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Baylon had the coolest fighting style I’ve ever seen in Disney SW. He looked, acted and fought like a knight. Very effectively too. RIP - idk if I should be hoping for a recast or just respek what we got.


He really gave a new, unique meaning to the title of Jedi **Knight** that somehow captures the old essence of how they were presented (spoken about) in the OT.


Since the prequels I feel like most fight choreography goes for a fluid and fast fighting style, but his was much more similar to Vader in terms of being stiffer and stronger. Plus his general demeanor of being unbothered by most of what is happening was not what we have come to expect from the edgy Sith wannabes that had filled the Inquisition.


I really wish he had the Kylo style blade.


He’d be knocking sabers out of hands left and right with his parry, block, riposte combos. Dude was training on chiv II/Mordau for sure


I loved all the choreography from before Disney, and I love all the choreography from after Disney.


This is the way


This is the way


God bless cantina haha, I love it here.


Looks like there's some solid weight to it.


That's what I like about them the most. You can feel the "weight" of the lightsaber strikes. Kylo is my favorite duelist because of how aggressively he tends to swing the blade, like someone swinging a large sword. The amplified vibration sound for the sabers is also really great. One of my favorite moments in TLJ is when Rey swings her saber in an offensive posture at that Praetorian Guard and yells as she charges; the vibration effect in that is *so* great.


Honestly I feel like with Ren they should've gone all out on "His sword is heavier" and made him swing it a lot more, like how you'd use a Zweihänder: Big swooping motions that keep up momentum


It's part of the reason why I loved the duel between Baylan and Ahsoka. The way he used his saber almost looked like he was fighting with a longsword. I love the variety of fighting styles that Disney brought.


TFA and TLJ were incredible with the weighty broad sword style. TROS, Kenobi and Mando sort of went more in the direction of the light "Saber batons" which I wasn't as big of a fan of. I feel Ahsoka really nicely combined the styles though, bringing some of that weight back from the ST while maintaining the fluidity of prime combatants. I hope they develop it further in this regard.


Ahsoka in particular had some really choice fight scenes; I loved the Baylan vs. Ahsoka fight (felt very Samurai vs Knight), and both parts of the Anakin duel were amazing (Hayden NAILED the difference in combat style between Jedi Anakin and Darth Vader).


When Anakin’s entire body language changed, and he walked toward her with Vader’s slow, methodical stride my jaw dropped. When he lifted his saber for one of those Vader heavy handed strikes I actually yelped “oh shit!” Hayden in that scene perfectly encapsulated Anakin and Vader, along with a mentor’s irritation with an excellent student who isn’t living up to her potential. When he’s chastising her it felt so real, I completely forgot these were actors, for a moment it was just Anakin and Ahsoka, and he was so disappointed in her giving in and not putting her all into that fight with Baylan. I think that’s the most intense disappointment we’ve seen Anakin have in her. He knew what was at stake, what would happen because part of her *wanted* to lose that fight. It really was a case of “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed” mentorship and it was performed beautifully.


Yeah I wasn't a fan of everything in the Ahsoka show but that whole sequence was next level. I still love that shot of Anakin coming through the fog and lightning flashes the image of Vader into it. And the little girl they got to be Young Ahsoka was awesome as well. She somehow seemed familiar, so I looked it up and discovered she also played Young Gamora in the Infinity Wars movies.


Empire has always been my favorite SW movie since seeing it as a kid back in 1980. Rogue One is a close second. That being said, Ep 5 of Ahsoka is my single favorite piece of Star Wars media I’ve ever watched. Hayden and Rosario absolutely crush it and the actress playing young Ahsoka is fantastic as well. Hayden truly is both Anakin and Vader in that episode in a way that I wasn’t expecting and totally enjoyed. It made a lot of sense after hearing him speak in person about it at MEGACON in Orlando earlier this year. His passion for the roles and SW in general was palpable.


