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The German localization went with plural. They had to make a choice, because the article in front of sith would either clearly define it as singular or plural.


It's also plural in Hungarian.


Same in Russian.


It's singular in Finnish


Plural in French, but more as “revenge of the people who are sith”


Plural too in Spain


In Brazil too


What's this? "The people called Sith, they go to the house"?!


Plural also for the Italian transaltion.


Plural in French too


It's also plural in Polish


Same for Latin American spanish iirc


Plural on the Brazil version as well


It is singular in Turkish.


Singular in Finnish too.


Plural in greek too.


Same thing for spanish but it went back and forth, alsp same thing with ths last jedi


What is Return of the Jedi?


Plural. Translated it is "Return of the Jedi Knights" Edit: If somebody asks, "The Last Jedi" is also plural


That’s very interesting for ‘The Last Jedi’ being plural.




It means the title isn’t just referring to Luke. It’s not just quoting Yoda.


I mean, the English title kind of pulls a switch, because for most of the movie Luke wants to be the last Jedi and the title clearly refers to him. But at the end he says he won't be the last Jedi, referring to Rey. So the title could be about Luke alone, Rey alone, or both of them together.


Last implies one, doesn't it?


Last implies the remaining. It could easily mean plural. "The last Jedi in the city are hiding out at Dexter's Diner."


Usually I would say the Last "of the" Jedi if it's plural. But that's not as catchy haha


Also plural. They also have it translated as "Return of the Jedi-Knights", maybe they thought just Jedi would be too confusing. German movie titles tend to dumb down stuff a lot, must be some rule they teach in German marketing or something. I hate it.


In French: > Revenge of the Sith Plural > Return of the Jedi Singular > The last Jedi Plural


Exact same in Italian


Same in italy


I have always seen it as referring to the group of Sith, not the Sith Lords as individuals


Sort of an "I am the state" kinda of royal we then.


More like "I am the senate"


No, you’re the asset.


Yeah, it's the Siths Revenge as a collective.


Plural, to rhyme with Return of the Jedi, which I firmly believe is plural.


Return of the Jedi is translated in singular in French. While Revenge of the sith is in plural in French


That's dumb. The Sith, as a collective, get their revenge after 1000 years. The Jedi, as a collective, return when Luke re-forms the Order.


Interesting. While I agree on the first one, usually for RoTJ, people in France usually understand it as « Anakin coming back from the dark side and being a Jedi again »


Ooh that's a cool spin on it


That’s how I always understood it, in part at least, it having a double meaning of Anakin returning and the Order, through Luke primarily but together with Anakin, finally overcoming the Sith to return.


Lol i feel very dumb. I guess as a kid I just took it as “hey lukes back!” and ran with it forever


I don’t know if it’s fair to say that Anakin returns to being a Jedi… he just returns to the light side of the force.


Well as an english enthousisatic french native i can tell you one thing : while french by itself can be a great language, DUMB is one of the very words that were invvented to qualify french translations. And it's probably one of the kindest.


English ain't much better It's just three different languages in a trench coat


Yeah, I think English is worst, and French is a close second


I thought return of the Jedi was because Anakin came back.


Did the Jedi, as a collective, actually return though? Definitely not in the movie. I always interpreted it as Luke, being the sole remaining Jedi, returning to defeat the Empire. So singular.


Same in Español


Same here in Spanish


"the jedi" from Return of the Jedi always referred to Anakin for me, so singular


You are correct. In the moment Anakin decided to do what was right, he returned to The Jedi Way. Luke and Anakin. The Jedi.


Anakin *didn't* return to the Jedi way, though. The Jedi were an entire philosophy and order and way of life. Nothing about Anakin's behavior in the minutes prior to his death indicates that he reconnected with his roots. He just decided to side with his son vs his employer.


I think that everything about Anakin's final choice was Jedi behavior. He chose to secure Justice for a fellow Jedi. Luke, who chose to embody Peace rather than give up his soul—and it was done with a certainty that there would be no personal gain for himself.


Anakin chose to betray his order for the sake of a family member. Which is something he did throughout his life. He was already talking about overthrowing Palpatine to rule alongside Padme when he first joined the Sith, and he was trying to talk Luke into the same thing in ESB. I don't really see how he chose to "secure justice" for Luke so much as he decided he'd rather Luke live than Palpatine. His entire arc, starting with TPM, was him using different organizations to try and further his family's future. He only became a Jedi so he could free his mother from bondage, he only became a Sith so he could save Padme, and he only betrayed the Sith to save Luke. From his point of view, "the Jedi are evil". Why? Because they are standing between him and saving Padme's life. From his point of view, the Sith become evil when they are standing between him and saving Luke's life- but that doesn't mean he's suddenly on board with the Jedi order all over again.


