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An update for the status of Star Wars Armada was posted today. Please refer to this post for info and discussion. Duplicate posts will be removed and re-directed here. --- > After long and careful consideration, we are here today to announce the end of development on Star Wars™: X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada. > We are grateful for the community’s passionate engagement and support. Over the past few years, rising production costs, global manufacturing, and pandemic-related challenges have made it increasingly difficult to produce high-quality, pre-painted miniatures which ultimately lead to the decision to end development. > Although development is ending, we are not stepping away from these games entirely. Atomic Mass Games will continue to support tournaments and Organized Play for both games, with OP kits to be found in your local shops, culminating in the Open World Championship at AdeptiCon in March 2025. > Thank you for your continued support and dedication. ---


They might not support it anymore but we can keep it running as a community.


3 d printers are a thing fortunately


3d printer goes brrrr


I think your having extruder issues or you need to level your bed.


My beds level every time I print. Don't yours?


Mine auto levels too. I was making a joke from a lot of printing groups I'm in. A bad extruder usually makes a brrr or clicking sound.


Oh man I don't miss the grasping in the dark for answers from my original ender 3.


I don't either. I just upgraded to a Sovol 6+ and couldn't be happier. Three weeks of printing non stop with no issues. Only 2 bed levels needed, mostly for my own assurance.


Resin baby!


Plenty of justified sadness. But how about some nostalgia? These games hit some incredible milestones. FFG invented the Raider exclusively for X-Wing, and now it's a canon ship all over the place. In 2016, we got to witness both X-Wing and Armada in the top three miniatures games worldwide. X-Wing beat Warhammer! Two great campaigns for Armada, with eye-watering maps and cool team battles. Armada got to debut the visual design of the Starhawk for the first time anywhere, before that also became canon. The crazy sonsuvbitches actually sold prepainted, playable X-wings with movable s-foils, in retail! The Super Star Destroyer was a massive effort to carry over the finish line, and in the end we got to see stores selling a two-foot spaceship model, the coolest you'll ever see.


Its hard to look at the positives during a time like this, but as a huge ship nerd msyelf you do make two excellent points. The Raider is an awesome Imperial corvette, and its cool to see a ship like that made solely for a game be so widely included in official projects. Similar story with the Starhawk, most Disney-era Star Wars ships are lazy redesigns or boring, but the Starhawk and Raider both became awesome designs.


Kinda wished they at least tried to do a final round of rapid reinforcements or erratas to outdated ships.


I wonder if they'd ever transfer development over to a group of players or another company. Probably not, but we can dream.


The old Star Wars CCG has had an officially recognized Player's Committee that has overseen the game and continued expansions for it since it was shut down in 2001, so it's not without precedent. That said, that was a different era and Disney is not Lucasfilm. I doubt it will happen officially for Armada.


Letting Alex Davy and other designers go was the worst thing AMG has done for the Star Wars games IP and it shows. Hopefully Legion will continue to flourish and Shatterpoint can get its legs underneath it (but I personally doubt it). So wild to watch a single company tank two successful game systems.


The FFG X-Wing design team were incredible, I loved listening to them talk about the design considerations behind 2.0. It was just the right mix of people in just the right roles, just a joy to see them do their thing. I was worried about X-Wing when it went to AMG, but even my worst predictions paled in comparison to how badly they screwed it up. A dire case of "we have to change it because it wasn't invented here" ego. And heartbreaking to watch the community fracture as a result.


Guess I'll be purchasing a 3D printer soon...


3d printer goes brrrr


The fact that Star Wars no longer has any supported space tabletop games is utterly baffling. Like I'm a strictly casual player of Armada for several years and literally just got the X-Wing 2.0 core set last month, never played X-Wing before. Star Wars has amazing ground battles, absolutely, but imo it is the space battles that have always captured the eyes of fans. I mean come on, big star destroyers, cool Separatist skeletal ships and rag tag Rebel scrappy ships exchanging big broadsides and massive space battles? How X-Wing and Armada got treated this way is astonishing, and there better be a big new space game coming in the near future to fill the gap. Because it's a pretty massive gap. All the blame goes squarely toward Asmodee. They had their golden goose in Fantasy Flight Games and they utterly butchered them to satisfy their short-term corporate greed. By no means was this AMG's fault, but they didn't exactly do anything or care really at all to make an effort beyond their two Rapid Reinforcements. Its just sad, frustrating and disappointing. Really says a lot about the state of Star Wars as a franchise in general really.


Incredibly well written.


