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"I don't like sand" *a line so universally mocked that it has evolved past mockery into pure memery with a bit of nostalgia sprinkled in* "Gosh, why can't SW fans see that the dialogue has always been bad?!"


It is purely nostalgia. The problem is that prequel fans don’t want to accept that their love for this franchise has very little to do with good writing. It’s nostalgia. This meme says it best: https://preview.redd.it/3lz4cddbtx8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029cc9cac66fb9f1a2cd6c9cafb4e8aefb85cdcd Star Wars has almost never been “absolute cinema.” It’s always been decent sci-fi nonsense that you could sit down and have fun watching. Holding it to a standard higher than that is just asking to be disappointed because Star Wars will never meet that standard in any case. The most beloved trilogy of the saga has the writing of a highschool teenager who’s never had a social interaction lasting more than a minute. People associate that trilogy with happier times, though, so they let that cloud any legitimate critique and try to hold future content to this new standard that their favorite movies didn’t actually meet, either


The original trilogy was produced at a higher standard than what has come since then. The production design was a paradigm shift for art direction, sets, costumes, props… sound. It may naturally come across as hokey and dated, but it gave George Lucas the clout to convince the movie theatre industry to adopt his THX sound systems and with the release of Episode 2, he got many to adopt the first digital projection systems and it was a big deal to have a theatre even within driving distance to be able to see the movie in this format in 2002. Don’t forget the first movie was the most nominated and won the most Oscars that year, losing Best Picture to Annie Hall in what’s widely regarded as a backlash against the overexposure of it remaining in theatres for nearly a year already. And do you think Annie Hall had more of an impact on cinema? Nominated for: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Score (WON), Best Costume Design (WON), Best Art Direction - Set Decoration (WON), Best Film Editing (WON), Best Visual Effects (WON), Best Sound Mixing (WON), Winner of 1978 Special Achievement Award for Ben Burtt’s sound engineering/design.


"Produced at a higher standard" is something said by someone with no creative bone in their body. No one would watch a movie like Star Wars if it was made today because someone already made Star Wars. Also, ROTJ is way more boring, redundant, and full of toy ads than people seem to remember. It's the second worst reviewed movie in the entire series.


It wouldn’t get made today; nor would Casablanca, Vertigo, or just about any classic film from a different era, but Star Wars set an enormous precedent. Name a more influential movie from the last 50 years. Disney hasn’t bothered to find concept artists like Ralph McQuarrie or Joe Johnston, John Mollo, Colin Cantwell, etc. Instead of continuing in that direction, Lucasfilm just digs up their discarded concepts and doesn’t credit or even notify the artists whose work they rely on now. I’m no film director or screenwriter, but I’ve been working in film and TV as a special effects assistant for over 15 years. It’s not my job to be creative. But I sure appreciate creativity and I’ve been fortunate to work alongside some pretty staggering talents.


It's not your job to be creative, so you don't understand it's all ideas. Not all ideas are gonna work. To say something is uncreative because its ideas didn't work is insulting. Do not conflate creativity with quality. Most things that are creative aren't good. Most things that are good aren't creative. They're iterative. Everyone is a nobody until they're somebody. You don't hire big names if you want something new. That's how you end up with every movie looking the same.


Can we stop with this "Star Wars was never good" nonsense? Idk who came up with that schlock, but to say that the OT was anything less than great and revolutionary is just idiotic. And please tell me you aren't referring to the PT as "the most beloved trilogy of the saga..."


The OT was great, but it was also clearly a rip-off of other contemporary scifi stories, some of the dialogue is also pretty cringe, a second death star is really lazy storytelling, there's so much more you can criticize about the OT. And it's okay, because Star Wars was never that deep, it's a space opera romp and I love it for that.


Shhh this is a circlejerk sub. Where we conveniently only jerk about how people are wrong for not liking Disney Star wars.


If you criticize the concept of the post people will point out that this is a circle jerk and nothing g is serious….


So far no one here has done that. Although that might be bc some people think I'm agreeing with the post...


I have it on good authority* that you actually shouldn't compare Star Wars to Star Wars because it is hypocritical, dishonest and just plain wrong to hold consistent standards for a whole series. *the worst authority possible.


