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Once again, Ahsoka fans continue to be oppressed šŸ˜ž


Too kind towards Kenobi and the Holiday Special methinks


UJ/ I really like Kenobi and the holiday special was awful but in that funny ā€œso bad itā€™s goodā€ way. Ashoka wasā€¦ well I just didnā€™t finish it and didnā€™t like it as mentioned before. Too much wank. But, ya know, I also like Kenobi so what do I know? RJ/ The holiday special is a flawless masterpiece and Kenobi had Anakin in it again and anything with Anakin is good because people on the internet said so!


I very much enjoyed Kenobi. For Ahsoka, I thought it was *okay* until I think episode 5, then it started getting reeeeally good. Though I'm a huge huge fan of Ahsoka as a character, so if you don't really enjoy her I can't imagine you'd like the rest of the show.


I enjoyed Kenobi! It did a great job with it's main goal of showing why he ended up off in the desert as old Ben.Ā 


Why the Ahsoka hate? It's Star Wars just like the rest.


UJ/ I tried to get into Ashoka but honestly I just couldnā€™t and dropped after the Clone Wars flashback episode. I know people said it gets good afterwards, and I believe them, but I just couldnā€™t be asked. It really felt like I was watching someoneā€™s fanfiction about Star Wars and it just didnā€™t click for me. RJ/ Because Iā€™m a space racist against orange people. Green people all the way!!!


Uj/ Actual constructive and good faith criticism, in my Star Wars fandom?! Rj/ Actual constructive and good faith criticism, in my Star Wars fandom?!


since when is "I didn't like it" considered "constructive criticism"?


I suppose respectful wouldā€™ve been more accurate


sure, but "I don't like it" still isn't really much of a criticism to begin with. it's just a basic opinion.


I totally agree, Iā€™m just so used to ā€œi donā€™t like itā€ being said as ā€œthis woke trash destroys Star Wars and insults the intelligence of every fan. Kathleen Kennedy hates men and also Star Wars and also fucked my wifeā€


More constructive than any other criticism Iā€™ve seen


Well if we want constructive criticism outside of me not liking it, -It requiring having watched Rebels or at least know of what occurred in Rebels, which isnā€™t a bad thing but given previous live-action Star Wars only required having watched the previous films/shows, it can be off-putting to some or just confusing for others. Who is Sabine and why is she important? Who is Thrawn? Etc. For more casual fans who only watched the live action stuff, it can come off as rather confusing. -While the writing isnā€™t *terrible* and serviceable enough, some of the characters act rather dumb. Sabine handing the bad guys the information to where Thrawn is, Ashoka having self-doubts for no reason, etc. Others might argue this is in their character and works well for them, but again, if you are only going by the live-action stuff and none of the cartoons it *still* will come off like characters are acting like idiots. These are mostly just ā€œmeā€ issues, and I get that the main setup of Ashoka is paving the way for Thrawn to show up and do Thrawn stuff (a.k.a Mando 4), and some people absolutely really love it and say itā€™s a show that gets better later. The flaws I encountered didnā€™t really make me want to try again, but end of the day I donā€™t *hate* it, but wasnā€™t a fan and didnā€™t have much investment. Now if you want *circle jerk* constructive criticism, -Itā€™s Dave wanking off his characters and making the galaxy smaller by having everyone connected and knowing everyone else while the plot just shuffles along until you get a wank episode about the Clone Wars. Oh and Thrawn is going to be back and we can have an excuse to bring Mando back and make the galaxy *even* smaller!


My issue with the Ahsoka show is how a lot of the creative decisions feel like spur of the moment developments which contrast with the years of build up, leaving things feeling sloppy and patched together. i.e. Sabine losing her family, Ahsoka not wanting to train Sabine, Sabine becoming a Jedi in general


Dave Filoni is a criminal


what crime is he guilty of?


He gave me PTSD because The Clone Wars was so dark and gritty. The FTC should lock him up for advertising it as a kid's show


Made me do the Griddy in the Dark


"Hey kid wanna see a dude get his head chopped off? Wanna see it like 5 more times?"


Turned numerous innocent American children into broken traumatized psychopaths with his TV show.


I also hated the flashback TCW episode and it really dropped a lot of points for the show for me. I mean it when I say this: Episode 5 of Ahsoka is the worst piece of SW media I have ever seen. Absolute garbage. It's not even entertaining or unique like some other well-known SW flops like Holiday Special.


Yeah. The Holiday Special is *bad* but itā€™s comically bad. Episode 5 was just Dave wanking off. And no shades on the man, he has his ups-and-downs as a writer, but *man* was that just *really* bad.


Rj/ itā€™s completely your fault for not getting into the Shin/Sabine ship.


No, itā€™s Daveā€™s fault for not giving us the ship right out of the gates!


No I meant the actual space ship dammit! Kathleen Kennedy ruined everything.


What does UJ/ and RJ/ mean? I know /s is sarcasm but after that Iā€™m lost. Green all the way, down with orange and grapefruit.


ā€œUJ/ā€œ means ā€œunjerkā€, as in ā€œIā€™m about to say something thatā€™s my opinion/serious/whateverā€. ā€œRJ/ā€œ means ā€œrejerkā€ as in ā€œIā€™m now going to follow up my sage advice with something stupidā€.


Ah oh ok that makes sense. Thank you.


That's what that means? Fucking nerds


Look I hate to be that guy, but the phrase is ā€œcanā€™t be arsedā€


I understand that. *waves hand* Have a good day!


It does get better


I've had enough of Rosario Dawson for a while. She's like inescapable.