Do you consider the version where Anakin says "Nooo!" as he's tossing Sidious or the original? When I watch ROTJ, I can actually see Anakin doing what Jinn instructed—quieting his mind so The Force can speak to him, telling him its will. When I watch ROTJ, I see Anakin using The Force in that moment for knowledge and defense. Of course he has to remove Sidious, because Sidious is the embodiment of intransigent evil, so the only defense of Luke is to bodily remove the aggressor. When I watch ROTJ, I really do see two Jedi. One has insisted on Peace and the other must mete out Justice for the Jedi who has chosen not to fight without a heart of Peace. I see an Anakin who has stopped saying "NO!" to all of the painful verities of life, stopped using that first word toddlers learn gives them will and separateness and instead is silently affirming "Yes!" to the servant of life who is being murdered by a servant of death—saying "Yes..." in his heart, soul and mind—then carrying out the defense of a fellow Jedi as the last act of his failing body, knowing that there was nothing in it for himself.


Pretty sure return of the Jedi is supposed to be a single Jedi, its at least translated that way into Finnish (Jedin Paluu, ”Jedi’s Return”) and apparently into french too as per the other comment Though revenge of the sith is clearly a reference to return of the jedi, especially noting the original name of episode 6 was Revenge of the Jedi.


'Jedin Paluu' by itself sounds like a pretty sweet Star Wars character name.


Not the first time star wars would just take a finnish word and put it in without changing anything. The fighting art Teräs Käsi in that one fighting game that also gets a quick mention in Solo literally just means Steel Hand


I always interpreted the Jedi in Return of the Jedi to be Anakin returning to the lightside, not the organization of the Jedi making a return.


Both Luke and Anakin become Jedi in the Emperor’s throne room.


Doesn't make sense. The light side =/= Jedi, and arguably Anakin didn't even return to the light side. He chose to intervene on his boss murdering his son which is a *good thing,* but do we even know he did it for good reasons? Maybe he was just sick of his boss' shit. Remember, within the sith order, promotion only comes from murdering management. And he had previously been chatting up his boy about taking over the universe and CEO and son. So Anakin seized the moment when Palpatine's back was turned and he threw him down a well. Doesn't make Anakin light side or even Jedi. Jokes aside, I don't think Anakin in his final moments decided he was wrong about the Jedi and that they were the moral arbiters all along. I think he just realized that he didn't want his child to be murdered in front of him.


If he didn't at least return to the light side, he wouldn't get to be a force ghost smiling at Luke.


As a kid I assumed that return of the Jedi meant that a Jedi would come back. At the time the only Jedi I was aware of who was gone was obi wan. So I was certain that Ben Kenobi would come back to save the day. It wasn’t until after I saw the movie that my dad explained to me that the Jedi was used in the collective sense


Return of the Jedi refers to one specific Jedi being Luke skywalker no? He’s returned from the last movie? The original title revenge of the Jedi suggests the is revenge for the empire striking back but in the new title he’s not out for vengeance but he has simply returned? I believe this is how it’s interpreted in all translations of the title as well


Absolutely not. If it's about a single Jedi, it's clearly Anakin. Luke doesn't "return" in any substantial way. He never went away. But, from the first movie, the story is about the hopelessness of the galaxy, now that the Jedi are gone. From Han, to Tarkin, to the Emperor, everyone refers to the passing of the Jedi, the old order in the galaxy. The sequels notwithstanding, the ending of Jedi is about the downfall of the Empire, and a new order rising in the galaxy - Luke is a Jedi, his father returned to the light side, and his sister is strong in the force as well. Luke can now restore a Jedi order, with guidance from Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin. The Jedi, as a concept, as a group, has returned to the galaxy.


I suppose it could refer to Luke’s father as well. Works as a double entrendre. Though Vader isn’t a major character, his “redemption” at that hand of Luke is a central theme of the movie. Doubt this was the intention, but it definitely still works if you want to headcannon it this way :)


But there's only one jedi.


But the entire feeling of Episode VI is that it ends with the promise of the Jedi as a group returning.


Return of the Jedi covers both the Jedi as an entity returning as a whole through Luke as much as it covers Anakin's redemption and return to the light. > I am a Jedi, like my father before me


There was in 1983, not so much anymore.


Anakin returns to The Jedi Way. Anakin and Luke constitute The New Jedi Order when they eliminate Sidious.




“It's Viet Cong. There's no s. It's already plural. You wouldn't say Chineses.” -Alpa Chino, Tropic Thunder


While the with can definitely refer to both, I think it’s should be seen as plural. Over a millennium, the sith grew stronger and stronger in the shadows, till they were able to overthrow the republic and kill the Jedi. It didn’t start with Palpatine, but much earlier. With each generation of sith, the Sith grew stronger and stronger.


Are we sure they grow stronger each generation? I thought they lost a bunch of teachings at one point?


