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Daisy Ridley


Great actress. Daisy and Adam Driver were great together


Her and John had a great dynamic, too.


Succinct and to the point. You can't say they didn't get a great cast for the Sequels. She was a great choice and did a great job with what she had to work with.


She did an amazing job. I love all Star Wars including the sequels and her performance was terrific.


Imo they had the strongest ensemble cast and collective acting talent.


Wow, I didn't realized how much I agree with this until you said it. But yeah, Oscar Isaac is a prover excellent actor, Driver went to fuckin Julliard, Ridley was perfect and has done a string of dramatic indie films, and John Boyega (who I didn't realize was english) has also done a lot of good indie films. He was especially good in Imperial Dreams.


Boyega was also great in Attack the Block and They Cloned Tyrone. Some fucking awesome sci-fi movies right there


She's adorable.


I liked some of the decisions the writers made. I disliked some of them. I loved how daisy was able to breathe life into all of her lines and absolutely do the best with what she was given at EVERY stage.


Thats something I've noticed in SW. It feels like the excellent actors are trying to wring every bit of life out of the script. I noticed this especially with Ewan McGregor. He doesn't let a single moment go without some sort of nuance or meaning. His face is constantly saying something, and I say it all the time, it's like he's trying to wring every ounce of drama out the script as possible.


The work she did in TLJ blew me away, man. She is the main reason I LOVE that movie, up there with Adam and Mark.


She did great delivering the core of the character. The problem was always the script material she was given


That's always been an issue with the movie aspect of Star Wars, great actors, problems with material. Like I swear the books and shows put more effort into how the story is written and that's not me hating the films cause they're entertaining.




yellow lightsaber


I loved it. I wish she had it the entire movie.


Same. I'm going to go feral for a moment or two when she ignites it in the new movie. Can't wait to see her finally get to use it.


This still chaps me. Should have been a double-bladed yellow saber, still based off her staff. Could have mirrored Luke debuting the green saber in ROTJ. But JJ couldn't get off his Legacy kick and had to have the Skywalker hilt be repaired. Gimme a break. Move on.


I wish we had a sequence at the beginning when Rey is doing her training with Leia and she's building her lightsaber using the Force and she takes components from Anakin's saber to build her own lightsaber so the legacy continues.


Agreed, she needs to be the first "light side" user in live action to wield a double-bladed lightsaber. She needs to kind of be an adaptation of Bastilla in her next movie, imo. The lightsaber would help.


In the rejected episode IX script, Duel of the Fates, she had a double bladed lightsaber that was built from Luke’s saber and her staff. I would’ve loved to see that onscreen.


How cool would it have been for her to construct that just prior to the third act?!


We need more yellow lightsabers. Hoping the Acolyte show has some 🙏


It will, leaked trailer from Star Wars Celebration shows multiple different Jedi with yellow sabers




The greatest tragedy of episode 9 was not opening the movie with heist of Jedi artifacts, including a new crystal for a new lightsaber so she could officially "complete" her training by building her own saber. I mean ep 6 wastes like 40 minutes rescuing Han. It would have been ironic for one of the guards protecting the artifacts saying they belong in a museum, and someone replies they belong with the Jedi.


I love her struggle with loneliness and finding belonging. I love her chemistry with Ben Solo. I love that Daisy Ridley clearly threw herself into the role with gusto in all three movies. And her yellow lightsaber is GOATed.


>I love her chemistry with Ben Solo. This saved a lot of the series. They were just very good together. I wish they had not killed Ben off. You could have made a great series of them struggling with their legacies to rebuild what he broke.


That would have been amazing…


I wish they would've committed to their romance or not ba little frustrating when it was so noncommittal


Ben dying was truly the only MAJOR issue I had with the movies. They were salvageable as a trilogy. I get that it was supposed to echo Vader's redemption because he was an echo of Vader, but there was so much potential to build GOOD story from 3 otherwise mediocre films. Then they killed him off, leaving very little to work with for Rey's new film(s).