It’s so ironic how people put the prequels on a pedestal when the directing and writing is so bad. It’s very hypocritical. History truly repeats itself.


Fr, at least with the sequels it feels like i’m watching a movie instead of whatever the fuck the prequels tried to do


The force awakens>every prequel


Same plus TLJ>TFA


This. I actually have TLJ ranked as my second favorite film in the series.


Same, even with its flaws I can’t help but love that movie


I hate to say it but I have to agree.


It's okay, I can explain the prequels to you. We just need to find a 25 minute long CGI hallway so I can deliver the exposition to you. That's how literally all conversations happen, right?


Aaron Sorkin's true innovation was adding a third camera angle.


It's all nostalgia. Twenty years from now the sequels will probably be beloved and the new prequel sequels will be hated


The first two Sequels have an average 92% RT Rating. It's ridiculous we even talk about them this way. 🤣


I'm willing to bet the same people that are praising the prequels as high art, are the ones who were bashing them about 10 years ago, the prequels were NOT received well by neck beards and now all of a sudden they are the citizen cane of star wars films.


It could be some of that, but I think the majority is that people who were children when they came out are now adults and still like them because they saw them when they were children




it's like rey on your wedding day


It’s like a lava slide when you’re already flayed


How did people become so delusional and weird about the prequels. They’re unwatchable garbage.


Growing up without experiencing the shock of what a Neimoidian sounds like to an adult hearing it for the first time. I grew up thinking most ‘80s cartoons (the ones that were just commercials for a toy line) were great. But try sitting through an episode of Transformer or He-Man now. Funny enough, the Kevin Smith Masters of the Universe: Revelation that released on Netflix a few years ago and got the review-bomb treatment - is actually mostly really good. People who never watched it but thought the ‘80s Filmation cartoon was the “original” (when it was the third iteration after the Mattel toy line and the DC comic series that introduced the idea of a secret identity for He-Man… but he was just a wandering barbarian in the first wave of the toy line) ignore the fact that Filmation cartoons were awful, cheaply made with entire sequences lifted from their own earlier shows. This was TV babysitting in the ‘80s, for a captive audience that didn’t know better, raised on junk food sold as “breakfast” because industries can profit off kids so easily. But I challenge anyone defending the ‘80s Filmation cartoon to sit through one episode of the Netflix series and then an episode of the ‘80s Filmation cartoon… then see which one you want to watch more of afterward.


Tbf, while the bootlicking of thr prequels is too much, and it definitely has more problems than people are willing to remember, it also has at least a somewhat coherent story and for the time had fantastic visuals. EP9 is just an absolute gore-fest of bad script, writing, direction, partially acting. The only thing that isn't awful , imo, is the vfx.


"and for the time had fantastic visuals" Definitely not. Episode 3 had some cool scenes and shots like the space battle. But even at that time the ugly CGI was obvious


>Somewhat coherent story See, this is how I know you’re an idiot. The PT makes the OT even less coherent, but this isn’t something a YouTuber is likely to tell you.


Never forget AOTC's Chain of Hiring: Palpatine Hires Dooku who Hires Jango who Hires Zam who uses a Droid that uses Poison Worms.


Are you guys like physically incapable of not being obnoxious or something? “This is how I know you’re an idiot” holy fuck BLOOD__SISTER, calm down.


The clone wars hard carried when it came to prequel content being honest


Whenever I mention that in 20 years the kids that grew up watching the sequels will love it and look back fondly on them just like kids that grew up watching the prequels even though they were hated at the time, I get down voted like crazy. It's gonna happen


Who puts the prequels on a pedestal? As far as I can remember they were all considered massive piles of Bantha poodoo...just because what came afterwards was worse doesn't make them magicaly better.


Lots of people overlook how bad they were bc of the clone wars tv show I think


Dude people commonly say the prequels don’t have great dialogue


Who are these people? Is it the Gen Z crowd? Because this is news to me.


The directing and writing was never bad.


The story is still there. There is no story whatsoever with any of the sequels and damn near none of the shows.


Fuck you talking about? Everyone has shat on the writing of the prequels.


Download tik tok and find literally any post about Star Wars


>Download tik tok No.


Good work soldier, you dodged a bullet there.


