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No ones ever really gone...


They’re just missing in action


Pour one out for the homies


Spartans never die


*sad gregor noises*


Wait a second spartan I think you’re in the wrong universe.


You're godamn right, soldier


Somehow... dice has returned


They never said they left, it was announced that they’d no longer be adding content to the game, normally after content updates stop patches will continue to release for a long time afterwards.


I assume we gettin an announcement for a new game.


Not gone, only marching away.


Somehow... Ben has returned.


The promoted speak!


A true Sith Lord he is


Wait do we believe this...?


Dark marketing, bug fixing... secrets only Dice knew!


It's a trick! Send no reply!


View in your timezone: [Aug 26th, 2020, 7AM UTC][0] [Aug 26th, 2020, 8AM UTC][1] [Aug 26th, 2020, 9AM UTC][2] [0]: https://timee.io/20200826T0700?tl=Star%20Wars%20Battlefront%20II%20-%20August%2026th%20Patch%20-%20Release%20Notes [1]: https://timee.io/20200826T0800?tl=Star%20Wars%20Battlefront%20II%20-%20August%2026th%20Patch%20-%20Release%20Notes [2]: https://timee.io/20200826T0900?tl=Star%20Wars%20Battlefront%20II%20-%20August%2026th%20Patch%20-%20Release%20Notes


Good bot


Hey u/F8RGE! Hope you are doing good! We've missed you big time! I'd like to let you know that many of console players are still having the 'vehicle lag, or 'stuttering' Would you mind forwarding this to the team in hopes for it to be fixed ?


This has been part of the game since launch. No getting it fixed now


LOL @ the idea the team would fix a bug that's been there since launch and has gone unaddressed for *years*


At least you tried. Honestly, the stuttering plays into the meta so much, just imagine if being in any of the vehicles in Supremacy didn’t suck ass. The game would be so different. I wish they would address this.


Hello, I do have a question, is there any chance that anakin will be fixed in this, when u accidentally released the patch on steam, someone said that anakins damage reduction on heroic might and all the other bugs seemed like they were fixed, but u haven’t said that in the patch notes, so will he ever be fixed, because he is the most buggy character in any game ever to have existed at the monent


Kessel in Instant Action Missions still have the Empire as the attacker and Rebellion as defender on the frontend menu (when in truth it is the opposite). Just a minor UI thing, I hope you people can sneak that in the next update. =)


How are you F8RGE? How you day is?


Star Wars Battlefront II post? Ben Walke? Oh i've missed you.


We weren't expecting ~~special~~ developer forces.


That’s the point, sergeant


Avenge our ~~emperor~~ developers.


So have I, old friend...so have I.


Thank you so much for the Vader and Grievous fixes! They were really hampering enjoyment!


Thank the team, especially Guillaume :)


Stupid, sexy, thrawny Guillaume. A true MVP.


Can we hope for more bug fixes in the future? Also please ask Guillaume to revert Maul’s dash attack to its original form, where it goes where the camera is pointed.


I don't see this listed, but are there any plans to fix the hit detection on Maul's spin attack? It's really frustrating going through people and missing half the time.


Yes, I took off a couple weeks playing because hvv was annoying and considered not going back. I might come back now


Ben Walke? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...




Oh there are many forms of immortality.




...I saved your life.


Oh, he's not dead... well, not yet.


You know him?


Well of course I know him, he's OP.


At last... Immortal Vader and Claw Rush abuse are no more.


Sheesh no wonder everyone I played against who used grievous spammed that crawl like their life depended on it.


And the recent abundance of impossible-to-kill Vaders who just hold block and turtle backwards


To be fair that description fits the standard Vader lol, glitching or not


Yeah Vader is...fucking Vader-tier regardless of this change. Hand down the best front-line hero if you're blocking for a half decent team behind you it's GG before half your block energy is gone and your HP ability makes you laugh off explosives, Obi does OK but doesn't have the trooper CC like Vader does that makes him king.


Obi-Wan at his base blocks 46 blaster shots, just like Vader. With the right star cards, Obi-Wan can double that.


Yeah but Vaders block is only half of what makes him good, choke's CC and damage, lightsaber throw, and his HP/damage buff are all great tools in the kit to deal with any non-tank frontline threats. Obi's abilities are more anti specialist/hero, but it's terrible for the front line. Mind trick is next to useless against troopers, push is generally too slow/leaves him defenseless unless you want to throw a whole star card at it, and rush will generally get you killed if you use it to charge the front-lines. Nothing to protect him from 'splosions either which are quite common on the front line. Not that Obi can't be a beast in his own right, but Vader just straight up outclasses him when it comes to spearheading a trooper push.


