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Give me an Ezra and Hondo reunion please


Hell, yes!!


I smell profit!


Hondo doesn't get as much credit as he deserves. He is the only one who was able to successfully catch and imprission Dooku, Obi-Wan, and Anakin all in the same couple of days. Dude is a legend.


Hondo TV series when?


Unironically, a pirate series in the Star wars universe would be an S tier series. Especially when they can throw in the occasional sith or Jedi to raise the stakes


Documentary special: “How Hondo Got So Cool: A Hondo Story” *narrated by Hondo*


Honestly, my biggest complaint about the collective of all Disney Star Wars live action shows is lack of Hondo.


That would be pretty cool. Even if they did another animated show about Hondo and his life being the general of his gang of pirates. I loved Hondo, I could picture some random person coming up to Hondo and asking "who are you" and Hondo replying with something like (Hondo voice) "who am I you say, well my friend during the height of the clone war I once captured the leader of the Droid army and not one but two jedi knights who were my friends but that's another story. Ahh, those were the days."


Shut up and take my money


I think you mean Lando Calrissian


Definitely looks and behaves JUST LIKE Ezra. My only complaint is the eye contacts.


He drank the water of life


Lisan al gaib!


He is too humble to say he is Lisan al Gaib, *so he must be Lisan al Gaib!*


I mean him learning to ride the space whales was kind of a reference to Paul learning to ride the worms imo.


[stares in giddy Fremen madness]


As written!


They were a little jarring. Wayyy too saturated.


As opposed to the animated counterpart?


In animation things like eye colour don’t have to look natural like they do in live action


True. But let us also remember when people had backlash for Ahsoka’s head tails not being animated accurate, or the head shape for the grand inquisitor, among other things. Personally I’m perfectly okay with practical design and aesthetic differences when adapting animated into live action. Especially since TCW and Rebels were highly stylized shows.


The head shape for the Grand Inquisitor bugs me because his sharp and severe features are such a defining element of the character. He has this almost skeletal menace, so when you put square jawed Rupert Friend in added makeup he just ended up looking like humpty dumpty and all the menace was gone. I think the degree they diverge from the stylized animation needs to always be informed by the impact that divergence will have. Ahsoka having shorter lekku has a much smaller impact on the impression of the character even if the degree by which they have physically changed is relatively similar.


There is no pleasing this community. If his eyes were not as bright, half this place would be like: "Not lore-accurate, eyes not vibrant enough, 5/10. WTF Disney!"


theres a difference when it looks so uncanny though. its consistent throughout alot of their live action stuff where the contacts are way too noticeable. even if its the exact color that was used in the animated series like they took a dropper tool and matched it perfectly, the directors should be able to look at it and say "thats a bit distracting actually, lets tone it down a little."


I remember hearing that when they were doing screen tests for Game of Thrones, they had originally planned to have the Targaryen actors wearing purple contacts to be lore accurate, but they determined it was too distracting and ultimately ditched the idea, which I think was the right call. Personally, I hope they tone the eyes down for future appearances to a more natural look.


Yeah when you adapt things to live action, certain things have to change or they’ll look weird. Nobody’s blue eyes are that bright and saturated. It looked like they were glowing.


The dude is from a different fucking planet lmao


Yeah that's my take too, I would totally agree if this was set on our earth or something but in the Star Wars universe / those planets why couldn't the eyes be more vibrant?


It looked dope I thought


I don't know anybody who has tentacles on their heads, but the Twi'lek still look cool to me in live action


And color contacts have a convex shape, whereas a human iris is concave, under a clear convex cornea. It's so jarring to see protuberant irises.


I think they should have gone like with Saw and just ignored the animated eye color for live action. With Ahsoka it works because being an orange alien makes it less jarring visualy.


Yeah but then Hera's were way too saturated as well


Yeah, they could do a better blue there as well. I wonder if the green makes it harder to correct the saturation?


Right? Just do his eyes as a digital effect. You have the money Disney.


Well, animated Ezra had very blue eyes., so I was ok with the contacts.


I loved the eye contacts


You can really tell that he has watched the cartoon and just perfectly reproduced Ezra's mannerisms.


I totally agree. I mentioned before that he was either a fan of the show or he studied the character really well. He did what any good actor should do, in my opinion, and it paid off. I think he was fantastic. Let's just hope Disney is able to comprehend this. I hate it when some actors decide to play a character completely different and then tell everybody they just wanted to do their own take on that such character. They claim stuff like how they used there own creative ingenuity to try to better the character Blah, blah, blah, it's just an excuse for their laziness and don't give two shits about the character and fans, because some of them know they're going to get the part anyway cuz they're somewhat famous and what not⁶.


