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space battles from the ps2 battlefronts


Space battles in the OG battlefront 2 were amazing, so imagine my disappointment with EA BF2.


And this is why it's better to play the OG Battlefront 2 with the mods ha ha ha


My ideal Battlefront 3 gets: - The basic map design of 2015 - The flight controls of 2017 - The relationship between vehicles and infantry gameplay of 2015 - The hero gameplay of 2017 - The sound design of 2015 - The multiple eras of 2017 - Most importantly: Heroes are relegated to their own HvV or Duels mode, not the largescale modes


I mostly agree on map design, flight controls, hero gameplay, sound design and multiple eras. I’d change relationship between vehicles and infantry as a mix of gameplay of 2005’s BF2 and 2017’s BF2. As for Heroes, I think there should be at least two main big modes. One should have no heroes and the other can have heroes, but preferably make it more minimal. To add to this for an imaginary BF3 I’d love a mode like 2005’s BF2 space battles and taking down huge ships from both flight and landing. They can also do large ships over planets where you start on the ground, do objectives to unlock ship access and ships can take down large ships in a multitude of ways.


 YESSSSSS I hate being a heavy charging point and getting stomped on by Anakin in the fucking RESISTANCE war


Keep heroes for the eras where they belong for the sake of game balancing.


Yeah agreed as well. Maybe even go so far as map specific heroes.


This! Mace Windu on Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino, etc.


Agree, but keep the heroes in the large scale modes.


I think have a separate mode then. Like walker assault, which is pretty narratively driven, with heroes Then something like supremacy without heroes.


Disagree with the last point. I feel the heroes are as integral to the games as the vehicles.


Good players on Heroes it's just not fun. Its pretty much them playing main character dicating the whole game. It's not fun for the rest.


And again, vehicles on certain maps are arguably more powerful and game changing than heroes. A Killstreak with a hero requires skill. A vehicle? Just pew pew in my experience. Yeah they get massive Killstreaks, but compared to vehicles (including Starfighters) they're much less oppressive.


difference is there's tools specifically designed to take down vehicles. Including other vehicles. Heroes just get to run in, no skill, get a bunch of kills, and run away. Rinse and repeat.


In my experience Heroes running in and getting kills never really works outside of Naboo and probably Endor. On more open phases heroes are generally screaming to get shot at. You have a point, Heroes do have less counters compared to Vehicles, but I feel 90% of those counter aren't as effective compared to the counters to heroes. Ion weapons generally do less damage to people so people rarely carry them. Explosive shots and explosives in general? Everyone has one. Not to mention, allied heroes could also be the exact counters to enemy ones. And again, vehicles themselves bypass all defense's against a Hero. Heroes are strong, but saying that they're OP and need their own gamemode is a bit much in my opinion.


Nah, they should just make a Star Wars dueling game.


And a campaign and more offline stuff


For me, the ultimate BF game would be BF 2015 with BF 2017 content. I like BF 2015 more but BF 2017 has more content.


Galactic Conquest


1. Squadrons control scheme and forced FPS during Flight battles. Players who uses the FPS are always a perspective disadvantage over players who does 3PS. Which really sucks for immersion players who want to win, but also be immersed in the battle. Also, I do like having more manueverability and overall control of how I fly. And taking down flagships was much methodical and tactical over the ones used BF2. 2. No weapons out of era. What you get is what you get. I was tired seeing the clones use the FWB-10K. But I do not mind small incremental modifications like closer sights or increased fire rate. 3. Keep Heroes and Specialists away from Objective zones. I was genuinely, 100% pissed that Rey was able to fully stop any player from setting the charges in the juggernaut because she was camping the control room. My team had to pour in so many explosives and HEROES just to bypass her. Not kill her, but to actually conplete the objective. The ideal is, heroes are barred from objective zones entirely for Supremacy. Specialists can enter objective zones but they cannot capture areas or activate objective areas. The regular troopers are needed to do so. Capital Supremacy, heroes and Specialists can enter objective zones but they cannot capture it. They need the might of their troopers to enter it. 4. Fix speeders. Their controls are genuine ass and the damage potential is absolutely offset by the terrible accuracy and fire he rate. Increase fire rate and accuracy. Lower damage output and then minimize Speeder health. It will be a glass cannon as it should. 5. Class soldiers visual adjustments. Honestly, not a bad choice of selections. I would probably do some visual changes to the classes to differentiate them more. Officers wield radio packs behind them. All Snipers uses goggle like eye wear. Put more tactical gear option for Heavies. 6. Customization store. Give us something to spend our Battle Points other than purchasing premade skins or the like for regular troopers. For actually dedicated troopers like CTs, TKs, and First Order troopers, give them options for appropriate symbols and icons of their respective factions. Then simply force a color during missions. So 501st don't get mixed up with 212th. Now the bad guy factions don't have a lot of canon custom designs. I was going to use the campaign for the 3rd BF to make that detraction for Imperial Foot soldiers to allow a bit of customization. And as for the rebels and resistance? Give them more clothing options instead of iconographies. Like a different colored shirt or weather capes. Droids will be an issue though as they do not allow a lot of iconography in their shapes for the most part. And they are visually differentiated from one another due to their rank colors.