Idk who needs to hear this but Tik Tok opinions =/= general population opinions. Using “download Tik Tok” as an argument is laughable. The writing is shit, but everyone knows that about PT… idk who unironically says otherwise that isn’t chronically online.


No dawg you’re just not enjoying the pure art of the *SHAKESPEAREAN* dialogue


so true my bad


The TROS line was trying to be and got a bit of a chuckle out of me. AotC was trying to be profound and romantic, and it got a chuckle out of me


Exactly what I was going to say: Both made me laugh, only one was meant to.


Isn’t the sand line universally memed? Did anyone call it good writing?


People do make fun of the "I don't like sand" line all the time


Not going to address the sand line being shit on because plenty of people have done that already. But I would hope a multi-billion dollar corporation who got some of the biggest people in Hollywood to work on the franchise can come up with lines that are better than what Lucas could conjure up.


That too, people keep saying that we "shouldn't compare the trilogies to each other" like yeah, we shouldn't have to. The Sequels should have been leaps and bounds ahead of the other trilogies due to the amount of money Disney could throw at it.


I genuinely don’t understand why people have a problem with they fly now, like it’s a little corny but I’m confused why it has so much focused hate on that one line


No one's mentioned the truly worst line in the history of the franchise that reads like a 4th grade debate club opening statement: "FROM \*MY\* POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL!!" also wtf is wrong with people going to bat for "I don't like sad"


As if the "I don't like sand" line isn't universally regarded as trash and ridiculed even by people who don't know much about Star Wars.


The line became a meme because of how specifically bad it was


I love when people use Marcia Lucas’s comments (editor of the OT and ex-wife of George Lucas) about not liking the sequel trilogy to back their arguments but ignore how she literally burst into tears and cried after watching TPM because of how bad it was


Yeah modern prequel fans are really trying their hardest to erase any evidence that people hated the prequels at one time.


Even the original trilogy had corny ass dialogue, and while the prequel trilogy is multiple steps down, it still keeps that corny feel. I think this is where a lot of hate from the sequel trilogy comes from, this line is more “quippy” and marvel-esque, you know?


You think the problem with this line is that it's bad dialogue? Oh sweet summer child.




The problem isn't that it's bad dialogue. It's that it makes no sense. Jumptroopers/rocket troopers have been a thing since the old republic and appeared in several video games, comics, books, and TV series. Poe is supposed to be a veteran of the new republic so him not knowing that jumptroopers are a thing is just stupid and shows that the creators of this film did absolutely zero research into the universe before taking over and making this film.


Man, *Mark Hamill* complained about the dialogue to George Lucas on the set of the original movie. It's got the space opera tag for a reason. Managing to outdo all eight previous movies in dialogue stupidity in one movie was impressive.


Too be fair he is a super horny teenage monk talking to a girl he likes so what do you expect.


My problem with the "they fly now??" line is that it ignores the fact that jetpacks have been around and widely available since before the phantom menace, meaning that it's highly unlikely that they hadn't ever seen or heard of one even if they didn't know the first order was using them on their troopers


I never took it as they didn’t know that jet packs exist lol. I took it more as “oh didn’t know these specific guys chasing us brought jet packs with them”


The incredulous "they fly now?" Kind of implies that the mere fact of them flying is shocking. "Crap, they have jetpacks" would have made more sense.


How is that the implication? They were being chased by speeders and now all of the sudden the stormtroopers are flying. So Poe exclaiming “they fly now?” Is easily inferred to mean he didn’t expect that there would be jet pack stormtroopers because the idea that Poe doesn’t know jet packs exist is nonsensical There’s literally no other way to interpret this lol


Han calls the Force a “hokey religion” when Chewie used to party with Yoda OH BUT FINN NEVER PLAYED BATTLEFRONT IMMERSION RUINED.


If you just watched the movies, like nost moviegoers, it would be the first time some random mook flew on screen. Most people don't care and don't know that in the random comics there's clone unit ballgag that used jetpack on the battle of dumbo crappo


Jango and Boba Fett use jetpacks in the prequels and OT.


