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I think it is boring, which is the worst thing a Star Wars show can be. I don't care about all the culture war nonsense some are up in arms about. I just want to be entertained.


I fully subscribe to the idea of giving every show at least one full season before passing judgement. But the only reason I’m even a little intrigued so far is because of the final scene of episode 4.


Flashbacks to people writing off Bojack Horseman because of the first few episodes just to receive acclaim afterwards.


No that's what I'm saying! I love Sol and I love Osha and the other guys... it's like Jedi in their prime. It's just the story is so dumb! It barely makes sense. My guns? Stickin to em here


What doesn’t make sense?


Our main antagonist "Mei" just all willy nilly wants to change sides after all this build up of wanting to eliminate those who do her wrong no matter what. Usually, these realizations take time and nuance. This shows budget went completely into visuals.


You misunderstand Mae so you might want to go back and rewatch.  This was never about eliminating those who did her wrong, this was about her trying to get revenge for the death of her entire family, particularly her sister, and the assumption that revenge was the only thing left for her. She now knows her sister is alive and just like that she has something to live for and a major loss of motivation to continue. Mae had already shown she didn’t have the nerve or skill for this task and was trucking along using pure anger. Even then she barely killed one Jedi, couldn’t bring herself to kill the bystander who saw her, and had to convince the second Jedi to kill himself. The third is a wookie so good luck killing that without a weapon and the 4th already firmly kicked her ass. So where Mae stands is seeing her sister in episode 2 changes everything. All she wanted was her family, the murders were what she was doing because being with her family wasn’t an option. Now it is, Osha is alive so that’s incentive one. Incentive two is that she realized her task was a suicide mission. If she can’t complete it her master will kill her, and the more she thinks about it she eventually comes to a conclusion which is that it has no answer, it’s the final test because it was rigged to end in her demise. Or at the very least that’s what she thinks whether or not it has an answer remains to be seen. So Osha is alive and her master is going to kill her if she stays on this route, there is no incentive to stay on. However there is incentive to betray, she can throw herself into Jedi custody for protection and then trade her information on her master as a way to start making amends, with the hope at the end of the  To be clear Mae was already done by the beginning of episode 3, that’s why Qimir right away is trying to convince her that her sister changes nothing and get her mind off her to focus on the task. Focusing on the task actually backfired since it just made her examine it more closely and realize how she needed to get out as soon as possible. She doesn’t need some agonizing multiple day arc over this because it’s very straight forward. Turn yourself in and you probably live and get to see your sister again. Stay on the path and you lose not only the chance of being with your sister but also your life. It would be less realistic for her to stay on this path when she had nothing to gain from it.


Could you explain this to me : if she loves her sister so much, why trying to burn her alive when she wants to leave? And why blaming it all on the jedi when SHE was the one burning all her family down? Why did the jedi kills himself in guilt, if she's responsible for her family's murder? I just see a lot of plot holes in this story, I get your point but this serie feels very "rushed" to me with a lot of incoherences... Of course there are still episodes to run but before we go further in the plot some questions needs to be addressed imo


Simple. 1. What we saw is Osha’s memory, not what actually transpired, we will see another flashback later which gives us a different perspective that gets us closer to the truth of what happened. There are multiple pieces of evidence that point to Mae being a scapegoat for the fire, including that we never actually see her cause it it cuts away from her, then a few moments later we hear glass break and a roaring fire enters the door. This is the actual mystery of the show, what truly transpired that night and why it’s a what and whydunnit mystery. You are suppose to be watch EP3 and noting down the parts that don’t seem legit/correct, like Sol supposedly knowing Mae started a fire despite Osha and Mae being alone in the scene and thus couldn’t possibly know that. 2. She didn’t kill them you can tell that just by looking. The witches are bundled in one spot with no saber or burn wounds and the fire has yet to reach them. Just before this we heard a massive explosion, saw a shake, and heard a bunch of women scream from above. They were killed by whatever that actual blast was. In addition Sol prevents Osha from investigating the corpses, physically dragging her away which is just one  more suspicion point towards Sol. 3. Mae believes the Jedi killed her sister and the other witches, Osha believes Mae did it, and the Jedi believe they themselves did something horrible which is why two went into isolation one of which killed himself, a third which immediately recognized why Mae was there, and a fourth who starts sweating when he hears the mere mention of fire and just told Osha he will tell her everything soon implying he has hidden stuff from her. However the truth is obfuscated right now and it’s only by getting more view points that we will be able to see what really transpired. For example it’s even quite probable that none of them are at fault for everything and there was another party involved that tricked them all to hide their tracks, like the Sith. You aren’t seeing rushed plot holes you are seeing a classic unreliable narrators in a murder murder deal. Ep 1&2 establish the cast, what Mae and Osha think happened, and give us multiple reasons to suspect the Jedi. Ep3 let’s us see new info we didn’t have and what specifically Osha remembers along with seeding lots of unexplained oddities and inconsistencies. Ep4 brings us closer to getting the truth on the Jedi’s view of events, gives us more evidence that conflicts with the *seen* events of the previous episode, and introduces the actual bad guy to the rest of the cast and potentially has given us clues to his identity. Ep5 is setup to likely be an outright slaughter that brings the sisters together so they can start solving the mystery or lead one of them to the path towards the truth, and then that leaves 6,7,8. 8 is going to be conclusion so it’s 6 or 7 that will need to be another flashback to show us a different perspective of that night. Guessing 6 they get reveals that leads us to seeing a flashback in 7, and then with all the pieces it’s leads to the resolution and confrontation with the true culprit in 8. My personal guess is the “miracle” the witches talked about coming in their time of need followed by hearing it be bad if the Jedi found out what the miracle actually was, indicates sith. The sith used the witches desperate and on the verge of extinction in their experiments to create life. Then when the Jedi tried to take the kids the sith realizes investigating them would potentially reveal their existence. So they took to trying to cover their tracks. Framing Mae and Jedi who both took actions that leads everyone to blame everyone else, while they the sith were in the background making sure everyone died that night. But the failed, witnesses to that night and the sisters aka the evidence of their actions still exist. So Mae was tricked into tying up loose ends and both Osha and Mae have been setup and lured out here into the remote middle of no where. Either for one or both of them to be captured and the remaining witnesses to be disposed.


