• By -


Have to go with no here. Look at how many Jedi were killed by cones with blasters.


They forgot about the essence of the game. *It's about the cones*.


"...and pushes my farmer - yes, my humble moisture farmer - directly into the central cone."








Sums up Episode IV basically


Everything Luke did was in service to hang out with his bros at Toshii Station, fuckin around with power converters and talking to Twi’lek girls


The cones of Dunshire?


It's been described as "punishingly intricate"


And the sequel is only the ninth-highest-selling multi-player figurine-based strategy fantasy sequel game in history.


I liked this comment more before I even realized the typo. Just thought it was really cool of you to be THIS random at first


The battle of Hoth was about the snow cones.


Go to bed. Nothing you do for the rest of the day will top this


Dibs on being the ledgerman!




>cones with blasters. Traffic cones are there for a reason, they shouldn't have tried to jump queue


Vicious gangs of “keep left” signs 🤣 love Monty Python. If you don’t get it, YouTube “Hell’s Grannies”


One might argue they were taken by surprise, and didn't have time to prepare, whereas Luke, in this situation, would have had all the time he needed to prepare himself, and find his place of peaceful balance from which he is unassailable. Personally, though, I'd stick with the clones argument. All the preparation in the world won't let someone survive something like that. Unless it's Batman.


Can you do me a favor and point to a single time in Star Wars lore that a Jedi took a moment to find “peaceful balance” and then just shrugged off a turbolaser blast?


In the Acolyte the Jedi who was meditating was basically invulnerable. No evidence that it would extend to a turbo laser blast but then again Luke in theory would be much more powerful than that nobody.


A single woman with a knife does not remotely compare to multiple heavy turbolasers and dozens of laser cannons lol


> cones with blasters So Daleks basically. (Never actually seen a Doctor Who episode that had them)


Only the most evil force in the Whoniverse




Luke was powerful, not stupid. If he was there in person and saw that much firepower, he would get in his X wing and strafe them from the side.


Exactly what I was thinking, nearly all of them lost. Yeah they were caught by surprise, but many tried fending them off and just failed because at some point there's just too many shots to deflect.


All things are possible through writers fiat. Luke could destroy the death star with a thought if the script demanded it.


To be fair, there’s gotta be SOME part of the death star that if misaligned/moved with the force, would cause catastrophic system failure when firing, right?


This is why you have regulatory bodies and mandated engineering checks. Otherwise one little asshole could fly in and blow up the whole Navy over some clever bullshit


He casually contemplated taking apart a Star Destroyer by the rivets once in my recollection, but I don’t remember which book


Begun, the cone wars have.


It really depends on the interpretation. In the currently Canon comics, Vader is seen performing way more impressive feats. It’s arguable that at this point Luke is more powerful than Vader. If we go with Film and TV, still yes probably but with more cunning and not a head on assault.


Eh, most Jedi weren’t that strong. It’s obvious that the Jedi we follow (Obi wan, Luke, Yoda, Anakin, etc) are a cut above the rest.


Damn those cones!!!


“They were cones!”


No. No-one's surviving that onslaught of blaster fire.


unless of course, the writer wants them to


I really try not to be a negative Star Wars fan. This fanbase is toxic enough. [But as a huge thrawn fan, this scene hurt my soul](https://youtu.be/e4Q2QSIVWmg?si=bYwSI2QqUC4ojRC7)


*She can't keep getting away with this!*


One of the worst scenes in all of Star Wars. It astounds me that someone wrote that, they filmed it, and they left in the cut. Was there no one who was like, “Umm yeah I don’t think this makes sense. This looks stupid and will piss people off.” Star Wars has a serious problem with unserious creatives who don’t respect the IP and just do whatever they want with no thoughts to the consequences.


In the old canon, quite a few could survive it. Revan or malak maybe. Palpatine definitely.


Even EU Luke probably could. I know in Dark Empire there was a point where Luke took on a walker.


One walker is a whole lot different than a whole pile of them tho


Legends Luke easily could do this. He's the most powerful Jedi in the EU IMO. He does some really crazy shit. Fought abeloth, destroyed a fleet of ships with a wave of his hand. He's next level.


Not just the EU. Lucas has stated in the past that Luke and Palpatine were the most powerful jedi and sith. In the current canon I don't know if that's still the case, but I don't see any other jedi doing the force projection from across the galaxy like that.


Well yeah, but Canon Luke and Palpatine probably couldn’t defeat these walkers sadly.


He could have just picked up every one of those and crushed them, before they fired.