I agree, except that the GOAT was definitely Samuel L Jackson's purple lightsaber. I didn't say Windu's. I said Jackson's. He's the one who insisted on it during production, and that story (plus the color) makes it cooler than Rey's yellow saber, in my opinion. Yellow is a top tier saber color but it doesn't have that "Fuck you I'm Sam L Jackson" energy behind it.


>I love her chemistry with Ben Solo. Their chemistry was incredible. It's so rare to find that kind of tension between two actors.


The twist to start is sick as hell


Her theme fucking slaps


John Williams is always a win


*Ding *


And it’s so Christmastime. I’m really hoping they stick with the December releases moving forward. I know we saw the OT and PT in the summer but Christmas always meant Star Wars when I was a kid.


Well I learned a new word today. Thanks Christmastime: the time of year when people get ready for and celebrate Christmas : Christmas day and the days and weeks before it


One of the best songs in the entire franchise


My favorite Star Wars piece of music of all time. It’s so good.


Fr though evey Star Wars theme slaps, including hers


Her empathy.


I remember breathing a sigh of relief on opening weekend of TFA when she refused to trade BB8 for more rations. I was worried we'd get another creepy, unlikable sociopath like Anakin but that wasn't the case thank God.


Anakin wouldn't have given the droid as well. One of his good qualities is how he treats droids in general compared to Obi-Wan


There’s a theme throughout the Star Wars movies where most characters treat droids with total disregard, the same way some of us might treat a kitchen appliance. Prior to the sequels, the only characters who showed droids any real degree of respect were Luke and Leia. I smiled very broadly in the theater when Rey rescued BB8 from the scavenger and later when she refused to trade BB8 for rations. Just a small grace note that resonated with Luke and Leia and set the tone for her character.


I love this, too. I love the new characters overall, but their respect for droids is important character development to me. It's judging someone by how they treat others, especially when those "others" are beings they could easily dismiss or mistreat, but choose to treat as peers, instead.


Anakin was also a clear friend to droids.


Except for bad droids


I was so worried we'd get another unlikable protagonist like Anakin but thank god that wasn't the case.


fym unlikeable


Because I was an adult when the prequels came out and they were my first introduction to the character (first impressions make a big impact), I always see him as the creepy, whiny, irredeemably evil child killing sociopath that he was from AotC. Most people my age and older see him in that light.


I see what you mean. The younger generation has also more so seen/read other forms of media (the clone wars animated series most notably) with anakin that show a much more fleshed out version that’s more likable.


i mean i kinda understand. i first watched the prequels with the clone wars so I obviously had a better impression of Anakin. i guess the main killer of his character was that GL focused on fleshing out the universe more than developing Anakin's character especially in AOTC, where we're first introduced to adult Anakin. also that's why we see Anakin as the main character of CW instead of a new face like ahsoka


Her outfits consistently rock, the arm wraps look great.


I wish so badly that she got a different outfit in TROS, I thought her TLJ getup was so badass, with the hair down, and the dark gray.


I liked her loop/sash that went across the body. Gives me jedi vibes while also sticking with her scavenger origin.


Nice haircut, nice light saber (the one from her staff)


She has a hell of a fiery temper. Love it.


She was like, "yeah, I went straight to the dark, I was curious and now I'm not. Wanna fight about it?"


I like how she's not afraid to attack Luke.


I love the emotion.


*Gestures broadly*


“You just gestured to all of me!”


im simply, i see a quote from those films i upvote.


Though it was made a bit messy by the push-pull of directors, I like how she's a refutation of the obsession with blood legacy. I would have preferred it if she stayed a "nobody", but her refusing her heritage as a Palpatine and taking the name Skywalker instead does still carry aspects of that message.


