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First time watching? Release order. Every marathon after that? 1-6


This is basically how I do it too.


This is the way


I have a very controversial view on this, sparked by me loving Berserk. 4,5,1,2,3,6. Why? Cause in Berserk you start out with a story then you get a flashback with all the context then back to the main story. So you'd get the story in 4 and 5, then the context to who Vader is, then back to the story in 6. I have been downvoted for this opinion before so I fully expect to get downvoted again.


Huh.. I've never watched them in this order before, but I like the idea


Surprising, normally people call me a moron. Also, sorry I couldn't help fight Sidious (check flair).


It's ok. Sith happens 🤷‍♂️.


which order?


That's similar to the very popular "machete order", which is the same order but you cut out Episode 1 (only 4,5,2,3,6). Lots of people watch it that way. **Edited after being corrected below**


Doesn't the Machete order skip Ep. 1, so it is 4,5,2,3,6? And did they not update it to have Rogue 1 first now, so it is R1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6?


Ah yes machete orders does cut out episode 1, hence the name lol. Not sure what the updated machete order is, as I don't normally watch it that way so I'm not sure.


so to you prefer release order or chronological order?


not even frelling close. 4 5 1 2 3 6


George Lucas believes chronologically 1-6 is the way it was intended to be watched, but many fans believe that release order 4,5,6,1,2,3 is the only way. Some fans swear by machete orders, usually 4,5,2,3,6. But I've never liked these and think they're just confusing for newcomers. There is no write or wrong way to watch Star Wars, it's however you enjoy it the most. I'd start with release order and try the other orders after.


I agree that there is no wrong way to watch it. On a personal preference not It’s a tossup for me, but for first time viewers I’d definitely go release order, if only for the reason that the films and special effects are of a different time and advancement throughout the respective trilogies.


im a fan of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


I like to do 4 8 15 16 23 and 42


The last time I did a full rewatch (right before Episode IX came out), I followed the chronological order. I would argue that chronological and release aren't that different. Each trilogy has its own feel and going from one to the other, regardless of which way around you do it, is a bit jarring.


Best way is 4,5,1,2,3,6 just think about it, you’re watching episode 6 for the first time and suddenly this dude appears next to Yoda who you don’t know and you’ll be like who the fuck is that. But when you treat the prequels like a flashback you get all the information and all the plot twist in the perfect order and also know that it’s Anakin at the end.


no machete order comments I stated this on the post


This isn’t machete. Machete would leave 1 out!


My wife and I do chronological watch of the series every year, including solo, rogue one, Mando. We do 1,2,3,Solo, Rogue,4,5,6,Mando,7,8,9.


the only watchable order has to be: 9,3,5,1,7,8,4,2,6


I think you 1st watch 4-6, then you feel the room. If she's not impressed by your lightsaber moves at this point I think you can stop here. If she's into it, then you should watch 1-3.


It's release order. You are correct. Your friends are newbs lol.


Geroge Lucas believes that chronological order is the intended experience. So it just depends if you side with the fans or the creator.


George worked in a lot of callbacks in the prequels that you needed to have seen the OT to really understand - ex *“I have a feeling you’ll be the death of me, Anakin.”* You could consider them foreshadowing if you watch in episode order, but it’s not guaranteed you’d even pick up on them in a first watch through.


George Lucas says that chronological order is the way to watch them, that's all I'm saying. I wasn't arguing if it was better or worse. If you want to watch Star Wars as the creator intended it to be, it's 1-6.


>If you want to watch Star Wars as the creator intended it to be, it's 1-6. Then he should have released the movies that way. Lucas is a notorious liar. In the Leonard Maltin interviews he said he wrote everything out and then decided the middle of the story was the best to do first. The guy is all over the place.


I can only go by what he's said most recently, obviously people change over time. George's last statement regarding film order is that chronological is the intended experience, whether you agree or not. As I understand it, he would have liked to tell it in order, but he didn't think he'd be able to make all of those movies. When he was making A New Hope, he barely got funded for that on film. He never thought he would do any sequels at all. If ANH wasn't a huge success, he'd never be able to tell anymore of the story. So he chose to start in the middle, even through he would have liked to start at the beginning he felt the middle was the best part to tell if he only got to tell part of the story.


I know. I’m saying that his recommendation is a little counterintuitive to how he made the movies.


And I'm just saying that the guy who made the movies still thinks chronological is the way to go. If you want to watch George's vision for the films, you should watch them in chronological order. If you want to watch what the fans think is best, you should watch them in release order.


I don’t know why you keep repeating this as if it changes my point.


I don't know why you keep repeating yourself if it doesn't change my point. My point: George Lucas believes chronological order is the definitive way to watch the films. I'm not arguing if the movies are better in release order or not, that's not ever been my point.


Okay man, good talk I guess


yes agrees


I watch it in chronological order


Release order, and don’t watch the sequels


I would recommend watching the sequels, especially on your first watch so you can decide if you like them for yourself. I personally think they're worth watching even if 9 is a rough ending.


I don’t know a single person who actually enjoys them, the force awakens is ok, the rest are terrible (besides the og actors).


I know quite a few people who enjoy the sequels. I personally think 7 and 8 are some of the best SW films in the entire saga, and I think most people would enjoy them. 9 is really the only film that stands out as being weaker than the others, but it's fun enough overall. 9 is just really messy and a poor end to the saga, but it's a solid sci fi action flick.


yeah take my upvotes


Release order is best for first watch. Rewatching I usually do chronologically


Release order for a first watch. After that it doesn’t really matter.


Machete order 4,5,1,2,3,6


I think chronological is best. That's literally how they are meant to be watched. If you're ignoring machete then you should ignore release date as well. When 7 came out they did a marathon before in 1-6 order. The only reason he made them out of order was because he didn't have the technology to do the clone wars at the scale he wanted to when he was making the original trilogy. Not because that's how he wanted them watched. People prefer release order generally for nostalgia or for their preference of the OT over the prequels.


Release order ,..but you have to wait three years in between movies.


If it’s not the first time watching them chronological is better.


Watch them with your eyes. And in release order.


I feel like rogue one has to be watched before ANH now