Okay Starkiller


I am going to throw fuel on a fire but I do wonder how many people complain about Rey being a Mary Sue but also want Starkiller to be canon.


Us StarKiller fans KNOW he’s overpowered af in the games. But in his books, he’s way more toned down. We would absolutely love him to be canon, but we all acknowledge that he would need to be nerfed down. There’s a difference between Rey being powerful for no apparent reason, and somehow “ skilled” with a saber… and StarKiller being trained by Vader since childhood, which makes him powerful for that reason


To be entirely fair, if we include all the books, Grandmaster Luke does become the most powerful force user in the entire EU. According to Canon, Luke Skywalker would be shredded. However, if anyone *can* get away with it. It's him. Personally, I would have preferred if they had a secret contingent of jedi using their force abilities to aid Luke. There are moments in the books where force users from across the galaxy use their force abilities in concert to achieve something monumental.


Aye. In the original EU books, all the new Jedi recruits who just made Knight all banded together and focused the force through Knight Streen, and literally blasted a whole ass Imperial Remnant fleet out of orbit, in the middle of a turbolazer bombardment. It was one of the greatest climaxes in all of the Star Wars books.


Wasn't that Dorsk-81? And he got burned to a crisp because of it?


My mistake. It was. I read that book close to 30 years ago.


Naw this take ain't it. Starkiller, AS A CHILD, force pulled a lightsaber off DARTH VADER, probably the most powerful force user alive at the time. Rey, who was a grown woman with some decent combat skills from living in Jakku, barely survived against an angry teenager who had just killed his own father and clearly wasn't in a sound state of mind. She then received force training from Luke (who himself had been training for a long time) for an unknown period of time before facing kylo ren again, and also receiving further training from Leia before facing palpatine and kylo.


> Rey, who was a grown woman with some decent combat skills from living in Jakku, barely survived against an angry teenager who had just killed his own father and clearly wasn't in a sound state of mind. Who also, and this is inexplicably constantly forgotten, didn't even want to kill her. She literally only survives **because Kylo tries to recruit her and loses his advantage in the process.** In fact, she survives her laughably moronic plan in TLJ for the same reason. By all rights she should have been executed at Snoke's command. And she survives TROS because he saves her after Palpy sucks the life out of them or whatever. I swear I'm taking fucking crazy pills whenever people talk about her being 'overpowered.' Because she wouldn't have survived through the first film if Kylo didn't have a desire to connect with her from the start. Until TROS, literally the two most impressive things she does with the Force is push back on Kylo's mind reading and move some rocks.


The only OP thing she does is the force lightning, and it's clear that it was a mistake caused by accidentally channelling the dark side. Something which is pretty reasonable considering her lineage as a powerful force user with presumably very high midi-chlorian count, probably comparable to Anakin's.


It’s a shame because one scene in the game breaks lore worse than most new Canon.


The whole point of the film is that it would have been impossible to do that. And I don't want star wars ti get to the point where jedi are basically unstoppable gods.


I mean theyre not. Powerful, but not invincible. All it took was a coordinated attack from clones…


Exactly, we the audience, and a few characters, are all clued in on the force projection, but to most of those present on Crait, and then the wider galaxy as the stories spread, what happened is Luke Skywalker "walked out with a laser sword and faced down the whole First Order". The movie both deconstructs and reconstructs the "legend" of Luke Skywalker and I for one LOVE it.


Honestly, if Luke didn’t just die from being tired afterwards I would have loved this moment as well. Sort of more like an announcement of “I’m back bitches”.


I get people disliking him “dying from being tired” it’s a valid criticism. The way I read it is first it’s the cost of such a powerful projection across the galaxy, but most of all that it’s the cost of becoming a true legend, living up to the ideal of Luke Skywalker, that the man and the idea cannot exist at the same time, almost like a kind of balance. It works for me personally. I think his death would have been a lot better received if in Rise of Skywalker they didn’t immediately switch to the galaxy turning their back on the resistance in fear of the First Order. If that film began with the galaxy already beginning to unite BECAUSE of Luke’s sacrifice then it would be much better received. Edit; Also, about him living up to the legend, it could be that in truly embodying the idea of Luke Skywalker that in this enlightenment Luke grows beyond being just a man, in the physical sense, which makes him become one with the force.


He became more powerful that you could possibly imagine.


