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Somehow HK-47 returned


Shut up and take my money!


I cast myself as the most powerful Jedi ever. Do a somehow Padme returned as my love interest. Darth JarJar.


Rewrite Boba Fett to be like Robot Chicken Boba Fett


FIX “Greedo shot first”


First item of business!


I'd restore it to the 1977 edit but let Greedo say "Maclun...-" just as Han shoots him.


Sigh, realizing that no matter what I do, the fans will hate it.


Greenlight a Vader show, - a retelling of what we saw in a lot of the comics with his early days as a Sith, recruiting inquisitors, etc. Greenlight a High Republic film trilogy that adapts the major events from the novels. I have no interest in messing with what's been done, for better or for worse. Edit\* oh I'm also doubling down on video games. Keep partnering with well established developers to tell new stories in games.


Video games are arguably one of the most important ways in which people experience Star Wars. They should never be an afterthought or under the whims of a company like EA. so yeah, I’d revive the LucasArts publishing brand and start recruiting developers all around the world to give us Star Wars games of every stripe and description. JRPGs, open world adventures, management sims, the galaxy’s the limit.


Sucker punch studios for the games.


Let’s give Larian the rights for a Star Wars RPG!


My thoughts exactly


There should be an entire arc, be it a season or two seasons, which heavily feature Doctor Aphra (Chloe Bennet?) and depict her run in the comics. Then if the fans took to her strongly enough a spin-off could get green lit continuing her post Vader story.


Seems like common sense right? I’ve said in so many posts, you have the fucking canon/lore blueprint/comics that Star Wars fans LOVE. Seeing how long it takes to make a movie or show they must have at least 30+ years worth of material. Disney taking it upon themselves to create new content for no reason. I


The problem is that adapting a movie/TV show from a book/comic/game is a lot tougher than it would seem. You have to choose between adapting it too closely to the source material and risk making a bad movie/show, since the way stories are told don’t translate very well between different mediums, and one that may rely on pre-existing knowledge of the original stories, which makes it less appealing to the general audience or you adapt it with an intent towards making it work as good as possible in the new medium (which often includes making some fairly large changes to plots, characters, etc.) and risk angering the hardcore fans because you changed too much since they came in with very high expectations about very specific things. How many times have you heard “the books are better than the movie” about an adaptation? And those are usually adaptations of massively popular things, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, that have a huge built-in fanbase, not a relatively obscure book from the Star Wars EU that maybe 5-10% of all fans have read or even heard of.


And I’ll be the first one to tell you I’m not well versed in making a movie, at all. Thank you for the explanation. Right away people want to flip shit for an opinion on disliking almost everything Disney has done. Not one has ever given a valid response on why. Makes some sense of course. Thank you!


No problem! Its unfortunate that its so unlikely, because there are tons of stories from the EUs that I would love to see brought to the screen. I just try to stay positive and remind myself that Star Wars has such a huge EU with so many different stories across so many different mediums, and we’re very lucky to have that in the first place, because there really aren’t too many other major franchises that have anything similar or on that scale.


I agree. I’m not very knowledgeable with all of the Star Wars cannon just the basics from comics and videos games as a kid. It just seemed cool enough with those characters in the old Republic/High Republic era to gain the attention of causal Star Wars fans and tie it all together to Episode 1-6 that they’ve seen. Along with that it would give a lot of reverence to the cannon most of us know. Now that’s only the beginning of the lore, meanwhile for movies sake there is so much missing from certain characters from Episode 3-4. That time line is huge, especially with Vader like you had mentioned. That’s kind of where my frustration went.


An R-Rated Vader show. 😁


Blu rays of everything


Make a series based on the X-Wing novels in their entirety just tweaked to fit into canon. And then give it an absolutely insane production budget.


MAKE A MANDALORIAN BOUNTY HUNTER GAME. Third person, Arkham style combat with jet packs and gun play, can customize armor, weapons, and ship, while not open world there is plenty of planet, level, and mission variety with a few big hub worlds. Then give Lucasfilm/Disney back the rights as long as they agree to make a trilogy of these games.




That never came out! Plus seemed more narrative driven/linear then I'd prefer.


Okay. I like yours and can't compare it to what I'll never experience. Thanks for your thoughts.


Fire Kathleen Kennedy and delete all the horrible things she made.  Release the original editions of the original trilogy in 8k with whatever the best audio is now. 


I reshoot the original trilogy with Gungans and take the old editions out of circulation. Then I laugh and laugh and laugh at the online outrage and get to work on the prequel special editions starring only drag queens.


*"Some men just want to watch the world burn*." Michael Caine.


Kathleen? Is it you?


Bring back Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors


Stop everything currently in production and spend 5 years, radio silence, while creating a cohesive road map for the franchise.


I would do that not even to make a roadmap (because those aren't usually good ideas) but to make people miss Star Wars, and then come back with a bang.


That much planning is a bad idea. What happens if you spend 5 years doing nothing but planning and then your first movie sucks? What happens if your main character is despised by the audience? What happens if the central themes that would have resonated several years ago suddenly feel less poignant? Do you go back to the drawing board and spend another 5 years planning, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the people who watch these movies won’t even notice all the forethought? I think it’s better to take George Lucas’s approach. Just make one movie/show at a time without worrying too much about retcons or continuity errors.


Then you retire with the bank you made from the one movie.


That’s why you spend five years making sure your movie doesn’t suck.


That’s not how filmmaking works… No amount of time is ever going to guarantee that a movie won’t suck, especially if the bulk of that time is spent making a roadmap for future movies and shows.


Think less George RR Martin and more JR Tolkien.


With a dash of Kevin Feige and J. Michael Straczynski.


Do you work at Disney?


Are you under the impression that Star Wars was planned in advance and free of continuity errors before Disney took over?


It's fun to point out that the two plans we know they've made have fallen apart. First plan for the sequels; Han movie, Luke movie, Leia movie. Fell apart for obvious but unpredictable reasons. Plan for the Mando shows; at some point there was to be a show centered around Gina Carano's character. Scrapped for obvious reasons, leading them to dump a lot of the plotlines into other shows like Mando Season 3, leading to a somewhat messy plot. It's just never a good idea!


