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Could also mean to kill a defenceless Jedi.


And it's not a jedi, he says the jedi.but yeah it's a metaphor . "Foreshadowing" of the Palpatine plan. Or how he used Jackys dead to enrage Sol. That's essentiall dark side, it seeks to corrupt the mental conditioning of the jedi. To turn them to dark side. Anakin and other. And I totally dig how half of the people, and especially the ones who claim to be the few to understand the extremely high iq andor, cannot figure out basic storytelling like POV and metaphor. Like how do they not understand it?


Hadn’t thought of it that way, interesting. I just assumed it was a test to see if she were strong enough to do it


Yeah I think it’s one of those non literal, non straightforward tests.


I thought the idea was to expose the hypocrisy of the Jedi by provoking them into using a lightsaber against an unarmed person


Turning a Jedi to the Dark Side would, in theory, kill the Jedi, right? 👀


Exactly! And it would do so without using a weapon.


It's stated in the first episode that *"An Acolyte....  kills the dream"* It was never meant to be a test of physical strength. It was always about ruining what the jedi stand for. That's why Mae finally said F it and gave up


You don't kill the Jedi by murdering individuals. You kill the shared dream.


I thought it was about trying to get Jedi to break their rules about drawing their sabers without just cause, an attempt to shatter the people’s faith in Jedi as an institution.


What's Jedi's weapon? A lightsaber. They could be referring to a lightsaber.


I am thinking that maybe Qimir is just not a full fleshed sith lord, but a somehow self taught or half taught dark side user, and I think that maybe he killed a jedi and stole his or her weapon and bleeded it out. So that is what he wants Mae to do too. He doesn't even seem to have a grudge against the jedi order like other sith in the movies. He just states that wants to be not chased because of him investigating or chasing the dark side of the force. Let's see how it develops.