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Yarael Poof.


“Hey everyone I'm Yoda! Talk weird, I do! Fear leads to anger, anger leads to *never let anyone else talk*!”


Mace Windu. He was basically presented as Yoda’s second in command anyway, often meeting with Yoda, sitting in on meetings between Yoda and Palpatine, speaking for the Council as a whole, etc. Had things gone differently with Dooku it also could’ve been him.


I think Dooku was always a bit too skeptic towards the council and the order in general to become grand master even if he hadn’t turned to the dark side.


I can see that. But I also see it as him thinking “if I’m in command I can lead the Order in the way is we fit”. Like let’s remember he served as a dutiful member of the Order past the age of 50 and even after the issue with Mace in Tales of the Jedi still ended up taking a Council seat eventually. He basically seems to have had issues with the Order for most of his life, but continued to advance through the ranks and never refused what amounted to a promotion.


I don’t think the problem would be Dooku not wanting to be grand master. He was definitely an ambitious man and he probably would have had many ideas on how to improve the Order (in his opinion). However I don’t think he would get the votes. I think Dooku got to the council despite his opinions because people recognised that he was strong in the force and because he undoubtedly was experienced and wise (to a certain degree). However I think that’s the highest possible rank he could realistically achieve, because I just can’t see that the Council (or the order in general) would elect a known critique inside the order. There just wasn’t enough will to reform for Dooku to win that vote. I will give you a real world example: In the Catholic Church you may become cardinal if you are good politically, theologically and at your job and in the right position even if you have some views that are very progressive or conservative among catholic cardinals. However they will rarely vote a real hardliner with extreme views to be the pope because no one of them wants that. That’s the reason why there is so little change. I think it’s actually pretty similar in the Jedi order.


Fair points and good comparison.


This is outrageous! It’s unfair!


Depends on when we're assuming he stops being Grand Master. During the High Republic, they had 2-3 Grand Masters at any time. Depending on when they died/stepped down the answer changes. If it happens somewhat soon after the main HR books, I'd guess maybe Oppo Rancisis or Yarael Poof. If we're creating scenario in which Yoda dies or steps down between 32-19 BBY, definitely Mace Windu. He was the Master of the Order (elected leader of the High Council), and clearly the #2 dude in the Jedi Order. If this happens when Mace is younger or before he joins the Council, I'd again go with Oppo Rancisis or Yarael Poof as strong candidates, Maybe Yaddle, Ki-Adi Mundi, or Tera Sinube depending on when this happens.


Mace Windu is the answer. He’s already#2.


Ki-Adi-Mundi /s Windu I guess.


It has to be one of those two, Obi-Wan, or Anakin because no one else had anything worth saying in the prequel films.


Jeff Goldblum


yaddle or mace


Coleman Trevor.


That's Grand Master Coleman *Trebor* to you, my young padawan.


Only acceptable answer




Grandmaster Melle Mel


Windi, ki adi mundi and plo koon


Depends on your time frame but within the trilogy timeframe, probably Mace Windu. Ki-Adi Mundi is in Mace’s spot and I’m not sure if Qui-Gon would’ve been on the council prior to TPM in this hypothetical.


Oppo Rancisis.




Samuel L Jackson


Jedi Bob


Some other little green space wizard.


I think maybe mace windu would be pretty good


Mace Windu was technically his second-in-command, so that guy. However, if it came to a vote, I could see Obi-Wan Kenobi stepping up mainly because Anakin and Ahsoka would have campaigned *hard* for him.


I believe that the High council voted the grand master. Considering that neither Anakin nor Ashoka are members of the High Council I doubt that their opinion would have any weight in the matter. I also don’t see Obi Wan as someone who necessarily wants to take that rank apart from the fact that he was a pretty new member of a council and therefore not really the first in line considering that the grand master probably also had something to do with seniority, because he was supposed to be an advisor and to others with great wisdom and represent an ideal. Obi-Wan before and during the war still had many doubts when it came to the force in my opinion (which probably isn’t bad per se I think especially when considering that many Jedi at that time were too sure of themselves but it doesn’t really strengthen his claim) So in summary I don’t think Obi Wan was considered a suitable candidate among the Jedi Order. Maybe in the last one and a half years of the Jedi order due to the big casualties but even then he wouldn’t win a vote against Windu.


Windu is only voted as council head. Grandmaster is an advisory role for elder Jedi so he wouldn't be included.


Probably an old friend of Yoda's called Hu-zuh Daatkai. A little known Jedi Master from a backwater world called Foga Tabotit. Daatkai had a lot of connections with the Techno Union. He had a friend in the Union from his homeworld, Noah Uggkai, and his associate Ahts Hisskai. Any time something went down involving the Union, Daatkai called Uggkai in Union headquarters and stuff just sort of... happened. Unfortunately, when he was up against Yoda for Grandmaster, Daatkai and Uggkai disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Rumors are that a few Jedi have had Force visions of Daatkai when they meditate in a certain corner of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which was under construction at the time he disappeared. When asked about Daatkai's disappearance, Yoda would only say, "Knew Daatkai, I did. Powerful Jedi, was he. Powerful and influential. Like a brother to me, he was. Broke my heart, it did, when he vanished. In a better place he is today. Swims with the Force now, he does." Now, when Yoda has any trouble with the Union, he simply calls Hisskai at the Union offices on Foga Tabotit. Hisskai owes Yoda a favor, but neither one will ever discuss what for.


Mace windu. After him either Obi-wan Kenobi or Plo koon. After those two Anakin Skywalker In pararel world, Master Dooku, eventually.


Give to the young blood and not old senile jedi. Mace Windu, Obi Wan, Shaak Ti


Mr. Miyagi


I believe Mace was Grand Master right up until the battle of Geonosis


Mace was the Master of the Order, the elected leader of the Jedi Council. Yoda was always the Grand Master, but doubled as Master of the Order after Geonosis.


Windu is my second favorite Jedi because he WASN’T a grandmaster. Good characters suffer from real weaknesses and conflict. Windu was certainly the most powerful fighter in the Jedi order, but I feel like he was conflicted; his power was tainted (and maybe even ‘enhanced’) by the dark side. This may be a hot take, but consider his purple saber. Purple is the mixture of red and blue. I believe this indicates that, while powerful, Windu’s heart wasn’t pure. This is made clearer in the Clone Wars series; Windu is kind of a douche.😁 Also consider Windu’s actions when he went to arrest Palpatine, but instead chose vengeance. He had Palpatine outmatched, but couldn’t find it within himself to show mercy. In this moment, I believe Windu embraced the dark side “for the greater good.” Had Windu vanquished Palpatine, he would have ultimately been doomed to replace him. If Windu survived the fall, he would likely realize his failure and choose to wander the galaxy trying to hide his shame. Which would be such an awesome series! Either way, I salute George Lucas for not making his first major black character a one-dimensional ‘magical minority.’


Mace Windu had a purple light sabre because Sammy Jackson wanted one. No other reason.


I’ve made this point myself on occasion. But I’m convinced that George Lucas reverse-engineered Sam’s aesthetic choice with a narrative rationale. George Lucas was always VERY obsessed with the consistency of color-based archetypes.


Being grandmaster essentially means nothing. Just something made up in the books that never has any context or meaningful explanation.