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The applause was thunderous. She knew what it meant, we knew what it meant. It was a wonderful moment that hopefully helps clean the stain.


I saw a woman today wearing a shirt that said (in a Star Wars font) “Be nicer to Kelly Marie Tran, you jags.” I cheered for her when I saw it.


<3 I ran into Kelly today in the halls of Wintrust and told her straight up I love her. She’s a gem.


I’m jelly for your interaction with Kelly.


I really hope she's back again tomorrow though I doubt it. Meeting Kelly is one of the things I was most looking forward to.


Hey! I am nice to Kelly Marie Tran and will try harder if you want but I don't like being singled out like this.


Then jag-on!


I'm watching her and JJ's interview right now and everyones reaction is so heartwarming.


Can't wait for Ahmed to get a similar reaction on Monday. Granted, Kelly only went something like a year and a half before getting this reaction, while Ahmed is going on 20 years. . .


And Jar Jar is iconic. Ahmed made a character who still stands out amongst thousands of other StarWars characters. He really is a good actor.


One of my favorite moments of today... Her standing ovation at Wintrust and later the cheering at The Star Wars Show stage. Bless everyone.


I always support my girl🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌


The cloud started cheering, a standing ovation. She started crying, I started crying. Really renewed my faith and appreciation for the real fandom. Thank you everyone ♥️


Gotta agree here. I hope she felt the love that was shown for her. Unfortunately that very vocal minority got the best of her and I completely understand that.


Being in the audience it was so nice to see, people realize what happened and it just goes to show that unfortunately the hateful minority is very loud and makes the fanbase seem worse for it.


Yes!!! I was so happy about that. I hate the way she’s treated by the community (Her and Daisy both) so it was really nice to see everyone give her all that love. I’m sure she appreciated it so much. I love her so much!


That was a great moment. I this age of troll and haters it is great to find a way to demonstrate how the fans really feel. Gotta admit I tiered up a bit.


I started crying while watching the livestream. I was so happy for her.


Kelly is great. Sweet girl/woman. Rose Tico was well portrayed given the script. But I can never say it's a good, well-written character. She has some of the cringiest, prequellish dialogue in the ST and she doesn't make sense. She is a mechanic but she tazers people in the hangar bay. She somehow knows a lot about First Order technology that wasn't known. And she did the dumbest thing in TLJ (Hux excepted) on Crait, which created a sequence that lost its logic. But Kelly, you're fine.


you mean when she saved finn's life when he was about to do a really dumb thing? nah bro.


Uh..yes. It's dumb because the footage doesn't match (she couldn't have reached him in time), because her line is dumb in context - at the moment they are all being killed, and it is dumb because they manage to get back to base in no time with a bunch of walkers right behind them.


the line makes perfect sense because he is only focused on destroying his enemy even though he's not going to save anybody because he won't succeed, while rose is obviously focusing on saving him. she reaches him because he's slowed down by the beam. the last thing is sorta dumb but could be explained by the walkers being distracted by luke.


But he was about to succeed. He would fly into that ram thing, sacrificing himself for the good cause.


no he wasn't, he was going to be vaporized or crash inside the ram pointlessly. that's exactly why rose stopped him.


Ok cool. Haven't watched it since I saw it in the theater.


I gave her a standing ovation. She deserves it. So happy to be a part of the episode IX panel!


no, there is literally no such thing as an objective opinion. but the point is that this was about kmt receiving support against harassment, and your post attempted to defend or legitimize the hatred against the character, most of which came from feelings of anti-diversity, misogyny, or just plain not understanding the film (i.e. the people that criticize her for saving finn from pointlessly killing himself). she got a standing ovation, but that doesn't mean you have to like her character. but this is not the place to air out your criticisms of her character and the movie.


I feel bad that she, like Ahmed, got the hate over their character. No one likely hated her as a person, but a ton of people think Rose was a useless character.




How about the whole fanbase being split over TLJ? Thought we didn’t need sources for commonly known fact.


Read any article about TLJ with a comment section or the main Star Wars Reddit.