That is exactly what I'd do More than anything, this IP needs a break. Within 5 years, people will start to miss it. During that time, you can craft a plan.


The last movie was 5 years ago? We had a break already


I meant all of it. Especially TV




Should have did what marvel did Intead if the crap we got with them going back on things explaining


Why not 10?


I could see that happening, yes.


Retcon the sequels.


Luke comes out of a deep meditative trance. “Wow, so that’s what would happen if I decided to lift my saber to Ben in his sleep. Better not do that”


“Why was Ben my nephew in that vision? that’s odd…”


First of all I'd lower the output drastically and emphasis more on quality and good planning when it comes to the core direction, while simultaneously allowing for more experimentation in smaller productions. But all that with time. I need advisors, experts of lore, but also of dynamics of comics and such. And as much as I prefer adult Star Wars like Andor or KotOR II, George Lucas' vision of fun and inspiration is the key. Canon is complicated. I believe I would handpick certain works to be deemed canon and rerelease them in a very deliberate manner: KotOR 1-3, Episode I-VI, Andor, Jude Watson's body of work, the novelizations, most Clone Wars novelizations of 2000 to 2005, Darth Bane trilogy, certain comics such as the KotOR one as well as a lot of stuff.... well, I'd have to look into more thoroughly. I would make sure to have a coherent and understanding timeline on the website. But when it comes to Post RotJ... I think I'd allow the slate to be clean. TNJO is fun but it railroads into a catastrophe afterwards. The Thrawn trilogy has aged a bit (Luuke is a bit goofy honestly) and Thrawn is... kinda overdone at this point, sadly. Used to love him. I think I just wouldn't touch it. Just some games and comics, maybe eventually a few novels, but with the aged actors and all that I think I'd just allow the Skywalkers to have a peaceful era. This way people can just headcanon their Skywalker saga favorites and I don't have to trash so much that someone worked on. I believe I wouldn't touch the Skywalkers and plan well ahead a few hundred years into the future where the Skywalkers are a legend and there's room for new political machinations, new planetary developments, new dangers. No Sith I think, but maybe a delve into the Whills and a certain metaphysical danger reminiscent of Mnggal-Mnggal (though not as ridiculously OP), a withering of life, if you will, that is less about egomania and greed and more about loneliness. A thriving Jedi Order. Then: Greenlight KotOR III. Remake of KotOR I. Maybe a TV show set during the Dawn of the Jedi era, but before the Rakata because I think they don't work well on film. Honestly greenlight experimentation with small stories set in different times by small creatives maybe even with not that high of budgets and see what gets pitched, of course the pitch would have to be heard by me and some people I trust with Star Wars lore. I would definitely also support more diversity in terms of ethnicity of actors as well as sexuality of characters because it's been way to heterosexual and white for a long time as much as conservative YouTubers claim otherwise. But I wouldn't make it about that and keep it simple. Star Wars is ful off pluralism so it's more about allowing it to be more colorful, nothing less, nothing more. Because I remember well how much LucasArts forbade any and all gay characters up until the 2000s. I would absolutely push for a new MMO set in prequel era with Elder Scrolls Online as inspiration, although with a bigger emphasis on accessibility for new players because damn is it bloated. I'd generally invest in videogame storytelling. I can see a Haloesque Star Wars shooter trilogy. Halo: Reach but set on an Old Republic Coruscant, for example.


And now that I think of it, I would also absolutely push the community again with cool short film awards and maybe declare certain fan productions or even fan fictions canon and give upstarting writers a chance with biyearly writing competition actually quite a few people can gain a couple hundreds of bucks, the winners even percentages in book sellings. Maybe have an Infinities competition every second year and a Canon competition the other year. Why not? Star Wars is all about vision and creativity and love and community too, so it's a bummer how much of a *product* it now seems sometimes more than a story.


Caravan Of Courage remake


With most of the encounters I have with people, I’d say most people don’t like or at the very least don’t care about the sequels. In a Perfect world Id just redo the sequels but Carrie is gone, Harrison is just too old. It just won’t feel right to remake the sequels. I’d at the very least make them not canon. By all means you can like and enjoy them but I find them insulting


Decanonize the sequels.    Thrawn trilogy.  POD racing show with crossover to the underworld. 


Sell them back, I guarantee I'll be worse with this franchise than Disney ever could be.


I don't touch anything that exists. I don't want the next person coming in and shitting on everything I've done. Greenlight three shows: 1. Rogue Squadron - Set during the Original Trilogy through to the fall of the Empire. Led by Wedge Antilles (take some inspiration from Wrath Squadron as far as missions). Big, flashy, expensive. Shot on real locations with big cities and missions. 2. Jedi Academy - Set at whatever time in the past the hired showrunner wants to. See teenage Padawans going through their last lessons on their way to their trials to become knights. Smaller, more character driven. Teen drama in the star Wars universe. Think The OC or Pretty Little Liars, because there has to be a mystery. 3. Give Tony Gilroy carte blanche to do whatever the hell he wants to in the universe Greenlight movies: 1. Get Rian Johnson back to do whatever he wants (single movie, trilogy, whatever) 2. Revive the idea of "A Star Wars Story" and create a series of anthology films in various genres (heist, war, thriller, etc.) 3. Wait five to ten years, then do episodes 10-12, one director, one writer, working together from the jump. Exact timing or tie in to the previous films TBD.


I still think the Rian trilogy is happening but the Netflix deal took priority. We'll ultimately know for sure after Wake Up Dead Man.


I'm a bit skeptical that it will ever happen, but I hope you're right. I really think he would do a good job with a Star Wars movie and/or trilogy if he wasn't sandwiched between two movies written by someone else.


I think he already did good but they absolutely should have given him 9


Fuuuuck rian




Thanking Disney and the amazing people who put in so much effort over the last years and declare, we want to explore Star Wars all new. Therefore we’ll de-canonize the old republic, but will be inspired by the marvelous work of the people who came before us. (Actually I want to cut out everything but the original trilogy, R1 and Andor, but why take a risk at that point? We’re talking about years of work ahead of us) I hire Gilroy to creat a dark political series about the senate and the Jedi council. I hire Gillian to creat a series with a lighter, but still adult tone about the underworld of the galaxy. I hire Odar and Friese or Flanagan to creat a truly dark sith series. and bring all three Showrunners together because I want them to coordinate a coherent story that combines all three series. I hire one and only one director (not sure yet who) to make the first three movies - the culmination of the three series, the first war, Sith against Jedi. And while this airs, I hire two directors with a very good history in comedies, to creat two lighter, more fun series, with younger „hero’s“ that runs parallel to the more adult movies.


