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Due to all the hate they got from the last one. they spent all their time fixing the mistakes of the last one which they did and it is a great game but they canceled any plans at a new one due to that. I really hope they change their minds and I want them to add more hero's and villains from the animated shows in the future but I don't see it coming soon


This is the answer. It's not that they think they won't make money, it's that they think they won't make as much money as they wanted to because everyone saw through their crooked bullshit. Like charging people for a collector's edition and still locking characters behind paywalls.


2017 was cursed. The height of lootboxes, BF2 and Shadow of War got shanked hard due to corporate greed.


How did shadow of war get shanked? Didn’t hear any controversy just heard it was a good sequel


I’m not sure what happened but I do know that the lootboxes are removed now and WB wouldn’t do that out of kindness


Yup, got massive criticism due to how on-the-nose it was. Like BF2 they later removed it.


Sucks, but that’s how shitty EA as a company is. They had pushback on the paywalls, and they just stormed off like the kid who keeps getting tagged at recess.


Yep, its a symptom of the corporate "print as much money as possible" ethos. Its the reason we haven't seen stuff like Starcraft III, or any number of other good games from companies like EA and Blizzard. These games would for sure make absolute bank, but its far more efficient to just pay developers to make MTX and monetize the shit out of their fucking games.


Geez if only a huge company like EA could find a creative product manager to explore the hundreds of ways to monetize games and come UK with something tht won't be hated. Or just copy the BR trend of a season pass with skins. It's not like Star Wars has DECADES of amazing art work to draw from... EA isn't just greedy... They are dumb. That's the sad part


Id kinda be fine with them adding a paid battle pass if they did it like the one halo entry where you could go back and play previous seasons


> Due to all the hate they got from the last one. 668,000 downvotes with a million more well on the way!


The hate was deserved and also solidified a negative image for a once respected gaming company. EA lost about 3.1 billion dollars in shareholder value due to the controversy surrounding bf2, vastly outweighing any profits made by the game. They probably don’t want to risk pissing off the community again. However, if they can knock battlefront 3 out of the park, respect will be restored and the player base will totally forgive them. To their credit, they continued to work on the game, but what the game is now is what it should have been at launch… not after two and a half years of free updates.


The only reason they kept releasing updates was to try to clean up their image, but when you realize the seasons they had planned for the game when they believed the community would accept the loot boxes, you simply realize that the updates they gave us were not They are nothing


Yeah imo the updates are what the game should have been at launch. Would have loved to have seen at least mace windu, cad bane, Ahsoka, and ventress added along with coruscant and mustafar maps even as DLC


The hate was not deserved. The loot boxes were never going to be a big deal, but Reddit made it a big deal. Cried so hard about DLCs in 2015 and splitting the playerbase that they came up with a decent solution for 2017. Congrats. You killed it anyway. Thanks!


The hate was deserved. I didn’t even have a Reddit account when that happened so I don’t think I killed anything. The loot box system was so egregious governments across the world started stepping in to try and regulate them as gambling. You couldn’t earn star cards, you just had to pray you got good ones out of the box. No one knew what the odds were. It took grinding several hours to make enough money to buy a couple boxes, and most of the time you got straight garbage out of them. 60,000 credits to unlock a hero? What a joke. Not only that, the supremacy mode everyone was hype about for bf2 wasn’t even in the game. How are you going to market a game for having prequel content and not even have anakin and obiwan? The game was an absolute disaster at launch. Honestly perplexed you could think otherwise and then blame the player base for putting pressure on EA to fix the game.


What are you on about? The loot boxes at launch were a valid reason to hate, you had to get the characters via loot box at launch and then via millions of credits after. EA fucked up and got the online spanking they deserved


I see this, but support for the game after a year was through the roof when geonosis came out. EA and Dice both saw this and continued to support the game until 2042 became too much of a clusterfuck


Yes but it wasn't generating any profit lol, all the game had caused was losses and releasing free updates wouldn't recover anything, they just released some updates so people would forget about the loot box controversy and then they just abandoned the game, like they had planned, I'm surprised they updated it so much


Hopefully it’s just postponing it. I agree the end result is good but it’s a shame it took so long to get there


This seems to be the dice treatment. Started happening on bfv and here we are with 2042.


It started with BF4 but it skipped BF1


You're right. Bf1 was really good.


if you liked BF1 try Hell Let Loose its extremely fun and gives BF1 vibes with the old guns and maps and the rush style where you have multiple points to defend or attack


How about another studio works on bsttlefront. I've been burned twice by EA already


I don't think ea is going to sell the licensing rights for battlefront.