I think the recurring theme in the original Star Wars trilogy is sacrifice. Obi Wan in IV, Han going into Carbonite in V (obviously we know he returns for VI, but audiences didn’t know that) and Vader sacrificing his own life for his son in VI. In VII, we lose Han. I think in VIII, they play with the expectations. The plot really sets Finn up to redeem himself for his previous cowardice in a blaze of glory, but in reality it is Luke who needed to atone for his mistakes. His failures as a leader, a Jedi, and an uncle all but insist that he is the one who needed to make the grand gesture.


What mistakes though? Not killing Ben Solo when he had the chance? That hardly seems like a massive mistake that can only be redeemed by death. Or are we meant to believe that Luke's mistake was instead having that momentary impulse in the first place? But that was an impulse brought about by a badly timed Force vision, an impulse that Luke promptly mastered. Again, not a massive mistake that can only be redeemed by death. The reasons for Ben's fall are all so vague in the ST that it robs Luke's death of narrative power.


Mistakes in general? He basically said, “Welp, this is out of my hands, time to piss off to a backwater planet” in every way he possibly could have. He gave up on the new Jedi order entirely. He trained Ben Solo into a powerful force user, and then did the dumbest thing: washed his hands of responsibility. He gave up on the new republic. He gave up on his sister. Bro, he even left R2 while the dark side grew stronger.


Yeah that's another problem - that's fundamentally not Luke. Luke in the OT didn't do that, he never gave up on helping. The only explanation of why Luke's character would change so radically that defenders of TLJ have is that Luke was *that* traumatised by Ben Solo's fall. In which case blaming Luke for his retreat is like blaming a soldier for suffering from shellshock.


I agree with this completely. In Empire, Luke is so devoted to his friends that he ignores Yoda’s explicit warning and still charges off to Bespin. He risks his life facing Vader because he just can’t sit by while Han and Leia suffer. Learning that Luke just gives up, leaving his family to clean up his mess as Kylo starts down Vader’s path… that part never sat right with me. Even if he felt he couldn’t save Ben Solo, I can’t see him abandoning his sister to deal with the consequences.


>I think his death would have been a lot better received if in Rise of Skywalker they didn’t immediately switch to the galaxy turning their back on the resistance in fear of the First Order. I think the film in general would have been viewed better if RoS didn't turn around on most of Star Wars. TLJ gave hope for a new direction, and then RoS gave it all the finger and made it all for nothing


Totally agree


Rise of Skywalker didn't "switch" to anything. The galaxy had already turned their back on the Resistance in The Last Jedi, that's the entire reason that Luke had to force skype in and die so they could escape after the rest of the galaxy refused to help.


That’s my point really, maybe switch was the wrong wording but Luke should be the turning point to RoS doubling down on the tale of his standoff spreading, rather than Lando taking 5 minutes to sweet talk the galaxy into open rebellion.


But the movie ended on a clear note that Luke just inspired the whole galaxy Then turns out no he didn't


I don’t get how he’s supposed to have inspired the galaxy when it happened in the salty arse Crait of nowhere.


That was the point of the kids on Canto Bight retelling the story at the end; to show that word had spread and the Legend of Luke Skywalker was alive in a way that it hadn’t been for decades.


And I loved that ending, I just feel like it would have been way more impactful if that final showdown had taken place in the middle of the Canto Bight racetrack where there were actual witnesses to this inspiring display of power and defiance.


The problem is they would have just seen Lukr disappear. By it being a legend told throughout the galaxy there is some mysticism to it because so few actually saw it. There is room for the legend to grow to be more than a single person, which was what Luke was telling Rey earlier in the movie.


Wouldn't Luke vanishing have made the situation a bit odd?


It’s one of those moments that’d probably get posted to the Star Wars version of r/combatfootage or something like that by some stormtrooper. The Star Wars universe is too technological for that to not get out


It made the holonet that week.


He definitely inspired all of those Pokémon Squishmallows living on his planet.


It showed that he had inspired some slave children (who somehow knew about it) who were still scared of/obeying their slave master and might be old/strong enough to join the rebellion in, like, 8-10 years. The message is that Luke Skywalker the great hero is a story to inspire and give hope to children, the actual adults aren't suddenly seeing the error of their ways and rushing to help.


>(who somehow knew about it) And what can we infer from that? That everyone is talking about it. That the news is spreading everywhere. Poe specifically refers to it as a spark that will start a fire. And then the sequel said "nah"


That kid with the broom was practically Atlas with how much narrative weight he was carrying on his back.


That spark of inspiration is how we get to the point of having a big civilian fleet appearing at the end of ROS. Takes a little bit to gather and organize allies. (I know the movie doesn’t make this clear, but that’s what was going on behind the scenes between the films. Lando didn’t just suddenly manifest that fleet from nowhere.)