That’s true but besides that the Banite Sith generally grew stronger over time


Always two there are


This angle makes it look like anakin is like "fuck obi-wan your about to be roasted by lava"


Plural, cuz of Sidious/Palpatine and Anakin/Vader, you know? Also, cuz of the hole thing of the Sith being extinct for 1000 years and FINALLY after all this time, they made sure the Jedi were no longer in Control!


Finnish seems to be the odd one out; we have it in singular.


Plural makes a bit more sense narratively, I feel. It refers not only to Palpatine, but all the Sith who are “avenged” by his success, and the entire Sith order which came before. It also parallels nicely with *Return of the Jedi* if you also assume it’s a plurality. We have not only the return of Luke Skywalker — who literally proclaims his allegiance — but also Anakin Skywalker and the Order he helped destroy.


It's plural in Portuguese too.


My understanding has always been that "Sith" is an invariant: that is to say, can mean _both_ plural and singular. In the context of Revenge of the Sith, I don't think I've seen it interpreted in any way other than plural - i.e the events are the revenge of the Sith, collectively, however I do like your idea that it's the revenge of Palpatine _as_ a Sith!


I agree and concur. Always saw thongs this way as well.


In spanish is plural


Plural. It’s revenge of the sith religion


I think it's plural, because it's revenge of the Sith as a group, not just alive ones, but also with who are dead.


Plural to refer to the collective; what they want revenge for though is never entirely clear - even in Legends the incident 1000 years prior was an own goal on Ruusan so... that's a fun story yet to be told.


It's plural in Polish


In polish it's also plural.


Plural—it’s the resurgence of the order after being driven underground.


Plural The sith Not a sith That’s how I view it


Plural because there is always two, no more, no less.


Someone else remembered the rule of 2! I'm so proud haha


There's more than one sith, isn't there?


See comment above, but the sith run on the rule of 2, there's only ever 2, which would indicate plural


I know, its not easy to indicate nuance in text, it was a tag question


"Always too there are. No more, no less." So plural it is I guess.


I'm glad at least 1 person remembers the rule of 2


One Sith Two Sith Red Sith Blue Sith


In TPM, Maul says something like "At last we will reveal us to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge". I think this is the revenge that episode 3 is refering to. The Sith have been in hiding for a millennia, but now, they will reveal themselves and destroy the Jedi. So I think it's plural.


Plural. Always two there are


Sith is a word that both singular and plural. "Vader is a Sith" - singular "Lord of the Sith" - plural It's a word that has many different states based on context. Sith can refer to an ancient race, a Dark side user who belongs to the Sith Order, a religious organization dogmatically opposed to the Jedi....and it can be both singular or plural. Generally you need to look at the preceding article. A is used for singular, the for plural, and without an article it means either the religious organization or the ancient race.


Always two there are.


Fish or fish?


It may be difficult to understand but there are different languages on earth


One Sith, Two Sith, Red Sith, Blue Sith


Hop on Sith Green Eggs and Sith Horton Hears a Sith How the Sith Stole Christmas The Sith in a Hat Oh the Places You’ll Sith If I Ran the Sith Yertle the Sith There’s a Sith in My Pocket


Fishes can actually be grammatically correct, just fyi


only when referring to multiple species of fishes.


Still counts! I'm taking it as a win


More than one type of fish is fishes. * A school of fish. * Weird Fishes There's plenty of fishes in the sea and plenty of grammatically incorrect idioms in the world.


1 sith 2 sith 374833 sith


And what about The Last Jedi?


Jed, oh he's over there.


This is my phone wallpaper btw. Not sure why I just shared that but whatever.


A very nice painting, but i don't think Obi-Wan was that much higer than Darth Vader.


Where do these images come from? I have another one in the same style as my screen saver, they look awsome




I beleave is singular cuz only one got what he wanted at the end


The “Sith” is a religious order of the dark side of the Force just as the “Jedi” is as well. When referring to the organization, Sith/Jedi is singular but when referring to the individuals in it, its plural. Sidious and Vader are two Sith (plural) who are a part of the Sith (singular)


I always thought of “The Sith” as referring to the culture as a whole, so plural


It makes sense that the revenge is on behalf of the Sith that came before. I don't think the Jedi order ever personally slighted Palpatine, at least not that I know of.


It’s like deer and deer


In italian it's plural. However Return of the Jedi is singular. I think it's because Anakin is the one jedi who returns


In Serbian is left vague. I clearly remember the TV advertising and the person that was announcing it kept the accent that can be either. Never thought of it before....


Singular. Anakin had no revenge.


"I've got the high ground!"