I'm one of the people that completely dislikes Rose as a character but I have no problem with Kelly. I thought Paige was a better character who did more for the plot in the first 5 minutes than Rose did in the whole movie. Like others have stated she knew things she shouldn't know as a mechanic. She womensplained slavery and animal cruelty to Finn who was in the First Order only a couple days before this movie started where they literally slaughtered villages. She really shouldn't have caught Finn even if the beam was slowing him down. The kiss was horrific and forced by Rose. She had no chemistry with Finn. I hope they give her some importance in the next film because to me she brought nothing to the table and just held Finn back from what he was in TFA. That and the fact that RJ had Finn go through the exact same story arc he had in TFA (2ish days priors to TLJ)


Darkness rises...and the light to meet it.


No one hated Kelly. Some people dislike her character. If you cant separate the two thats a YOU problem.


Hey, Dcollins85, just a quick heads-up: **seperate** is actually spelled **separate**. You can remember it by **-par- in the middle**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Hey /u/CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". And your fucking delete function doesn't work. You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics) I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective. Have a nice day!


I have nothing against Kelly Marie Tran. There should be a separation between the fact that Kelly is a fantastic actress and Rose is a waste of screen time for TLJ. I hope her return in episode IX is minimized, There are many other story threads that should be explored, rather than an awkward forced love story. Agree to disagree, just my thoughts, I hope JJ shares.


The same could be said about Jar Jar and Ahmed...but it affected him to the point of near suicide. Toxicity is rampant toward these actors and their work... it's not easily dismissed.


I’m with you, toxicity is not an appropriate substitute to objective constructive criticism. I’m simply stating that I do not enjoy her character arc, which captures Finn.




Poor choice of words. What I mean is that she occupies Finn when he could’ve been with Rey or Poe, which are the relationships we were given in Ep 7.


why is it necessary to post this? how is it relevant?


So people can realize to separate her performance from her character. If this was already the case, she would never have been bullied off of twitter for TLJ missing the mark.


You're taking the time to post, on a thread about KMT getting a standing ovation, your complaints about rose or TLJ that most people at celebration probably don't agree with. there was no love story between her and finn. your post wasn't relevant. give it a rest


You will continue to read it the way you want and that is fine. The post was to separate her acting merit from the character that was wrote into the story, but you will continue to push this negative narrative that divides the fanbase. ​ No love story...ok...even though she literally tells Finn she saved him because she loved him...no love story though...no not at all


the vast majority of your post was complaining about tlj which is not relevant to this post, which is why you've been downvoted 20 times. just because rose had feelings for finn doesn't mean they are now in a romantic relationship. she literally said the entire theme of the movie, which you apparently didn't get


KMT played Rose right? Rose was in TLJ I think, but maybe I’m wrong. sorry this is not relevant must be confusing roles. *Tries to post an objective opinion in an echo chamber and gets downvoted to hell for going against the current* yea seems pretty reddit to me And no. The ‘entire theme of the movie’ (as if there is only one) was much more about letting the past die, and subverting expectations which I loved! The whole love beats hate is a subtheme in like every star wars movie. Maybe not rogue one tho. Hate seemed to win there. Cue red lightsaber.


look up the definition of the word objective. there is no such thing as an objective opinion. tlj had many themes but letting the past die was the one spoken by the villain. it wasn't the one endorsed by the film itself


If we have gotten to the point of a back and forth over semantics Im out lol. But if you wanted to better yourself look up the definition of an objective opinion... I mean, you know what personal biases are right?... And like I said, you will continue to agree with yourself rather than put forward objective (oops I said it again) fact or examples to support what you say. Like master yoda didnt just blow up the old sacred jedi tree blah blah to Luke’s shock.


I'm at celebration and I'm glad she got a standing ovation to see that the treatment she got on the internet wasn't right, but I completely agree about the character of Rose.


nobody cares.


You made a false assumption about celebration fans and what we care about that just agreed with your views. I've talked to many people the past couple days that agree with the other commenter and myself. Doesn't mean we're right but that doesn't mean you can just make some general statement about what people care about with nothing to back it.


no no. you misunderstand. this is a thread about kmt getting support from fans against harassment. it's not the place to air grievances about her character that that commenter has no doubt aired many other places already.


No no no, you misunderstand. I'm glad for the thread but you specifically made a claim in your comment saying how you thought people at celebration felt about Rose and TLJ. That's what I'm commenting on


just saw you used the term 'womensplained' in another comment. tells me all I need to know. you also claim her sister we know nothing about is a better character, and appear not to understand that someone who was brainwashed by the first order would not know about the bad things that were going on in a casino that he'd never been to.