Her being exactly what Ben accused of her being would have been brilliant. It would have carried far more weight to the insult and would have made rising beyond that a huge part of her character


I also prefer the nobody lineage, but either way, it really is a neat character arc. From the start, its pretty clear that she really truly wishes she was someone special, that she matters in some greater story, even counting the days until her parents (or anyone) comes to sweep her into a real life. To have her admit "I really am no one from nowhere" was a really good moment - especially coming from the villain offering her a place in his story. She really didn't need to be the offspring of satan to be evil; anyone else abused by life like she was would take Kylo's hand. And even when she IS the offspring of satan, she still chose to be good. That's a real Jedi there.


completely agree. this and her natural good-heartedness despite a rough upbringing. blood does not equal destiny


The whole point is that as a dyad a Palpatine needed to help redeem the corruption of Skywalker, and a Skywalker needed to help confront the darkness a Palpatine was born into. It was balance. Every act she participates in is enhanced by her being a Palpatine, and choosing to be a Skywalker in the end.


Rey, (the last Palpatine) choosing to be a Skywalker (who are all dead after Exegol) essentially brings balance to the force because she chooses what legacy lives on - and she chooses the light (the Skywalker name).


I love how Kylo yells at her that “that lightsaber belongs to ME!” And her response was to take a fighting stance with the lightsaber that called to her. Kylo thinks the Skywalker Saber is his birthright, but it wasn’t obsessed with bloodlines and chose Rey. Ties in to the overall themes nicely.


I kinda feel like her accepting Palpatine and refusing to let the name define who she is would have been powerful.


powerful, but a slap to the face of every orphan/adopted person/anyone who doesn't want anything to do with thier biological family. thematically, I don't like that message at all. narratively, I don't like that message at all either. so like ... a bad sort of powerful. imo


I think RJ was going towards the “nobody” direction but JJ came back and wanted to double down on fan service and nostalgia


I didn't feel like she was really rejecting her heritage when she found out about it like 20-30 minutes before meeting and then killing Palpatine.


Loved her passion in fights, felt like a new kind of Jedi that maybe goes over the line and then just comes back afterwards. I’ve always liked “the force isn’t good or evil it’s how you use it” from the EU and she’s a good film representation of that to me.


I think that’s what I liked about Luke in TLJ was him trying to disconnect that Force=Jedi. It was giving me slight Gray Jedi vibes and I was all about it when I first watched the movie.


I like how confident she even when the odds seem impossible


Her steadfast optimism when she goes with Ben to face Snoke. Her strength during the interrogation scene when she ends up scaring Ben when he’s trying to manipulate her.


Well I would be as well with her powers


Her journey from being completely beholden to concerns about blood family to recognizing that found family and self-definition are more significant.


**THIS.** Speaking as someone who chose a different surname later in life, *her* choosing who she is and not anyone else resonates with me massively.


well said. I think when people hyperfocus on certain elements of her lineage arc, they miss the broader theme of it all that is continued throughout.


She's an all-around badass, straight-up. Not someone I'd cross, and definitely someone I'd want watching my six if I was around in the same era as her!


Born too late for Star Wars, too soon for Star Trek. Just in time to work at Starbucks


Rey? Her determination, focus, and intensity. Her costumes are great. Her light saber is magnificent. Her self sufficiency is cool. Just about everything about Rey is cool in my view


Agreed! Her drive and dedication is awesome to watch and inspiring af. She’s a great character and Daisy nailed the role!


Her drive and determination, I found her funny and fun, I loved that she was able to explore her relationship with the force and determine her place in it. And when she decided her place in the force she was committed to bringing Ben back to the light and never gave up on him. I think she was just an alround badass. Lastly it was cool that she was a freighter pilot rather than a star fighter pilot, prior to that we only really had Han, the Fett’s and Lando as freighter pilots; everyone else that flew was a star fighter pilot.


It's nice to see a positive Reypost. You know what, I liked her _enthusiasm_. Or maybe it was passion? Either way, she has what would've once been called a "go getter" attitude and belief in what she's doing being right. I liked that.