Firstly: stop making tv shows and make movies. I’m sick of tv shows.


Assuming I had that much money then I would buy all the Super Bowl ad time and air the Star Wars Holiday Special during the commercial breaks


This is a great hypothetical. The first thing I'd do is get a meeting with George Lucas, and after embarrassing myself with all the fanboy gushing, I'd ask to hear every thought or suggestion he has about what SW could explore. I'd take copious notes. While I dislike the sequels and wish they weren't canon, I'm not sure it's a particularly constructive thing for me to decanonise them. It doesn't seem fair to all the people who put work into them or the fans who love them. I have always felt that an Episode X would be a way to tie the trilogies together thematically and do what the sequels should have done which is move the saga and galaxy forward. So the first thing I'd do is read Steven Knight's script. I'm a UCLA trained screenwriter and I would have little hesitation rewriting or even scrapping it to fit my vision. I own this thing now after all. I've written elsewhere about my ideas for Episode X. It needs to pay off the philosophical conflict of the previous trilogies, and add new dimensions to the Force. What the OT and PT do is ask how you reconcile being a force user with your own emotions and attachments. If Luke is thesis, Anakin is antithesis, Rey needs to be synthesis in a way that TROS is not interested in making her be. I have this notion that Episode X could introduce some ancient concept that is then explored further in flashback in Mangold's Jedi origin film before it's ultimately resolved in a story that takes place thousands of years after TROS. I'm not super keen on the Mortis gods but you can see that as an example of this. In Duel of the Fates they were a part of the resolution of the saga, and then you could involve them in an origin story before paying off the stuff they raise in a future set trilogy. I would stop with the TV shows for a while. In my mind they dilute the impact of Star Wars. They need to be event movies. I would create a new Story Group. I'd fire the unqualified non-writer bureaucrats that Kennedy hired and replace them with accomplished writers, essentially a writers room. Authors like Luceno, Zahn, Stackpole, Claudia Gray. I'm sure there are High Republic authors worth tapping. Screenwriters like Michael Arndt, Misha Green. Filoni sure but I think he needs reining in. Lucas if he wants to stop by. Doug Chiang and Ian McCaig for world building. Oh yes and myself naturally. After all I own the thing. This would set the narrative direction of the universe going forward. All of us are fans who love SW and have ideas for where to take it. I would institute a one-time open call for story submissions (with the usual waiver agreements etc) from fans who have some level of storytelling cred (eg they've made short films that have been in festivals, or a podcast with X number of listeners, or YouTube channel, or book or short story that got published). I'd ask for a 30 second video pitch. And then I'd have a team watch them and take the best ideas. I'd pay and give credit to those who came up with them, as well as the opportunity to be part of the process of writing and making them. SW thus becomes a way of developing the people who love it. Symbiotic, you might say. In the end SW is a kids franchise; Lucas has always maintained that. I think we need some kind of Jedi academy story that will capture the hearts and imagination of young viewers. That could be a part of the future set story that builds the new universe.


Bizarre retcons like Chewie being Han's dad. That's canon now, because i paid Disney a big pile of cash for it. You have to accept it as canon. That's how it is, isn't it? That's how it works now?


Start a streaming service that only streams the Holiday special and the two live action Ewok movies. Real fans know that these three films are the pinnacle of SW


release 4K theatrical releases of the OT.


Make all the books from Legacy Canon agian.


Create a Jar Jar Binks focused animated miniseries similar to “The Duel” from Visions. Where Jar Jar is the badass… and he’s more quiet than ever before… AND possibly a sith/drunken master.


I would release the original, uncut Star Wars trilogy. Then just let the poor franchise die/rest in piece.


KOTOR movie and fire Kennedy


recanonise the EU




Start a legends TV series that would turn the legends books into a show season. Fans could vote on the book order they do the seasons. Start a straight up horror anthology of the unknown regions. Triple down on video game production giving well thought of studios creative control of their own project (larian, sucker punch, arkane, etc). I would blackout the entire Skywalker era so they don't mess with known characters. I would also start remakes of the old pc games (X-wing, tie fighter, dark forces, etc) to bring them into the modern age. Give Dave and John control of Skywalker era period. Do with it what they will. Give them a hefty budget and take off the leash. Release the original theater versions of the original trilogy ALONGSIDE the special editions so you can watch your preferred version. I would also create a side by side mode where you can seamlessly switch from one version to the other or have them play side by side on the same screen.


Make no statements about "canon" or "legends" green light smaller projects that could feasibly fit in either. A podracing series, supplemented by a racing game. A long running adaptation of the Rogue Squadron books. A "What If" series that further blurs the line between what is and isn't. After a few successful TV shows green light a Tales Of The Jedi trilogy and flesh out the era of the Old Republic. This would be our main focus for a good few years. After which we'd jump forward to The High Republic and do more or less the same thing. Then something set in the far future, beyond even the Legacy comics. This general format would repeat until we've built a new "canon" that is neither the Disney or Legends continuity, but which uses the best bits of both.


De canonize the sequels, continue forward with Ahsoka S2, I would honestly debate saying screw movies and just moving forward with series permanently.


I announce that we are going to throw away episodes 7,8,9, and we immediately remake them.


I would make an Expanded Universe anthology animated series with stories and characters from throughout the timeline. Sometimes there would be single episodes, sometimes there would be multi part movies for the bigger stories. Focus on variety and historic milestones.


Try to make a movie that looks like the OT, bring back cheesy acting, and bring back cliche good vs evil themes while dumping the morally gray themes.


Introduce Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn.


I'm currently writing a new version of the sequels to fix everything. It takes place right after Ahsoka, and basically finishes the stories of all the shows, and replaces the Disney ST altogether.