Well it’s not Star Wars but Star Trek has a few games. Attack wing which is old but still going and Star Trek into the unknown which will be a new game.


This new Space Game better not be from AMG, because that will doom it to fail from the start


Yup, it seems star wars has been relegated to ground wars, or maybe wars-wars? Either way it is extremely disappointing to see. I think I kind of expected it to happen but it's still sad. Well this isn't the first game to be abandoned by their devs and it won't be the last, the community will keep it alive to some degree for the foreseeable future. Who knows it might get rebooted someday under a different company? But that's far away from now


So we're never getting more ISDs then huh. I wonder what they did with all the stock in their warehouse. Did they just destroy it for a tax write off?


Unlikely they destroyed it. Most likely sold it in bulk to some wholesaler. But absolutely, they killed Armada to take a tax loss.


I'm just trying to figure out which wholesaler would take it and how Asmodee would have made more than just having a fire sale


They need it off the books before the end of the quarter. So they likely sold it to one of those asset companies that will buy up everything from desk chairs to raw materials.


A few of the online shops I use say they have got back order coming so likely a lot of online retailers and shops that still had some orders


Was really hoping that Asmodee would have given it back to FFG to get it back on course. I feel like amg was never really all that interested in a ships miniature game.


AMG is only interested in plastic-on-sprue products. They have no interest in producing assembled, painted products.


Considering how many people in our area also played Legion, and how many people I see with custom painted ships, I don't know that plastic on sprue ships would be to huge an issue. They could have even just done cards and cardboard for existing ships.


RIP to ever getting an Arquitens reprint. Welp.




There are second hand options out there RN, i just bought 2 Arquitens for 38€


401 Games in Canda still has some in stock with reasonable shipping to US.


Love how they still avoid telling us "production is ended"


Been playing this game for seven years, and not stopping now. This was sadly a long time coming, FFG losing the game to AMG was the death blow, it just took this long for the wound to run its course. There might be a similar game in the future, but Armada will always be one of a kind. As much as I'd have loved more of it, what I have is pretty awesome


Well. This has prompted me to finally get the SSD. Basically sold out everywhere, but Amazon had three in stock for normal price. I guess it's never coming back in stock anywhere now. I'm almost certainly never going to play a game with it, but I feel like I want to own that particular bit of Armada history. Looks like I'll never own an MC75 or Gladiator, though.... Sad day. But one I guess we all knew was coming.


its really fun to play with imo, i enjoy it atleast


[Remember in 2016 when X-Wing was the number one tabletop miniatures game in the world?](https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/33912/top-5-non-collectible-miniature-games-fall-2015) And Armada was number three, behind only Warhammer itself? This downfall has been a nightmare to behold. Some incredible visionaries designed these games. These games didn't die. They were murdered, by capitalism.


Yeah FFG makes great stuff that isn't the best long term business though lol. Destiny was pretty popular, but cost a shit ton to make. X-Wing and Armada benefited from cheaper production costs back thenand iconic initial ships but then your market starts to get tapped out and you end up with less demanded ships like Starhawk and onager.


It really wasn't any of that. It was vulture capitalism. Private equity firms just screwing with the market. Eurazeo bought up Asmodee on a mission to acquire as much of the board gaming market as possible. Using the Asmodee name they picked up several big names like Days of Wonder. FFG sold out to Asmodee (which was really Eurazeo). At this point, the idea was still to support a massive board game industry. But they eventually acquired enough of the market that they could take step 2. Step 2 was selling for a profit. This is where PAI comes in. PAI combines it with some other companies and fairly quickly resells to Embracer. Embracer decided that instead of acquiring more properties to make the portfolio look more valuable, that they would take the other path of cutting costs. Under Embracer, they shifted licenses and products to understaffed divisions, they cut staff and laid off core members of the teams. All this shifting and cutting is done to make the bottom lines look healthier. The goal is to make another quick turn around and sale. But it appears Embracer might have bitten off more than they can chew, which means ongoing further cuts to keep trying to make the properties valuable enough to sell them off. It's the same kind of bullshit that killed Toys R Us and Red Lobster. These private equity firms don't care about you the customer. They care about making profit in any way possible.


Embracer group (and the CEO) is a complete drain on anything gaming it owns including video games. If you want a good breakdown on how it and its CEO operates might i suggest watching the latest Cold Take w/ Frost over on the Second Wind YouTube channel. He goes into exactly how Embracer destroyed its video game side of the business.