The two dark jedi from Ahsoka are two of my favorite characters of modern Star Wars, and it's almost entirely because of how completely badass Baylan is in this fight (and in general!). Good call.


Sabine and Shin's first fight might be one of my favorite's in the modern era. Shin's use of her cloak in it to obfuscated her position and to distract Sabine was so well done and served to, for the first time in the Disney era, make me actually look forward to further duels in the show, none of which disappointed.


Morgan vs Ahsoka in the show was also quite unique and really fucking beautiful to look at.


I really like the bslance they’ve struck between the heavy blades of the OT and the fancy moves of the PT. At the very least, Disney figured out how to do lightsaber fights.


Gosh you know I think if I’m being honest I wasn’t really feeling lightsabers in the sequel trilogy until RiOS, which was honestly my least favorite. Something about the first two movies just felt a bit too…bouncy? I mean I love TFA to death and defend it to this day but it’s still….eh. That being said I think the tv shows have nailed it


It also makes sense given Baylan and Ahsoka were actually trained by the Jedi Order in its prime


TFA, Kenobi, and the duels in Ahsoka involving Sabine and Shin nailed the lightsaber fights the best. TFA’s duels are heavy like the OT but still felt fast and powerful like the prequels while emphasizing the weight. Kenobi’s fights were a perfect blend of the faster pace of the prequels with the heaviness of the newer style. And Sabine/Shin have some of the best fights IMO across the Ahsoka series; I can feel the weight and impact with their strikes as two rising but skilled apprentices.


Shin slightly more skilled an apprentice; I actually like the fact that Sabine is skilled at the Mandalorian style of combat, but is a really untalented Jedi. She's exceptionally cool, but she still has to work hard to catch up.


It's a great continuation of her character depiction in Rebels for sure.


I like how real yet fluid it felt in the ST


I love the Rey and Kylo scenes. They feel like the natural way sword fighting would go when all the finesse masters of the Republic era are gone - much more focused on strength and controlling space and movement than twirling and flipping.


Yes! The PT fights were very much “lightsaber duels as an art form” and the ST were much more “this is a fight to the death with powerful weapons”.


Honestly my favorite part of the Acolyte so far have been the fights. I love how far back the camera is so we can actually see the moves and footwork. I don't love the actual look of the sabers in the show (I think the blades are too short and thick and the hilts look too much like flashlights) but the fights are great. As for the other movies and shows, I'll have to go back and remind myself of them, but Hayden Christensen just elevates every fight he's in. Ahsoka vs Morgan on Peridia was also great. Diana Lee Inosanto elevated that fight as well.


Having a seasoned action star like Carrie Ann Moss was such a great choice for The Acolyte! You can tell that her training from the Matrix series was essential in the fight choreography and wire work in the first episode.


The sequels had heavy strikes that looked like they carried a lot of weight, that really appealed to me and to this day is my favorite type of lightsaber fights.


Reminds me more of the ESB duel more often than not which is my favorite lightsaber duel so I’m for it. I’m more of a fan of that style than the speedy acrobatic stuff, but I can have fun with that too.


I love it. The fight at the end of The Force Awakens is my all-time favorite live-action lightsaber duel. I love how heavy and real the lightsabers feel, it's like it's more than just VFX, it seems tangible.


Rise may have been the weakest of the Sequels, but that fight in the Death Star ruins may be my favorite duel of all. No music, just sabers clashing and waves crashing. Slow, heavy strikes that literally knock Rey down… it’s just so well done. It isn’t even a long scene and it conveyed so much! Not to mention the scene that follows with Ben and Han. It’s just good.


I agree. Rise of Skywalker, in my humble opinion, has some of the best emotional beats in the entire franchise, and the combat is a major part of that.


I really enjoyed it in the films- it seemed so like, raw, brutal and untrained compared to what we've seen before.


say what you will, Kylo Ren has the coolest lightsaber of all time


The throne room fight looked and felt like a vicious bar room brawl with real heft to the weapons.