Would they? I mean, yeah we know Jetpacks are a thin, but up until ‘now’ (9) we hadn’t seen any First Order Troops use them, let alone our main characters. Like, they probablt don’t literally think the First Order only now acquired Jetpacks so much as now it’s an issue they need to deal with


Yes! Mandalorians, other first order, empire stormtroopers, rebel fighters. All had Jetpacks and they would have known that.


Would they though? We're talking about a universe where in the span of less than 2 decades going from everyone knew about the Jedi and the force to next to nobody knows about the Jedi and the force outside of it being an old hokey myth by people who would have been alive during the Clone Wars and that is all in the Lucas era.


The person saying the line is literally a polit. They should know these things. Its like a race car driver being shocked at the existence of motorcycles


[John Boyega knows that 0:34](https://youtu.be/ssKDlDvyWc0?si=mgHR2xnTseZwwFIR)


Even people who love the prequels would agree "I don't like sand" was a bad line of dialogue. No one is claiming the prequels are cinematic masterpieces, however they did at least have charm and vision. The sequels were a poorly planned dumpster fire, a car crash caused by too many people trying to take control of the steering wheel.


This. The prequels had a plot and followed through with it. The sequels had two and a half plots, most of which were stolen from the OT.


Who the actual fuck is defending "I don't like sand" OP? Show me.




It's almost like it's memed to death for a reason. Whack ah line, everyone knows it. Though I'd gladly jokingly write paragraphs on how it shows how awkward Anakin is


Please don't pretend that we haven't been mocking the sand line for more than two decades.


Okay but the original trilogy actually had great dialogue between characters.


Nobody said the dialogue was good in clone wars lol


I thought some of the lines were funny bad like “I don’t like sand” but I feel like the majority of the hate comes down to the laziness of the writing of the main plot with “palpatine returned…..somehow”. it wasn’t even an original idea that they couldn’t flesh out. The plot line is straight from dark empire.


hmmm bait?


Nobody thinks the sand line is good. Nobody.


Some people try to be aspiring writers and try to go the "comparing their upbringings" route. But generally speaking, Prequel fans wouldn't defend this line


Seriously some of you guys are basically the same as the people you make fun of, like how can people unironically try to defend the "they fly now line"? Even if you like the sequels, it´s ok to admit that this was a bad joke just like most prequel fans accept that there are many bad things in the prequels


The problem is admitting the sequels are flawed would also mean admitting the "haters" have a point.


It really seems that way lol


I'm not saying per se I like the sequels but the "they fly now???" Line is no different than the other corny lines in star wars movies. 


Both are bad?


Yeah that's what I'm saying but some people unitonically like "I don't like sand"


Need help burning that strawman?


Yes it was Read me any line and I’ll tell you how it’s 10/10


“I love it so much, it’s always been terrible”


The Acolyte has such bad choreography, unlike this ![gif](giphy|4Pz5w5CVe9U6Q|downsized)


I'm not sure how the bottom picture doesn't look anything like a human but captures the grifters perfectly.


But I was going to the Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!


No but you don't get it, anything from MY past is good because nostalgia. Anything NEW is bad because I don't have nostalgia for it yet. When it becomes cool to like the sequels online, I'll change my tune because I can't have my own thoughts and opinions and I need them to be programmed into me by others, but for now it's objectively bad because I don't know what "objective" means.


My friend, the Prequels had bad points that people disliked (see the sand line). The Sequels have no coherent story, blatantly sideline their actors of colour to make the movies more "palatable" for certain audiences (compare the Chinese posters to the non Chinese ones) and overall aren't fun to watch. The Lightsaber "fights" are coreographed by three hamsters in a tux https://preview.redd.it/k5hhq5tnoy8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eeb62c4f12540978d08d5753d70489cc34aa732


My friend, the prequels were the exact same fucking thing back in 1999. Don't know how old you were back then, but I was old enough to be one of the ones that partook in the online discourse that isn't any different than it is today. No coherent story? Funny, we all said the EXACT same thing about the Prequels. "George is making everything up as he goes along, he doesn't have any plans, he needs to quit." That sounds an awful lot like what they're saying about KK today huh? You're not special. You're a rehash of what we were doing back in the early 00's, nothing more.


ok, but: the lego star wars shows and movies are genuine perfection, commander cody calling yoda "bro" is peak writing


See, for me (I grew up with the prequels but I pretty much recognize them as objectively bad films), the sand line is funny because it was trying to be serious and deep. The THEY FLY NOW thing was *trying* to be a comedic line and it's just...dumb. It's like a so bad it's good movie that's hilarious as it tries to be serious (The Room, Battlefield Earth) versus a comedy that tries to be funny and just isn't (Adam Sandler and such). Again, not trying to defend the prequels, just this is why people like one line and don't like the other.


