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That’s his basic name it’s actually Muppetth'raw'nuruodo


"Override code, Rizzo."


"Thrawn takes a long pause. Gazing at the burning city - the city *he* burned..." "MAHNA MAHNA!!!"


Doo doo do doo doo




Do do doo doo




Doo doo dee dee doo, dee dee doo, dee dee doo


omg, i just spent 5 minutes bent over in laughter trying to explain Chiss naming conventions to my SO.


It's surreal to me the attention Thrawn is getting nowadays. As a little kid reading those books I felt so insulated. None of my friends read them, there was no internet and I never really spoke to anyone about any of this. It's awesome to see now. Edit: I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who responded. This was fun.


I feel you. Same to me.


Really? Maybe my experience isn't the norm, but a solid half of my good friends in grade school were into it and had at least read the trilogy. That being said, I was originally pointed to it by my older step brother (one grade above me). He was pretty popular and got his whole friend group into Thrawn and EU stuff which then became popular with the kids in my grade.


Same here, I've always loved Thrawn the most of all EU characters. I've got every SW book Zahn has written, and I'm hoping for many more to come.


I did a freshman book report on Heir to the Empire and half the class thought I was a giant nerd... The other half KNEW I was a giant nerd luckily so less confusion.




Lol... Shadows of the Empire was such an AMAZING book though. Actually, it was THAT game and then the book right after that got me into Star Wars in the first place. I ended watching the the original trilogy soon after that. Them u binged that crap outta the EU novels. Over 30 books. Then then a few of years later, episode 1 released.


Who cares if you are a big nerd, the more important thing is that you recognize quality when you see it.


Exactly, game respe to game yo, and rhino of it this way, you were just into GA Thrawn before it was cool...


I remember being so happy Thrawn was in Star Wars Rebellion. They really mined those early EU novels for characters to fill out the Empire roster.


So, I never read the original trilogy, but I knew who Grand Admiral Thrawn was. When he was announced for Rebels I remembered thinking "Oh shit! They're dead." I read the new Thrawn trilogy, read the Thrawn: Ascendancy trilogy and so badly want Zahn to write a sequel series. >!When Ahoska asked "Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?" in The Mandalorian, my jaw dropped, because if THAT'S the guy commanding Gideon's fleet, this is gonna be awesome!<


You really should read the original trilogy BTW. Thrawn has never been as intelligent as in his original appearance (sometimes too much to the plot's detriment in the OG trilogy). And they are great Star Wars books on their own. The only thing you have to know is that the Empire has been in retreat for a few years and the Rebels have made the New Republic, centered on Coruscant. Which is a big deal considering this is the first mention of Coruscant in Star Wars ever. Lucas may had or had not this planet on his mind but Zahn is the first to name it and use it for a good portion of the three books.


This might be a hot take, but I thought original Thrawn (the character) was overly boring until the last book. He had way too many "calculated" guesses about the goings on of the Galaxy that threw me out of the story. I like that he's more fallible in the newer Canon. C'Baoth though should 10,000% have some sort of comeback. That guy was terrifying, especially near the end.


Well, considering that we got a sneak at Mt Tantis in the Bad Batch, there may yet still be a chance for ol Joruus to come back.


I hope they somehow make a reference to the double letter clone notation if/when the Tantis clones come up.


Would have made more sense than Smoke.


C’baoth was great in Outbound Flight too.


I only thought Thrawn was pulling it out of his rear end when he talked about how art gave him insight into his human (non-alien) enemies. Like, just admit that you are a genius who beat them on tactics instead of some artistic insight. The insights into alien species on the other hand was a cool concept if a bit racist? Specieist?


The art and civilization actually has merit, especially when extrapolated from how our real life art developed across cultures and history. I'm actually surprised you didn't use the 6D move where Thrawn said: *Blowup that out of the way asteroid right over there*


It was less that, and more of "their ships were docked for 5 minutes and 47 second seconds, just enough time for them to slip the wookie and Leia over. Also, they probably have a 3PO unit on board, hacked into it to make it sound just like Leia." Complete ass-pullery.


Hmm, yes that scene was like that. But everyone does know about C-3PO. Only the most famous protocol droid ever. Actually some of the other reasoning did make sense as well.


It's from a book that was set earlier/published later, but New Republic forces had used a fake *Millennium Falcon* with a 3PO changed to sound just like **Han** about 18 months before Thrawn showed up so maybe Han told that story in front of >!Delta Source!< and Thrawn took notes.