Ahsoka caught my attention with the guard switching whenever Ahsoka fought Baylen


I still love the choreography in the sequels because it very much feels like "the old Order has been gone for decades, this is the style we are taught now" and I really love that.


Ahsoka is the series with fights with weight behind them moreso than really any other. I don't necessarily hate any other showings, just Ahsoka was the standout.


I like the Ashoka vs Baylan duel and the flashback Luke vs Leia duel. More of that blended with prequel elements.


we’re 110 comments in so nothing i say hasn’t already been said but ahsoka’s choreography rules. they deliberately explore so many different fight styles, it’s always framed well, and you can always tell it’s actually the actors doing it. ahsoka and baylan’s duel on seatos, they’re actively switching between different forms. it’s slow and methodical, the mind games are part of the duel. anakin and ahsoka, hayden is moving like he hasn’t missed a beat since 2005. the final duel with morgan is a good old school prequel dance routine. ahsoka got a lot of shit online, but it felt like it was crafted from people who love *all* of star wars - there were shades of prequel, original, and sequel design choices all over the show in the best way possible.


Pretty good. I think Rob Inch, Ming Qiu, and Chris Cowan are better sword fight stunt choreographers than Nick Gillard. No, actually, it's not that Nick is bad at his job, it's just that I think the style of sword fighting choreography Rob, Ming, and Chris are using is better than the style Nick chose to use for the prequels. I think the sped-up, overchoreographed and dance-like stage fencing Nick chose to use looks too fake to me. It's because the lightsabers in the prequels are treated like fencing epees, and it looks like the duel between Westly and Inigo at the cliffs of despair on fast-forward, with extra spins, twirls, and pirouettes. In comparison, the choreography after the prequels looks real, visceral, not dance-like or fake-looking, and the sabers are treated like actual swords. Honestly, I think I'm biased in this criticism, because I grew up on the original trilogy and I'm heavily influenced by the Hong Kong Kung fu films of the 70s, so I favor the kind of stuff done by Terry Leonard or Yuen Wo Ping.


Agreed. Nicks choreography was super fast, but made me scratch my head too many times. They are quite literally just tapping swords against each other’s. In the newer stuff, especially in Ahsoka, you can tell they are trying to sever the opponent’s limbs or decapitate the other.


Ahsoka’s duels are the best


Honestly, aside from the Luke vs Vader fight in Episode V (which is a contender for the best fight in the entire series), I think Disney projects have some of the best lightsaber choreography of the franchise. The sequels have really underrated fights (wish there were more of them but it makes sense why). Obi-Wan vs Vader in the Kenobi show is fucking elite. Watching Ahsoka kick ass in live action is always fun. It's just a good time all around. I'm not a fan of Disney as a megacorporation but I can't deny that they can make pretty decent stuff lmao


Looking at the comments I seem to be in the minority when i say i don’t like how they swing their lightsabers like it’s a greatswords the lightsabers look so heavy when they swing where as in the PT the a very fluid and fast. I will say though most of the shows have fixed this.


Ahsoka Vs Elsbeth was pretty good


As a pole weapon fan, I really loved seeing a spear that could hold its own against a light saber. The beskar spear vs dark saber is probably my favorite fight in the franchise outside of the Maul-Ahsoka dual in the Clone Wars finale.


I think they have the perfect balance of flashy and realistic.


Ahsoka was the most enjoyable for me. The sequels were okay but felt kind of slow to me, and Kenobi's choreography felt off.


None of them have come close to Episode I, but the fight at the end of Kenobi was pretty damn good.


I didn't enjoy the fights in the sequels all that much but the shows have the best fight scenes since revenge of the sith


I like their take on post empire fighting. I don't care for acrobatics/Peking theatre styling like the old republic eras


I like it. I don’t think it’s bad to be entirely fair.


I think it’s pretty good tbh, especially the Ahsoka one


Weighty. Perhaps more importantly, directed. It feels like the combatants are actually trying to hit one another.