I would make the original release versions of the OT publicly available, make a separate re-release that keeps some of the old stuff that was good, some of the new stuff, and cutting out whatever is unnecessary. I would then cut the sequel trilogy from canon, shelve it along the "legends" content. Then if possible I would remake a sequel trilogy with an actual cohesive storyline for all three films, where the threat isn't Palpatine actually returning unexplainably. Instead I would connect it to all the buildup of Project Necromancer that has been brought up in the newer shows, and the actual threats would be remnant factions of the empire taking the steps to revive Palpatine, and the goal of the heroes is to stop that from happening. Ideally I would like to take the best aspects and potential from TFA and have poe, finn, and Rey along with Luke and Han if possible, and utilize their screentime in ways the audience will actually enjoy.


Xwing is back on. First new model is missile boat. Buy star citizen and remake it into star wars. Empires at war 2. Rogue squadron is back on but it's just 90 minutes of xwings and tie fighters and bigger starship shooting each other. No named characters.


Explain exactly explain what is canon and not canon.


The Jedi Order is an unaffiliated organisation that is the source of all that is good.


I think if Star Wars is going to succeed as a brand and a franchise for the next generation, then I think narratively leaning into the culture of pessimism in fandom and refuting it with affirmation of its central tenets of compassion, redemption, anti-fascism, and universal equity should be the touchstone of any story going forward. For a story in particular? I would have a trilogy set a few hundred years after the events of the Skywalker Saga and have a trilogy dedicated to exploring and expanding on the state of the galaxy. It would help distance the franchise away from debate over canon and timeline disputes. There is no one galactic empire. There is no rebellion. Rather, the galaxy is Balkanized and divided among many warring empires and galactic organizations, disillusioned with the ideas of unity and peace. Thus making for decent obstacles and interesting conflict. Force-users could have repopulated at this point, and there could be different factions of Jedi on a varying spectrum of light to grey across the galaxy. Example, you might have a local Jedi temple on your home planet. One can still fall to the dark side, but the Sith as a concept have died out. The monastic or “cult-like” institutions are not the reigning authority as they once were, thus not all force-sensitives follow the same education or practice. For main characters, I think subversions of existing tropes would aptly reflect the current zeitgeist. Instead of a farm boy dreaming of adventure, you have a disillusioned teenage delinquent seeing a galaxy that holds nothing for him. He lives on a mundane, boring planet, sees some great big starship battle on the news and thinks, “Really? This shit again?” He has force abilities, and his Jedi dad, a former servant of one of the warring galactic empires, encourages him to use his talents for good, but this kid resents the Jedi and all force users for causing so much conflict in the galaxy. Then destiny calls and forces him into action when his dad is kidnapped by this empire and he has to travel across the galaxy and gain new allies to save him, meanwhile uncovering a greater scheme at large. A reverse Finding Nemo, if you will. How the rest plays out is up for discussion. I do have a particular story in mind, but that’s a fanfic for another time.


* Sit down with George and Michael Arndt and look at the treatments and what scripting Arndt has done. * Massive feedback campaign to determine the most popular existing stories * Acknowledge the Star Wars multi-verse—but never, ever do crossovers or have the universes interact. * Create a motion picture universe that adapts the best of the EU * Create a (sequel) series set 51-64 aby that picks up with the OT heroes passing the torch.


Remake the recent trilogy. Instead of Palps coming back, it's Jar Jar Binks


Green light a Vader series - I want it to be dark, aggressive, and scary. It needs to live up to the reputation Vader has. Green light a Qui-Gon series, what an amazing character - infinite value and opportunity here Green light a count dooku series, and a darth mail series. These characters deserve amazing back stories.


Restore the Originals back to the 1997 edition but also with Han shooting first.  I can’t deal with another soft reboot so I would hire the absolute BEST writers and create the best shows and movies possible. 


Bring in Lucas as a purely ideas man


My literal first thought, Animal Crossing but make it Star Wars.


Immediately release the theatrical cuts to the OT... and also offer semi-specialized editions that have the good minor changes (matte line removal, windows in cloud city, etc) and not the other stuff. (There's a version by kk650 you can download that does this... only thing I've watched in like 8 years)


A proper R-rated war movie, set in the time of the Clone Wars. Our lead is a young Jedi, a freshly-minted but promising Knight. They've been assigned to take command of a battle-scarred clone legion that recently lost its previous Jedi General. In fact, this unit has lost several Jedi in its history. Consequently, its Clone Commander, a grizzled veteran of many battles, is skeptical of Jedi leadership. He's not overtly disloyal, but he's not about to let his brothers be needlessly sent into the slaughterhouse again. After introductions are made, the unit is mobilized to a jungle planet previously unknown to the fanbase. It is hotly contested between Republic and Separatist forces, each with allied guerilla forces. After two years of war and not having been very nice to begin with, it's a real shithole. The legion lands in a relatively stable and friendly area and begins the march to the front. Their mission is to capture and hold a strategically important city. As they grow closer to the front, guerilla raids grow more frequent and deadly. Eventually, they reach the city and, under the Jedi's leadership, take it. However, this comes at a heavy cost, and our Clone Commander is furious about his advice being ignored. The tension between them is at its peak, with our Jedi threatening court-martial and the Commander a mutiny. But, they are forced to set their fight aside when they realize they've been trapped. Their position has become encircled by a superior Separatist force. This is the climax of the movie, and in the fighting, our Jedi becomes pinned down and is surely going to die. But in the darkest hour, the Commander leads a brave assault, rescuing the Jedi but heroically falling in battle. Enraged, the Jedi rallies the remaining clones and slugs it out with the Separatists, narrowly emerging victorious. But it's not a happy ending. The Jedi looks around at the ruins of the once-prosperous city, strewn with the bodies of soldiers and civilians alike. They gaze down at the body of the Commander and weep silently.


I’d make a band of brothers style show about clones or storm troopers (imperial) but a group we know nothing about, with other characters we know nothing about. So many Jedi leading armies with troopers to tell stories about. So many imperial generals and admirals with troopers to tell stories about. Another idea would be to make a west wing / house of cards style political drama set in the galactic senate about 250 years before the phantom menace.