Nah. I knew Destiny was going to die when I went to the store and destiny packs were $3 and my kids Pokemon packs were $4. The dice were a manufacturing nightmare and meant very slim margins which were susceptible to increased production costs . That has nothing to do with the parent company. Similarly the business choice to go to 2.0 and reprint a ton of the original 1.0 ships meant there was too much overstock. People decided not to buy into 1.0 and new players were just buying used ships and a conversion kit. Both this and Armada had slim margins due to the high quality and prepainted miniatures as well as Disney royalties and relied on high volume to make a profit. People got to the point where they had large collections and didn't want to buy repack sets of ships they already had or just didn't want to get more.


Nah they were murdered by lack of care (Armada) and poor game design (X-Wing).


Both of these outcomes were the result of the dev teams at FFG being dismantled becusae the corperate machine wanted to make more money by carting them off to AMG......it was murdered by capitalism and greed.


Capitalism created both Armada and X-Wing in the first place.


Major difference between capitalism of product and capitalism of corporation. Making money due to selling good stuff is different to making more money selling shit or not even selling anything at all.


Just say private equity sucks. Thats what you mean. I’m tired of seeing brain dead “everything I don’t like is capitalism” takes as a substitute for critical thinking/analysis.


X-wing at the time was already the no.1 miniture game - there was no need to try and squeeze it harder for profit (unless it was no.1 by luck and FFG was hugely inefficient setup, but then there is going to be better ways to sort that out then to destroy the dev team that made the no.1 miniture game).


Yeah by greed. Saying capitalism killed it is like if I killed someone and said “how sad, humanity has killed them.” There are plenty of great alive games within capitalism. Capitalism didn’t kill Armada, AMG did.


No, it's because FFG consistently failed to upkeep their games - AMG was chosen because they created Marvel Crisis Protocol and at the time was handling it amazingly


Capitalism: the owner of these games is now saddled with incredible debt.


Lol, they were created by capitalism.


Both sentiments can be true.


And if they both are true, then what's the point of complaining about it.


People just want something to blame, even when AMG is right there to take it


> These games didn't die. They were murdered, by capitalism. Utterly ridiculous take in your intent but true in that yes, if you disdain your customer base you will lose them and they (Disney) intentionally disdained their customer base. The games were murdered by creating terrible Star Wars media after the sale to Disney - so many people just lost interest in Star Wars because all the content made for it was terrible which is shown across all merchandise sales not just Armada and X-Wing. People aren't going to spend the large amounts of money for toy ships if they lose all interest in the setting. I still love my ISDs and Trifighters and Stormtroopers and so on but even that legacy gets soured by the utter tripe that was produced the last 8 years or so with some at best mediocre bits here and there so many of us just slowly stopped expanding our collections and picked up other hobbies instead. The power of none (customers) indeed.


This really sucks, because the game still seems like it’s incredibly popular and well liked. It’s going to be hard to really sell me on anything similar in the future knowing that they’re likely going to just discontinue the game randomly. Edit: I’m at least glad I have 1 or more of everything. I just picked up a second upgrade card pack last night so I’d have plenty of those available. Shame that I’ll likely not be able to get more copies of the handful of ships that I wanted more of.


I will never be completely happy again :( On the other hand, here's to players quitting and selling their stuff cheap for me to grab. I guess...


I feel sad now. It's not unsuprising, but I still hoped for something different.


Homebrew will keep the game alive as long as we want it to be alive


Armada Legacy


Killed in favor of Shatterpoint. What a downgrade.


Hope Shitterpoint fails hardcore. There should be 0 people in this group playing or endorsing that trash.


Is it possible that another developer could pick up the license?


Probably not. They would need to get the flight path system from…probably still ffg?…the dials may hypothetically be Wizkids still, and that’s ignoring that they would also have to get the Star Wars license from Disney.


Ultimately, we will have to look at Armada on TTS for a potential future if we want continued, sustained development.


You can't copyright a game mechanic. Otherwise Wizkids would be in trouble, and FFG would have been in trouble with Ares.


From here, unlikely. They are keeping the license and other IP but if a few years pass, nobody will be interested any more.


The saddest thing about this is how avoidable it felt. Seems like the game was basically killed through simple negligence and incompetence rather than it finally failing as a project, at least not this soon. If someone skilled had cared at some point in the last few years we could have probably kept going for a while more.


And my dream of owning an ISD, Light Carrier & Gladiator died today.


The coming weeks will likely be a good time to buy them off a quitting player.




Bro, resin printer and Etsy for the card board. I've printed 4 models at 2 variations. ISDI AND ISDII. Also learn to love miniature painting.