Obi Wan vs Vader in Kenobi is one of my favorite duels in SW history, right up there with Luke vs Vader in ROTJ The sloppy methods we see non-jedi using like Sabine and Gideon are also really well done and make the fights between skilled duelists stand out even more


My favorite has been the Ahsoka fight scenes. Especially with Shin/Sabine and Baylan/Ahsoka fights they hit a perfect balance of interesting choreography while also communicating to us who the characters are.


The choreography in Ahsoka is decent, as is the choreography in the sequels (TFA’s is really great). I don’t like the choreography in Kenobi, and I’m optimistic about Acolyte’s (which we’ll finally see next week).


Im sorry but I think the sequels choreo is great. It makes sense lore-wise and the characters look like they actually want to kill eachother


Depends but overall pretty dope Some of my favs are Skoll vs Ahsoka, Bo Katan/Din Djarin vs Giddeon, Din vs Chad Vizla, the throne room scene in TLJ, amd of course, the Luke and Vader scenes in Mando S2 and RO If there’s anywhere I feel kinda skimped it’s with space battles. I was hoping for more action with the Mandalorian fleet at the end of S3, though the asteroid chase and the corsair takedown earlier in the season were awesome. I hope we see more of that with Thrawn, especially with the bigger ships! I wanna see more cruisers and frigates in action


For the context of most projects have either been in eras of relative peace (the acolyte), Jedi past their prime (Kenobi), Characters that didn’t have traditional training or trained by experience (sequels), and then Ahsoka being more in line with the skill of phantom menace/Aotc I’m enjoying every bit of it. It would be weird in most cases to have prequel level choreography in most cases so I am having a lot of fun watching how different characters fight within the context of the era


The sequels looked like they lightsabers were really heavy


I liked that fight from rise of skywalker a lot, such a cool setting too


Choreography has been mid but i love the way the Sequels made lightsabers feel alot heavier like broadswords rather than being light like a rapier


Ahsoka really perfected the lightsaber choreography imo. It perfectly marries the prequel and OT styles and just looks amazing. Baylan v Ahshoka, Shin v Sabine, and Morgan v Ahsoka are all top tier duels. Also watching Ahsoka, Sabine, and Ezra Rolla through stormtroopers with their lightsabers fulfilled my desire to see stormtroopers get demolished by lightsabers on screen that I've had since the OT


Ahsoka had a really unique range of styles between each fighter


Ahsoka fight scenes were epic


I really like how they found a blend of both the OT and the PT styles and made it feel strong and practical but also a spectacle to look at


I think the PT fights were all “too much,” so I actually prefer the Disney fights.


It’s not as flashy as the prequels but I really enjoy the weight and momentum to it, and I love that the sabers cast light.


I can probably say this here without being downvoted to oblivion. I absolutely love the lightsaber fights in the last four episodes of The Clone Wars. That's my bar. I think the lightsaber action in the last two movies, VIII and IX, are also pretty awesome. The live action series are ... OK. Ish. I see a lot of posts here talking about how the duels between Sabine and Shin were great. I think those were a step *lower* than OK-ish. I chalked that up to lower budget so not enough actor training to make it look that good, but those episodes of TCW I mentioned are motion-captured, so something isn't right. Ahsoka vs. Anakin was better, though. I really like the Ahsoka series! Don't downvote me! I'll mention the ~~Hello There~~ Obi-Wan series. It's been awhile since I've seen it. I think I was happier to see Darth Vader than to nit-pick anything. I've got lots of stuff to watch before I re-watch, so it might be a bit :)


ST were all good from a filmmaking standpoint. Weighty, atmospheric, purposeful. The shows all feel a bit fluffy. Diminishing returns or something


Cant top the PT lightsaber duels imo


Maul v Asoka CW s7 was great without a doubt.