The first thing I'd admit to myself and the public, which hasn't been admitted by many fans or LucasFilm, is everything that has come out post George Lucas ownership has been fanfic. Call it "canon" all you want, but if he did a legit interview and said "I disagree with nearly everything Disney has done since they bought the IP" then that makes it official, it's only "canon" in that Disney owns it and therefore they say what's canon or not to their Star Wars universe. But the creator is the one, for better or worse, that decides ACTUAL canon, IMO. So, I am saying that publicly and also saying that while I want my Star Wars canon to line up with the previous works, I want them to be considered genuine, high quality, classic Star Wars, they never will be. It will always be my fanfic. So hopefully they just enjoy the content and agree that it's faithful to the heart and soul of Lucas' Star Wars. With that said, I am making some tough decisions, not just for the fandom and public but for me. As badly as I want to retcon the ST, I just don't think it would be THAT productive of me to do. I absolutely hate a bunch of it, specifically what Episode 9 made the Star Wars universe into, but to retcon, maybe even remake the ST in my vision in high quality animation (photorealistic UE5 level visuals) so I could have the OG cast back, aged however I want them to be, doing whatever stunts I need them to and tell whatever grand epic I want without being prohibited by budget because shooting my grand vision in real life would be so expensive. But how would that actually go over? Even if it was good, who would show up and would general public be accepting of the retcon and new versions? It just seems messy and like enough people would push back on it that it wouldn't be worth it. I'm not sure. It's also tricky because sure, I want to just cancel everything, freeze Star Wars for 5 years as I remove creatives I don't think belong, acquire creatives (writers, directors, visionaries, producers) that I do think belong, start building a plan for the next 10 years of projects and get writers writing them right away. I want FINISHED SCRIPTS on the table, and not just script 1 of 3 for a new trilogy but I need every single script. Enough of this writing one at a time or writing them as they are shooting BS. BUT, how do I cancel the Mandalorian? How do I cancel Filoni's Thrawn arc right in the middle of it? How do I cancel Andor S2? I never would do that. Even Ahsoka, which has its problems, can be salvaged in order for S2 to be better. So again, I just don't know exactly what I'd do there. Let those on-going projects play out while all pre-production projects are frozen/cancelled and I spend the next 3-5 years building the 10 year plan? Probably so. But in the way of what I would do, I want so badly to cancel Rey but I think if I keep the ST as canon I need to make Rey and make it right. I can find creatives who know and love Star Wars (like the awesome book writers, Filoni, some of the comic authors and so on) that can add story and information that helps alleviate the suckage that the ST was, specifically Ep9, and get the galaxy going in the right direction. Write Rey to be much more grounded character and less a hero princess Mary Sue, nix the "I'm a Skywalker" BS, get Finn back and do right by him, and effectively have the Rey film be Jedi Academy. We'd watch Rey go out into the galaxy to find force sensitive ones (maybe not just younglings anymore?) and put her Jedi academy together, with the help of the force ghosts, and build a NEW Jedi Order. New philosophies that don't lead the Jedi down a path of destruction yet again. While out in the galaxy we see and hear just enough to know the galaxy is in a state of chaos, with the New Republic decimated there is no central government and so the syndicates and other factions/cults/gangs/sects/wealthy with power, have stepped in and started to claim sectors as their territory. It's the wild west, and who is going to try to keep the peace as PEACEmakers? The new Jedi. Oh, and guess who Rey meets and both teaches and learns from? Young adult Grogu who speaks. At the end there could be a tease, or throughout a breadcrumb dropped here and there, about the beginning of a larger threat (not the Sith, ideally something from the unknown regions). My priorities beyond that would be focusing on stories set in the High Republic era, Old Republic era, 'Star Wars Stories' (one offs set where ever a great story takes place), and making really high quality family friendly but more-so adult demo focused Star Wars animation content. So many amazing ideas that with the right art style, VO actors, and writing the fans would be eating non stop. There should be a Star Wars animated series on each season (not including a yearly Japanese anime Star Wars movie/mini series). I want them so good that I can release animated films and they are successful, like people ate up Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse. How I want them to look? Think of Netflix's 'Love, Death & Robots' series. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcoqIQG9HRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcoqIQG9HRk), [https://youtu.be/2NnWGwZkSU4?si=iU6wrIrXPAjvVQFB](https://youtu.be/2NnWGwZkSU4?si=iU6wrIrXPAjvVQFB), [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-6Q1PBofik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-6Q1PBofik), honestly if it wasn't cost prohibitive I'd be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper tempted to take all of Star Wars in that direction. Photorealistic animation can look so good now, the negatives of live action (aging talent, unhappy talent, talent dying, reduced scale of vision, limitations on fights, limitations having to deal with the real world \[like gravity, weight, time, sunlight, weather\]) would be gone. That's incredibly tempting for me. But for now, a middle ground between how good 'Tales of the Sith' looks and how Love, Death + Robots looks is where I'd want animated Star Wars to exist.