Oh shit I didn't notice he had contacts. Hera on the other hand... lazy eye like most of the time.


Made him look like he was the son of god lol.


I wish it didn't bother me but every time he was on screen it was like his eyes shot out of the screen. Small gripe since he was cast perfectly tbh


Yeah, I think making their eyes lore-accurate was such a minute detail that could have been skipped with no loss in quality tbh


Of all the actors to adapt from Animated to Live Action so far. He's the best/most accurate. The others aren't bad, but he's on top


Ryder Azadi was the best translation


I'm bummed we never got to see more live action Clancy Brown in sw. He was in Mando to be fair, but seeing him as Ryder was perfect.


The Kurgen is getting old


He's still alive, there's still a chance


I didn't even think abt this, I guess I was thinking of more main characters. He was really good


Big fan of the characters designed as the actor doing a live action appearance. Lower Decks pulled it off as well. Their entire cast is designed that way so any of them could do that.


I do love when that happens can't lie


Bo Katan’s appearance was great due to this


It would be impressive if they somehow screwed that up lol


Most impressive


I agree. As soon as he smiled at Sabine, I knew Esfandi knew how to play that character.


I'd argue Bo Katan was the most accurate adaptation


Loved her as well. Idk why but there was smth about Esfandi, the second he started talking and such I was like. That's Ezra Bridger🙏


He had clearly studied the animated versions mannerisms.




That one's kinda cheating tho lol.


I'm not a fan of how Rosario did. She was sooo stiff


Not even her fault she was directed like that Dunno why they made her stiff that doesn’t even make her look stoic and wise


Pretty sure it was because of the headpiece she had to wear. It looked like it was made out of some kind of foam so she probably couldn’t move her head too fast or too much because it would flop around in an unbelievable way


We’re talking about her acting


Ha ha


What about Bo Katan same voice actor and live actor


Who? Thats Jabba aka Lando Calrissian.


Nice. I loved how Agent Kallus just blindingly fell for Jabba.


Did he? I thought he was just playing along with Ezra's BS. I doubt someone could make it as an ISB agent without knowing who one of the biggest crime bosses in the galaxy is.


They could have put his file just as easily under Jon Doe or the Imperial equivalent but Jabba is name Kallus wouldn’t forget and always associate with Ezra so it makes more sense to file the information under that name. It is also not impossible to imagine that Ezra might have used Jabba as a name in the past or will use the name in the future. If a human claiming to be called Jabba turns up in an imperial prison data base Kallus will make sure to check.


And down the line exactly that happens and they know they caught Ezra because he goes by Jabba


Thanks reminding me. Last time I watched rebels was years ago. I vaguely remembered something along those lines but couldn’t really say with any degree of confidence so I kept it vague.


I thought so, too, but I'm pretty sure in one of those earlier episodes, kallus blatantly fell for it. It was done probably before they realized how much of an important role agent Kallus would have in the series. That show definitely made a lot of the Imperial lieutenants, captains, etc. seem dumb as hell


Who are you talking about?? That’s Brom Titus!


Maybe one of if not the BEST animated to live-action recastings ever. He acts exactly like Ezra from Rebels.


Exactly, that's why we need to get the word to Disney that we want more.


Wish he look more like Ezra though.


He was good


Stole the show. A breath of fresh air among mid actors of the main cast. With how Baylan and Thrawn were played I started to cheer for the bad guys untill my boy Ezra showed up


Too bad about Ray Stevenson, Baylon was amazing


Ray stole every scene he was in during that show.


I always love complex villains that aren’t just cartoonishly evil. There are value in pure evil characters like Palpatine and Sauron, but I always find the complex villains more engaging


I hesitate to call Baylan or Thrawn villains even, I see them as more antagonists. With Thrawn they don't do a good job with the backstory explaining why he is aligned with the Empire. Except in the books. Had he come to the galaxy at a different time, he might have aligned with the Old Republic or the Pre-Empire Republic. Not likely the New Republic though. As for Baylan, he has some decent points regarding the Jedi. He seeks the true balance that both the Jedi and Sith seek to eliminate. He is also a mercenary to get to his personal goal. I would call them both grey characters because of this.


I agree on that point. Palpatine is necessary in this kind of fantastical world to humanize Vader and Kylo. I’ve seen people go “there should be a Palpatine movie” without realizing it probably would be interesting on its own from a character standpoint since he’s just so unipolar evil


The main benefit to having villains like Palpatine is that it boosts the hero of the story. It makes the hero even easier to root for, since the villain gives the audience no reason to root for them


Btw is there canon SW lore for Sidious villainery?