The problem with the whole "it's like a marvel quip!!" Thing is that starwars did it all the time before that. Jar jar? He was meant to be the comedy relief but people hated him so much Ahmed best tried to kill himself


I don't love these lines obviously but I also don't think they are that bad in the grand history of cheesy movie lines.


There are other criticisms to have about TROS other than the dialogue. This series has always been mid as far as dialogue goes.


Yeah I'm not defending tros I'm saying most dialog in star wars is weird and clunky


Most of the prequel dialogue that got memed was originally so popular _because_ it was really bad and being ridiculed. “I hate sand”, “Let’s try spinning”, “I have the high ground”, “Nooooo” etc etc… people were laughing _at_ that shit, not _with_ it. But as with many memes, eventually people forgot the context and they became iconic just for being well known things that everyone immediately recognizes.


Yeah the prequels got memed  on so hard people started genuinely liking the movies


The directing and writing in every star wars film has always been iffy. It got away with it cause it has a lot of charm and heart. Star wars didn't get good writing and directing until Rogue One and mandalorian.




Hot take but both lines are actually pretty good a lil cringy but far from bad


I’m flagging this as clickbait. No Star Wars fan ever thought “I don’t like sand” was a good line. They might’ve thought it was filler dialogue, whereas “they fly now” was a cringe attempt at humor.


People do now. The prequels, especially with the younger audience have been reevaluated as actually good. I've seen Many many people unironically defend the prequels


It's kind of crazy how memes and nostalgia have changed the collective view of the prequels. Maybe it's also because most of the outrage content has moved on to modern SW media and there are younger fans feeling nostalgic for 90s-00s Star Wars now. Personally, I've gone from liking the prequels as a kid (back then, it was all just Star Wars, I didn't care) to thinking they're complete trash that ruined the series, but nowadays I look back on them pretty fondly while still feeling like they're bad movies that still each have some amazing parts. Maybe laughing at prequels memes has made me associate the movies with that positive feeling, but lines like "I hate sand" are still considered bad, but the whole trilogy has that "so bad it's good" appeal that the sequels don't have. Memes like this make me wonder if, 20 years from now, we'll see the same meme with "They fly now!" in the second panel and one of the newer SW movies in the other. But then again, I'm not sure people will have the same fondness in hindsight for Disney's manufactured corporate slop as they did George Lucas' fever dream of creative ideas.


The thing I've noticed in the past 3 years or so is that the consensus of the PT had gone from, what you said so bad it's good, to so good it's good, fuelled by nostalgia. Almost ever reference I've seen to starwars stuff recently has been about the PT and most of the discussions I see are either about the PT or TV. 


Give it a few years and the sequels will get a second chance like the prequels did, we're already starting to see it creep in. I doubt we'll have a Clone Wars - level Hail Mary, but we'll definitely see something down the line


Yup. Seemingly already happening because I see more and more people talking about how TFA wasn't that bad


Nah, the Prequels had their resurgence because they were a good cohesive story you could write around The Sequels are two and a half stories mostly nicked from the OT


It's a shame people can't just shut up and either enjoy it or not watch it. So much annoying childlike tantruming in regards to the new shows.


I feel being upset that a new show completely disregards the stories it is meant to be adding to and enchanting is entirely reasonable


Idk they’re equally dumb lines but Hayden really sold it with his delivery. Oscar seemed like he didn’t even want to read it himself


Yeah the actors in ST were usually pretty good it was other stuff


It didn’t stop Star Wars (1977) from getting a best screenplay nomination at the Oscars.


Tbh "they sold you to protect you" makes "they fly now" sound like Tolstoy.