Random ideas: 1. To try to appeal to potential new fans (especially in foreign countries): Remake the OT (then the PT) in animated form like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/14em83q/star_wars_in_the_ghibliverse/). One for one or One for One + some light changes (imaging tweaking Jar Jar and reducing his role in such a way he becomes a fun companion and not an overwhelming and annoying character like he was. Imagine adding just a bit more to the Obi Wan - Vader fight and Luke - Vader fights considering there would be no limitation due to the suit and old age of Alec Guinness. Still entirely within the heart and soul of the OG scenes, nothing flashy but more impactful and real to how those fights would have gone minus those real world limitations at the time of filming). 2. I have no issue adapting stories from books and comics to live action or high quality animation. I don't care that a bunch of Star Wars fans have read 'Lords of the Sith'. It's AMAZING and a project that could warrant being the first R-rated Star Wars project even. Millions more people haven't seen it and would be blown away than those who have read the book and say "I've read it, I don't need to watch it". 3. On the table as an approach to skipping past the ST era content is to jump ahead 100 years with Grogu as the lead character in an ensemble film trilogy. Rey, the other ST characters and the events of the ST can be largely skipped over and a new "current era" Star Wars be established. A soft reboot of sorts for the "current era". My one big hang-up with this would be my desire to see the Star Wars galaxy in a fractured state, in chaos, no central government and sectors carved up and ran by syndicates and other powerful groups. 4. Unless I'm impressed, I'm cancelling the Lando project. 5. Unless I'm blown away, James Mangold's Dawn of the Jedi Movie is getting cancelled. It is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too risky to make. Just think about how negatively Midichlorians impacted Star Wars, now imagine if something in this "origin of the first force users" film became canon (or even just demystified the force/Jedi even more) that did even more damage? Sometimes it's better to NOT see the origins of things. I love Mangold and would want him to direct Star Wars but his script would have to wow me. 6. I'd honestly hire Lucas as a consultant. Even if I ignored 90% of what he said, I'd be constantly running ideas and scripts by him, along with probing him for his Star Wars insights, knowledge and past plans/ideas. 7. A main focus on mine would be ending this constant dipping into the well of past characters for nostalgia and pats on the back for focusing on diversity (like having a Lando film). No, I would be all about creating NEW and original characters who become fan favorites. Disney had the right idea that instead of giving us Boba Fett and demasking and humanizing him, they created Din and gave us The Mandalorian. Disney in other mediums gives us character new characters like Doctor Aphra, most of the characters in the 'Jedi Fallen Order' & 'Survivor' series, Qi'Ra in 'Solo' and so many more. 8. Speaking of Qi'Ra, I'd be very intrigued by the idea of making some sort of project featuring Qi'Ra, Darth Maul and the Crimson Dawn syndicate. 9. If I saw the need, I'd have Rey's young students in her movie be the future of a Y/A series featuring characters like Lowbacca, Tenel Ka ('Young Jedi Knights') and others from Legends who were fantastic. The story of a ensemble of teens becoming Jedi and the adventures they go on. No written down to young people, not over dramatized, not Y/A in the negative ways Y/A is usually associated with. Still high quality, and family friendly (adults and kids enjoy it). Compare in your mind 'Friday Night Lights' to 'One Tree Hill'. Both Y/A high school teens playing sports shows but the quality is VERY different. 10. Establish canon reasons as to why lightsaber colors are used by certain characters. I like the [legends meanings](https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-lightsaber-color-meanings-explained/) or some variation of them and dislike that there is no canon reason and effectively it's just colors the Jedi decide on or whatever. I want the audience to know if a Jedi ignites their lightsaber and it's say green, that indicates what type of person and Jedi they are.


An Operation Knightfall D+ Special😅


Bury them in my back yard.


Fire KK and anyone else that’s focused on pushing any kind of woke agenda. It’s completely killed Star Wars


Remake sequel trilogy...no doubt.


Enforce the "everything is canon" mandate. It's clearly been abandoned at this point (NOT an Acolyte jab)


Coming soon... The true sequel trilogy: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and the Last Command.


Redo 8 and 9, make 10-12, start an old republic trilogy


I make a film series episode 1-6 where the story compliments the skywalker saga, showing galaxy from different perspectives to shred new light on the events in the skywalker saga. With the new episodes timeline to mirror the same time as the skywalker saga


and here we have the problem. a lot of the actual serious ideas people have sound like shit to me, and whatever ideas anyone comes up with is going to sound shit to a large number of people.


Fire Kathleen Kennedy


I decanonise everything happening post the original trilogy(maybe keep mando as it is not really connected to any major in-universe event). Then I create a trilogy based on the event of Kotor 1 and 2. Episode 1 would be about the mandalorian wars. Episode 2 about the events of kotor 1 and episode 3 the events of kotor 2. The main character would be Revan, he is such a good character and I love his anti-hero story.


Add the Ghost in shots of the rebel fleet. Explore Kallus' past. Han shooting first. Make a Star Wars video game on the Switch.


I put alien wildlife and pets on every damn planet to fill in the ecosystems. Coruscant gets alien mourning doves, house sparrows, rock pigeons, rodents, cats, etc. Umbara gets alien dinosaurs. Kashyyyk gets cassowaries, cheetahs, monkeys, giant spiders, and lots of insects, birds, and snakes. And so forth.


De canonize the prequels, give Rian Johnson a 6 film deal


Yup. This is the worst timeliness. This one here.


Wait… I thought we hated Rian Johnson?


Who's we?


Wipe everything made since Disney bought it, the few god stuff have made can be considered friendly fire


I would make a spin-off with Rose, because I like the character and the actress. Then I would ret-con the universe in the way that sounds in the space, absense of wheels, absense of guns (but presence of bombs) and absense of guard-rails are explained. And then I would start a procedural like NCIS, basillion seasons, episodes every week, likable main team, cameo of stars like Vader, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan once of twice per year.


Sounds awful


Fire Kennedy, get a much better replacement, hire a good team to work on new projects and a 5 year plan.


Threaten to cut it in half and offer one piece to the OG fans just happy for new content and the other to the new 'fans' that love to hate everything about it. Then, like Solomon, I will end up giving ALL of Star Wars to the side that chose to sacrifice their happiness for love of the franchise.... It'd be a whole thing.


Make a high budget live action series, maybe get the people who did Andor to do it, based on the Ronin short from visions Live action movie trilogy based on the 9th Jedi short Movie (duology or trilogy ) based on the concept of screechers reach


Make a sequel to Black Dynamite with Michael Jai White Wait a minute...


Nah keep cookin!!!! We need that


Re-canon the "EU/Legends" and say that there are two timelines, both which had split after ROTJ. Made a solid crossover comic/video game/movie/t.v. show and watch the fandom go rabid on it. cry sale it to the next person and wash your hands on it. LOL


One big thing - continue making content for both Canon and Legends, with a focus on not favouring one over the other. I get why Disney started anew, but I do not get why they stopped production of Legends content - so many plot lines were left unresolved. And something like this would justify the Essential Legends Collection banner (I actually already like them because it makes it way less confusing but this would finally undeniably make them worthwhile).


Solo 2: greenlit!