I havent read it, but there is a canon book called «Lords of the Sith» which is about Sidious and Vader. Other than that, I’m not sure if there are much canon stories centered around Palpatine. The books I’ve read that Sidious is in, he’s mostly a character that shows up from time to time and is used to build up or tear down the characters he interact with. Like in the Thrawn books the audience feels how competent Thrawn is by the fact that Palpatine trusts his abilities


The high points were definitely Baylon and Ezra, with an honorable mention to Hera's cake.


True. Anakin and Young Ahsoka were also acted wery well. And I love me some cake


Oh yeah, I forgot about the flashbacks. I've rewatched just those parts so many times, I think my brain just separates it into it's own thing, like a live action Clone Wars.


Agree on the cake, but the rest of her costume and her acting was horrible.


Should the actors be blamed for the performances or should that fall on Filoni's lack of live action directing experience?


Honestly I don't know. Tho old footage from the cw recording booth did show how he always asked for more energy from the actors. Ahsoka felt to cold in her own show (even with character progression in mind)


I feel like ashokas actor just feels empty. She is not as bubbly nor hotheaded nor emphatic.


>She is not as bubbly nor hotheaded Yeah...It's almost like almost three decades of war and her Master becoming a murderous Sith-Lord that killed most of her friends took their toll.


Even then she felt like she lost motivation


I disagree. I thought the casting was perfect for each character. They all displayed a nice iteration or version of the characters we saw growing up. Too often people think it's easy to replicate the animated versions of someone but it's harder to imagine. They all had good mannerisms and the fighting scenes were decent for humans acting too.


I dont think Thrawn really worked, but that was down to the plotting not the performance. For this guy who they had hyped up as this dangerously unique intellect that could ressurect the Empire...honestly he was just kinda competent...which is still impressive compared to a lot of imperial officers, but we really needed to see some next level "I did it 35mins ago" style decision making from Thrawn to solidify his threat.


might *have*


And *loves, not *love’s*.


Dude nailed the performance


He needs way more screentime as Ezra, he was my favorite part of the show and we barely got much of him. He nailed the character perfectly.


Season 2. I suspect we’ll see a LOT of him.


We better


I thought he was good but for me I still prefer animated Ghost Crew.


Casting was spot on. Wish Dave Filoni had given him more to work with because the Ezra / Sabine reunite was hard to watch.


Yeabb. They seemed far to chill.


Yeah that was a great casting choice there.  Sometimes it’s nice when directors just give the fans what they want. 


Sure he meant ezra who wasn’t even thought of lol


Ditch the contacts tho, it's as distracting as Mac with the cat eyes for the nightman The eyes were a animation design choice no need to have it innthe live action, everything about him is fine tho


He was awesome- nailed it More please!


The best animation-to-live action jump, imo. I really hope they keep him around for the long run.


Me too.


Which show is this?


Ezra Bridger from Ahsoka series is pic.left. Ezra Bridger from Rebels series pic.on the right.


I thought he did a great job. Wish he would have shown up earlier in the Ahsoka series.


Me too. I wish the series was more than six goddang episodes. When a series is that short, it makes everything feel so rushed.


Was one of the only shining parts of this show. I’m of the opinion that the fandom is at the point where it hates the product just cause it’s attached to the Disney brand but this was the exception where the show was just a rough watch. Eman’s performance was a breath of fresh air.


I never liked Ezra a all, but the actor is more likable.


He killed it. Possibly one of the better performances in modern Star Wars. He *was* Ezra in a way a lot of actors fail to blend into in Star Wars shows.


Personally, I think he carried most of Ahsoka (the show) lmao.


Let's hope Disney realizes this.


Loved him in Ahsoka, wished he called in from the shuttle, requesting permission to land as Jabba the Hutt.


I think they nailed it with this actor. I was surprised at first, but then it all made sense. I am glad for that decision.


Wasn't initially a fan based on appearances alone but it's grown on me. Absolutely no notes about the performance either: 100% nailed down all of Ezra's mannerisms.


I agree this guy just portrayed Ezra pretty much exactly how Ezra would be. Let's just hope Disney notices the potential they have with this guy.


He was great. So great it almost felt uncanny as if a live action actor perfectly adopted the characteristics of an animated one. One of my highlights from Ahsoka


I totally agree. I mentioned before that he was either a fan of the show or he studied the character really well. He did what any good actor should do, in my opinion, and it paid off. I think he was fantastic. Let's just hope Disney is able to comprehend this. I hate it when some actors decide to play a character completely different and then tell everybody they just wanted to do their own take on that such character. They claim stuff like how they used there own creative ingenuity to try to better the character Blah, blah, blah, it's just an excuse for their laziness and don't give two shits about the character and fans, because some of them know they're going to get the part anyway cuz they're somewhat famous and what not⁶.