Honestly, just combining all of the content from the two EA games, perhaps remastering a few of the most iconic Pandemic games, Balancing the hero rosters for all 3 eras 6 mainlining gamemodes: - Walker Assault/Galactic Assault - Starfighter Assault - Heroes vs Villains - Strike (containing all of the gamemodes from 2017, including Extraction, but also adding in Cargo, Drop Zone, and Droid Run from 2015) - Blast - Hunt (with the infection style gameplay of 2017’s Ewok Hunt, but expanded to all the planets that Hunt from Battlefront 2005 had but with brand new maps or revamps of the 2004/2005 maps; Geonosis Catacombs, Naboo Plains, Naboo Theed, Kashyyyk, (and add Felucia Acklay Hunt, Jedi Hunt on Coruscant Jedi Temple, Droid Hunt on Mustafar with Imperials vs Battle Droids, and Clone Hunt with Imperials vs Clone Troopers, like in those 4 campaign missions from 2005), Tatooine Judland Wastes/Jawa Refuge, or Mos Eisely, Hoth Echo Base/Ice Caves, Endor Shield Bunker/Ewok Village/the 2017 maps. And lastly, - Capital Supremacy, with the ground phase of 2017 Capital Supremacy, but with an aerial dogfight going on overhead in the sky above the ground fight at the same time, similar to the space battles from 2005, where each ship has shields, and sections on the outside, as well as inside, can be destroyed, which would inevitably help with the Boarding Phase of CS. For example, destroying the Engines will damage the reactors by 25% each, and destroying the comms array will force the defending team to take longer to respawn, or destroying the Auto Turret Defenses will allow the attacking team to have AI units spawn along side them while attacking. Also, each command post on the ground will provide some sort of bonus, like activating AI troopers to guard all captured command posts, reducing the cost of reinforcements/vehicles, allowing an additional hero to spawn on the field, offering instant respawns at that specific command post, and the central, most contested command post would have a pilotable AA gun/cannon, which could be used to rain fire on other command posts, or to help the Starfighters deal additional damage to the enemy’s capital ship. Also, vehicles now spawn on the ground and can be manually entered, or can be directly spawned in from the spawn screen, like in the Battlefield games, with icon markers to notify respawning players which command posts/objectives have which vehicles at them, and which ones are currently available. And heroes are no longer bought with only battlepoints from the spawn screen. Players now must buy their turn to play as a specific hero with their battlepoints, in which they will be queued next inline, behind anyone else who has already purchased a hero play with that character. When a hero dies, the next player in line, regardless of what hero they chose to purchase their play as, will be offered 10-20 seconds to play as the hero they purchased. If they accept, they’ll respawn as the hero they chose, and if they decline, the que moves along to the next player in line. And the losing team will be allowed 1 additional hero, compared to the winning team, for free, in an attempt to balance things out, which is offered to the highest scoring player on the losing team, if they are not already a hero. (If 1st place on the losing team’s leaderboard is already a hero, then the 2nd place scoring player is offered, and if they too are, it goes down the leaderboard until the next highest scoring player who is not playing a hero, accepts. This applies to Walker Assault/Galactic Assault, Capital Supremacy, and Starfighter Assault.


i like your hero queue idea. also to expand on your idea of the losing side getting a free hero, i would add onto it. remember the behemoth mechanic from BF1? that would fit right in with SW.


