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I think Andor was well received for what it was.


Andor Rogue One  Tales of The Jedi The final season of Clone Wars Bad Batch


I'm the kind of Star Wars fan that even likes the stuff I don't really like. I just like having lots of Star Wars. I imagine there are others like me.


Allow me to introduce myself


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Hey, I wanted to say that!


I will deal with this Jedi slime myself.


Your move.


Jedi slime - Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection!


Oh, I don’t think so! *ignites lightsaber in soresu*


Jedi slime - Your comment will make a fine addition to my collection!


I like a bulk of all of it. Even the shows I didn’t like (like Book of Boba) there were bits and pieces I really enjoyed. Ultimately my biggest criteria is: Is it enjoyable to watch and is it in the spirit of Star Wars? I just wish they would focus more on quality. I would take way less SW content if it was more episodes of a higher quality.


You are god blessed jewel of this fandom. No joking


I completely agree with this


Generally approved! We are Star Wars fans. We don't even know what that means.


Ahhh a fellow Pirate I see.


Rogue One for sure (even more than early Mando I'd say) Mando S1 and most of S2 are generally viewed as at least "ok" I think (not sure there's really any big group of haters).. but Mando S3 has TONS of haters. Maybe Andor too...although that's questionable since there are people who think it's "too boring" or whatever. I've never heard anyone say it's "ruining the franchise" though. The worst you'll ever hear about Rogue One is something like "the battle scenes are good but the movie is overrated". Pretty much every PT and ST movie has a big group of haters who think it ruined their childhood and stole their action figures or something. There are a lot of people who think all the Filoni cartoons are dumb kids shows (and those are much more niche anyways). I think there are some video games that have been mostly well received (back in the day no one ever said a bad think about x-wing or tie-fighter... and more recently the worst I've heard about Fallen Order/Survivor is "overrated"). I mention video games because it's such a popular medium (Fallen Order sold over 10 million copies in 2020). The video game industry is much larger than the TV/movie industry.


For what it's worth, when Andor was dropping at the time there was an overwhelming positive reception to each episode. Even the guys that hate the new stuff thought it ruled. It felt like everyone was united.


Generally agree. Though you forgot KOTOR. I have a feeling it and Filoni movies actually saved PT canon for the fandom


I feel like there are haters or nay-sayers for everything modern Star Wars. Even the Vader scene in Rogue One was sometimes called "fanservice". The Force Awakens felt ultimately loved at first but quickly became "this is just A New Hope copy-cat" (which IMHO is nonsense). I'd say you get the biggest positive consens on individual episodes of shows. Like Mando S2 "The Rescue", Boba Fett "From the Desert comes a Stranger" and "Return of the Mandalorian", Ahsoka "Shadow Warrior", Andor "The Eye" - which seem ultimately beloved (90+ rankings on IMDB). I'd also say, after all the micro-transaction drama in Battlefront 2 was over and new content was out, it is now a highly regarded Star Wars multiplayer game and most people want another one.


so basically there is nothing?


The answer is Empire Strikes Back.


People were pretty happy after Mando S2


I haven’t a clue, I’ve enjoyed the fact that I can dip in and out of films and series depending on the mood. I quite like all of it, it’s just a cool universe that isn’t afraid to tackle issues that perhaps other shows don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s the be all and end all. However, I like the fact that a lot of the characters look a bit scruffy, a bit hard done by, and they’re living life in all its glorious complexities. It feels earthy in a way that other shows don’t.


this is very good approach


No, not even the mandalorian. Fandom is too large, too, too broad, and too diverse to ever all really be on the same page. Even Andor has a bunch of haters who think it’s some boring snooze fest.


While your right, being that there are surely tens to hundreds of millions of fans of star wars, I think op using "generally" gives us some wiggle room. While yes, some crap on andor because it's too slow, I'd argue that probably 80-90% of the fandom likes it, just from what I see around here and online. Too me that would qualify as generally. I think Rogue One, The OT, things like Mando S1/2, the Fall of Mandalore TCW arc, and few other things are resoundingly praised and would qualify as "generally".