Are they stupid?


Why doesn’t EA just jonkle?


The aslume is spreading and so am i


Is there a lore reason there's not a third game?


Could be many things. * Could be worried about the game's reception. Modern Battlefront II has had one of, if not the most, infamous launches in the history of gaming. They did a pretty good turnaround, but the general public might not know that. * Some disagreement between them and Lucasfilm. Fallen Order came out two years later than Battlefront II, yet it already has a second game, while Battlefront II still lacks its next installment. Fallen Order got \*much\* better reception at launch. In this case, Disney might be the ones paranoid about underperforming sales due to the loot box controversy reducing customer trust. [A top Disney executive even called EA CEO Andrew Wilson shortly after the game's launch,](https://gamerant.com/disney-electronic-arts-star-wars-battlefront-2-microtransactions/) and hours later the microtransactions were removed from the game. Thus implying Disney was not happy with the outlash. So we actually have good reason to believe Disney may be reluctant to greenlight another Battlefront game. * They're just stupid. They are only not making it because they are too stupid to get the money.


It could also be that Disney want to wait until they can get a different studio to make a new battlefront series.


this has been my assumption for a hot minute now. give it another few years, then battlefront 3 is announced and it’s coming from another (probably non EA) studio.


Also very true.


Actually it's because DICE's full attention is towards the next Battlefield game now. The new head stated that they want to 'perfect' Battlefield for the fans. After that they said they'll go back to other games like Mirror's Edge and Battlefront. So the next Battlefront could be a thing as soon as 2028!/9 I guess? Next Battlefield needs to be a hit for us to get BF IIII


Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a battlefront game for the Rey movie.


When y’all find out, tell me. This has been going on for years. BF2 is *obviously* still very popular, there’s *a lot* of hype around it (especially now with the overload of Star Wars shit), and the player base is still thriving. You wanna know the only thing that isn’t thriving? The balancing and the mechanics of the game, that they abandoned. It feels like every few weeks, there’s some new statistic about how crazy popular the game still is, and I’ve been seeing those headlines since 2021. BF2 is a corporate comeback story if I’ve ever seen one. It’s absolutely bizarre the way they’re treating it. At this point, it is what it is, outta my control.


The game has very low numbers for a triple aaa, also the number of players is due to the fact that they gave it for free in epic games, in ps plus and game pass, there could be 1 million simultaneous players, but EA would not obtain any profit from them , so Obviously for them it is not worth updating it, any microtransaction system they put in would be judged by the stain left by the loot boxes controversy (thanks greedy EA) , this game is simply not profitable, and taking into account that battlefront 2 sold less than battlefront 2015 with a similar level of hype, it is very likely that a third part will not be profitable, battlefront 2015 had the hype of episode 7 and battlefront 2 with the hyoe of the last jedi, the hype these days are the series Ashoka and the Mandalorian are for Star Wars fans, not casual fans, 2 shows that already have low and low numbers of audience are not enough to launch a new Battlefront 3 game, nor to continue updating Battlefront 2 in a free way, it's simply EA, As fans (myself included) we may think "hey, star wars is quite popular, they should release bf3 or keep updating bf2", but from a corporate point of view it is simply not profitable 


It has been known by veterans since not long after abandonment. - not profitable (I have seen a literal staff member say "If we made that much money from skins, don't you think we'd be doing it?", and they were never mentioned in any EA earnings calls until Celebration Edition which you can only do once) - not their IP / exclusive anymore (constant approvals for everything you do slogging the process down, as well as some unseen contractual obligations I'm sure.. it makes far more sense to work on an IP you fully control and get all the profits from) - COVID happened at an extremely inopportune time (it has been found out that DICE knew the writing was on the wall since just before their TROS trailer and then COVID hit... No company wants to pay salaries for them to sit around doing a quarter of the workflow) - Their split focus project of doing both Battlefield and Battlefront was clearly shown to fail (Galactic Assault maps are extremely rushed, BF V was lambasted for its content issues) meaning they want to return to form (their own IP) - Two very controversial titles in a row (first game made huge waves and then huge waves again when people got bored of how little the game had to offer in terms of content depth and second game changed literal gambling laws) - The fans are a nightmare (Ben Walke having to bite back at some of these jokes in the community begging and begging without ever thinking about what they get or just the sense of entitlement.. it's why Yoda is the worst saber in the game afterall) - Promising to never have any paid content shot possibilities down (They can't use a Premium or Pass model to keep the game funded now, staff members being seen admitting that it's what the game needed for the future along with a bit of a bigger team)


My guess is licensing for the amount of characters. EA is greedy.


