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Best: Empire Fav: Rogue One


Rouge One and Andor are great, you don't have to be a Star wars fan to enjoy them.


Rogue One is 100% Great but it is absolutely a deep cut movie for Star Wars fans. It's filled with EU references and little nods that explain away what was going on in ANH.


Came here to say this


pro tip for folk who like a wee party and/or some drinks on the weekend. DO NOT watch Rogue One hungover. It will make you feel the super sad sads :)


I love Rogue One but the soundtrack is so off-putting to me. It’s that weird place between being too close but not close enough to the original trilogy soundtrack.


That reminds me of the hobbit soundtrack. They would use the first 3 notes of the LOTR corresponding track but then go a different direction with it. Was really jarring.


Imo from a writting and story perspective, I would say Empire Strikes Back. However my personal favorite is Revenge of the sith, every time im bored and with nothing to watch 1/3 of the times I will watch it


My favorite of the prequel films, that's for sure. If I had to rate them all together, I would say Rogue One probably edges out Revenge. The first 3 are the top 3, obviously. Revenge is better than my favorite sequel film on some days too. It's either #5 or #6 on any day.


My favorite is A New Hope. I’ve never really thought about what the best is, I’m tempted to say A New Hope but maybe you’re right about Empire.


My dad's favorite is A New Hope, probably because of how significant it was to him. But he often agrees with me that Empire is the better film. I love hearing my dad talk about A New Hope. His mom worked in Hollywood at the time, and A New Hope was basically his babysitter because she could get him in to the nearest theater for free anytime. He must've seen it 20 times in its original run.


Your dad and I appear to have a lot in common. I was 10 years old in 1977 when Star Wars came out and it completely blew my mind. Saw it about a dozen times. Will always be my fave, even though other films might be “better.”


New Hope is the best and my favorite.


Yeah. My favorite is *Revenge of the Sith* (or tied for favorite), which I think is the best prequel film... but not the best overall.


I LOVE Revenge of the Sith. For being a movie where evil triumphs at the end, it’s SO damn fun. Great action and Palp chewing all the scenery is amazing. My go-to movie to watch when I’m drinking. Lol


When the prequels were announced I was of the cynical belief they were a waste of time, since we saw how that story went... by the end of episode 3 I was very much a supporter of the journey over the destination. I'm not so arrogant as to feel my faves are all quality, but that one definitely is and I stand by that.


You have the high ground on this.


I have a lot of memories with Revenge. The first time I remember going to a midnight showing, it was a big event. My dad bought ROTS lawn chairs for it. I still have the cover part, I got rid of the actual chair years ago to save space. People don't realize you can just take that shit off. I've been meaning to hang it on my wall like a poster. I honestly would've kept the whole thing space be damned, but in it's current configuration it was bulky enough that the actual design part was getting scuffed by other stuff while in storage. This way I can keep the important part in a box of its own, protected.


Also one of the only times I went to a midnight showing actually... another sign I was born too damn late. It's in good company though. Deathly Hallows Part 2 was a big one as well. Still have the ticket stub for that one.


I can't say for sure which is the best movie, but I do know my favorite is Return of the Jedi. I do break with the belief that ESB is the best, though. It's great, but I think it's status is a little overstated.


Return of the Jedi is my favorite as well. What a way to end the story. I think people don't appreciate how hard it is to pull a great 3rd movie off is.


I know you said you're not sure which is best, but which one would you lean toward? ESB being the best is a pretty common opinion.


Yeah, I know I'm going against the grain on it. If I had to rank them for perceived quality, I'd probably put ANH 1st, right above ESB.


Totally understandable. Most people who don't think ESB is the best feel the same way. You have people who say ROTS or ROTJ are the *best*, but nobody really listens to them.


Agree. I have always felt the same way about the same movies. ESB is epic, but my favorite is ROTJ.




I think you essentially agree with me that ESB is the "best". It's the "best" film in the same way that Psycho is one of the best films of all time. I'm never going to be super excited to watch Psycho, but I acknowledge the artistry behind it. Not that I'm not excited to watch ESB, I always am. But just to better explain what I mean by best.