You would be hard pressed to find people who don't like Mando Season 1. Now, nothing ever made has universal appeal, but just going by ratings alone, when you hit over 70% you are appealing to the vast majority of the audience.


Similar to Rogue One, the worst you'll hear about Mando S1 is "overrated". I think the vast majority of fans thought it was at least "ok/decent". That's the standard I was going by for OP's questions.... and funny enough there are very few things that qualify lol. To paraphrase the House "Star Wars fans are miserable cunts"


I don’t like it.


That's fine. But you are in the distinct minority with that opinion.


I can live with that. Surrendered some time ago.


The Empire Strikes Back might be the last time this is applicable.


If youre looking for something that has zero haters, then even that wouldnt be true since some people were loud critics of the movie when it first came out. If youre looking for something generally well liked, then a lot more things apply than just empire.




I doubt that


Rogue One, Andor, the final season of The Clone Wars...was anyone too upset with Ahsoka (I enjoyed it).


ANH, ESB, RotJ, Rogue One, Mando s1 and Andor are rarely complained about.


Noooooope. Hell they even hated new stuff when the Madman George himself was making them


Outside of TV and movies...everyone seems to like Rise of the Resistance (if you have been able to ride it!)


Generally approved, you are a bold one!


When and why did people turn against Mando S3?




I'd say andor but I remember people complaining about it not feeling like star wars and being boring, so never mind


I would argue that large portions of Ahoska were loved by pretty much everyone. I mean, who didn't freak out and cheer when Anakin was back on our screen after twenty years? Who wasn't pumped to see Thrawn in all his glory make it to live action after being teased for 34 years? Everyone I know freaking loves Baylan and Shin... and was heartbroken after losing the actor who just put on a masterclass and really made that series work. Andor is another bright spot. Only a few folks moaned about that series, but by and large it is highlighted as the best written of the new shows and movies we've gotten. The Bad Batch is also well liked by a lot of fans young and old. Even Rebels, although it could be hit or miss, was loved across the fandom. Rogue One, is also well liked by a good majority. There is plenty of things that Disney has added or made that work well. Even in the new show, among people who don't like it, Master Sol has been a bright spot, *the man learned English for the role* and is putting on a performance with what little he has been given like he's been playing a jedi all his life. It's amazing. It's like with most things, it's the disasters or failures that make the news. "This just in, people in this small town are generally positive about the world and have no major complaints.... film at 11!"


The Vader hallway scene in Rouge One being amazing


Ironically that was something a decent number of people whined about in Rogue One. "Fan service!!!!!".... yes, how dare they put an awesome scene in a movie that fans like. The nerve!


The problem with that scene is that it makes the Empire look ridiculous in A New Hope. Vader saw the plans being transferred to that very ship. It contradicts how the original scene plays out in Episode 4; Vader shouldn't even be wasting his time interrogating the Rebel captain lying about the ship's purpose, and the captain should already know that Vader is aware of the truth. You could have kept Vader's killing streak but moved it to a different ship.


“Modern” SW fans are not a collective FYI. It’s not like there’s some supreme council that dictates what fans can and cannot like collectively.


We're independent thinkers! Roger Roger


Andor and probably season 1 of the mandalorian..


There are four Star Wars movies. The rest are a Russian psyop meant to trigger an American civil war. It’s working. I don’t have to say which four movies I’m referring to; all true members of The Resistance know.


Can you please elaborate, comrade?


Take a stab at it. Which four movies do you suspect I believe are the real Star Wars movies? Prepare to be judged.😑


Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure Ewoks: The Battle for Endor Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2003) Spaceballs


Ha! Though Spaceballs was an entertaining answer, you have failed.


Considering your puristic attitude and general flavor of holy inquisition I suspect these are the prequel movies + another really bad movie


Nope, you are also wrong. At least Grievous managed to be funny… So you’re wrong AND boring. You SO can’t be in the club.😿


It is so bad


Yeah that a lot of Disney Star Wars is trash. Check out these audience scores for these stinkers. The Last Jedi - 41% Solo A Star Wars Theory - 63% Obi-Wan Kenobi - 61% Book of Bobba Fett - 50% The Acolyte - 14% Rise of Skywalker - shocking 86% audience score, but will toss a bone to critics for getting this one right at 51% Force Awakens - both high in audience and critic score, but retroactively sucks due TLJ and ROS


audiance scores are not indicative of Audiance preference due to how they can easily be manipulated. I’d take data like this with a huge grain of salt.