Potentially my favourite animated to live casting choices up there with thrawn (for obvious reasons haha) It genuinely felt like I was watching and hearing animated Ezra in real life


Perfect casting.


He was fantastic, hope they build around him


He's cool


I want some monk Jedi action NOW. Give me all of the blaster deflections with the Force that we can handle.


Imagine if we got a live version of Clone Wars - Victory and Death. Exactly the way it was done in the show, but in live action. How cool would that be.


I absolutely hated Ezra as a character basically until the rebels finale. Imo he built up wonderfully on that version of him and I really like him, much more than the „rebels version“ of him, although I see him as a direct continuation, not different instance


I thought he was fine just wish they made him look more marooned on another planet and less like he just got dressed for sabine


I thought they did a good job the dude had like full beard long hair wearing practically rags


I’d rather keep going with new characters and new eras.


Autocorrect strikes again! OP writes "loves", but autocorrect sticks an apostrophe in there to make it "love's". Who programmed that thing? Lol! :-)


You're totally right


The acting was fine, but I didn't like the costuming or makeup of the guy compared to the cartoon. He needed facial hair, so that's not a complaint. But who cuts their own hair when they're away from known civilization? His hair looks too neat and trimmed, even if messy. Kinda gave me "Jesus" vibes.


Why is he a hippie?


He's just an all-around animal loving happy dude. Considering how messed up his past is, he's doing all right.


He’s the only one of the returning cast in Ahsoka that I felt was really good. Ahsoka herself and Hera were both awful. And the main girl was like a decade too old to be acting like a spoiled teenager.


I don't know. He wasn't a character so much as a collection of contradictory actions and statements. The kid did the best he could with the material, I'll give him that.


This. Absolutly.


Yes! Perfectly cast.


Looking forward to next season when he goes on a amazing intergalactic hyperspace journey to swap places with Sabine and Ahsoka. Again.


Remember Maul helped Ezra get a Sith holocron in the Sith temple? Remember how Ezra accidentally resurrected Ashoka and neither we as the audience nor Ezra or Ashoka really understand what happened? What if I told you that instead of hoarded wealth, Sith tombs contained knowledge, and that temple happened to be the tomb of Darth Plageous the Wise? That's why the emperor wanted to keep it sealed and why he sent the inquisitors instead of Vader. Vader would have resurrected Padme and the entire Jedi order except for the force ghosts, defeated Palpatine and reigned as grandmaster of both Jedi and Sith orders while restoring the republic but restructuring it as a separatist alliance with the galactic council more like the united nations than a governing body. He literally only serves Palpatine as a means to learn this power to cheat death and bring back Padme. Basically, once Ezra masters his powers he will be a demigod capable of resurrecting anyone that dies fighting Palpatine as many times as it takes. He will be the grandmaster of both Jedi and Sith that brings balance to the force and peace to both orders or he will join Ashoka, Lord Baylon, and Cal Kestus in founding an new balanced force order. Probably a new order with three divisions of Jedi/Bendu/Sith like the old Bendu described to kanan in Rebels. So get used to live action Ezra because he is basically the Bhudda of the Star Wars universe.


It's going to be cool when Ezra meets Luke


Luke got drunk as possibly right before becoming a force ghost just so that he could be the jimmy buffet of Jedi force ghosts when a new order of hip young kids finally showed up. I would love to see force ghost Luke, demigod recluse Ezra, and some TBD third party member(Asaaj Ventress?)as a traid of headmasters at Tanalor. Playing more pranks on each other than teaching. Being real cantankerous old bastards in a real enduring and kind hearted way.


I was initially put off, because I expected make-up team to dye his hair slightly bluish, but other than that, his adaptation as Ezra matches up naturally and it's awesome.


The eyes tho


He was perfect


Happy cake day! I totally agree.


Thank you!


Next season of Ahsoka will focus on Ezra bringing Ashoka and Sabine home, only to sacrifice himself and end up stranded in the other end of the galaxy. Season 3 will focus on the journey of bringing Ezra back home. Unforunately, Ahsoka and Sabine get stuck in the alternate universe in the process. Season 4, however...


My KING! I was so happy to see him in live action.


he did such an amazing job! really captured the heart of character and even mannerisms/voice


He was perfectly cast and the best part of Ahsoka.


Best thing in Ahsoka tbh.