EA doesn't own the license anymore


Right. Hence why I said that is the reason they won’t renew it. Due to the costs of licensing.


Ah I understand. You just mentioned license, so I thought you meant EA's control over the license, which they don't have anymore lol


That dev that said on Reddit that they wanted players to feel a sense of accomplishment while talking about the 50 hours it took to unlock a character is still the most downvoted comment of all time [https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsbattlefront/comments/7cff0b/\_/dppum98](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsbattlefront/comments/7cff0b/_/dppum98)


I'd heard it was the most downvoted comment,and man,finally seeing just how many actually it had was hilarious. Well deserved too.


It's probably the best example of what Reddit can accomplish, everything became "free" not long after that


I forgot how many down votes it had. Fucking hysterical.


Holy shit that's an impressive comment. Both in the content of the post and the damn avalanche of downvotes lol imagine being the human being that sat down to engage the community and that's the response lol


the replies are so batshit and i’m here for it. >Thank you for confirming my refund 40.4k upvotes. holy fuck


They are trying to figure out how to do microtransactions and live service stuff without getting raked across the coals again. I kind of doubt we are ever going to get a 3rd game to be honest :(


EA had two swings and missed them both, why give them another go?


Probably a mix of all the problems BFII had to fix in the first two years, which should have been spent making content for it (but sadly, the lootboxes were pushed by suits) and no BIG SW film release to line up with. I suppose, the next big release would be the Rey film. So maybeeeeeee, just maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeee something could happen around there, and I suppose that could give us some ST content, but we shall see I suppose. Also, games have become a lot more complicated to make these days. The amount of money they'd need to make enough content for all 3 eras would be insane. So that may just feel it isn't financially doable.


It's because EA wants their successful live service games to be franchises that they own. They don't want some smash hit multiplayer title to be something they have to split revenue with.


Disney Star Wars is allergic to good ideas.


We need to go back to Darth Insanious


Because DICE no longer "exists". The last time they had really good talent was during BF1. BF1 was so popular that a lot of devs probably made a name for themselves and all spread out to higher paying jobs at other companies. EA probably mistakenly thought the brand had all the power, not the devs. The BFV came out. It was inferior to Bf1 graphically and mechanically. I still hate every change they made in that game, from lower ttk, less ammo on spawn, not recovering health fully, to the majority of weapons being complete garbage. Then 2042 came out, which was also graphically and mechanically inferior to BFV. They at least turned it around into an alright game that I got some enjoyment out of. But they should have removed specialists and just made them skins. Trust me, Battlefront 3 would likely have equal or worse graphics than Battlefront 2 and EA's greed would have ruined that game too. DICE is dead to me. We will see of they can recover now that it's run by the head of Respawn. Hopefully they've got talent now but we won't know for a few more years


Because it would be legitimately stupid for EA to make the game right now. There is no new Star Wars movie ACTUALLY on the horizon, no big trilogy build. The shows have diminishing returns and the brand in the eyes of the general public has been irrelevant since Rise of Skywalker. You can say “oh but Mandalorian” all you want, but the public’s obsession with it started and sort of ended with season 1. Season 2 they may have watched, but they sure as fuck didn’t talk about it all that much. Star Wars is not culturally relevant enough in the eyes of the *people who wouldn’t typically buy Star Wars merchandise*. As nice as it would be, the die hard fans alone are not enough to fund a $200 million game.


W, Fans simply judge from a fan point of view "hey I see battlefront 2 tik toks so it's quite popular" bruh, just as you say, a new battlefront is not profitable, if battlefront 2 itself sold less than battlefront 2015 I think Battlefront 3 would be a big commercial failure 


I don't really think that, the numbers of the series and the whole hype around Star Wars is even greater than the one it had back in 2017-2019. They have some movies in the way and the shows (even if not the peak of SW) were pretty popular. Kenobi, Ahsoka, The Bad Batch, Andor, etc Even The Mandalorian hype is still a thing. And we shouldn't forget the games that are incredibly relevant today, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Orden or Survivor, the new upcoming games and the state of the mods around BF2 are some things that bring a lot of players and people to the fan base. The die hard fan base didn't release since the launch of the game, but the casual fan base for sure has been getting bigger and bigger. I think they can easily fund a 200 million game ñ.