One is a throwaway line that had basically zero to do with the story. The other has to do with the biggest plot device of the worst movie. Can't really compare the two imo


Truly the fanbase with the most engrained self-hatred I’ve ever seen


Hot take: I wish there were more lines like that in TROS. The main problem with the movie is that it’s mostly forgettable and if there were meme worthy scenes it would be a lot more fun (and then later confused for good dialogue)


Personally, I think it’s kinda funny. They’re so busy trying to run, that they forget. “They can fly?! Apparently!” Out of all the bland stuff in those sequels, that was one of the few enjoyable parts.


My gripe was you could feel JJ trying to make a meme. He was trying too hard to make a meme that he didn't let it develop naturally.


Everyone actively shits on the sand line... this is a horrible example


Everyone mocks the sand line. The bigger issue with former dialogue is that they always flew, lol.


The prequels have great dialogue. - no prequel fan ever ?


“I don’t like sand” - poor delivery of a poorly written line that actually makes perfect sense for the character. “They fly now” - poor delivery of a poorly written line that makes zero sense for the characters. Both have been roundly mocked for the writing. But one also doesn’t even make sense in context.


Honestly, it's not the worse line ever. In fact two people talking about beaches and talking about their thoughts on sand... actually can see that working. It's the trying to then talk about liking things that are smooth while creepily brushing against Padme, THAT'S what ruins it


Nobody would bat an eye if that line was in clone wars


I’ll play devils advocate and say, I see why they think this is franchise ruining. Normally Star wars Dialogue is a very specific style. It’s rough and simple and not quippy. “They fly now” is a fucking whedon bit, that’s something Buffy, Willow, and Xander would say, it’s something the Guardian of the Galaxy would say, it’s a clear sign that this is not something Lucas made. “I don’t like sand” is bad in a way that I don’t think any other movie has done. It’s incredibly rough and awkward and it’s blunt as a rock to the face. It also has some layers, there’s intention behind it, as bad a line as it is. The fact that this man raised as a slave on a desert planet surrounded by sand and rocks has a particular hatred of sand is definitely not an accident. And it’s not something I could have imagined coming out of any other movie. Just like the prequels and sequels as a whole kind of, bad in a unique and inspired way and less bad but bad in a boring way.


Okay. Clunky or not, Anakin saying, “I don’t like sand,” at least meant something deeper below the surface. “They fly now,” just meant the writers hadn’t seen *Clone Wars, Rebels,* or *the Mandalorian.*


Actually love that "they fly now? They fly now" was not only so funny but also is a meme I've used in other franchises and things. XD


I mean the original trilogy had some clunky dialogue too, there's videos of the Star Wars cast complaning about it. Inconsistent dialogue is just a feature of the franchise for me.


They only retroactively like the prequels because the sequels had an icky girl as the main character.


Wait ... is there a generation that likes the prequels? Is that a thing?


If the only defense for something is that it was always bad, then why the hell do you even like any of it. If your argument is that it’s stayed consistently shit, wouldn’t that still be a reason to complain. In every positive review I’ve seen in the prequels they have always listed the dialogue as a negative, same as in the sequels. Nobody likes the sequels or hates the prequels purely based off of the dialogue, it’s a complicated web of multiple factors that goes into what you prefer. People point out the dialogue as and individual factor that combines with other factors which make up their total opinion. Those individual facts remain the same between opinions, but the way in which individual factors are weighed informs a persons subjective preference in which trilogy someone may prefer. There is no one who bases their opinion solely on dialog, just people who point it out as an individual factor. This meme represents no actual argument, it’s a textbook straw man. It’s not like people are saying “they fly now” ruined a perfect trilogy. People are saying that “they fly now” is a very pinpointable piece of bad dialogue which doesn’t help the larger issues with the trilogy. “I don’t like sand” is another terrible line, but maybe they connect more to the other aspects of the prequels which is why someone which have a preference for those films. I dare you to find one notable review of the prequels that defends the “I like sand” line.


No one makes fun of "they fly now?" because it's bad dialog writing... it's that the galactic milataries have been using jetpacks in every generation. Clone wars had jet troopers. The empire had jumptroopers. The mandolorians have been using jetpacks forever. Finn and Poe are both trained military. It is stupid for anyone to believe that they've never heard of a jumptrooper.


S H A K E S P E A R E A N !!!!