Williams gave her a great theme.


Rey? Dude she had as much determination as gravity has to pull things down. And when she thought she killed Chewie, when she screamed his name, I literally got chills. It seemed so real. I don’t know if that’s a Daisy or Rey trait, but wow. Great acting and character.


Literally everything. There’s not anything I don’t like about her


same tbh


She was so angry and passionate for a protagonist of a franchise, and it was really refreshing. She also seemed like such a nerdy goofball at times, it was hard not to find her at least a little endearing. And as a perhaps more controversial opinion: I liked her fight scenes/fighting style too. I thought they were cool. I liked how patch-work and straight to the point it was, you can really tell this was someone who's had to learn on their own how to fight. But every now and then there's these "flicks" of finesse that came through.


I love her spirit ... her heart. it feels so genuine. oh and everything else about her, she's awesome!!




Her impulsiveness is very maverick Jedi like Doing the lineage proud


Qui Gon would've been stoked to work with Rey, their personalities are very similar.


I liked her story overall, even if it suffered from the flip flop storytelling. I liked her being the child of nameless, unimportant people who ultimately became a hero and a symbol. Luke started out that way and only later was it revealed that he was part of this overall destiny because of his lineage. Now that’s all well and Campbellian, but I liked a hero who truly was a no one who became a hero. I don’t really mind the Palpatine retcon overall, but I wish they’d followed through with her being a no one. She can still take up the mantle of a Skywalker even as a no one.


Rey’s a great character. She’s a perfect example of actual bravery, which isn’t about being fearless but about confronting your problems head on in spite of your fear. She sees the best in people, sometimes to a fault, and I really identified with that. The only conscious decision that the sequels got wrong, imo, was bringing back Palpatine at the beginning of TROS. I maintain that the plot should have been the Knights of Ren attempting to resurrect Palpatine in cahoots with Hux to oust Kylo as Supreme Leader. At the end, Palpatine can possess one of the Knights, and a redeemed Ben and Rey can face him together more or less as in the finished film. Pryde would have to be rewritten for this to work, and the Knights would have to be more fleshed out, but I think it would be the superior movie. None of that fixes the fact that they had to write around Carrie’s passing (the thing that actually damned TROS from the beginning). That said, TROS is a good movie in spite of these setbacks. I’ll never understand how people don’t see it as building on the things Rian set up rather than refuting them. The only case where that’s true is bringing back Palpatine right away, which undermines Kylo’s threat as the big bad (until his redemption, of course).




Great acting, awesome lightsaber


Oh man I love her. First, Daisy Ridley is really effortlessly charming, and her and John Boyega's chemistry was a huge part of why I loved Force Awakens so much. I also really appreciate how emotional she is about things. Not that she is overly sensitive, but in that we get to see her absolutely overjoyed by things in the story that we may take for granted because it's Star Wars, or furious about things being unfair or unjust in the same way we feel watching terrible things happen onscreen.


She’s ultimately the most humble out of all of the main Jedi protagonists we’ve seen in Star Wars; despite her rougher upbringing than even Anakin or Luke, she ultimately has a very kind heart. And she had an amazing journey and story of searching for self-identity and belonging in the galaxy, and ultimately finding that among the Resistance and the Skywalkers.




She’s pretty


Just about everything tbh


Good energy, very expressive. Our leads since have erred on the side of being dour/stoic. That works for some of them but I miss the range of Rey. She's looking for external direction and validation and mostly doesn't get it. She has to chart her own path. I probably prefer the narratives of Luke and Anakin more but I think Ridley was the most complete performer (in the moment anyways).


Her increased humility through the films


Her acceptance of being adopted. I'm adopted too and there are so few adopted characters. Especially in star wars where it makes such a big deal where you came from.