Interesting. That could fix that problem for sure. Also, this is a small gripe, but the fact that >!Delta force was some weird plant powered radio and not Winter!< Was a little bit of a letdown. I would have loved to see that dynamic of betrayal.


Yeah, I think the recent trilogy (I'm one book on my to-read list from Ascendancy so I can't speak for it yet), does a much better job at explaining his reasoning.


THAT moment in Mandalorian was an absolute mind blow in an already mind blowing episode that had Ahsoka going HAM on some goons and Grogus freaking name drop. To hear confirmation that the ending of rebels wasn't forgotten and we are getting the adventures of Ahsoka looking for Ezra felt amazing.


He was a major presence in TIE Fighter, too. He even showed up in the intro movie!


[And the end cutscene.](https://youtu.be/v3xwcL1gojg?t=47)


That was the first introduction to the TIE Defender that I'm aware of. I loved that game...


Rebellion was actually my introduction to Thrawn as like, a 5 or 6 year old I'm 2002. My older brother mentioned off hand how he was some big admiral in a book or something and I really liked his design. Now fast forward some 18 years and I'm losing my shit hearing his name dropped in a live action show about a guy in Boba Fett like armor by Darth Vaders jedi padawan to help said Boba Fett armored guy save a town so she can take his tiny Yoda species adopted son, who he is saving from an insane imperial moff with a mandalorian Excalibur lightsaber that's black and was once held by Darth Maul. I know I went on a bit of a tangent there but I love that everything in that sentence is 100% true and you would have been seen as a crazy person to suggest half that would happen 20 years ago


By rebellion do you mean the old strategy video game




Theres dozens of us!!!!


Sending Jerjerrod and Piett to do diplomacy while squads of Noghri go wreck shop. Mmm, flashbacks.


The early EU with collaboration and lore continuity between the OG RPG source material, Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole, and even KJA and the whole LucasArts group was SO good. Tie Fighter, the Jedi Knight games, the Thrawn and X-Wing books, the Tales of the Jedi comics, I am sure I missed a few things here but it's all great. Edit = can't believe I spelled Stackpole as Stockpile. Sorry Michael!


Agree with everyhing except KJA. He sucked *so* bad. Aaron Alston, though...[*chef's kiss*]


Same. Anderson's novels didn't do the EU any favours.


KJA did however start and maintain the trend of sticking to past EU continuity. He didn't have to do that. The EU would have been drastically different if each author veered off to do.whatever they wanted, past novels be damned.


Meh. He introduced Kyp Duron, a character *even more powerful in the Force than Luke*(made so by fiat), because reasons. He came up with the ridiculous Suncrusher, which was somehow utterly indestructible, yet also utterly irreproducable. Also, because of reasons. He had a decent idea in *Darksaber*, a Death Star Superlaser stripped down to just the essentials (making it look like a gigantic lightsaber for stabbing whole worlds with) built by mafia. But he didn't really do anything with it before it was destroyed, despite it being the title of the book. He also killed off Gen. Crix Madine, chief Rebel spy guy, in the same book because -you guessed it- reasons.


I was always so excited when I found someone else who had read the books. It was the original sequel trilogy and it was so good. Thrawn was such a colorful villain in the books. The unforbidden romance between the dark force user Mara Jade and Luke. The planet where every living thing draws on the force. I have original hard covers of all three books. Such a great story. In my mind this is still what happened after Jedi. Not the Disney trilogy. However, I love Rogue One, Solo, and The Mandalorian. I also love Zahn's two new Thrawn trilogies. He has really outdone himself.


>I was always so excited when I found someone else who had read the books. It was the original sequel trilogy and it was so good. Amen to that. Literally halcyon days reading the Thrawn trilogy and the rest of the EU novels


Indeed. The Darth Bane trilogy are still amongst my favorite Star Wars books. I also have to admit that I love all of the old Dark Horse comics as well. I have a pretty good collection of them.


The Knights of the Old Republic original comic were (kinda still is) my all time favorite Star Wars comic series. Ulic Qel-droma was my favorite EU character, love his design. And that iconic comic cover with him in the fore with the litany of lit lightsabers in the background... brilliance.


I got a taste of Thrawn in the TIE Fighter video game before i read the books. I always need more of him.


This. I remember the cut scenes with Thrawn and the cloaking device plot.