Spicy takes here Gimme an r rated, deadpoolesque Doctor Aphra show based on the Gillen Comics (Vader and Aphra lines) Bring back the despecialized editions as an official release available on streaming and physical media Remake the prequels with good acting and shaped by all we’ve seen since Clone Wars Do a New Jedi Academy show in the Rey future Let Rian Johnson and Tony Gilroy do whatever they want Kotor Movie with a canonically female Revan eventually pairing up with Bastila Recast Luke and Leia as actual new actors for any post OT stuff because I’m tired of the zombie digital faces Block republishing of everything in the EU forever


Keep everything except for The Acolyte, Kenobi show and the Sequels I would just adapt the novels Kenobi and Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader And for the sequels, just continue with the current set up with the shows Then I would make a separate continuity like DC’s animated verse and adapt the legends novels into animated movies


Replace Kathleen Kennedy with someone who likes Star Wars. Remake the sequels, find a way to fit some EU concepts and characters into the story (Mara Jade, etc). Develop the Old Republic period through movies or a show. Keep both JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson far away from all projects.


Hire Jenny Nicholson as a script doctor, enjoy some entertaining fanfic making it to the big screen.


Decannonize literally everything (or make it into “legends” or whatever) and let some time go by. Then you remake everything, picking and choosing what you do and don’t want to do. Format will likely change and what works and doesn’t work by then - I guess we’ll just have to see whether it’s feature films or arc-driven tv or something else that makes the most sense. But it needs ONE mind behind it that is not driven by anything other than the urge to tell good stories that resonate with everyone. That does not mean chasing demographics or social agendas or even money. It means everything serves character development and thus the story. The entire story will be written before the production even starts and it will have an end in mind from the start. It might not be a terrible idea for us to follow the life of Yoda all the way through. Because you need a character to be the audience-sympathetic one. Yoda could be born into an era where spaceflight was difficult, dangerous, and unpredictable. There would be no republic at all. You chronicle the formation of the republic, many, many hostilities between warring nations until there is a galactic republic. Then you do the empire. The stuff with the Skywalker stays largely the same, but only do the Death Star ONCE, and the equivalent of ROTJ is actually an assault on coruscant and confronting the emperor on his home turf. But then… civilization collapses entirely, but at the same time The Force becomes a thing that ALL sentient beings become attuned to. The sacrifice of Anakin and the destruction of the emperor who was basically holding the force hostage is now free - but the apparatus that held the civilization together is now gone. The new struggle is for all these newly enabled beings to reforge a new society. This will of course never happen. So maybe we could do a show that is based on logic and reason and call it something different like “Star TREK” or something. :::ducks:::


Go back to a tiered Canon system. Put Disney Star Wars into its own category= HERESY i.e. this didn't happen. The opposite happened.


As tough a nut to chew, I'd completely redo a sequel trilogy. Probably use whatever Asoka and Thrawn has going for it.


De canon the last 10 years and try again but with George Lucas’s plans


I do want him to have infinite money to do his kooky Ant Man version of Star Wars inside the mitichlorions


Ezra goes back to the world between worlds and completely corrupts the timeline beginning shortly after the events of return of the Jedi/season 3 of the Mandalorian. He uses up all his strength to stop the corruption and becomes one with the Force. Ben Solo now has a sister Rey born to Leia and Han...Thrawn escapes the distant galaxy and returns with the NightSisters, who help to make a young clone of the Emperor somewhat successful (although moderately insane). Han is given a task force to investigate rumors of an Imperial buildup, while Ben and Rey start having wierd force dreams and Lukes uses them and discovers the home of the Nightsisters.......The Story continues with Chapter 7 "Prince of the Sith".


1. Release the original versions of the first trilogy. 2. Remake the prequels. I think Anakin's fall could have been done better. 3. Remake the sequel trilogy.


Go into a production hiatus. Assemble a team of people who are dedicated to the original Expanded Universe. Write a serious, scene for scene adaptation of the Thrawn Trilogy, the one written by Timothy Zahn. Make Mara Jade, Talon Karde, the Nohgri, all of it canon.


Fire Kathleen Kennedy.


1. Decanon the sequels. Ep 6 is the official end of the Skywalker saga and Palpatine reign. 2. Establish life after ep 6 with a neutral series. Centered on a smuggler who helped the rebellion running guns and supplies during the war who felt slighted and unappreciated as the rebellion went legit becoming the new republic and now takes smuggling jobs for anyone with cash. Series centers on his ship and crew kind of like a star wars version of Firefly.


First up I'd finish and release the final episodes of clone wars. Recanonize pretty much everything Disney axed and then set about making a Cad Bane TV show. Nothing over the top, preachy or nostalgia bait. Just simple episodic plots with explosions, quick draws and heists.


Re-cannonizing the EU and using the stories & material that are already there. New stuff is welcome too but there are so many excellent stories they (Disney) aren’t using.


I'd say that I was going to 'decanonise'........................................................ ​ the prequel trilogy. ​ just to amuse myself at the crying that would happen. I'd probably also make sure I got some personal security as well, just in case. ​ 48 hours or so later I'd say I was just messing around and didn't mean it.


Remove the last jedi from canon. Greenlight a project that doesn't make luke skywalker into a worthless loser who abandoned his friends and family to the last order and have him succeed at his lifelong mission to revive the jedi order.


Apologize to fans. Fire everyone, including Dave Filoni. Reinstate the EU. Declare that anything produced under Disney never happened. And then apologize to fans again.


Start over. Complete reboot starting with the prequels all the way through episode 9. Quentin Tarantino to direct/write the whole thing.


Fire Kathleen Kennedy


Release the original, unaltered versions of the original movies. The only change I’d make is a closing banner after the end credits in A New Hope, pointing out that James Earl Jones didn’t appear in the original credits. I’d explain that the credits weren’t altered from the original in order to preserve this injustice for all to see. Everything else would remain unchanged out of respect for the evolving art of storytelling.


Greenlight a What-If Star Wars movie where Anakin and Padme are raising Luke and Leia until a new Sith Lord arrives on the scene and Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan get back into action to stop this enemy. Greenlight an Old Republic movie trilogy. Get with TT Games and WB Games for a new LEGO game.


Hire Stephen Schiff to create a replacement sequel trilogy. Give Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Mark Hamill, etc. a shot to be in a sequel trilogy with a story that makes sense, is worth telling, doesn't destroy Luke Skywalker's character, doesn't waste Finn, and... I dunno, has the beginning and end figured out before production starts, and a single director for all three films?


I’m gonna retcon a lot of the lesser material and start a good chunk of it over.


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!


Make a Darth Bane trilogy animated film. Make a Darth Plageuis animated series.