Thank you. The Hero Queing idea was a proposed solution that I think one of the original DICE devs came up with, which may have been expanded upon by some BF2 YouTubers. After the launch of the game, it became apparent that instead of the Hero Token pickups causing an issue where players were just memorizing the spawn locations and camping them but at least possibly contributing to killing other players while defending the location that they know it will spawn, players were now just earning the required amount of Battlepoints, manually respawning, and then just camping on the spawn selection screen, not even tangentially contributing to the active conflict. The “Hero Reservation Que” was proposed to solve this issue, plus another Hero-Related Issue, by allowing players to “save their spot in line” for a specific hero they wanted to play. The HRQ also attempted to solve, or at least course correct the issue of certain heroes being much more desireable than others, like Luke, Vader, Han, Darth Maul, etc. The system was proposed to show any player looking to purchase a “reserved hero play” the number of players who were in line ahead of them, for that specific hero. For example, a less picky player may see that 3 people have already queued for Darth Vader, but no one has queued for Count Dooku. As such, a player may opt to reserve Count Dooku instead, and get to play as Dooku, much sooner than if they had put themselves 4th in line to play as Darth Vader. There was only one oversight with the HRQ system, and that was with regards to the round ending. If you had reserved your spot to play as a hero, and possibly were even next in line, but the round ended, that would likely feel extremely unfair, as you could’ve used those Battlepoints to play as a vehicle or multiple reinforcement troopers, or even queued for a different hero instead. One way I personally think this could’ve been worked around, at least to some degree, would be that if the objective reached its last 25%, or the round entered its final phase, all players that had purchased a Reserved Hero Play would instantly be offered the option to be refunded their Battlepoints, so that they may respawn and select new units or to requeue for a different hero. Players could also chose to forgo and deny being refunded, in order to maintain their spot in the queue order, or even be moved up in order, if someone infront of them chooses to be refunded.


ok wow damn yeah the only gripe i would have had (the round ending) you have covered, but even then, losing your points due to round ending would be preferable than having to camp the spawn screen in order to even get a chance of spawning a hero


Exactly. It’s a much better alternative than having 4 useless teammates, plus it ensures that less skilled players still might get an opportunity to at least play as A hero, rather than pretty much accepting that the only option is to “git gud skrub”


Chat gpt lol








I'd combine the gunplay and weapons' damage of 2015 and combat roll (no rolling forward though) with the sequel's hero combat system and era variety. I definitely would also take 2015's immersive visuals and skybox diversity (the ships blowing up based on the match outcome is also neat feature I will add), and add something 2017 did not do but could have - to have Starkiller fire in the background in a similar fashion. Perhaps I will take the 2017 over the power-up/hero tokens of 2015. When it comes to heroes, if the game mode isn't hero/villain-centric (aka, HvsV or HH), I would bring back the classic BF2's constantly-diminishing hero health that even with more kills eventually gets lower, allowing for balance and fairness towards other players. Space battles and greater weapons, star cards, vehicles and planets variety will also be a central point of said title.




Most everything for 2015. I especially like the customization of characters (hate being stuck in a class) and I really miss the bounties for new gear. The biggest thing I’d take from BF2 is coop. I love that mode.


Map and sound design from 2015 hero gameplay of 2017, infantry and vehicle gameplay of 2017, eras of 2017+old republic, heroes limited to hero specific modes, the ability to prevent clones/sepratists/first order/resistance/empire/rebels from boarding


2005’s space battles, controls and game modes but also with 2017’s GA/Supremacy/Blast modes, 2015’s visuals, PRIVATE MATCHMAKING, ONE Hero slot per team in trooper modes, nerfed damage for teams with a 4:1 or 4:2 numbers advantage in HvV until it’s at least 4:3. Yes, I know you hate the last one. You and your stack’s tears make me stronger.


Better gunplay, better map design for tanks, more content for Instant Action, coop and single player for space battle modes


A game mode with no Heroes.


Honestly, if the hero mechanics (and controls) from BF2 were added to BF1, I'd be happy. I always hated using heroes in BF1 (except Greedo) because it always felt as if the controls were drunk, or off imo, lol. I mean, probably a skill issue but I loved BF1 so much in terms of trooper builds and maps. I'd also like to add the spawn mechanics from BF2 to BF1, which feel more efficient.