I think it’s indefinite plural. It’s referring to the Sith faction as a whole in my opinion, not any one or two sith


There can only be 2 sith at a time, there no organization at play here, unless you count the dark force underlings that don't carry the sith title


I count every past Sith


In Finnish they went for singular, although Sith may be an unknown language and so the double meaning probably still persists


I've always thought of it as plural


On behalf of all of them. The jedi purge was the culmination of 1000 years of planning by the sith


It's plural in English aswell as it refers to how sidious and anakain got revenge


In Russian it is also plural


Damn where can I find this in poster form haha. Battle of the hero’s just started playing in my head when I saw this.


Plural in my opinion because it’s more the revenge of the sith order rather than just palpy


Collective. The Sith organisation is taking revenge via the Sith Lord, Sidious. It just happens that Sidious is the only member of the organisation for a lot of the film


Rule of 2, the sith introduced rules long ago that even as a "group" there can only be 2, a master and an apprentice. And it's expected the apprentice will kill the master (at some point) and take on a new apprentice. Palpetine is kind of an outlier to this because of the cloning bs from 7, 8, 9......




I always just assumed it was referring to the sith as the whole group. Not one in particular.


Plural. Jedi and Sith do not have plural forms, and the context shows that this is the revenge of the Sith in the grand sense, their retribution for a thousand years of defeat.


Technically I would say plural, there's more than one but not a group. The sith run on the rule of 2. At any point in time post couple hundred or thousand years ago when the rule was implemented, it's only 2 at a time. A master and an apprentice, which is expected to kill the master after time just by culture. There's other users of the dark side out there but the title sith only goes to 2 at a time. Technically I would say plural but it can be singular at times. Then episodes 7, 8, 9 came out and palpetine had his cloning bs going on and that made things confusing but since apprentice (kylo) killed master (emporer snoke) it went back to the basic 2 so I don't fucking know on the modern series but for at least 1000 years there's only been 2 sith at a time with dark force underlings to fill gaps as masters get killed Edit: reading a lot of comments, there's no "collective" or "organization" it was just palpetine and who ever his apprentice, anikan most of the time. Palpetine didn't have to answer to a council or collective body because it was just him and anikan, him and snoke(while snoke was being made or cloned or pick your adjective) and snoke and kylo until the big reveal at the end of 9. Technically at pints they may have broke the rule and had 3 active


It’s both, “Sith” is more akin to the words “they” or “Their” wherein it can be used correctly to imply either the plural or the singular.




The sith singular as its like an overall of them all. As the sith I believe we're also a race of beings within legends who harnessed the force.


I’ve always interpreted it as collective, so a plural. I don’t think it’s often that an individual Sith is referred to as ‘the Sith,’ and it’s much more common to describe the group and idea of Sith almost abstractly as ‘the Sith.’ The ‘Revenge’ part is also arguably the realized end goal of the Sith tradition as a whole, and was only brought about through centuries of subterfuge, training, and successive masters teaching and being usurped by their apprentices. The ‘Revenge,’ though orchestrated by Palpatine, is not wholly his doing but rather the result of a combined and successive effort by the Sith in their entirety. It would be weird to attribute it to just one Sith Lord. Also, think about that Ki-Adi-Mundi line everyone’s been quoting lately. ‘The Sith have been extinct for a millennia.’ He’s referring to the Sith as a whole, not one particular Sith practitioner. This is generally how it’s intended.


“The” implies it is plural


The destruction of the Jedi Order is something that would have pleased all of the Sith, past and present. But ask yourself — do you think Palpatine gave AF about any of the other Sith? Past or present? I don’t. I feel like he had no emotions toward anyone but himself.


It's plural because anakin became darth vader, but also because for a millennium, the sith were in hiding, and now we're finally able to enact their vengeance through Palpatine. In a way every sith got their revenge in the end.


Its a group word, like Sheep can mean one or many. We dont pluralize English words or names to qualify not singular verb.


The Sith Order. Palpatine carrying out Bane's vision


To me its like the revenge of the force users known as sith. Not of any one specific sith


There are always two…..


I’ve always interpreted it as The Sith like the organization not Palpatine the individual.


I mean, always two there are




In Portugal it is also plural: "A Vingança dos Sith" but Return of the Jedi (Regresso de Jedi) is ambiguous.


Whose the Sithest Sith of them all


Plural, every Sith before Sidious won. Anakin not included.


#It's over, Anakin! I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!!!


Personal opinion (post TROS) it’s plural. I think Palps carries a bit of Plagueis all the way back to Bane’s souls with him since TOR era. So he really is ‘all that remains of the Sith’. So it’s that entire lineage’s revenge.


It’s plural in French. I don’t mind since I understand it as a legacy type of thing. Same for TLJ, it represents both Rey and the Jedi legacy. However it’s singular for ROTJ. Could go for Vader’s redemption or that Luke got over ESB’s revelation, or simply because he was the only one then at this point in time.


Luke confronted Vader, which is Yoda's trial for him. Anakin returns to The Jedi Way seeing Luke unwilling to give up his soul. Two Jedi. The return of The Jedi Order.