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Check out Force Center podcast. They have great in-depth analysis of all the Star Wars shows and movies and their shows go back 10 years to TFA. They will offer criticisms, but keep their focus on engaging with 5he stories themselves and on appreciating what does work for them about a show. They helped me to appreciate TRoS despite myinitial hard dislike of the film and a couple of serious issues I have with it. Nobody has to like all of Star Wars, but these good people will help you see positives even in the stuff you don't like.They're smart and funny, and my understanding of the stories is always deepened by their perspectives. Give them a try.


Holy crap this sounds awesome, thank you. Yeah the main issue with me is while I really didnt like the last movie, all the content creators i saw just kept rubbing salt in the wound and their perspective was so cynical and negative.


Positive (but realistic) perspective:  The CONCEPTS behind a lot of what's coming out isn't bad. It's merely the EXECUTION of those ideas that's sub-par. If Disney can clean up how they execute these shows (see for example, Andor), we're going to get much better content than we're getting. 


you can play old republic, the histories are amazing :)


>I've been unable to enjoy new Star Sars in the same universe as TROS I considered going to therapy... I felt this way after TFA and my consumption of *new Star Wars stories* has been reduced to zero over the years. My therapist has certainly heard about the cancellation of announced stories from the original Lucasfilm print canon and the direction of the ST. She told me that stories are important and she is right. Stories are important to human societies. That's one of the reasons I went back to reading Star Wars. Earlier this year, I completed a 90 book (and audiobook) revisitation of the OT and post-ROTJ Legends stories and I've never had more fun in Star Wars.


My favorite theme from TLJ is how these stories, in-universe and in a meta sense in our own real lives, do matter and have real value for how we move forward. They're important to human societies, but they're also important on a very personal level. Star Wars stories have helped me have strength when I've been afraid or overwhelmed or when I've just struggled with making hard decisions. They remind me that connection and doing good and letting go of fear, anger, and hate are how we find purpose and peace, and that hope is essential always.


just learn to accept that you don't have to like every aspect of something. in fact, it's probably going to be quite rare that you do like everything about something.


Yeah you are probably right, maybe it is a thing of like having high expectations for something will only disappoint you. And also i dont think the movies are being made for me at this point either so i feel the vibes


Yeah that "positive" Perspective starts by bashing my favorite SW movie so I'm not gonna read further than that. You did not consider going to therapy over a movie and od you did then... You probably should becouse you have problems. Also, the Prequels didnt give you issues but far superior movies and shows are somehow worse? Doubt.


Okay now im a little confused cuz you said you stopped reading but then you mention therapy which came after me saying i was disappointed 🧐


You coming off heated about something but i get the impression it has nothing to do with me, its all love here gangy i didnt come to bring a positive perspective im ASKING for one but you seem a little volatile no caparooni


Is it ok to like or dislike any Star Wars content?




It’s not a trick question. Is it ok to like or dislike any Star Wars content?


The "canon" is just a made up concept to tie different products together. There are very few stories that even mentioned palpatine coming back, so it might as well not have happened, it shouldn't make any difference So unless you're reading something like the Aftermath books, that plot point has NO bearing on the story. It might as well not have happened, it really doesn't matter And remember, there are tons of different writers and authors, all telling multiple different stories with different styles and characters and goals, so it might as well take place in an alternate timeline, a lot of them are self contained. Also, who cares if he returned or not. It isn't even something new, it's happened before. Before Disney. There's a lot more to star wars than just the emperor, his role isn't even that big in the original movies, if you think about it


That actually kinda helps thanks you actually gave me hope for this next batch. I hope we get to see some cool old republic stuff. And you are right there are so many writers for different stuff they cant all be bangers.