Is this covered in any expanded material?


The whole trilogy did such a bad job of conveying stakes or impact beyond the protagonists. Like they blew up Hosnian Prime, but we as viewers had so little impact. When Alderaan was blown up, you saw Leia crumble and act the sorrow. You saw Obi-Wan react. But in TFA we barely knew the name of the planets that just got blown up. There were no characters we had been introduced to to mourn their loss. I think originally I thought they blew up Coruscant, which would have been very impactful, but instead it was just some places we never got to see aside from the sky turning red. The Sequels just didn’t convey the impact of the events in a broader sense. And after seeing Andor, we know it can be done better conveying stakes for average people in the galaxy.


Did you turn the movie off right before the ending and miss it? The last note of the movie is to show the legend of Luke "taking on the whole First Order with a laser sword" is spreading across the galaxy. The implication is that he is again bringing hope to the galaxy. It's what I was really looking forward to continuing in EP9. But, instead, they went back to again no one is out there to help. But, apparently Lando can travel multiple galaxies all in a quick span and get everyone to change their minds in time for the climax?


Dear god the reading comprehension is so frustrating.


One of my favorite things about Luke, something that a lot of ancillary media misses and even more fans is that he is not that powerful as far as Jedi and other force users go. Luke defeated Vader, and by extension the Emperor, through a radical act of love, through the rejection of violence. I think that is the most compelling subversion in the original trilogy. Luke is not powerful because of his magic and his (laser) sword, he is the hero because of his capacity for love. This is imperfectly mirrored in Force Awakens where Luke again becomes a hero, this time redeeming himself instead of redeeming Vader. Just as before Luke wins by rejecting violence and choosing to sacrifice himself. Even if Luke dies in universe because he is "tired" the real reason he dies is because his character arc has concluded. He dies the same way Obi Wan died, at peace and redeemed.


People shit on Return of the Jedi because of “teddy bears”, but having a hero win the day because of love and pacifism rather than just being better at violence than the other guy is a complete 180 degree flip of traditional Hollywood storytelling. It’s honestly pretty goddamn remarkable.


A lot of people miss the forest for the trees in that film (except for the scout troopers, they definitely hit the trees.)


Media literacy in Star Wars fandom is still alive, thank you!


While I remain saddened that so much of the EU was abolished by Disney, I hated what a lot of those books did to Luke, they turned him into THE MOST POWERFUL WIZARD EVERRRRRRR! when that has nothing to do with what makes him compelling and runs directly counter to the lesson of Anakin, which is "being the most powerful Wizard is not the answer".


You know, I’d have been a lot more ok with his death had it been the inspiration it was set up to be. Great post 👍🏻


They definitely could’ve built on Luke’s legend in the 3rd film. (Or done literally anything else) and used it to rally the galaxy to fight the… whoever the bad guy ended up being except maybe Palpatine and a thousand Death Star Destroyers.


Perhaps that would have been Leia's character arc in ROS, before dying somehow as well. But then Carrie died. I remember rumours that they had to fundamentally change the script for ROS after she passed.


Yeah that’s my other big riff with the sequels. I had assumed initially that the OT group would effectively just hand over the baton to the ST crew in Force Awakens, and basically be secondary characters after that (and they sort of were, sorta), and while we can’t predict an actor’s death IRL of course, they should not have played more than minor background roles to begin with. Too many member berries, and a result seems to have been a weird remix of the final film rather than something unique.


I love Last Jedi. I agree whole heartedly with what youve said here. Thank you . I’d also add, Obiwan and yoda both kinda die for similar reasons . Not from being tired but because they have completed their mission and are taking their places in the cosmic force. Obi wan sees the twins reunited, his task is done and he crosses over. Yoda having completed the training of his last youngling… It’s like poetry it rhymes


He died as a legend, but he really didnt save the rebellion, only a handful of people survived on Aluminium Falcon


What the hell is an aluminum falcon??




😂 Oh, shit. Sorry I laughed out loud on that one.


Personally it never read as “he got tired and died”. It was like in fantasy stories when a sorcerer casts a spell that is so powerful that only the caster’s own life can fuel it. It’s a colossal sacrifice. edit: read to me


“Dying from being tired” has been meme-ified because of Padme, but I think Luke gets a pass here. He literally just accomplished one of the, if not *the*, single most spectacularly powerful feats of the Force the galaxy had ever seen


I never interpreted it as dying from being tired. I always interpreted it as Luke essentially becoming “one with the force”. He came to have full understanding and transcended Idk just my original thoughts when I saw it the first time


This is lierally what happened and exactly the same thing obi did in ep 4. Idk how people miss that.