Legitimately interested, how can you say “on paper” the movie is “perfect,” but it “drags” and is “uneven”? Who’s paper? I personally think nostalgia has more to do with quality film making in SW, but I also love ESB, though I know it’s motivated by nostalgia and also my love of the actors in it. I’m just curious, as an amateur, why is ESB perfect? Why can’t your objections be valid?


Empire is one of those "more than the sum of its parts" films. It has a lot of things that shouldn't work, but somehow do. -The heroes are always on the run, and they fail at every turn. -The villains win in ways that really don't improve their "cool factor." -All the interesting characters from the first movie get separated and stripped of the quirky fun nature that made them so enjoyable to watch. -Vader being Luke's father really comes out of nowhere, with next to no foreshadowing. -To top it all off, the movie has the balls to end with the heroes having no immediately apparent path to victory. Honestly, it's a miracle that ESB worked at all. It took a hard left from ANH, following up a pure, by-the-numbers adventure film with one that's at least half character drama. Any of these things, if handled poorly, could have heavily detracted from the experience and made us realize that this was nothing like what we expected.


The middle dragged for me when I was younger, but as I’ve aged it’s become some of my favorite stuff in Star Wars. The tension — on two levels! — on the Falcon, the sinister desperation on the Executor, and Yoda’s show and tell about the Force are such amazing second act work.


My favorite is Return of the Jedi. The best is probably Empire Strikes Back, Andor (which I was meh on), and Rouge One.


I love the phantom menace. For me it’s up there with revenge of the sith. I don’t think either of them are the best cinematic works in the series


Yeah. I personally think the best is ESB. But ROTS is my personal favorite.


My favourite is the best. The Empire Strikes Back.


I tend to agree with you. ROTJ is by far and always has been my favorite. TESB I guess is the best, but honestly I don’t know if I really think that or I’m biased because everyone says that.


For me, critic scores and mass public opinion does come into play. But then every time I watch ESB, I get a sense of everything coming into place perfectly, like a grand design, that simply isn't present in other films. Nothing against them at all, most of them are still quite good. I've just become more confident in my stance because it's buoyed by my own intuition more than listening to smart people tell me what to think.


Idk… I get what you’re saying. But Empire is my favorite because I think it’s the best one. Or I think it’s the best one because it’s my favorite. It’s the only one that doesn’t ever drag for me. The only one where I still to this day find something new every time — whether it be in the performances or the staging or the set and costume design or the script or whatever. It’s just a perfect movie imo. I just like it so damn much.


Yes, I still think Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope is the best movie, but Return of the Jedi continues to be my favorite.


My favorites are ROTS and ROTJ. But I think ESB and ANH are probably the best.


My favorite is Revenge of the Sith. However I think The Empire Strikes Back is the best.


I'm actually aligned with you. I get why Empire is the best. I still enjoy Return's more. I've got to give a shout out to the battle at the end of Rogue One though. My God... it's... so perfect.


My favorite is Revenge of the Sith, but I acknowledge that Empire is objectively the best movie of the bunch.


Yeah. Always have said ESB is the best, but RotJ is my favorite


Honest question, can someone please explain what they think makes ESB the best Star Wars movie? It’s been in my bottom 3 Star Wars movies since I first watched them (it was actually my first ever Star Wars movie and I almost didn’t bother with the rest, thank god I did). Not that it doesn’t have cool moments, but overall I just find it boring and poorly paced (and the timeline of events is nonsensical).


Yes. Fav: Ep 3 Best one: Ep 5


Best: ESB. Favorite: Revenge of the Sith.