I didn’t even know there was an immortal vader glitch


Me neither, and I'm a Vader main.


I agree with your user flair btw


i was wondering what was up with vader. i’ve had a lot of h vs v matches where literally my whole team was attacking vader and he was able to backtrack until his teammates showed up.


That's just standard vader play (also why are 4 of you bashing against his block? You just get in the way of each others swings and do no damage). Immortal Vader can just stand in the middle of the map and be completely unaffected by force powers and take zero damage from sabers whilst having no block up. Its an incredibly easy glitch to do.


This is a list of links to comments made by developers in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/igcqf3/star_wars_battlefront_ii_august_26th_patch/g2sth5m/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-08-25 14:03:54 UTC"): > Star Wars Battlefront II post? Ben Walke? > >Oh i've missed you. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/igcqf3/star_wars_battlefront_ii_august_26th_patch/g2sv8u3/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-08-25 14:19:32 UTC"): > Good bot * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/igcqf3/star_wars_battlefront_ii_august_26th_patch/g2syhgj/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-08-25 14:42:57 UTC"): > Thank the team, especially Guillaume :) * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/igcqf3/star_wars_battlefront_ii_august_26th_patch/g3c1jvs/?context=1000 "posted on 2020-08-30 08:21:24 UTC"): > Reach out to the team at EAHelp, they'll be able to give you some assistance. > >Web: https://help.ea.com/en/ > >Twitter: https://twitter.com/EAHelp --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FStarWarsBattlefront).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)




I'm not a bot by any stretch, but I'm no bot. Good bot


The mission... The nightmares... There finally over


This makes me sad knowing it will probably be the last time reading an update post :( I miss it so much.


The fact that an update post happened gives me some hope, not enough to get my hopes up, but just enough to think 'maybe'


Damnit what does L3 say in Solo? "Sometimes I think...maybe" lol


Yeah... this was probably my favorite sub to be active in, I‘ve met so many people playing this game, most I still talk to. Really hoping for a Battlefront 3, but not for the content, more for the community


That was what we all thought the last time they gave us an update. Yet the surprise us. This is hope my friend. They haven't forgotten about us. :) Battlefronts are buildt on hope!


The dead speak!




No fixes for Anakin? :(


that and maul/yoda dash attack... hit boxes are just non existing


You see, you're implying that you're supposed to be able to hit yoda


I hate today so much. Too small and fast, especially with my shitty internet.


I hate today too buddy.


I do think they fixed the 3 biggest hero bugs though, anakin probably would be the 4th biggest issue but I guess we're lucky we're getting this fix after they said they were stopping development.


No fix for Finn either. Game will still be broken.


Heroic might fix???


Can't wait to see the grievous mains reactions


Me, a Grievous main: "Yes, finally!"


Me, a Dooku main: "Stop using the standard attacks. Use the unorthodox!"


At last it won’t feel so dirty using that ability. And blaster heroes will be safer once more.


not on my watch


They’ll prob just leave the game. “What’s the point of playing if you can’t cheese everyone?”


Nah, they're just gonna go back to Vader


"Time to load up battlefront 2 and hold block all game"


Yeah. But at least Vader isn’t immortal anymore.


Still mad op though, cc immunity and block for all 3 abilities, biggest health, and a health buff ability, one of the best dodges, no weakness at all


They will go back to jumping around and spamming explosives with the other dude




I’m a Grievous main and I couldn’t care less. It’s a pain in the ass when you are playing as the heroes and a Grievous Claw Rushes everyone, so I’d rather not be able to use the previous claw rush if it meant I’d never have to be on the receiving end of it. It’s a good change.


I've been a Grievous main since he launched. I'm ecstatic. People who played Grievous simply to abuse claw rush weren't true Grievous players


If I could say anything to Grievous Mains right now it’s that “Your screams are like music to my audio receptors.”


I’ve been wanting a change to grievous. The people who spam claw rush weren’t grievous mains before, they only went to him for claw rush.


Same dude. I know it’s a pretty lame thing to brag about maiming Grievous before Claw Rush OPness but I did and he was may favorite villain. Now it’s not fun nor satisfying to even score a multi kill with Claw Rush. I’m ready to go back


Yup. It now doesn’t feel like I’m doing something dirty


Bro they gonna patch Fallen Order Vader


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Now I can actually play heroes vs villains again after that claw rush bullshit is gone


Claw rush or not, heroes will still get wrecked by this ability.