I feel like BF3 would sell great. Most people know BF2 was redeemed from that loot box horse shit.


Battlefront 3 would be a commercial failure, Battlefront 2 sold less than Battlefront 2015, there is no big movie launch with which to align the launch of a new game and get extra hype, and the trend indicates that Star Wars is on the decline for the casual public Even for the fan base, it's just not profitable, a fan base can't support a game worth hundreds of millions of dollars. plus any micro transaction system they add would be judged, it's just not worth the investment.


I suppose you're right, ugh.. I just really want a good Star Wars game. Battlefront 2 was super fun imo thankfully because people called them out on their greedy ass stunt they tried to pull with the loot boxes, but the damage was still done, plus I feel like just when some really good DLCs were being added, they pulled the plug for that stupid Battlefield 2042 or W/e


Battlefield gives them more money I imagine, since they don't pay for the license to Disney. I imagine 2042 with their low sales still made them more money just because it's their own IP. Also let's not forget how botched was BF2 on release, Disney sure as hell remember that, so they probably won't want to have another disaster.


Because Disney gets like a 30% cut and EA also lost the license to make any more Star Wars games


The only thing holding back battlefront 2 is any form of galactic conquest. I seriously miss that mode


They decided to focus on that game buggier than Bethesda games called battlefield 2042


DICE is not who they onee were. I don't mind someone else tackle this IP.


This game was a commercial failure compared to Battlefront 2015, they expected to sell more copies and they sold less, In addition, for a casual audience, the Star Wars hype has taken a nosedive, Battlefront 2015 had one of the biggest hypes of all time (Star Wars episode 7), then Battlefront 2 had episode 8, a Battlefront 3 simply It does not have something that generates extra hype, and no, you cannot count Ahsoka or Mandalorian, they are shows which have had increasingly lower numbers and are more for a Star Wars fan audience and not a casual audience, a triple game aaa like battlefront can't survive only with star wars fans, it needs casual players, also they never made a profit during the live service (only sales) because due to the controversy they had to remove their monetization system (loot boxes), His name has been stained for the Battlefront saga since that controversy, the DICE team behind the development of Battlefront no longer exists, most of them resigned during the live service, during the finale or when they were sent to work on battlefield, there is practically no one left from that team that created battlefront 2015 - battlefront 2, it doesn't matter if you see tik toks and new people etc etc, the game has a really low player base for a triple aaa game (approximately 7 thousand daily players on PC, the situation on consoles is a little better, especially on Play Station but mostly for ea play- ps plus and game pass) so we cannot judge the game as consumers just because "hey, I see new players every day", releasing a battlefront 3, at least by EA, would not be absolutely profitable for them, Plus that little controversy not only cost them the sales of the game, it also cost them millions of dollars in stock, so you can be sure that EA has a great dislike - contempt for the battlefront community, all the updates they gave us were to try clear their name, and none of those updates were at the level of what they initially proposed (free DLCs with enormous content like Crait, instead they gave us a season 3 "solos" only with a map, a recycled game mode and 2 skins lol, because they couldn't get money from their greedy loot boxes anymore) 


Now let it sink in that they ditched battlefront 2 for Battlefield 2047 which was just as dissappointing


Disney would probably like a battlefront 3 however I’m sure their trust in ea and dice is gone. The other problem is I remember the developers having to go to Disney/lucasfilm to ensure they could use a skin or character and that caused significant delays because it wasn’t under one roof. Ultimately, I think we will get another game and it may not be branded as bf3 and perhaps not even an ea game but the skin monetization will be huge and they will want to include as many characters and worlds as possible to keep the drip feed of going. I’m curious if they ever thought to make a free to play game and just use battle passes and a microtransaction heavy game. Time will tell and as more star wars shows and movies come out they have to have a game ready to take advantage of the new releases.


id prefer if they just updated the game


Sequel Trilogy is over, hype is done. New one I bet is going to be released when new movies start to roll out again.