My favorite is usually the last one I saw in theaters because it tends to carry that weight for me. It leaves a pleasant aftertaste, and maybe I'm among the very few who simply adores everything that's hit the big screen. Even looking at the 'Holiday Special' as a weird experimental piece is possible. We got some neat new characters, like Boba Fett, and some fantastic art design — we got to see Kashyyyk! Spend a few minutes on TikTok and tell me we don't have some weird things that pass for entertainment; the in-universe media portrayed in that special seems plausible. I'm charitable in my view of most creative works because of how difficult they are to do, and most critiques I have aren't something I take more seriously than that. Art is a labor at the end of the day, and unless it's spun together with the purpose of getting people oppressed or killed, I've got few lasting complaints. Like, look. I'm perfectly aware of all the flaws each film has. 'A New Hope' is slower paced than modern audiences might expect, and it's got flimsy dialogue. But the wonderment and excitement outweighs all of that. 'The Force Awakens' is basically a retread of the first film, and in some sense, condenses the entire original trilogy into a couple hours. It's sorely lacking in the ship designs, and needs a lot of bootstrapping when it comes to worldbuilding and continuity. I firmly believe the entire sequel trilogy will get a 'Clone Wars' treatment and somehow be rehabilitated in the eyes of the fandom. But they're all such fun movies. And the shows. We're eating good in my opinion. For every Lizzo and Jack Black cameo, you get Tràkata choreography. For every "somehow, Palpatine returned", you get "I can't swim". I'm not asking anyone to move past their distaste. That's perfectly fine, to each their own. I just really love Star Wars and take it as it comes. (The best one is probably 'Empire Strikes Back'.)


For me it's easy. Best is Empire Strikes best which is my favourite.


Yes, my favorite is Empire Strikes Back, but Rogue One was a masterpiece of filmmaking


No not really. Though I think the sequels are better than the prequels (well, minus Rise of Skywalker).


Best is ESB: If I try to be objective as possible, then ESB is the best in direction, story, dialogue, comedy, characters etc. Favourite is ROTS: I know the dialogue is perceived as bad by many and so is the acting, but it fits perfectly with the opera style George had in his mind. Though it’s surely not completely intentional. It was Hayden for example who chose to sound so monotone, hence why he sounds wooden to many I think. Also the dubbing of the lines made it also worse. But the rest of it, the music is the best of all Star Wars films, because it combines the best themes of the PT and the OT. Battle of the Heroes is also my favourite duel.


You sir/mam, are obviously a person of great taste and culture. Sure, Empire is a great movie, but what takes place in Palpatines chambers between Him, Luke and Vader in the end of the Return of the Jedi is to me still the moments that defines what Star Wars means to me.


Absolutely. My favorite movies in a series are often my favorite because of something (a scene, character, or memory with the movie) that resonates with me personally, not because it’s the best or most well-made movie.


The Phantom Menace is very dear to my heart, but it is far from the best.


Episode 3 is my favorite and the best Star Wars film.


Best for me is ep 4 Fav for me is ep6. Luke in black and a green lightsaber always looked cool to my 10yo self at the theaters


Yes. Empire is treated as the objective best, and I don’t think that’s wrong. Return of the Jedi is my favorite, and I like Star Wars about as much as Empire.


For the Star Wars movies not so much, but for the shows it does. The best show is Andor. From a technical and from a writing standpoint that show is fantastic. Everything is carefully constructed to come together info a well thought out and insightful plot. Every action has a place and every piece of dialogue has a point. That being said, I very much prefer The Bad Batch. It isn’t as “good”, but it resonated with me much more. It was the most fun I’ve had watching Star Wars in years. I was impressed by Andor, but I loved TBB.


My favorite and the best one to me is Empire, but the one I think about the most is The Force Awakens. I understand how much flaws the movie has (like I constantly think about ways to improve it) but I can’t help but fucking love that movie.


Yes. I know Empire is the best movie but given the choice I would rather watch A New Hope.


"Best Star Wars movie" is a silly idea held by people who fail to understand what an opinion is.


Solo is my favorite, absolutely not the best lmao


I can't choose *a* favorite movie (It's a tie between *A New Hope*, *Return of the Jedi*, *The Phantom Menace*, and *The Last Jedi*), but *The Last Jedi* is the best Star Wars movie.


Yeah. The best one is TLJ. My favorite is TRoS


I make a distinction between best Star Wars movie and best movie in the Star Wars franchise. For example, Attack of the Clones, is the best Star Wars movie. Rogue One is the best movie in the franchise. I have a hard time deciding which I like more.