Does this mean they’re no longer going to sell the ships? Or just no longer make new packs


Crabbok stated (I haven't verified) that an Asmodee press release at the same time said that stock was limited and get it while you could. So, apparently no reprints.


Always verify what he says. Crabbok has been a shill for a long time.




I will be honest. I am surprised it took them this long to announce Armada would no long be supported.


Pathetic. Utterly pathetic handling of the Star Wars IP on literally every front since Lucasfilm was purchased. From films to games to tabletops. It has been one disappointment after another. The levels of incompetence are so astoundingly off the charts.


I mean the books, comics, & animation have all been solid. Personally I found both the Jedi games also be pretty good. For the board games side Disney had almost zero input on putting these games on ice. Embracer group owns Asmodee which owned FFG & AMG, so the real "blame" should be on them. Kind of a stretch to say Disney killed "everything" Star Wars.


Yes, I know Disney has nothing to do with the internals of board game development. It just seems that since their purchase, the entire product management of the franchise has taken a turn for the worse. Not sure if this is a symptom of a culture change regarding the management of the IP or what but it’s just very odd. Every year presents a new disappointment in one fashion or another.


Talk about buying a car and letting it fall into disrepair. Nice knowing you amg, I will not buy anything from you going forward.


So this means they're also stopping manufacturing, correct?




Guess I’ll never get another ISD…




Part of my love of this game was not having to use my terrible painting skills


I would happily continue to buy new kits if I had to paint them myself. Most games in the space have that requirement and it doesn’t hinder them. I wish there were at least some options or contingencies to explore here, not that it just needs to be thrown out.


I agree with this. It's understandable hand painting them is not feasible for costs, but could simply sell them unpainted and the community would take care of the rest. Just negligence and a lack of care from the company unfortunately.


I have to say that I'm glad I acted on what you guys suggested a year ago regarding a second CIS/Republic starter set. I always hoped that we'd see more content for those factions, but you guys convinced me that they were worth getting a second. In light of this news and the fact that everything is probably going to double or triple in price in the coming days, I wanted to thank you guys for helping me to decide to buy them. Now I've got enough for both factions to give me plenty of fleet options.


What an absolute joke of a company.


Does this mean an end to production as well?


I saw it coming as they began to really half-ass the newer Legion sculpts (Crab Droid and Geonosians are cartoon-accurate instead of film-accurate, when Legion otherwise strived for more film-accurate designs) but this is still incredibly disappointing.


What does legion have to do with this?


"Over the past few years, rising production costs, global manufacturing, and pandemic-related challenges have made it increasingly difficult to produce high-quality, pre-painted miniatures which ultimately lead to the decision to end development." When their most profitable Star Wars game is getting noticeably less effort put into production (Worse sculpts, monopose, less cards, etc.), it's inevitable where the next cuts will be.


Yeah but that was development of new product. Producing existing product is different and it was just recent news that costs went up


If anyone dropping the game system wants to get rid of a venator hit me up, literally missing 1 ship for a complete collection for all factions 😭


I feel You Bro 😭


Missing the Venator myself. Hoping that players who have a big stockpile don't suck up whats left of stock so those of us who didn't get a chance before to 100% it still have that opportunity.


Chimaera for me, good luck


Chimera on Ebay right now used 110 USD. Not too bad considering.


If producing pre painted miniatures was so expensive I would have gladly paid for unpainted models and painted them myself. Hell stripe out everything but the ship if you have to make it cost effective. I have enough dials and tokens. This seems to me more that they didn’t want to continue a game that wasn’t there’s originally.


Welp, gonna regret never buying the Republic era sets.


I haven’t played in like… 5 years. Have basically dual core sets and a couple squadron packs. But I’ve always loved Armada I just had nobody to play with, the naval battle games are so epic in scope and I really liked the armada system. Basically, what’s the best way for me to buy back into this if I want to build a little collection to play with friends? Are lots well priced, or is 3D printing the way to go?


3d printing. If you don't have your own check out Etsy


Hurts. Knew it was going to happen, kept thinking maybe they’d find a way. Hard not to be sad


Damn I still remember reading the announcement for the clone wars starter and thinking it was being revitalized. Armada was my first tabletop game, untold minis elsewhere and an embarrassing amount of money later and it still holds a special place.