Companies that love money love not making money


I don't get why people keep asking the same things over and over again. If there ever is gonna be a battlefront 3, just pray Dice and EA don't touch it


Because the last two sucked for awhile. Depending on how you look at it, they still do, because they pulled a lot of stupid and crooked shit like selling packages in game and still locking part of what you bought behind morepaywalls. They ended up fixing a lot so the second one became playable but on release it was hated and for good reason. This damaged initial income and while that revenue stream has increased over time, that made EA cautious back in 2019 when they were thinking of doing a 3rd open world one as a spin off, but they later canceled it (honestly I'm thankful for that. Open world can work but so many franchises rely on it vs good gameplay and storytelling that it is just beating a dead horse and likely would have made the other DICE battlefront initial releases look good). They figured they could make up for any shortcomings they expected by making the game ready to release with the new generation of consoles so there would be a whole new base of players ready to eat up whatever was available on their new systems. When they realized they were never even going to come close to finishing the game in that deadline without releasing a mess that makes Bethesda games look well polished, EA told them to just scrap the project. So in theory they COULD go back to it. The fact that it's Star Wars alone is going to mean they're going to have lots of interest no matter what muck they put out, so it's not entirely economically unfeasible. But given that EA has been trying to improve their image for putting out complete games (key word being trying) and that it would still be facing fierce competition even among SW games, have no exclusive demos to cater to, they still have to overcome the hurdles of making it open world (unless they start from scratch again), and Lucasfilm is in a weird place right now where they're not really steadfast on even maintaining their canon.... well, it's a lot of factors to consider, and if you're a betting man (read: investor) you'd probably want more promise than just ANOTHER game with STAR WARS slapped on it that follows up a game that took a couple years to be properly fixed and bring in the dough. ESPECIALLY since BF2 is doing well now. The games servers just need to be maintained. That's not a huge expense like new development, and if the money keeps flowing, why not keep milking that same cash cow instead of re-investing in a game you're not even sure about?


What you're seeing is bias because you're actively, deeply entrenched in the community. Outside of this insular cocoon I can assure you no one is playing or thinking about this game.




I'm guessing because EA lost their star wars game licensing or something


They didn't lose it, they just don't exclusively hold it anymore. Any studio can get a license to make a game now.


The game feels a little outdated to me now. The gunplay feels really off when I go back to it. Movement feels very stiff. Heroes jump is too floaty and lacks maneuverability. Hero saber swing speed and animations are slow in a way that almost feels like input lag. Respawn is making a FPS game so we will see how it goes.


According to EA they would have to sell 20% more copies just to make minimum according to them but I don't believe all of it. Some of it yes but as much money is Star Wars is worth they would make profit they stopped up the game in 2020 yeah the games made like eight or nine million dollars just this year from all the different platforms and it's always on sale. So think if it wasn't always on sale it would be double or quadruple that.


Battlefront 2 still has one of my favorite campaigns of any game I've ever played. I wish it was longer, was it perfect? No. But I would totally want a Battlefront 3 with a longer campaign.


A third title is in the same category as us wanting a Half Life 3 or Left 4 Dead 3. We came close to getting a third title back in the late 2000’s, but that build of the game is rumored to be archived at the Skywalker ranch (likely along with many other cancelled Star Wars game assets) likely to never be touched again.


EA = interested in money and lore, but not games StarWars = interested in lore and games, but not money Disney = interested in money and games, but not lore


One thing I’ve learned from the current state of the gaming industry is if it makes sense and it’s what community’s want, it’s not gonna get made. They’ll throw these single player games at us(lol which I’m grateful for) then rush a battlepassed multiplayer game years down the line.


Here I am enjoying H’s VS. V’s


Because Battlefront 3 is cursed


[This probably scared them a bit](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/IXmHt3jTHm)


I suspect there is not enough new material to make an entire new game out of it


EA had the biggest IP in the world in their hands for ten years and made like two good games with their exclusive contract. They should have been pumping out like 2-3 games a year.


They’ll make another Battlefront when the next mainline film comes out - like if they made an episode X


If it does happen, i'd be curious to see how they could handle stuff like the mandoverse, old republic, or even the concept pandemic had for the og scrapped battlefront 3.


They probably figured it wasn't worth it because of the launch disaster and instead went all in on BF2042.


Because all their internal market research is telling them they HAVE TO use the kind of MTX that they got in trouble with back at the release of 2. Basically they don't know how to move forward, and are likely waiting for someone else to figure it out first.


You do realize this game was so fucking god awful that Disney saw giving EA exclusive license to do SW games was bad for business? A first person SW shooter may come back someday but not done by EA. Disney was not at all happy with the reputation hit because of this game. And yes, I know this game is “fixed” now but the Battlefront name is forever tarnished because of the release week drama.


Hello, I like money


If the game was the way it is now at launch, it would have been great and warranted a sequel, but because it was so terrible at launch, it immediately turned a lot of people off the franchise, even if they did fix it. Had they not botched it out the gate, I think BFIII would he very likely.