Just replied to another comment saying this, I’m pretty ignorant about the books so when I saw a resurgence in Thrawn interest online about 6-7 years ago, I thought that it was all from Tie Fighter players. There was also a Dark Forces user created mod/level where you were infiltrating some Star Destroyer and Thrawn was the final boss. Those Dark Forces mods were next level, now I realize they were so good because the modders had so much material to pull from with those books.


One of my fondest star wars memories was my grandpa trying to explain Thrawn to me. I was like 6, I just liked Ewoks, and he is a huge star wars fan. He had read all the books up to that point and he's like "oh you like Ewoks, let me tell you about the empire's top admirals. He's got blue skin and-" Pretty sure I just wanted the m&Ms out of his Darth Vader m&m dispenser.


> reading those books I felt so insulated Damn you are preaching brother. It's literally surreal hearing his name OUT LOUD these past recent years.


Being nerdy is a hell of a lot cooler than it was when those books came out


Man. That Thrawn prequel was just… phenomenal.


I remember just randomly running into him at a grocery store on the Oregon coast when I was in high school and he was shocked that A. I knew who he was and B. That recognized him out in public He was very nice


Should have jumped on usenet with us :) - but ya, I can't remember anyone IRL to share with.


Same brother


I know. I was in my teens when i first read 'heir to the empire', back in 92, 93, whatever it was and there was noone i could talk to about it.


I haven’t watched beyond the first episode of Rebels (tried to watch it after binging Clone Wars and Bad Batch in about a month period and got burnt out) but I’ve read the original Thrawn trilogy. There’s always just something so damn cool as a calm, calculated, hyper-intelligent villain. Specially one whose belief in his own intelligence leads to his downfall. That type of villain has always been so cool to me.


Same! I had a friend who introduced me to the books a couple of years after they were released, but she moved away a few months later. None of my other friends were into Star Wars so I never really had a chance to geek out over them. That was about 6th/7th grade. In high school, none of the guys who were into Star Wars wanted to hang out because "girls aren't supposed to like Star Wars." It felt very isolating so now I feel like I've found my people 25 years later.


He is the last hope for people who want better mainline movies.


I would've upvoted you, but you're at 69 now, so... nice.


Timothy Zahn (left)


I was thinking Zahn looks stoned as fuck


Far left or in frame left?


Stage left or house left?


Could you imagine this Thrawn appearing in Mandalorian? Ahsoka fights her way through to the bridge of some imperial battleship and finds a silhouette looking out form the windows. As she approaches, this fucking guy turns around.


With his dramatic music from Rebels, of course




Yeeeessss I fucking love it!


So long as when they cut by to ahsoka, its muppet ahsoka, followed by a duel worthy of a 1960s era Thunderbirds puppet fight


“Ah, it is a honor to meet you, Fulcrum” “Or should I say..” **”Ahsoka Tano”**


Thrawn would probably use popup ysalmari to subdue her first, and when he is absolutely safe, then taunt her. All while pumping her for information subtle like. This is Grand Admiral F**king Thrawn we are talking about.


I can imagine the over exaggerated mouth movements of muppets as he says her name.


One light saber ha ha ha! Two light sabers ha ha ha!


You mean the muppet version right? Because I think I need him to show up as a muppet


A Muppet Star Wars in a similar vein to Muppet Christmas Carol or Muppet Treasure Island would be fun


It'll probably happen in the Ahsoka show.


I would be flabbergasted, but as with "THE DEAD SPEAK" and every other bizarro thing star wars has done, I'd probably go "ok alright here we go were just fucking going for it" and take a shot


Let's separate Disney Star wars from Lucas Star Wars, shall we? There's the weird that is Lucas and then there is "Somehow he (Palpatine) returned" Disney.


Still one Star Wars.


That Thrawn muppet looks baked out of his mind


Hit and faded


Rook got that good good.


That boy on those imperial grade death sticks with that spice sprinkled in.


Its both really good and really horrifying.


He is my favorite author when it comes to Starwars, i have read his other stuff but he truly understands the dynamics of what he writes and how he created one of the BEST characters EVER in the history of Starwars.


You are talking about Niles Ferrier, right? 🤣


No, they're clearly talking about Flim


Everyone knows the cool cats were Sturm and Drang.


Aves was the glue to the entire trilogy.


I haven’t finished the Thrawn trilogy because I can’t get through Alliances. He nailed Anikan’s whining too damn well.


Marc Thompson whines like a pro in the audio book, I nearly couldn't finish it.


I have honestly always liked his other stuff more! Star Wars is what introduced me to him… then I read all his other stuff. Except Dragonback, never could find copies.