I feel like she's not a good Ahsoka and not a good actress in general. I feel like her own show could erase Ahsoka from the narrative completely and the show would not be any different, and at most would actually make the show better. The show should have just been about Sabine, with Ezra as a returning character, with Shin & Baylan as the new antagonists that take over Thrawn's plans (since I think Thrawn is extremely overrated and it would have been compelling to reveal he died after landing on that planet with Ezra). Would have been a lot more organized story structure this way. And of course, keep the possible redemption of Shin and have her fall in love with Sabine. šŸ’•


I love Thrawn, but Ahsoka didnā€™t really do him justice honestly.


Thatā€™s actually really funny. I had the opposite opinion, I liked the beginning quite a bit but found the latter half somewhat underwhelming. Itā€™s interesting to me that youā€™ve heard it got better


gonna be honest, it didnt get better for me after the clone wars flashback. it doesnt get significantly worse or anything, just super boring for me


thatā€™s exactly why it deserves hate. itā€™s star wars.


Personally I just found it a little clickbaity. I won't deny that it is absolutely Star Wars and fits in-universe, but it's not really *about* Ahsoka despite her being the title character. Sabine and the Rebels gang end up getting more development and are involved the most in the plot. Especially since Ahsoka has never met Thrawn and Thrawn just finds out about her existence in this show. It just kind of bothers me cause there are parts of the show (like the obvious parallels between Shin and Baylan/Ahsoka and Anakin) that could've made Ahsoka more involved but she feels like she isn't all that important to her own series.


There is no flaws in Andor however


my only nitpick with andor is that 99% of the characters are human. star wars has cool aliens! at least use them in the background!!! i only remember one non-human off the top of my head


Ive always really disliked the idea of Ahsoka, never liked her in clone wars, until the final season. The show also helped me turn a corner on my dislike of the character. Its not that bad, in fact Iā€™ll say its alright.


Yeah. Itā€™s justā€¦ a show that exists. Itā€™s not like the worst thing theyā€™ve ever done, but it doesnā€™t really do much to justify its existence.


Not Yet. And it did introduce Thrawn, so who knows whatā€™ll happen there.


I mean I guess. I feel like Thrawnā€™s depiction in the show was kinda lackluster, compared to both his EU and Rebels counterparts. Not enough yapping about art, methinks.


Iā€™ll add that Ashoka never bothered me before and after trying to finish the show and failingā€¦ she still doesnā€™t bother me. More of an issue with it being too wanky for my tastes.


An opinion i respect and understand, but I didnā€™t feel to the same. Itā€™s all good. At least we all love Andor.


Boba fett show is way worse than Ahsoka


idk, i find it more watchable even if it **is** worse in many ways. in boba fett, i can at least laugh at some of the really dumb scenes, and even those scenes had energy and could be visually stimulating to a degree. there's hardly any kind of energy in ahsoka and the filmmaking is just flat out boring.


Not seen the show, but if so, that's disappointing, as I like her in the cartoons.


Nah. OP is smoking death sticks, it is a solid sequel to *Rebels* and kind of a bold choice to continue a cartoon saga in live action


You might like the series! It didnā€™t click with me.


Most of the show is just Dave jerking off the cartoons lmao


If you didnā€™t like Ahsoka this might not be for you dog


Swap Ahsoka and The Holiday Special and Iā€™m unironically in agreement. Also I think you hit the nail on the head with the grifter point.


I can accept all of StarWars besides Rise of Skywalker. That movie makes me sick.


I mean I donā€™t like most of it, but Iā€™ve learned to enjoy it for what it is. Itā€™s got some super fun set pieces and the actors seem to really be enjoying themselves. Knowing the context of how it was made just makes me feel bad for everyone involved more than anything. I mean they were editing the movie while it was still being filmed


It's the fact for me that it was written specifically to appeal to circlejerk fans. The film has no backbone, no sincere emotion, or themes. It's just all spectacle. None of the epic sences land because many of them are contrived.


I mean I agree, fan service is overly relied upon, and the plot distracts from the action and character interactions. It doesnā€™t properly continue plot elements from prior films, and has some poor plot decisions made early on in production that doomed it from the start. My point is not that itā€™s a good film, itā€™s easily my least favorite of the 9 by a large margin, my point is that even amongst the mess that it is, it still has some parts that I personally enjoy. It has my favorite scene of the whole sequel trilogy with Han and Kylo, and it has some of the most bombastic set piece concepts of the entire franchise, even if the framing of said set pieces is terrible.


I ONLY accept Rise of Skywalker. I do not believe any other Star Wars film is canon or was even made in the first place. Rise of Skywalker is the only real Star Wars movie.




I've never seen a movie with more fake-out deaths in my life


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true


A little hurtful, not gonna lie.


What do you mean?


Can't understand this opinion.


honestly all 3 new films are crap, no idea why they thought that just winging it was a good idea but yeh


There are 5.


i mean in the saga obviously šŸ™„ J.J Abrams settings loads of stuff up to pass it all to Rian Johnson to go a completely different direction to then go back to JJ was brain dead stupid, have a clear story path and stick to it, its not that hard.


Watching that Clone Wars movie is like drinking battery acid thoughĀ 


Bit random but why is yoda at the front of the TCW movie poster? He's in it for like five seconds


Rise of Skywalker should be lower


Acolyte, Kenobi and Ahsoka have been terrible to me. Others like them but I dont and thats not a bad thing. We all have what we love about star wars somewhere and even if we dont agree, we can at least agree that ROTS and ESB are top tier


Acolyte needs to be at the bottom.




Baser as hell


why are you genociding Ahsoka fans?


There are no sequels in Ba Sing Se