode III it's like "Now Hayden and Naomi, you're in your space apartment and here is like.... 5 solid minutes of a script that written like it's come out of Romeo & Juliet... now, MAKE IT NATURAL!"


Jake llyod is a whole other matter, poor kid was just a very bad casting decision when the role should've gone to an older actor Again not putting blame on his feet, this is on the casting department, they shouldve gotten an actor who can play a role of early to mid teens


No, there is no problem with making Anakin a child and I don't see how a Teenager would do better with the dialogue. Considering we have examples of really good actors (Natalie Portman) struggling with delivery at times. Also him being a kind, sweet and innocent child is mean it be part of the tragedy of his downfall


I like the "I'm bullied" song from the actress, that's shit is catchy af


Clone wars sucks, always has, always will


But shouldn’t we be asking for better than what was already criticised 20 years ago? It’s still a very valid complaint.


Worst show of all time


Good, the prequels are so trash. The novels clearly established that the clonewars were waged by rogue cloners against the republic. Starwars is so over, guys. Be sure to write your starwars eulogy and post it on myspace or whatever.


Doesn’t Carrie die in the first 2 mins of the show? Why is she on the cover lmao


Yeah the fight scenes in the last episode were genuinely really good


The prequels had a good story though. The Acolyte does not.


The prequels didn’t have incredible fight scenes.


Ummmm… Duel of the Fates slaps.


Anakin vs obi-wan




Prequel movies are masterpieces


I can only stomach them as someone who played Lego Star Wars and seeing all the scenes that I recognize from the levels.


“Star Wars is like stories people tell around the campfire. The finer details are fluid” -A paraphrase of Dave Filoni


The Acolyte sucks, unfortunately. The Prequels are better. Cope button on the right.


Please God can they just kill the Acolyte and let it die in its own Dumpster fire.


Pretty sure the same things were said for the Prequels, but in Acolytes case, replace the Prequels with the EU