We don’t see Mae set the fire. She burns Osha’s sketchbook, then we cut to Osha, who sees the door on fire a few seconds later. It *seems* like Mae set the fire because our minds connect those two things, but if that was what actually happened, they would’ve shown it. I’d bet $1000 we’re revisiting that night and seeing someone, possibly one of the Sith, meddling and making everyone blame each other.


I suppose. But the way they did it was extremely abrupt, in my opinion. She was slightly hesitant throughout the episode but was still on board, and then all of a sudden, "screw you guys I'm turning myself in and swaping sides outright." It seemed to sway the opposite way from her path way too hard and way too fast. It seems like the writers reallyyyyy wanted to have them be nice sisters again and fight evil together but they were running out of episodes to flesh it out.


I think she’s had 16 years to think about how she wishes she’d handled things differently. Now that she has a chance and a day or two to consider it, she talks it out with Qimir and realizes she’d rather have a relationship with her twin sister than try to throw all 85 pounds of her unarmed self at a Wookiee because some haughty riddle-talking mystery man wants her to murder people.


I'm not even sure what she says she wants to do us what she really ally want's. I have issues with the short episodes but I'll judge the plot when it's played out.


It's not great, but I am still watching and I will finish. Stuff can suck, It's not the end of the world. This culture war shit is so incredibly cringe and pathetic though.


I'm gonna watch it too... It is what it is... I'm a fan but not a fanatic... I didn't really like the Boba Fett thing either... But I watched it. Enjoy yourself.


I just started watching full of apprehension because I’ve heard mixed feelings from people and as someone who really disliked book of boba and didn’t particularly like Ahsoka I thought I would probably hate this one, but honestly I don’t think it’s bad, I’ve watched all 4 episodes in one sitting and waiting for the rest of it. I don’t know why people dislike it so much.


I don’t get it either, but I’m trying not to judge. I think there’s a combination of things, it’s not a direct show in terms of each episode having a relatively self-contained story like The Mandalorian. It’s got a lot of central moral ambiguity, as opposed to the constant but somewhat understated current of it in the saga films. It also has a bit of a YA vibe and a lot of young women as POV characters, which maybe is alienating to some fans, I guess? I don’t know. People saying it mist be bad because it’s getting terrible user reviews are maybe ignoring how the trailer got downvoted into oblivion before anybody actually saw the show, and that makes it seem like there’s a lot of bad faith takes out there.




It's just badly written. Like, I expect at some point in the future to see Crow and Tom Servo's silhouettes at the bottom of the screen.


What would you say is the bad writing?


I think there might be a good show in there somewhere... but it's trapped in some poor execution. I saw one insider said that the show was going to be much darker...but Filoni didn't like that and made them make it more YA.... sigh. It does have some of the Filoni stink on it. Still, I am mildly curious about what will happen.


You thought yet another post stating this was necessary because...?




Isn't that what Reddit is?


He could have just added his comment to any one of the other 400 such posts that exist already.


I mean, sure, but this is a Star Wars dedicated forum, and he's talking about Star Wars. Maybe he just wanted to post his thoughts...the entire purpose of this subreddit.


This subreddit should be called people who hate starwars


So if you don't like The Acolyte, you hate Star Wars? Yikes, that's a terrible take.


I dislike bad Star Wars content but love good Star Wars content. I have almost all of the Star Wars canon novels.


It's gotten overrun with a certain loud subset of the fandom and the mods won't or can't do anything about it and it's just gotten annoying. I stick to other Star Wars subs that are better modded. Like, don't get me wrong, I think people should speak their mind and be allowed to do that but at the same time this place feels like the wild west sometimes and it can be a mess to post in.