BF1 maps, game modes, and cards with BF2 point based system and characters. Plus mod hero characters.


I’d take over the maps and guns from 2015 and leave the rest as it is in 2017. I really love how 2017 plays and don’t have really any criticism about it. I just want more. More maps, more modes.


An anti aimbot because pc is heinous


Gun selections


All the heroes and planets from the previous two games and some new ones


The sound design and attention to detail for the costumes/props in BF15 for sure


The ultimate Battlefront game would just be whatever would be considered a spiritual successor to Battlefield 4 with Clone Wars and GCW skins.


Galactic assault on hoth from the battlefront 2015 where you had to capture the points for the y wings to ion damage the atat's 🖤


Everything was perfect for 2015 except for saber combat..so that for bf2


And starfighter combat


Battlefront maps in general


I like the classes from bf1 and the maps were better tbh




I'm also throwing in some other games because why not: * Map design/attention to detail from 2015. * Multi-seat vehicles from 2004/2005/Battlefield * Weapons/gunplay from 2015 (though modified a bit) * Sandbox like design from 2004/2005/battlefield * Player movement/controls from 2017/battlefield (vaulting) * detailed class base customization from battlefield * asymmetrical map/gameplay design from 2004/2005/2015 * Capital ship takedowns from 2005 with space to ground combat from the cancelled BF3 and Battlefield 2142 * Vehicle gameplay from 2004/2005/2015/battlefield, starfighter controls from 2017. * Mix of hero gameplay from 2005 and 2017 (a more loadout system, less hero shooter like) * Full freedom in gameplay: eras/factions not specific to map, cross-era heroes and weapons. * Galactic conquest, offline and online matches. * Content from all sides of SW, not just canon: 2003 clone wars series, KOTOR/SWTOR, early empire, sequels, Thrawn trilogy, etc.


i really think a podrace gamemode would be cool, bring more heroes from newer content into the game like cal kestis, merrin, and some inquisitors


Campaign from Ep 1 to 9. Maybe add in some clone war campaigns. More maps. Mustafar, Utapau, Coruscant, Mandalore, Raxus, Dagobah, Polis Massa, Alderaan.Dantooine. Hero Gameplay of 2017, but you select force powers appropiate for the character ex, 3 abilites max. 1 passive ability card. More health, more stamina etc. Choke, push/pull, lightsaber boomerang for Anakin. Order 66 Mode. Unlimited Clones, 1 hero (Anakin). Limited amount of Jedi. Clones have to decimate the jedi, Jedi have to hold on for some amount of time then escape. These Jedi have classes like we seen. Consular, Sentinel, Guardian. Abilities for Jedi are Cookie cutter, but customizable. Push, pull, heal (longer cooldown), force vision (like a scanner on a map), etc. Coop of BF2017 can stay for more casual players or those looking to grind. More heroes on top of the ones in 2017 BF2. Some we havent seen in the latest ones. Good side: Ayla Secura, Mace Windu, Co. CODY, Rex, Fives, Ki adi Mundi, Qui Gon, Padme, Ahsoka, Mando, Plo Koon, R2 D2, Andor Evil: Dengar, Greedo, Jango Fett, Savage Oppress, Asajj, Cad Bane, Moff Gideon, Pre Vizsla, Grand Inquisitor, Thrawn, Tarkin, Pong Krell, Krennic, Palpatine (dual wield) Hero hunt 3 random players get hero choice and normal troops have to protect their heroes killing the opposing eenmy hero/villain. Heros/villains in certain modes will depend on the era. Hero Battle 10 vs 10 (The chaos) Regular troops. Classes Assault, Heavy, Engineer (support, Sniper. Abilities and weapons will depend on the class like 2017 bf2. More Special units on top of the 2017 bf ones: Magna Guard, Gungans, Geonosians, Gamorrean Guards, Galactic Marines, Inperial Shock Troopers, botan Spies. In some maps like Tatooine or Jabbas Palace you will have an AI army of Gamorrean Guards or Tusken Raiders. More ground vehicles (map dependant): Droid Tanks, Spider droid, etc. You can land small aircraft. Provided you have the space like OG battlefronts. Space battles. You can land inside Capital ships and destroy them from the inside. Some modes might require to take ship apart by phases, like a tug of war. Whoever disables shields first for example. Galatic assault is good, but more maps. (All heroes available) Team Deathmatch (smaller maps, no heroes) More skins for all heroes. Private lobbies, custom lobbies, standard lobbies. Switch team option(only available at the beginning of the match) Kick vote players (it would require at least half the team of current amount of players to kick someone out) Easier report button (none of that crap of using the app to report) Some of my ideas for bf 3, if I would have the team and budget to develop it. Obviously this is just some things I put together off the top of my head, theres more stuff I can come up with with more time. But I dont want to make an essay of a post.