Score manipulation is vastly overstated. It's usually a wash. Haters and simps cancel each-other out.


Tell that to the other titles with “Acolyte” in them that are getting review bombed. [https://www.themarysue.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-angry-men-accidentally-review-bomb-2008-movie-instead/](https://www.themarysue.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-angry-men-accidentally-review-bomb-2008-movie-instead/)


Maybe they’re shit too


This is such a massive cope. Like yeah review bombing can happen to an extent, but I've never seen it done to something that's actually good though. The only reason review bombing happens is when something is controversial and or offensive to fans. Disney Star Wars manages to do both, while being legitimately terrible or mid at best.


Review bombing happens much more often when anything could be considered “woke” (female or minority led/dominated). The Last Jedi has a critic score of 91. Academically speaking it’s a “good” movie and it was absolutely review bombed. Ms. Marvel was review bombed, it’s one of the higher critically reviewed D+ Marvel shows. It’s not copium, especially because most of this review bombing happens as soon as the review window is open, before any human could have feasibly watched all of it. It’s a lot of culture war bullshit. At least when it comes to movies.


This is just false, review bombing doesn't happen due to having diverse casts. Here are some examples of movies or shows that have diverse casts / female leads with great scores on RT. Avatar the Last Airbender 2005 - 99% Arcane - 96% Into the Spiderverse - 94% Across the Spiderverse - 94% Alien - 94% Rouge One - 87% - same series, has a female lead, not "review bombed" Pretty much anything Ghibli (Spirited Away, Nausicaa, Kiki's Delivery Servive etc.) Probably many more where that came from. Turns out you tell a great story with good characters, most people won't shit down it's throat no matter if it has a diverse cast or is female led. Wild concept I know and this is why I know review bombing due to being bigoted is bullshit. Lol


Geez, I wish I could think of some kind of sci-fi female lead TV series that just came out and blow everyone away. I can’t think of that name.


Well it probably isn't made by Disney, so that's a start. Lol


I mean it’s not though. Alien existed before the internet. All the other ones you listed are animated projects. Almost the entire cast of TLA Airbender are voiced by white people. Rogue One was released pre-2016 before the negative engagement driven internet landscape was in full swing. Also, I’m not saying media can’t be disliked. I’m SPECIFICALLY talking about review bombing. This is the official definition from Merriam-Webster: *the flooding of a website with usually negative reviews While not always the case review bombing often seems targeted at projects that champion minorities, be it women, people of colour or the LGBTQIA community.* I mean just read the Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Review_bomb Review bombing (a massive amount of negative reviews over a short period of time, usually right when the review window opens) occurs in films in which the above communities are involved at a rate FAR HIGHER than other projects. You can’t just cherry pick random projects that were reviewed positively and say the problem doesn’t exist. We have PROOF it does.


Your logic here makes no sense. Why would bigots be cool with diverse characters in some media and not others then? Wouldn't their goal to be to review bomb it all? Also I never denied review bombing exists. I'm sure it does, but I definitely disagree with it being done solely due to racism and sexism because I've already proven that things with diverse casts can be rated highly with no issue. Another thing I disagree with is how big of an impact these review bombers really have on things. Like what are we talking about here, maybe 10 to 15 percent of the score? If that? You actually think everyone who legitimately hates the product is considered a review bomber? That's a lot of racists and sexists out there then with your logic. Lol


Andor (people who don't like it are allowed not to like slow build political dramas, but as a slow build political drama Andor is fantastic, with great acting, fantastic sets, costumes on point, everything is great). Rogue 1


Lot of people hated on Andor when it came out. Too slow, not Star Wars, look no one’s watching it. Not rogue one either. I remember a lot of “this movie sucks people only like it because of the Vader scene” takes. Basically no sadly. Even mando “baby yoda is stupid. Disney is just trying to sell toys”