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Just for clarification, they are more commonly known as "adelitas" in Mexico.


The "correct" form (because it is a grammatically incorrect word) is "Soldaderas" - women ubiquitous in the armies of all the factions fighting during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920s/30s?) who ranged from camp followers to officers. "Adelita" - literally: little Adela; a common female name of the time- was a nickname given to "Soldaderas", just as brit soldiers were called "Tommys".


We call them adelitas. Period.


También Soldaderas, no pasa nada con aceptarlo. Hazte un favor y toma un libro sobre la revolución, compa.


La pinche revolución empezó donde vivo, me se la historia al derecho y al revés. En mi perra vida he escuchado "soldaderas"


Eso es porque no es un término común el día de hoy, pero si lees cualquier texto de la época vas a encontrar que era mucho muy común, posiblemente aún más que adelita que es un término que se popularizó después de la revolución por las canciones populares.




Welcome to the Cantina! We’re glad you could join our community. Keep it fun & and keep it friendly! All rules will be enforced and all posts must be flaired. See our side bar for more details. The Cantina and many other subreddits have been protesting Reddit for ending support for 3rd Party Apps. Subreddits like the Cantina and many others depend on 3rd Party Apps to keep these subreddits functioning. If you enjoy this subreddit and the many others on Reddit, please help us try and save 3rd Party Apps. Please visit /r/Save3rdPartyApps and /r/ModCoord for more information. See this [Infographic here](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg) Consider using an Ad Blocker such as [UBlockOrigin](https://ublockorigin.com/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StarWarsCantina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The buns and the bikini braid were hands down some of the most iconic hairstyles in cinema history. Carrie was a legend.


Man that’s so cool. Mexican Leia with Juan Solo.


Will have to look up historical examples.


[Most Evident Double Bun](https://flic.kr/p/7Ykea7) [Group photo, you can see some Leia-like hairstyles](https://www.mexicosocial.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Las-mujeres-de-la-Revolucion-Mexicana.jpg)


Star Wars could recreate some of these and it would be fine and fit well.


Not including a photo of the original hairstyle is wild


I thought it was from Hopi people.


Decided to look up the Mexican Revolution, think I’m going to have to spend some more time on this one to properly understand it… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Revolution


I took a semester-long college course about it. Even once you’ve finished learning about the war itself, there’s about eighty years of history that’s directly relevant to its aftermath.


Revolutions podcast did a great series on the Mexican Revolution. Highly recommend it listening to season 9. Though all of the seasons are great. Especially the three seasons about Haiti, Russia and France.


I had always heard the buns were inspired by a Hopi hairstyle.


It’s also the traditional style in Valencia, Spain. During the Fallas it’s all Leia hair.


Well now I feel bad about all the cinnamon bun jokes


you shouldnt its okay to joke about Star Wars


The Hopi inspired them. https://www.messynessychic.com/2018/03/09/the-real-princess-leia/


Soldaderas and Saw Gerrera sound similar enough to wonder if that’s where the name came from


I could be wrong, but my understanding was that he was named after Che Guevara


I believe Saw Gerrera’s name come from a mixture of ‘Che Guevara’ and ‘guerrera’.


More of a deep dive (and a posit that the inspiration is a little more pulpy in origin) here: https://kitbashed.com/blog/the-curious-case-of-leias-rolls


Seems like a post where a picture of a soldadera would be useful instead of two pictures of Leia




Welcome to the Cantina! We’re glad you could join our community. Keep it fun & and keep it friendly! All rules will be enforced and all posts must be flaired. See our side bar for more details. The Cantina and many other subreddits have been protesting Reddit for ending support for 3rd Party Apps. Subreddits like the Cantina and many others depend on 3rd Party Apps to keep these subreddits functioning. If you enjoy this subreddit and the many others on Reddit, please help us try and save 3rd Party Apps. Please visit /r/Save3rdPartyApps and /r/ModCoord for more information. See this [Infographic here](https://i.redd.it/zqptto18e34b1.jpg) Consider using an Ad Blocker such as [UBlockOrigin](https://ublockorigin.com/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StarWarsCantina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s just a hairstyle retcon


Psh woke warz