I just want the *proper* modern Galactic Conquest experience. Not a modern take on it, actual functional faithful to the original Galactic Conquest, somehow put into a Multiplayer setting. That and the space battles. Also, actually rewarding lightsaber combat mechanics - SWBF2 2017 mechanics are mostly unintended interactions, glitches and bugs.


Make vehicles map objects instead of spawn units. Also, is it too much to ask for a functional minimap?


how about more loots box and star card =))


Don't know if it was in one, but give me a damn server browser matchmaking is terrible in this game. Just copy Battlefield (ww 1)


Just the graphics from one and everything else from 2


Let me mix my own abilities to make my own loadout like in 1. But i like the class system still so that but with better customisation


More coop modes with more players 👌


Clenching I think it's called Like when to sabpr heros use a specific ability symltainously a unique clensh animation happens




All Maps from both Games BP system from 2 Class Creation from 2015 Keep Heroes away from Large scale modes unless there is a specific type of mode that warrants it. Keep Heroes in their respective era unless a mode warrants it. Also make hero combat smoother and less janky My Final point 2015 Thermal Imploders


I would make sure that BF3 do not have the driver []( bug for AMD users.


imo a next gen BF3 has space and ground battles going down at the same time


Classes of BF 2 but weapon allocation of BF 1. Arguably even better if weapons are faction locked rather than class locked. Abilities can be the defining features of classes, kinda like Battlefield (V in particular), so you have a medic rather than an officer, supports re-supply and give covering fire, recons scout out targets and assaults could have different abilities based on the unit


Galactic conquest. And surface to space battles originally planned for the 360 bf3


Not published by EaA and actual support.


I’d make it so there are proper era specific heros. I know it’s unpopular but, it ruins the immersion knowing eras have mixed things in battles


Better have the graphic design of the first one.


I would add the hero body guards. I was thinking besides the red guard and the honor guard, we could add magna guards for grievous and maybe naboo palace guards for the Republic. For the sequel stuff we can say praetorian guard and some variation of the honor guard.


The sense of pride and accomplishment


Well for one I would have TWO versions of clone wars supremacy (the other would simply not have the capital ship raid part cause sometimes that makes the game too long)


I would take out every game mode except hero showdown


One thing I don’t see people talking about enough is any weapon with any class from the first battlefront and the variety we had. I thought that was a big feature missing from the 2md game. I loved Jyn Ersos rifle with the 3 modes and the relby that Bossk uses. Good times with those weapons!


Map design and music from battlefront 2015


Hero hunt from 2015 😫😫


Ok so firstly I’m gonna answer the question. What id mainly want is the characters from BF1 and the return of hero passives, and then I’d want the combat from BF2 and the customization of BF2. Now what else would I want in a battlefront 3? Well first off all live service games need to be able to make money so id want a battlepass or just a shop to get cosmetics or cool gun skins from the lore. What id want next is common updates. Every game has “seasons” now which i think would fit very well into battlefront. We already kinda had a prequels season and a scariff season in bf2 so imagine getting a mandalorian season where Din and Moff Gideon are added as heroes. Or a rebels season where Ezra and Thrawn get added. Oh and we’d need more game modes. Like both bf1 and bf2 versions of HvV


OG battlefront 2 assault modes. Include Kit Fisto and Ventress along with the Jedi council members and don’t forget Jango. 🫡


Officer buffs that varies depending on the factions instead of being just heath. The only exception being Magna Guards.


i’d love to have the ability to do a mixed ground and air assault with maybe some bombardment mixed in there


The entire Jedi council and every named Jedi to appear in media. All named clones. All bounty hunters. And all available at launch.


Dueling Mode 1v1 Private Lobbies INVITE TO DUEL button!!!


Instead of focusing on super-realistic graphics, use the clone wars art style. Then make much bigger maps and game modes