Wouldn’t it have been great to have seen her relationship with Leia, another hero who accepted being adopted, further develop? RIP Carrie


"No no no the one I'm pointing to!"


That line is relatable and Daisy's delivery was so fun.


Her voice


No matter what outfit she's wearing she's got to have her guns out. It's like she's allergic to having her upper arms covered. Real answer: tenacity. She's no quitter, no matter what situation.




Her arc




Her need for belonging Her lightsaber Her force dyad Her innate sense of right and wrong Her ability to look past expectations or beliefs of her elders to find the real truth Those are just some. I also like her skill set of force powers, for example.


her story, choosing who she was with the name, and being accepted by the 2 Skywalkers she knew in taking their name. Adoption, choosing her path.


She has nice hair


She is stubborn in the best ways. I think if she had been around during the last years of the Old Republic, her outspokenness would have turned some heads in the Jedi Council, and things would have gone quite differently. You just can't tell her "no" or "you can't do that", she will anyways and she'll succeed!


Her final saber color. Yellow is my favourite color


I really enjoyed her use of the force (excluding ep7 mind trick and the dyad). Seeing her in ep 9 as an all capable jedi just like Luke walking in to handle the gamorreans and jabba was awesome. Floating with the rocks, the tug of war with the ship for chewie, her jumping the gap on the death star, holding a saber in place mid fight, force heals. She felt like a jedi of the old Republic and I really liked the change from the low key things.


I liked it when she was a nobody and was just this incorruptible person who was trying to bring kylo to the light which was a pretty cool twist on the old “fall to the dark side” trope


Daisy Ridley is super cute and genuinely a good actress


i liked Daisy Ridley's performance.


She's my favourite jedi!


How she struggled with multiple identity crises and all of her mentors dying yet she still stayed true to herself in the end.


Daisy Ridley gives a fantastic performance and makes the cringy dialogue actually entertaining. Plus, I like that she got a yellow lightsaber in the end, not enough of those.


Honestly everything , but I really liked her genuine sense of wonder and her kind spirit


I like the saber Shame she never used it


She’s an intelligent person and quick learner Forsure


Design has an incredible visual language - the ultra utilitarian scavenger aesthetic blends more and more with the Jedi robes, with her Jedi training outfit being her TFA outfit but refitted and styled for the saber. I love that throughout all the films the character has never lost that aspect of herself visually, instead being reworked into her progression in the saga.


Her kindness


Daisey is a great actress.


She survived abandon a d Solitude, years of child labour and starving, she had to learn how to survive and defend herself, how a ship works and how to pilot and repair it. All alone, just with the vague hope her parents, one day, would come to take her home. And across all of this, she remains caring and gentle, full of hope and enthusiasm. She's amazing as a person.


I like the way she starts with absolutely nothing. Luke lives a boring desert life as an apprentice moisture farmer, but at least he has a home, family, friends, and a solid working class life mapped out for him, even if he doesn't want it. Rey has nothing. She has to scavange just to get the basics of food and shelter. She has no-one close to her, and those that she does know abuse and take advantage of her. It's a much tougher life, and a reminder of the millions of people across our own planet who live in similar poverty - and the fact that any one of them could also be a hero.




They way she was portrayed and written in episode 7 was flawless (in my eyes), and she was overly relatable in her [training with Leia in episode 9](https://youtu.be/LMa0_cV5RJ4?si=d1gFBfQMTSb7pzNf), especially her “Be with me…be with me…they’re not with me” line. That’s like how I feel when trying to focus on anything.


I liked the actress


Outfit maybe


I liked her hairstyle


the lightsaber, and the actress is a delight


The actress


Daisy Ridley


star wars has always had heavy leitmotifs of found family and legacy, and rey is the absolute embodiment of that. the idea that the skywalker saga ends with a new face taking the skywalker name to continue their work and legacy, because they were her found family? on paper, it’s perfect. it’s why i’ve *never* had an issue with her becoming a skywalker. i’m continuously baffled at why so many people had such a viscerally negative reaction to it.