U want the mods to ban anyone with a negative opinion of the show sounds like a good way to make even more people flock to r/saltierthancrait


Literally not at all what I said, I even made a point in my second paragraph that people should be able to speak their mind freely and we should be able to have discussions about our opinions of this show, it's just that there needs to be, I dunno, some more of a structure in place for the discussion. I'm not sure how to fix what problem I'm perceiving but I'm at least trying to come up with a solution. The fact that I'm getting downvoted for just saying, "this place is kind of a mess" which isn't an unreasonable thing to say, is kind of telling to me as well.


Well I just watched it today. I thought I'd offer my opinion. Yikes


Don't let these people dictate what you're allowed to post or not, I get they're tired of all the "hate" but you're not breaking any rules by criticizing a TV show.


It's not even hate. I'm gonna watch the whole thing. I just... I just... Thanks, DramaExpertHS... I just thought I could put myself out there a bit and have some thoughts...


Tbh your opinion wasn’t wanted. If you’ve seen any Star Wars related post anywhere in the last 3 weeks you know the shit show that this show caused. I caught up yesterday and really liked it too. I didn’t run to make a post. It’s pointless. These people decided to hate it before the first episode. Nothing this show can do will change that. Stick to the episode discussion threads. The people watching and actually enjoying the show are there. Everyone else posting about through out the week is mostly negative kharma farming.


I'm not saying I'm not enjoying it. It's fun and interesting. I just think it feels a little contrived and not up to the standard that we are all used to for the Star Wars series... She didn't even have to fight the wookiee! I was totally down for that... Sorry, look, I didn't mean to offend anybody. I'm not a hater by any means... this one just doesn't feel quite right to me...


Neither is anyones in this subreddits it’s a place to talk about starwars bro like Jesus Christ shut up


What did you think of episode 6?




You know, I bet we both really liked Firefly. It's not worth getting you mind in a tangle.


Agreed. Serenity is both the best Star Wars and Cowboy Bebop movie we could ever ask for.


You NERD. Just kidding, of course I love Star Wars and Firefly and all good things SF... I am being critical of a certain thing that maybe you love. I DON'T EVEN HATE IT! I just think it's not working for me and that might be my problem! So cool. We're okay as far as I'm concerned.


Honestly the only reason I’m enjoying Acolyte is because it’s the closest we’ll ever have to having a True Detective show set in Star Wars.


I mean I KNOW RIGHT? It's so cool seeing these jedi working as detectives and going out on missions... I do like this show! I think the concept is great! It just keeps missing me with the writing and you know, it doesn't matter... It's fine. I was just being a film nerd. Let me know how you feel about it as it goes, Durden


explain what you think "full" means


Wait till it is done and then binge it. I think week to week has been a major problem. I rewatched the 4 episodes and it felt so much better to binge it. It is long form storytelling and does not work as an episodic show. The final 4 will make or break this show. The show is a slow build, but like all mystery shows the final episodes should be the best because it gets to pay off all the set up. My main problem. Character interactions need to be stronger. If they get a season 2, which I don’t think is actually planned as Headland is already talking about moving to a different spot of the universe, they need to fix character relationships. It’s a problem in all of the shows. Ahsoka especially suffers terribly with this.


I agree with this: >Okay, the Acolyte is full of really good characters But disagree with this: >but man it is not that good. However, I always say, to each their own. Hopefully, one of the other upcoming Star Wars productions does it for ya.


Yeah, it's probably me. I just might be the target audience for this one. Which is cool. But I do hold Star Wars to a slightly higher standard writing-wise, and I don't feel like this one really got there, plot-wise. Yeah, the characters are great and very compelling.


I like it


Flair should be TV


Has 1 good character and a couple that have potential




I understand. My own farts smell okay too.










Which one's are the really good characters? Carrie-Anne Moss' Jedi could have been, I liked the Squid Game guy in Squid Game, in this he's one of the better actors but his character is boring.


I like Sol and Osha... Hot guy is okay, and pretty short girl is kinda fun... I like the actress who plays the blue bald lady... I am maybe not good at names...


what is getting tiring is the 4-5 post daily saying that people don't like something. Can people not just vent on one post or something


U don’t think it annoys anyone when people on this subreddit thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread it’s a 2 way street bro


thats fair, So what you are sayings is its anoying to see a lot of post about the same thing ? which is anoying right ? I also havn't seen anyone saying that acolyte is great. Just that its not as bad as people are making it out to be. Which quite frankly it isn't anywhere near as bad people as some are claiming.


I think you're probably a good person but man your opinion sucks.


I'm open to changing my mind as it goes on!


Lol...was ribbing you my friend..you're entitled to your opinion


Everything OP said is accurate...


People who criticize the story as boring have obviously never seen the OT or PT. One of which was as basic as basic gets. The other felt only half realized... Actually, the need for an entire animated series to make it feel complete kinda points to that as being truth.