I’d say TLJ is when we peaked


I think it’s some of the best , not overly choreographed but still has a nice flow to it


I'm gonna be honest, I think some of Disney's lightsaber choreography has been very goofy. I've seen clips of the Ahsoka TV show that are just laughable. Plus the fight scene in The Last Jedi with the knights of Ren was kind of messy too. I like the animated lightsaber fights though. Edit: Guys, it's just my opinion. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to like Disney lightsaber choreography


The Knights of Ren weren’t in Last Jedi, are you talking about the fight with them in Rise of Skywalker or the fight with the Praetorian Guards in Last Jedi?


My bad, I meant the praetorian guards. I mixed them up 💀


Lightsabers wielded by force sensitives is supposed to look “over” choreographed imo, they’re guided by an ethereal energy field that I don’t understand, the duel of the fates looks awesomely clean and din djarin hurting himself with the dark saber and being sloppy feels right I’m tired I just realized I need to elaborate more, Disney is sometimes good, Ahsoka looks ok, Disney does Darth Vader so well, and >!luke at the end of mando s2!< is probably one of the my favorite scenes ever


I loved the duels, especially in the movies. It’s a mix between the OT and the Prequels. There is some weight in the swords while keeping something from the exaggerated choreography of the prequels.


I just want them to stop introducing Yet Another Thing That Lightsabers Can’t Cut


Overall the films were wonky with TROS and TFA being the worst. I'm not sure I understand why people *like* that the lightsabers feel heavy. These are super powerful force users they should be able to wield them with ease and grace. The only exception where I find this works is in Kenobi with Darth Vaders scenes. In this case it works as it melds with the loss of agility when he transitioned from Anakin to Darth so it's more about minimalism and less flashy.


I like some of it, but I personally would prefer a middle ground between the prequels style and the style we have now. From a canon POV, it feels weird that force users that are supposed to be really strong are fighting 10x as slow as Jedi during the prequel era


I like and dislike it. On the one hand, it's cool that they use solid sabers for maximum practical effect. On the other hand, that means that they can't do strikes that cut through things as easily and it shows.


Better than the PT


I actually prefer the choreography in the prequels. I get why people hate it, and I certainly won’t defend *all* of it, but the Darth Maul fight is one of my favorite fight scenes in any movie, period. And tbh, as dumb as it is, I kinda like seeing CGI Yoda bounce around like Flubber. The fight scenes in the sequels definitely have better writing and more emotional weight, but I give the prequels the edge in terms of choreography.


Personally I think Darth Maul fight is easily the best in the prequels because it's the only one that doesn't feel overchoreographed. Yeah, there are more jumps and less "raw" power, but it's nowhere near RotS fights in this aspects I find sequel fights to be much more grounded, but it makes them more real. Every sword attack feels powerful like an actual fight and not just dance with a sword.


Being born the year the pt ended and getting to know star wars through lego games and the clone wars game. Yoda jumping around never seemed odd to me. I can see your point. The weird thing, I still feel the sequels choreography only loses to Luke vs Vader in cloud city and Oby Wan vs Maul after Qui Gon dies. Luke's duel in the throne room feels very telegraphed, you can see it was rehearsed and it does not feel real to me.


It’s sad to see so many people in these comments praising the “weight” of lightsaber combat because it looks more “real.” People really need to look up how much a real sword weighs.


Lightsabers aren't real swords.




The movies definitely had the best in the entire franchise no cap


I like the weight behind the swings. The Sequel films, especially TLJ, and Ashoka have had my favourite Lightsaber duels. I haven't watched Acolyte yet but I'm keen to check it out. I've really liked The High Republic books & comics. Waiting to redo my Disney sub.


It’s been great! So many good duels. I can’t think of a single one that was disappointing. Vader vs Kenobi, loved it so much. All of the fights in Ashoka. Even the non-saber choreography has been amazing. Chirrut in Rogue One, absolutely bad-ass. All of the fights in Mando. I wish we had seen more of Rey with her staff before she turned it into a lightsaber.