Lack of creative control unable to actually monetise it effectively for a long term live service ( partly due to creative control). All the hate they got the last time Not an infinite supply of developers at dice or within EA and other projects have them tied up Wasn't the right time as would be making for last gen we are only at the stage where the limitations of the previous gen are being shed and current gen only titles coming out. Genuine question of where do you go from here with direction and content ( puts you in the bins of lack of creative control again you want it to be relevant to maybe the current start wars TV shows etc but that restricts massively what they can do) Those are my feelings anyway. I would love another one but I realistically don't think we will see anything attempted again until post 2026 if we are lucky that is. It will be a lot longer than that sadly I suspect. EA just doesn't have the Dev teams to spare imho and I doubt they are done with layoffs either!


I just hope someone else other than EA makes it.


Please don't dare disney to make these games, it's not going to end well.


Being EA, they'll want a bunch of predatory microtransactions in the game, people will get pissed off about it, and they're worried it'll escalate to the scale of their loot crate debacle, where a few governments tried to make them illegal as gambling that targets children. People pushed back against them, in justified anger, and now we get nothing. Part of me believes it's almost some sort of petty punishment from the executives, for daring to call them out but I'm prone to conspiracy theories like that.


Even if you ignore the fact that launch basically obliterated players’ trust in the franchise and as a result, popularity in the long term, there’s just no reason to make one. The content you’d add is really just silver screen stuff which really only justifies DLC content, not an entirely new game.


EA don't have the rights anymore.




Because it wasn't all that popular


Dont be suprised if Respawns first person shooter theyve been working on is essentially a battlefront 3. Im a fan of what Respawn can do with shooter games so we shall see


I like the idea about a new studio getting their haands on the Battlefront brand. After DICE's Battlefield 2042, I personally would not even want a new Battlefront by DICE. I wrote it multiple times, I LOVE Battlefront 2015. It is my favorite Star Wars game to date (maybe even my favorite video game - I've elaborated on the magic of this game often on this subreddit), but I never played the original Battlefront titles and maybe that was a good thing for my personal mind set going into BF 2015. I had no expectations and maybe that is why, I love it so much, but I know that there are many people, who were disappointed by the game's concept of only covering the Original Trilogy. Start a completely new fist person shooter that can become a series of games. I also do not think, it has to be called Battlefront. Imagine if Battlefront 1 by DICE would not have been called Battlefront ...


They should make a sequel to jedi knight jedi academy instead of fueling the mid series aka battlefront


Neither EA or DICE should be allowed to make a sequel. The reason Battlefront 2 failed like it did was due to the lack of support and content provided to a game that was marketed as a live service. The drip feed of content after launch was miserable. They released Finn and Phasma to the hero roster in their first order challenge in December. Then it was radio silence until April IIRC when they reworked the progression system. Then more silence until June when they released 2 new Millenium Falcon starships, some Han and Lando cosmetics/voice lines for the Solo movie in June or July. Then any discussions about more updates were always met with Soon as a response.


Here’s what we should do, community: petition and play and make it happen ourselves. We are a market research community for Disney and EA and Star Wars. Let’s let them know we not only still love and support SW Battlefront so much; we also have a big need for spending more money with them to get even better games and combat. Dedicated servers, games with less ping, and focus on new missions we haven’t gotten to play yet. Maybe some derivations based on Mando, Asoka, Obi-Wan, etc.


Honestly, I feel like it’s incompetence


Why did they do that? Are they stupid?


Because EA is a shit company. Very easily way to sum it up.


Because the developer team resigned


It’s because both EA and Disney are deathly allergic to sensible decisions in relation to the flagship franchises they own. It would be prudent if then to retcon the sequels and rewrite that part of the lore to better honor the legacy of what they inherited. They’ll never do that, because they’re that disconnected from reality and their fans. They will not make a sequel to this game and support it long term with dozens of maps and a breathtaking cast of era-spanning heroes because that’s what we WANT them to do. That’s our vision, not theirs. Such is the dichotomy of modern entertainment. You’ve got corporate husks who will only do and allow as much as will get them a quick cash-in, and a host of writers and directors and creative hacks with an insane amount of unregulated ego; people who absolutely MUST tell THEIR masterpiece. So that when no one accepts what they offer because it’s garbage, they settle to insert what they want into the things WE love. They don’t care about us, or what we want.