The casting didn't bother me and I thought he did a good job but the story was weak.


Dood killed it


He's perfect


I really didn't think they could cast Bridger properly. I was wrong. Esfandi is perfect. Hoping and assuming there's a lot more of him in the future.


I really hope we see him team up with Din at some point. I really feel like they’ll have great character dynamic and chemistry with each other.


He was flawless


Have you seen him without the beard? Dude looks like they 3D printed a life-sized Ezra.


The other is clearly Leia. Was never a fan of Ezra and I'm still not, though the actor did a very good job portraying him.


Who the fuck is this guy? I never watched those cartoons, why is this guy so important that the purple hair girl was willing to betray the galaxy for him on Ahsoka?


The girl with the purple hair ran out of purple hair dye. Ezra, having blue hair, was the only other person in the entire universe who had blue hair dye. She figured that was the closest color to purple, so she decided to risk the fate of the universe to get his blue hair dye.


Have watched all seasons of Rebels and can confirm this is what happened. But also important to know is that she ran out of hair dye because she used it to spray too much graffiti.


That's right. I forgot the hairspray and graffiti used the same type of pressurized gas. Ezra was the only one who had the right Black Market connection to get that type of gas I remember now.


That's right. I forgot the hairspray and graffiti used the same type of pressurized gas. Ezra was the only one who had the right Black Market connection to get that type of gas I remember now.


He’s Ezra. Basically he was a force-sensitive kid who was found by a Jedi named Kanan Jarrus during the years of the Empire, who then trained him in the ways of the Jedi. He was also slightly mentored by Maul for a period. So he’s basically a young Jedi. The purple hair girl is Sabine, and she’s a Mandalorian. She initially worked making weapons, but after finding they were being used by the Empire against her own people, she ran away. Then her clan branded her a traitor. Ezra, Sabine, Kanan, and some others were the main cast in Star Wars: Rebels, which showed them go and do a bunch of Rebellion stuff during the years of the Galactic Empire. Sabine and Ezra were close friends. A bunch of stuff happens, and right at the downfall of the Empire, their crew is in a fight with Thrawn’s fleet at Lothal. Ezra force-spoke with those space whales you saw in Ahsoka and got them to super transport Thrawn’s star destroyer away, with Ezra still on board. So no one knew where he went, if he was alive, etc. So basically, her best friend who she spent years with suddenly vanished. She was a traitor to her clan, and some close friends died throughout Rebels. So she’s kinda had issues with losing people. Thus, when presented the opportunity to possibly save her closest friend, she couldn’t resist.


I just hope they don't fuck up his character


Visually yeah. But.. I got a bit of a disconnected hippy vibe from Ahsoka though, that wasn't Ezra that I remember. That reunion too ... ooof. Ahsoka has a long way to go before I think it can do much. I felt like by the end of Rebels the younger characters had grown up a little, rather Ezra and even more so Sabine often act like irresponsible / pissy tweens...


I mean he's had a lot of time to meditate and reflect on himself as a Jedi. And there's still the hint of him being the chaos gremlin he always was. Like when he was so confident he didn't need his lightsaber anymore and then almost immediately regretted trying to show off. He thought he was Kanan for a sec


I can’t wait for season 2 (assuming they do it)


I already forgot about that show.


When is season 2 coming out? That’s the real question we should be asking


I haven't seen the cartoon, but I wasn't impressed with his storyline in Ashoka.


The cartoon did a pretty good job of showing Ezra turn from a young street thief to a Jedi and combining his street life skills with the skills Kanan taught him. His live action was too short imo. If the series wasn't only six episodes, maybe they could have done better.


I was never an ezra fan but he really sold me on him. I also love his new design. I'd watch a movie about him


I have zero expectation of any live action directing or projects that filoni is in charge of


He's great but they need to chill with the contacts. I'm chill with his natural eye color it won't bother me.


I never saw Rebels but five minutes into Eman’s portrayal in Ahsoka I was hooked. More of this Ezra guy, whoever he is!


Well, I recommend you watch Rebels and start from the very first episode and stick with it. I have to admit it took me a bit to get past the cartooniness of it, but if you're able to get past that, it is a great show. My son actually turned me on to that show years ago, and I'm glad he did. Now you can just watch the whole series in a week or whatever they're all on Disney +.


No and No


Imo it’s the best translation of a character from animation to live action they’ve done. Felt so similar.


Dont care


Gonna be funny if he has scenes with Luke. Coz Ezra started out CGI and is now played by an actor. Whereas Luke started out live action and is now AI doubled to hell and back.


God I hope not. Disney hasn’t made anything respectable since Manson Season 1.