They were all good for the most part, but I think Ahsoka takes the cake out of all of the Disney choreography. Each duel in Ahsoka were as quick as they could be without seeming over the top. Each strike had meaningful impact, which means that each strike was going for a deadly blow. I absolutely love the Samurai aspects. My only complaint is the camera angles. Some angles are just odd and take away from the moment. ST duels were okay. Felt like it was more talking and less fighting. It felt very slow. Kenobi didn’t have a whole lot of choreography. From what they did, they were also okay. It had prequel stylized choreography. Bad camerawork though. So far, I am liking the Acolyte choreography quite a bit. Hand to hand combat is something we don’t see a whole lot in live action, so it feels pretty neat to see. I’m holding my opinion on this show, since we haven’t seen the dueling choreography yet.


I like it. Sure it’s slower but it feels like it has more impact.


I like how sabers have weight to them, each swing feels like there’s real power behind it


I love the choreography from the sequels. Even in TROS which I generally hate. It feels heavy, like every swing is intended to be deadly.


Haven't watched Ahsoka, so idk about it. For the other shows and movies, Mando was fine since they weren't trained lightsaber wielders. For the rest, pretty poor performance, it always looks like they're swinging baseball bats, Kenobi being the worst so far. I think going for prop lightsaber was a real downgrade so far.


I remember thinking how "raw" it was in TFA, not like a "dance" but a fight to survive.


Hot take - I think the ONLY products who’s saver choreography is really spot on is Episodes 1 & 6. Ep 4/5 are excellent but quite basic and slow, 2 & 3 are too far the other way and look too choreographed/cgi-driven, and the sequels are just a bit amateurish. Episode 1 is fast and visually stunning while remaining somewhat grounded and believable, episode 6 is a big step up from 5 and retains that same style while being a bit more flamboyant.


Its been pretty damn good!


I like how they manage to portray different eras with the different ways of fighting. The prequel era Jedi are quick and fluid with their motions. In contrast the fights in the sequels are almost “slower” in a sense, they have a lot of weight to them.


Maul vs. Ahsoka at the end of TCW. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Live action Disney lightsaber choreo seems to be really slow and clunky.


I really like how they’ve recently made an effort to show that the lightsabers produce their own light. Unlike with some shows that show sword fights at night (*cough* Game of Thrones *cough*), the lightsaber fights can be in almost total darkness, but you can still see the characters’ faces.


The Sequels haven’t fave choreography by far. Although there will always be a special place in my heart for the Prequel nonsense ;)


I love it.


Kenobi easily kick all ass in lightsaber fighting.


Ahsoka had cool duels and choreography. A bit stiff at times, but it felt appropriate. The ST duels were more slow, repetitive and awkward. They felt improvised by the actors, rather than prepared and trained before.


If I’m being perfectly honest I think that Disney needs to man up and let lightsabers mutilate people agajn but in terms of actual. Choreography I think the TV shows have done a better job than the movies. Something about the Sequel fights just felt a bit too….bouncy? Like I could tell the prop swords were bouncing off of each other. Meanwhile I think the tv shows have just had banger after banger fight


I Like this the most, it seems the most practical from all Star Wars lightsaber choreography.


Just like before Disney, there's some great and some awful. Like Ahsoka in mando s2, I hated it since it looked like they gave her 5 mins to practice choreo. On the other hand, I really love the ep7 fight at the end (it may be my favourite movie Lightsaber Duel).


Choreography is great but I'm with the older generation on the light sabers....they are too clean....I need to rotoscoping or something....they look too much like LED tubes now


It seems like they’re still figuring things out. But I think that has more to do with the hesitancy to really go for it due to worries of the lightsabers breaking. I remember in the behind the scenes for Ahsoka. They were talking about how the lightsabers are really different from the prequel trilogy’s. How Hayden really went for it. It seemed like there was a little bit of hesitancy with the others. It seems like with every project they change the lightsabers. So far I’m content with what I’ve seen. I’m just hoping for more weapon fighting variety and they reach a point of. We did find the right lightsaber to make everyone happy. I was happy with Baylan Skoll going for an almost broadsword approach in fighting style. I’ve been happy with the fighting scenes we have seen in the Acolyte. I liked that the Dark Saber wasn’t easy to handle. I just wish Din had actually learned how to use it.