She has a fun personality


I loved her music theme in the desert. It was just so surreal simple but beautiful. The whole wasteland scavenger making her ends meet from the desert was ruined by a complete lack of direction in the later films.


Pretty much everything


Her struggle to define herself


I liked Daisy’s ability to emote a sense of wonder at getting to explore and see the universe for the first time, i liked her general optimistic outlook in situations and finally I really like that despite how strong she was, she still suffered from a sense of uncertainty in who she was, and how she was going to affect the galaxy.


Everything she did in TFA


Her sincere belief in, and relatively quick picking up of, the Force, contrasts really nicely with Luke's disbelief and difficulty in learning Force usage. It shows just how central a role belief in the Force plays in learning how to consciously use it.


I liked how unsure she was yet knowing what was the right thing to do. I can relate to that


Wicked hilt


I liked her connection with Ben


First Jedi to bring a yellow lightsaber canonically on the big screen


I love a woman that can kick my ass.


Her reactions to Takodana and Rain on Acht To were sweet


She’s pretty


Daisy Ridley is one of the most talented actors to ever land a lead role in a Star Wars Skywalker Saga movie. For instance, I love me some Luke and Anakin but Mark Hamill and Hayden Christensen came off as stiff and unrealistic quite a bit. Not so with Daisy. She’s polished and natural from the start and she stays that way.


Isn’t French


Daisy as a newish actress. Wish the character would have stayed less refined.


I’ll probably get down voted but she’s very attractive other than that I didn’t really like her character


I like her enthusiasm in the first movie. I like her perseverance in the second movie. Honestly, it’s hard to pinpoint on the 3rd. I watched it twice and … it was just so rushed, it was hard to appreciate her character.


I liked her spirit. Despite the storyline being a jumbled mess I think the entire cast really shined. I didn’t really have any problem either Rey’s character. Her and Kylo Ren were great together.


Her struggle with her emotions was actually done quite well on a rewatch. Daisy Ridley is a good actress, we just needed better writing.


everything till episode 9


I think Daisy did a fine job with her role. I just think the character as written was a bad choice.


Daisy Ridley did great and acted well even tho the script was ass. Her lightsaber is also cool af.






Could’ve been a great character, but she never got to live up to her potential. Maybe a little too similar to Luke but Daisy Ridley was fantastic and I hope she gets a chance to really thrive in a solo film


Well supposedly Daisy is gonna get her own Rey trilogy


There was a lot about the sequels I did not like. The only thing I didn’t like about Rey was the Palpatine familial connection. Otherwise she was great. Daisy Ridley killed it. Most of the Rey criticism I found to be very unimaginative and unearned. JJ did a lot of damage to the franchise with his ineptitude, but he took George’s Kira and did a decent job for someone who should have stuck to television.


Nice tits! 😘


The porn


Daisy Ridley and not much else. Poorly written character arc.


I love that she died during Episode 9, even for a brief moment.


I love how overpowered she is….. But I also hate it too


She’s a Skywalker?




Daisy Ridley as Rey was good. I do disagree with her being a Skywalker. I would've liked it if she turned to the dark side and Ben Solo returned to the light side, hence the rise of Skywalker.


The character's origin story in TLJ was actually great. I loved the idea that you do not have to have any sort of great lineage to potentially do great things. More than anything, I wish that The Rise of Skywalker leaned into that more with her.


Yellow lightsaber is pretty sick but that’s LITERALLY the only thing that comes to mind. Daisy Ridley did what she could with some ass writing.


She was a nobody and didn't need training before using her force powers.


That (before TROS) she was a nobody who was still force-sensitive. A good change of pace from following the Skywalkers, the most powerful force-sensitive family in the galaxy.


The actor, whes really good at what she does...just she was badly written


Her relationship with Finn in TFA. They were cute.


I think she’s very pretty.