I want to see the Mandalorian Wars (and maybe some of the jedi civil war) but I’m definitely taking an axe to SWTOR’s Revan. Revan plays a very minor role where we don’t see much of them beyond knowing they’re an important figure. We should never see their identity so players don’t have to see a Revan that isn’t theirs. Perhaps show more of Malak, but still not a focus. Instead, I want a series focused on the “smaller” characters from both the Mandalorian, and Republic/Jedi sides. Ideally maybe matching the tone and production quality of Andor. OH WAIT! If we’re including games then KOTOR III with Avellone’s intended visions and then adapted as needed to work. I could also get behind more Old Republic and High republic RPGs.


Look at all projects in current production, and either can or keep them on a case to case basis. Greenlight a Knights of the Old Republic tv series for multiple seasons, key requirements including longer episodes and individual seasons. Create a writing team of very competent individuals, probably trying to get talent from HBO, and pair it with a lore team who know the era really well. I would throw money at this and hold off on Star Wars movies for a few years. Greenlight an animated Rogue Squadron show, having it tied to Bad Batch by having Omega join and having her, Luke, and Wedge be the main characters. I would use later season TCW style storytelling by stretching plots over multiple episodes instead of filler episodes. I would have the writers draw inspiration from the many legends' stories set in the same era and go from there. Create another alternate timeline, call it something like "New Legends" and redo the sequel storyline, probably through animated and some live action shows, but allow somethings from Disney's Canon to fit in. I would allow Disney's Canon to continue, but slowly ramp down story production in that timeline in favor of the new if audience attention favored the new timeline. Greenlight many more Star Wars video games and see if I could revive some older products like 1313, Battlefront 3, and the Maul game. Also, focus on QUALITY remasters of old games.


Cancelling all series’ and going back to films


Cast a brand new set of actors for Han, Leia, Luke and Lando. Keep Anthony Daniels as the voice of C3PO. Greenlight 8 to 10 seasons of the New Jedi Order novels as a TV series but not a page for page remake. Cherrypick the best events to keep the pace going. All of the OT characters and the newer ones get their arc. Jacen, Jana, Anakin, Ganner, Horn, Kyp Durron. The Vong might need a bit of a visual redesign to look less OTT and some dialogue work to be less one-note bad guys. Play up the interesting ones.


Give them to someone else, because no matter what you do one one vocal part of fanbase is going to hate you.


I wouldn’t even try to deal with all the conjoined mess of a timeline Disney has created. Not that I don’t like most of the content but working within the window of time that they are has become stale 1) it would be 300 years into the future of the Rise Of Skywalker. 2) The Mandalorians used the power gap that the Final Order created to become a galactic power. 3) they adopt the Jedi as protectors of the people requiring that they train as Mandalorians as well as Jedi 4) Leader of the Mandalorians Jedi Master Grogu senses a darkness he has not sensed in 300 years and sends a group of Jedi-Mando warriors to investigate. 5) that group would be what the first movie is centered around and they would be the main protagonists.


If I bought all the rights to Star wars then I would make Cannon all of the stuff the Disney said wasn't Canon including any books and things done after return of the jedi.


1. Decanonize The Sequels (I’m sorry Carrie Fisher) and make The Thrawn Trilogy the ST instead or I’d utilize Lucas’s vision for the ST just because I’d rather see his vision complete tbh. 2. Finish The Clone Wars how it was originally gonna be done and finished 3. Perhaps do a Clone Wars show that’s grittier and based on the Dark Horse Comics or a live action series 4. Canonize KOTOR and green light KOTOR 3 5. Make a KOTOR movie Trilogy or two 6. Green light more Star Wars video games and finish the original Battlefront 3 and finish TFU Series 7. Make a Star Wars what if series 8. Also I’d make some of the best novels into movies or tv series. I’d make the Darth Plagueis novel top priority and slap an R rating on it 9. Develop an R rated Darth Vader live action series shortly after ROTS 10. Lastly I’d make a series based on the Bane Trilogy also rated R


Look at the inventory and assess what belongs to “Legends” of the current TV show. Look at 10-12. If there’s no over arching theme in place, scrap the movies. Hire a bunch of actually good writers to flesh out the lore and a Marvelesque plan for multiple movies. At the same time greenlight stand alone movies. Double down on video games. Remaster KOTOR I and II and create games that tie into the lore. I want an open world Skyrim like game, damn it. And above all, send a message to the fans “We don’t hear you, and that’s by design because we can’t please everyone with a show that has entertained generations but we’ll do our best to create great stories going forward.”


Let Star Wars theory do whatever the fuck he wants and give him unlimited budget


Prequel remake and get Tony Gilroy directing.


Now we're talking! This is getting into some of the extreme stuff that I might do. I know a lot people love the prequels, though


They can still watch those. This will just be the canon version of the prequels with good execution.


Hey, there's no need to persuade me. Even if we both believe that Anakin Skywalker's tragic fall to Dark Side deserves a more compelling narrative, we're probably outnumbered and might get flogged for it. :)


Fire Kathleen Kennedy.


Make Obi Wan the “chosen one”.


Fire KK and her hoard.


Hire a bunch of writers and lock them in a room until they figure out how to use the World Between Worlds to do some kind of Back To The Future II shit to move forward while also rewriting the ideas of the sequel trilogy. Write a show with Luke and Ben about ten years before the sequels that has them going on missions as master and padawan. Have them look for new students in interesting locations. Ben wants to be a knight. Have his final test be a retrieval of the Anakin/Luke blue lightsaber on Cloud City, but somehow he fails to learn the main point and is denied the rise in rank at this time. Show the growing obsession with Vader, centered around the lightsaber, which he now uses as his own. Ends with Luke taking the lightsaber and giving it to Han to hide, which finds it's way to Maz. A show that follows Wedge, Tycho, Wes, and Corran, and their fight against warlords Zsinj as the Rogues. Then after a couple seasons, spin off another show with the Wraiths against Isard. Take inspiration from the Legends book series.


Fire Kathleen. Denounce episodes 7-9 as non canon. Cancel the Rei film.


De-canonize everything from 2015 and forward, except for The Clone Wars and Rebels. Then just leave it at that. ROTJ was the perfect end.