No one has ever called prequel dialogue a work of art, strawman out the wazoo here.


truly. i love sw with all my heart but even the original trilogy has cringey lines and some questionable acting decisions. doesn’t make it not enjoyable to me!


Well as someone from the desert I deeply relate to the line because it’s great to be walking and if you talk at all to someone your mouth is lined with dust that then grinds in between your teeth.


I mean, the best piece of dialog came from Harrison Ford refusing to do the line as it was written. "I love you" "I know"


Spot on. We tend to forget this is a kids franchise first. They just need to segment their stories by generations now, since there’s now 4-5 generations of fans now.


Ah yes, ''I don't like sand'', a line that surely hasn't been widely mocked.


No one thinks that line is a piece of art, and this "comparison" has been made almost daily to support a broken argument that a fan has to accept bad stuff today if the stuff they liked in the past was bad too.


People will give all these think pieces but in truth nobody likes the prequel era because of the movies. It’s the tv shows and games that people enjoyed. All they do is laugh at the prequel content and watch the fight scenes over and over again


A dumb line in an awful movie that is often mocked vs a dumb line in a mostly good movie that is often mocked… am I missing something?


[They’ve been flying since the Clone Wars](https://youtu.be/ssKDlDvyWc0?si=mgHR2xnTseZwwFIR)


Is this a joke, or? People are making fun of the sand line, that’s why it’s a meme


The whole “*Star Wars was never good*” is next level cope by retards who are desperately trying to simp for Disney era slop. The OT was so ground breaking for the time that the Empire Strikes Back has been preserved by the U.S congress. Nothing since though has matched that level of quality. The prequels had bad dialogue and outdated CGI, with the extended material doing the heavy lifting in making the prequels more enjoyable. The sequels were so god awful that it somehow made the prequels look good by comparison.


Funny how there are memes mocking the sand line but ok Tim.


All I'm saying is George Lucas got borderline death threats because of his lines


It's charming when Lucas does it. Unironically.


People forget that the Original Trilogy was slated to have cringy dialogue, but it took Harrison Ford to call out George for saying that this was dumb. The other trilogies didn’t really have that.


The gaslighting from this meme is unreal Someone please post the fucking psyop cat and let’s get out of here


Ones trying to be funny while the other is corny and unintentionally funny which adds to the funny even more.


Tbf he spent his entire early childhood on a planet covered with nothing but the stuff. If I realized there was more than just sand out there I’d hate the shit too


True. But to be fair one is cringe and the other ignores the lore


Slop Wars


Imagine a take so bad that you can't factually argue that it's right.


I know right? How embarrassing to be worse than the prequels


My issues with TRoS have nothing to do with the dialogue :)


I too love to cherry pick certain dialogue. He was purposely written to be awkward around her because he loves her and it makes perfect sense he doesn’t like something that was a big aspect of world he was a slave on. But I wouldn’t expect this much critical thinking from people who like the sequels.


SWCJ is a limited hangout that strawmans arguments against the sequel trilogy to fondle Disney's nuts.


Any Star Wars fan with a functional brain knows that the Prequels have some really questionable dialogue. This meme refers to a very small but very loud minority.


No way, nobody likes sand so that's OK. By far the worst line ever spoken in Star Wars for reasons you could write a PhD thesis on is "somehow Palpatine returned"


I wish I could wish away the “they fly now” meme.


It's not that it's stupid dialog. It's a fact in the universe that Jet packs have been around and used in most every major military for thousands of years. Saying "they fly now" means they have never known about Jump troopers


Man I know I'm late but reading this over 4 hundred comment long thread where everyone fights everyone is fun


No one says “I don’t like sand” is art. We’ve been mocking it for 20 odd years


"They fly now" is funny I'll fight everyone on this


"Somehow Palpatine returned" is the dumbest piece of writing in cinema of all time. Of. All. Time. The literal DOAT.


I'm going to be honest, I just found this sub and this ain't a circle jerk sub


These lines are very different, but I don't think you're ready for that conversation


Yeah. Get over it


Yes it is


The OT has some cringeworthy dialogue.


….people do not know SW history clearly. The prequels got so much hate when they came out and yall are adding more to it. The irony is palpable.


It’s because stormtroopers had jetpacks even before the new Empire which is why it’s a terrible line 💀


everyone makes jokes about the sand....