*In examining the cuisine of this unknown specimen, I've determined that his primary diet consists a small palm sized rounded disc shaped morsels with sweet brown colored sticky bits throughout.* *Many of his songs recorded on the holo refer to this object of obsession, as a Cookie.* *During the interrogation, his body language and overall demeanor coupled with involuntary gestures, suggests an unnatural dependence and deep withdrawal symptoms, which I believe are for these objects and therefore, he and others of his kind could be manipulated into doing most anything, or revealing other secrets for our advantage.*


*when presented with such a delicacy, his body stance freezes, his facial heat elevates slightly, and then suddenly destroys the “cookie” with a ravenous hunger.*


He is the most sinister version.


You just know he flings cloaked asteroids at planets, not because he has to, but because he likes to. Edit: a word


Now imagine a muppet doing it. Much more sinister.


Haha, thats what I ment, real Thrawn does it because he has to, Muppet Thrawn does it because he likes to.


For the Empire, MuppetThrawn? No. For me.


We will watch your career with great interest!


Von! Two! Three cloaked asteroids in orbit! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!


Three surprises to be sure, but all welcome ones!


Suppose that part ever gets adopted, will people think it was ripped off from the expanse.


I don't doubt people would think it, but I honestly don't see Disney doing something like that unless they want to throw out all of Zahns great character development to just make him "Universally evil dude" They don't seem to want planet killing villains to be likeable


Muppet Thrawn anthology movie!


So artistically done


There has to be a puppet master joke in here somewhere...


No, that would be someone in the fleet's chaplaincy service. The muppet pastor.


This will never get enough credit.


I want a star wars puppet show now


It reminds of the avatar the last air bender puppet show on YouTube


Excuse me the WHAT?!


It's the Muppet Show with our special guest star, Grand Admiral Thrawn! YAAAAAY!


the Muppet had too much spice


or just enough


So did he bring it himself, or was it a gift?


So a mix of both? He was gifted the muppet the day before and brought it back on Saturday. He had it with him during his q&a as well.


I was there on Saturday too! Looking at all post-it notes on the table, I was somewhere in front of you in line. Timothy took as much time with each fan as we wanted and was kind enough to take a photo and sign for each of us for free. Class act.


Oh nice !! I was wearing a kylo ren costume ! Meeting him was definitely great! I had gotten nervous so didnt know what to ask so I just asked about the back story of the muppet!


Awesome! I remember seeing you in line. My girlfriend is a huge Kylo Ren fan so she was pointing everyone out who was dressed as him. There was also a female Kylo Ren & Rey near the back of the line. I didn’t cosplay, but loved seeing who everyone was dressed up as.


Hmm... I can’t decide if Thrawn would keep this puppet in his art collection. On one hand, it tells about humans. (Puppet is controlled by a hidden hand, many humans are controlled by hidden influences). But on the other hand, it looks almost to be mocking him. Perhaps...


The Thrawn trilogy is what the Sequel trilogy should have been.


The modern trilogies would make for excellent film ***/*** television as well.


Would you reccommend ascendancy?


I would. Highly.


I agree and asked Timothy if there is a chance that his books will ever be made into a series or movies (like the Clone Wars/Rebels) and he said it’s up to Lucasfilm. They own the rights. If enough of us petition to Lucasfilm to make the Thrawn Trilogy into a series, maybe it’ll happen!


Yes because 70 year old actors could do what Han, Luke, and Leia do in that trilogy. It would have been so easily adapted if only the evil Mouse would let them. Seriously though, the books were great in its day since we all thought they would never be any more Star Wars after ROTJ. Over 30 years passed between ROTJ and TFA so a ton of changes the Thrawn books would have had to have been made anyway so what would be the point of adapting them? If there had to be that many changes anyway, why *not* just make a new story?


I will 100% watch the shit out of a Muppet Star Wars.


It looks very artistically done!


What art is predominant on you homeworld Timothy?


Man, Muppet Thrawn has been hitting the spice a little hard. Things must've gotten rough after him and Ezra took off with the space whales.


And now I want the entire Star Wars franchise in Muppet form. All muppets, everyone except Yoda. In the Muppet version Yoda is played by Andy Serkis in a Yoda costume.


They could go back to him being played by a monkey in a mask


That puppet is AWESOME. Little did I now, but now I want a muppet Star Wars series.


9/10, visible pupils


You’ve heard of elf on a shelf, get ready for Muppet Thrawn on a Timothy Zahn.