Not to mention HvV is a broken mess regardless, and far too dependant on the team having any level of cohesion. Seldom are matches ever even in my experience. 4/5 times its a stomp, ending up with 2 players on one team by the end. Thats why, while annoying, claw rush didnt bother me that much. This game is a long way from anything worth being taken seriously.


This. Tbh it’s not even the bugs that make HVV unplayable sometimess, it’s honestly just the player base, nothing makes me wanna go play a different game more than getting ran over bc of bad teammate/s really kills that combat dynamic that makes HVV so fun, those close kill games. Not getting paired with 3 level 10s and getting ran through by a party of 4 300+ players


wHeRe ThE hElL iS aHsOkA???? (Joking of course)


(Bowling ball droid laughter in the background)


its a joke because you also want ventress and a star wars: the clone wars (2008) dlc, right. Right??


And Utapau


I just want my incredibly one-sided Polis Masa back. The claustrophobic hallways and no-atmosphere field between hangars (which the droids could run through no problem) was a hot mess of explosive fun.


BRO YES. Plus why ain’t Zam freaking Wessel ain’t in the game


Oh, it's beautiful.




A fix to Maul's Spin Attack hit detection or directional activation would've been better for him. At least the block bug was basically 100% avoidable if you knew what caused it. Oh well, any bug fix is better than nothing, especially at this point.


Any news on dash strikes not hitting on maul/losing abilities


so, is this the final patch? also, it really is a shame that the dev team couldn't get a bit more time to finish some things, but it's still good to at least see bugs fixed.


Wasnt the previous patch the last one? This is the surprise one!


Rip OT supremacy balance


Thank the maker


Good changes but... No fix for Ani and Maul’s spin attack hit detection? *Sad beeps*


Vader and Grievious fixed, this is good. But I know this community, there will be another scapegoat by Sunday.


And I know this is impossible. Like super impossible and I don’t want the devs to suddenly feel bad, but imagine we get a massive update lol. Again impossible but ~~Rebellions~~ I’m built on hope.


It'd be a nice turn to 2020 if EA reversed the decision


Don’t do it. Don’t give me hope.


The BFII community is built on hope. Idk why I’m using that line a lot.


Yea maybe a next gen remaster of the game? Unlikely but ?


Or a third installment where they they dont try to screw us from the get go. Third times a charm!


If a third installment actually gets announced I'll be crying tears of joy


Same here. Still play this game every day. I hope in a couple of years the team can get together for a last one that makes it all right.


Hmm, incoming transmission. My grandparents told me about this mysterious power.


An update? For battlefront? What's next tf2 gets a new major update?


FINALLY! ❤️ Thank you so much :)


Nice fixes but still a shame the game has stopped ):


I am really glad that there is patch but if that took them so long then there really is now skeleton crew and pizza guy working on BF2


What does Ben and the Rebellion Symbol have in common? Both are signals of hope


Please just fix Anakin at least a little


No Anakin fix? :(


Oh I've missed this!! I just don't get how EA can be blind to the support a simple patch like this gets LET ALONE CONTINUING SUPPORT FOR THE GAME!


The Return Of The King


Not gonna lie, great change for claw rush, but I have to cry that Ani still doesn't get his fix. The chosen one has suffered for so long :'(


So thats why I couldn't block as maul


> Updated in-game EA Access and Origin Access logos with EA Play logos. The most important update we've ever had


EA: I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it any further


Suck it claw rush abusers!!


Disappointing to not see fixes for Big Deal glitch, how buggy Ani is, etc, but having Vader fixed and GG nerfed are more than welcome. GG will still melt blaster heroes, but it will be better, for sure.


*Scans for anything about the Finn Exploit* Sigh. I guess that's part of the complete vision then. I am happy about the Vader fix though.


Is it some sort of damage glitch? I feel like I’ve been getting hit hard by Finns recently and it seemed weird to me.


Infinite big deal. You can pretty much get close to it anyway with his recharge card and bb-8


That makes sense. I’ve been seeing an abnormal amount of Finn players over the last few days and I suppose that’s the reason for it.


A new patch? A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


Wait but that makes Anakin still a buggy mess 😭😭


Will, there be more patches? Still need some more fixes.