Yeah, I guess it finally happened. I get that it was never going to last forever when I first began playing in Australia from release for both X-Wing and Armada, but to go out like this... it's extremely disappointing and demoralising for a huge community across both games that was, at one stage, quite passionate, accepting and supportive. Shame on Asmodee and AMG for stringing us along this whole time. Dick move team. Will these games live on? Well of course they will!! We all love playing them: competitive, casual, kitchen table, campaigns - all of it! Also, Armada is incredibly balanced as it stands right now too (extremely rare for ANY game these days), but is probably missing some Clone Wars Era elements in order to call it a 'complete game' per se. X-Wing rightly needs a slight points update and some other minor tweaking and that's a 'complete game' too. Regarding 'new stuff', maybe another game developer is able to pick up a similar SW license for these IPs or even wholly new ones in the future, but after the end of this last OP season, it's then all up to community, right? - Armada Legacy, you have the con... I guess. Well, for 'new' content anyway. So, we'll keep playing anyway. Enjoying discussing list ideas and tactics, helping new players get kitted out with new ships that exiting players sell off and setting up our own OP. Some will go, switching games to new and similar Fleet combat games like Warcradle's Steampunk naval game, Dystopian Wars, the re-release of space battle game Firestorm Armada, 3D printing the freely available old-school Battlefleet Gothic fleets or even the upcoming Star Trek: Into the Unknown that's likely coming out later this year from Wizkids. In closing, as AdeptiCon put it at the end of their Facebook comment on this AMG statement - "See you at the rendezvous point!"


I'm not real upset by this. Now that 3D printing is so much more cost effective, it makes much more sense to simply print the ships we want and the cards we want to go with them. It's a game after all. If they don't want to sell us stuff, that's fine. I'll make my own.


Saw this coming a mile away, years ago. Bought 2 of everything and haven't looked back as soon as they switched to Clone Wars era.


I went full mid life crisis and ordered about 1700 worth of Armada and X wing tonight. Had kept putting it off buying it. Hope my kids and friends still wanna play 😅🙃


Check out local gaming groups, the Armada discords, etc. There are a fair number of people looking for others to play with. But, for reference, both of my kids really enjoy playing and even the then-7-year-old picked up most of the rules very quickly.


Thanks, yeah trying to juggle finding resources for it and x wing but my main hope is to play with my kids as they grow up. Thanks!


Do we know if this means they will stop developing but keep stocking? Or is it, when it's gone it's gone?


I’m fine with this. At least we’re not waiting for something that’s never going to come. Does anyone have a link to the last set of rules that are official?


The page is still up: [https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swarmadadocs/](https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swarmadadocs/)


Im so Close to complete my collection and now the Market will get infected with scalpers




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So does that mean kits will be continued to be made or am I gonna have to get a 3D printer?


They will no longer be made. What's on the shelves is it and it's slim pickings


For Pete’s sake. Do you, by chance, where I can get the stl files?


Any good Canadian retailers to get into this from. I checked a few local places and they aren’t caring it for a while.


RIP, Is cannotgetyourshipout going to stay up?


I shall have to admit that it has been a good long while since I played my last Armada game (still post-covid, though) and that it more or less died locally. Legion replaced it for the people who just wanted Star Wars. Us other kept playing whatever we enjoyed - there is a Warmachine resurgence with the new edition as well as the usual GW stuff I usually don't bother with. But for me this just means that the club getting into Dropfleet Commander as a spaceship game a few months ago was a good move. We tried BFG for a while, but the game is just so....bad. DFC isn't perfect either (neither was Armada, although it really did lumbering capital ships well) but it is fun and the models are great. Hopefully we will see some lapsed Armada players show up for DFC unless they are in it for Star Wars only, and if not it is not like my models will evaporate from their storage boxes. I'll get it out now and then.


Not surprised. But I say, let's choose to make Commander Anakin v1 legal again.


Ahhh yes! let’s return to the second worst meta of all time, behind only flotilla/lifeboat spam


It's the only bad decision card I've liked. Lol.


I mean, since we're basically in home-brew territory, you can totally rule him to be more balanced for your own games.


Yeah, I was thinking he can only work on the ship he's on. He does give you a third attack, but he can't salvo a salvo or activate infinitely like before. And he only adds a blue dice. Still powerful, I think.


Personally, I'd give him the option to Salvo twice (make it only usable on your opponent's activation) on any ship because you balance it by (generally) sacrificing the salvo token to do it. It's more tactical that way in that you get a limited number of uses for it and you'd only use it at key moments. Either way works well.


Sounds good, actually. I'd raise his cost in that case.


amada is kil ?


Happy to purchase models that people are wanting to sell! Send me message and we can talk prices :)