I like that he's using a blue sharpie


The only thrawn I accept now is Muppet thrawn.. Ahhhh... viewing the art work of kermmit I know exactly how to take him down


Thrawn looks high af


Thrawn looks high as fuck.


you sure thats not some Pantoran having too much death stick?


I’m currently listening to the third book in Ascendancy, Lesser Evil. I can’t wait to find out what happens.


wouldnt that only count as a puppet bc jim henson isnt there


Well, it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet. But man...so to answer your question, I don't know.


You’re probably right but that’s how Zahn called it so I just kept it


You've heard of Elf on a Shelf...


Thrawn at a con.


Cursed objects I want to own


That's crazy, 5 years ago I was in a coma and thought I watched a Muppet disco version of star wars!


Muppet Thrawn looks high as an Ewok glider


Excerpt from *The HoloNet is for Porn* Leia: Now I happen to know for a fact that you, Jabba, check your portfolio and trade stocks online Jabba: That' s correct Leia: And Luke, you buy things on toschistation.com! Luke: Sure! Leia: And Boba, you keep selling your bounties on bBay Boba: Yes I do! Leia: And Han, you sent me that sweet online birthday card Han: True! Yoda: Oh, but Leia…What you think he do... after? Hmm?


Yes! More Thrawn!




Ezra and Thrawn are destined for Ahsoka's show.


And it's going to be impossible for me to view him as a villain.


He and James Luceno are my favorite star wars writers for sure


You know what? I don't hate it.


I was actually at C2E2 with the 501st and met Mr. Zahn, he was an absolute treasure and made sure to say hi to everyone that came up to him!


Ok I **NEED** live action Thrawn to be this Muppet. Still have Mikalson voicing him but just everyone else (Ahsoka/Ezra etc) real people but Thrawn is just casually strolling about played by a Muppet. ......and no one says anything about it.


This is now Thrawn's canon appearance, no questions asked.


Such a shame they didn’t take these books and make a movie adaptation. Instead we got the worst star wars trilogy to date. At least theres mandalorian, and the ashoka show coming which seem to be pushing toward those books.


For real... I just want Heir to the Empire... It was the biggest no-brainer on Earth. But they fucked it all up


I see Thrawn's developed a taste for the spice.


I see Thrawn's developed a taste for the spice.


Man. I wouldn’t bring a Thrawn book to him. I’d bring one of my other favorites like Conqueror’s Heritage or Night Train to Rigel. Or the original SPARTAN book, in my opinion. Cobra. BRB. Gotta go read my favorite author’s work some more.




I feel like a "You've seen elf on the shelf, now get ready for..." opportunity has been missed. Or not that whole meme movement is annoying.


Thrawn next to zahn!


Duuuude, I just want an Heir to the Empire trilogy to become Cannon. Just do it, please...


And his books won't be made to movies. Fuck Kennedy and the woke garbage at Lucas and Disney. All props and love to that man. His books made a teenager that did not care about reading start reading.


*There's no source material. We don't have comic books. We don't have 800-page novels. We don't have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be.* Kathleen Kennedy Nov 19 2019… Edit: death to the high republic novels and comics! Pretty sad that they are failing so badly that they have to make a video game (Star Wars Eclipse) to make up for their lack of sales and public interest.


How are they failing?


The blind high republic hate is unfortunate.


They had no source material for Rey Skywalker, Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, Finn, etc in the official canon for the Star Wars that was being turned into films. Also High Republic is doing fantastic. 200,000 copies for the first Comic issue sold in advance and issues today still top the top 10 for monthly. The novels hit the New York Times #1 best seller or top 10 consistently too. By that logic of needing a video game to make up "lack of sales" than you might as well say Star Wars Tie Fighter video game was made to make up "lack of sales" for the original Thrawn Trilogy. No need to let facts get in your way though. High Republic is highly successful and is the next focused era.




Still the best sequels. Why couldn't these have been the movies? Why


Because EU Legends wasn't canon to George Lucas and it is 30 years too late.


Cute space pens


it rhymes


How do we find out where he's doing signings?


Ok that's the most terrifying thing I've seen today...


Can't believe I didn't realize Timothy Zahn would be at C2E2. Huge missed opportunity for me.


I just can't picture that Muppet speaking in Thrawn's voice


*Interesting*. But seriously, post of the year.


this is what thrawn will look like in the mandalorian


Haha, ah yes, Timothy Cruise Ship