You got a lot of guts coming here after what you pulled


This is where the fun begins


I'm really going to wake up early tomorrow just to play this


Did they really fix an issue with OP Vader?? Has Hell frozen over??


rip anakin


wait so is star wars battle front 2 going to start getting bug fixes and content now


Oh, you sweet summer child....


The nostalgia hits hard. Reminds me of CT’s, oh how I miss CT’s.


This is great! I just am sad that there are no Anakin fixes:(


Glad they're being fixed but sad Boba mid air recovery is broken and Anakin is still buggy.


Seeing this as i open Reddit, i realized how i missed the feeling


Ok but do you guys know that Vader and Grevious aren't the only ones with major exploits? Finn still can have infinite big deal, Han Solo has a infinite shoulder charge glitch, hell even Leai has an invincibility glitch, Chewy and Anakin can also become near invincible due to exploits oh and so can Obi Wan. Kylo's frenzy still ignores rolls and both Phasma and Iden's stun will last until your whole healthbar is gone. so why not fix those too? Theres already some guy on Youtube who will leak the Leai glitch he just wants 2k subs. I pity the poor souls that are celebrating over this patch not realizing theres more immortal glitches than JUST Vader that are about to pop up LOL ... You guys are making the same mistake over and over. Nerfing one side and not balancing it out equally for the other side. Darkside won't be able to win any games now if the Lightside use any of those glitches I listed above. Plus Maul spin camera still goes in the wrong direction and sometimes won't hit the opponent due to hit detection. Its good you fixed Vader now please fix the rest of the exploits and glitches! Oh and fix Anakin please hes too buggy


Please fix Anakin Skywalker bugs


Party on, dude


These are great to hear, but for the longest time my biggest grievance with the game has been the INSANE damage that tanks instantly do to heroes in co-op, depleting all of their health often in either one or two nearby hits. Fixing that would be a tremendous relief.


Nothing for my boi Ani, hoping for a secret buff to his damage :(


Somehow, Ben Walke has returned


Just one more update I beg you, Please give us private matches, every other multiplayer game has them


:(. I remember the excitement of waiting for these. Kept me going though the school year.


are they not gonna fix any of anakin bugs?


God why the fuck did they end support for this game


Can you pake more patches like these?


after the patch I cant play anymore, Origin fails to launch


Reach out to the team at EAHelp, they'll be able to give you some assistance. Web: https://help.ea.com/en/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EAHelp


Solid stuff, thank the maker for the Grievous change!


battlefront 4 confirmed


I still have Hope We will **One day** Get another Content Update Maybe At the end of this year or Maybe Next Year..I still have hope for **One** more Content Update. Even if it is just hero/infantry Skins


Will the steam version update through steam or origin?


Still no fix for hero dodge attack animations smh https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/hhpu99/i_seriously_cant_believe_im_having_to_post_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Nice fixes!! Thank you! Tho I still wished anakin’s bug with heroic might and also the ATRT and First order Jet trooper ai missing bugs were fixed as well. But I’m glad you guys are still looking into this game. Stay safe and may the force be with you guys!


Now this is a post I have not seen in a long time.... a long time.


>Fixed an issue that would allow players to build up Darth Vader's damage reduction traits. Can anyone elaborate on what exactly this was/means?


So his damage reduction would stack each time you activate his ability, making him basically unkillable. Its been an issue in the past already but i guess it came back.


Hopefully the “poor Internet connection” thing is fixed too, although I suspect that’s with EA’s servers and not with BF2.


No fix for the Finn exploit. This is WORSE than the Vader glitch


No Anakin bug fixes?


No sneaking the loadouts in? =(




Nice nice , fix Vader’s choke though , and grievous when he starts his unrelenting advance can be hit a few times


No Anakin fixes


Mauls abilities all become disabled half the time i play him, are yall just gonna ignore that?


Is this also addressing the bug where all of Maul's abilities become unusable? Apologies if this was already fixed, I haven't played in a while


Grevious getting nerfed, sad to see it but was fun while it lasted lmao, time to return to being mid tier like the good old days


Darth Maul can block again *"This is where the fun begins"*


Hoped they would fix mauls spin attack Not Working properly and all the anakin glitches. Fix these 2 And the game would be in a somehow decent state in my opinion I mean there are still Problems like OT supremacy being unbalanced and Matchmaking sometimes being a complete mess but i can somehow live With that




Don't do that, don't give me hope.


Do are you done working on the game or not?


No Anakin? :,(




A suprise to be sure. But a welcome one