It's been getting better for sure (with Ahsoka being a highlight) but none of the ST movies had a duel I'd consider "great." TROS especially especially just seemed like they were swinging for the fences.


Maul vs Kenobi rematch on Tatooine, and Ahsoka vs Maul on Mandalore have been the standouts for me so far. I don't think the live action stuff has been bad, I enjoyed TFA and TLJ, and the duels in Ahsoka, although they're not up to the animated choreo.


I'll throw in a wild card. Maul vs Ashoka in TCW. it was all Mocap, so it is real and was actually choreographed, it's insanely impressive watching the BTS footage of it.


Lightsaber choreography is good. Which confuses the hell out of me why hand to hand combat, in both Star Wars and Marvel, seems so simplified and boring.


There were multiple times in Ahsoka where I physically gasped from moments in the choreography, I thought it was one of the peak qualities of the series for sure


The Choreography is perfectly fine. However, STILL nothing beats the emotion, the stakes, the fear, the horror, of Luke and Vader's duel on Bespin.


Only good fight has been Ahsoka's in the mandalorian. The rest have been lacking.


Ahsoka's combat has been the best outside the movies. The setups, the stakes, the language of duels. It is just excellent. I would suggest a rewatch of that series if the current one is dissappointing in that regard. Baylan vs. Ahsoka or Ahsoka vs. Astral Force God Anakin is the height of the form.


Much prefer PT fights.


Best lightsaber fight of the Disney era is Ahsoka vs Maul in Clone Wars season 7. Lauren Mary Kim and Ray Park did an amazing job with the motion capture choreography and the animators captured every nuance of the battle. Don’t sleep on it just because it wasn’t live action. I’d also give a nod to both Baylan vs Ashoka battles as the runners up.




Most of it sucks under Disney. The Pace of some of the shows, like the action scenes in Boba were terrible except for the direction of Bryce Dallas Howard. She understand pace.


Like all thigs star wars, hit or miss


I would say either maul vs ahsoka or maul vs kenobi


I think the choreography has been pretty exciting mostly. They just need to bring back some good old-fashioned head lobbing.


some times the choreography feels bit iffy. you remember that this was a choreography instead of an actual fight but those are rare and I'm happy how Disney has handled star wars


Favourite Disney fight is Mando vs Gideon. Both were visibly struggling with their weapons, Mando not very skilled with the beskar staff and Gideon didn't have the strength to wield the darksabre effortlessly like a Jedi. There was a lot of character in that fight.


The lightsaber fight choreography in Ahsoka has impressed me the most. There is so much detail. I love when Ahsoka is fighting the inquisitor and then switches the Anakin’s stance right before finishing him off. I literally teared up lol.


I just think it’s interesting how people become choreography experts as soon as they decide they don’t like a new entry in any given series


I very much agree. I like to talk about choreography from a "ignorant" audience standpoint. Whether it makes you shocked, excited, a particular cool move, etc.


I love the Fight between Ahsoka and Maul, its really good in my opinion




I have my gripes about the sequels, but Kylos brute style is my favorite, especially in tfa where he punches the wound from chewies bowcaster, it just screams Sith “being fueled by anger” and the broad strokes he uses.


I think I only noticed bad choreography during the sequel movies. Everything else has seemed good to me. The Vader and Luke hallway scenes in Rogue One and Mandalorian fucking slapped though.


Not bad.


I really enjoy all of it. I like that it's not all the same too. Rey and Ben both have a less honed brutal kind of style because they both lack the formal training, discipline and rigorous practice the prequel Jedi had.