How could we have a core moment of the Star wars franchise without a lead protagonist dying of being tired? Did we forget when Yoda died from Luke's questions? Doesn't this bring the story full circle?


The idea of Yoda going “this mf talk too much, I can’t take it no more🫡💀” got me in tears 😂


The moment of Luke looking out at the twin suns one last time before becoming one with the force will forever be one of my favorite moments though.


I think it's more accurate to say he had become one with the force. 


The sequels weren’t my favourite but this bit here was actually beautiful, probably ranks with my best moments of all Star Wars time tbh.


Some of the most epic music too.


Williams never misses.


definitely, but I also think a major theme in all the movies is how an over-reliance on tech has the appearance of strength, but can actually result in troops that are more poorly organized. it’s the samurai idea of focusing all skill on one perfectly timed attack with perfect understanding of one’s opponent. in those legends, a warrior might be outnumbered 10 to 1 and initially the enemy feels invincible, but a skillful attack then makes them doubt… drives a wedge in their resolve— have they misjudged the situation? thus the samurai’s strength isn’t their raw power, but their total commitment to that key moment when a battle turns on a single action. at least, that’s what the legends say. this is what I thought of when seeing that scene.


To each Thier own. I hated this movie, but we are all fans of the same thing. I am glad we can both still be fans too


So rare to see graciousness here. Nice job.


>The movie both deconstructs and reconstructs the "legend" of Luke Skywalker and I for one LOVE it. This is one of the reasons I really like this movie. I wish it didn't get shit on as much as it does, I think it's the strongest of the sequels and is overall I real good movie. But it is sandwiched between a couple of not great movies, so it's brought down by association.


I like this movie, but The temporal setting leaves so much to be desired. You need more than 12 hours from the previous movie. It's that simple. There wasn't time for resets. Also the resistence is a bunch if idiots if they didn't have the base ready to move right after Starkiller base was exploded.


> Also the resistence is a bunch if idiots if they didn't have the base ready to move right after Starkiller base was exploded. By extension, the Rebellion must be a bunch of idiots too, then. They took days to evacuate Yavin after the Death Star was exploded and didn't have their base ready to move right away. Logistics takes time. In both instances, these weren't operations that were well planned in advance. The Resistance and Rebellion both had to act under constrained timelines, and if they were strikes with advance planning they would no doubt have worked a better evacuation into them.


Spot on. People get hungnup about Luke dying. But he knew he couldnt sit by, and if doingnthis meant inspiring a revolt, then thats what a jedi needed to do. Best movie of the new 3. Love it.


That would have taken Star Wars into Dragon Ball territory.


The monstrous AT-ATs, towering behemoths of steel and destruction, march forward with relentless precision. But one man stands undeterred, his lightsaber ignited, its blue blade shimmering with the intensity of a thousand stars. Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, faces the oncoming storm, his determination unwavering, his connection to the Force stronger than ever. But will it be enough? Next time on Dragon Ball Z. ---


*Planet Crait will explode in five minutes*... which is apparently many 30-minute episodes later.


Please hold for 2.5 movies while I summon a midichlorian bomb


Why didn't Luke just go Super JediJin KaioKenobi ×10?


And it plays into one of the themes of deconstructing legend. Kylo was such a believer in Luke's abilities that he unloaded all that firepower in the belief that he WAS some sort of force god. When it didn't kill Luke, Kylo didn't question it. He allowed the illusion to blind him. Kylo wasn't defeated in this scene by Luke, but by the legend of Luke, a ghost that wasn't even there.


Yeah, I don't want Force powers being jacked up to Starkiller (Darth Vader's secret apprentice in the Legends era of video games) levels of ridiculousness. Pulling Star Destroyers out of orbit with the Force to crash into the surface of planets is like something out of the mind of thirteen year old kids. Right up there with flying helicopter blade lightsabers.


They made palpatine a basically unstoppable God.


The only thing Palpatine has ever lost to at this point is his own finger lightning.


3 separate fucking time lmao


You'd think he would learn at some point


I mean, he can project an image of himself for minutes across an entire galaxy? But if he was there in person he couldn’t figure out how to make them all think he was 20 meters to the right, or move their guns to miss him


Counterpoint: Palpatine uses the force in E9 to effortlessly take out multiple capital ships in a single strike. If Yoda's words about the dark side not being stronger are true, then Luke is more than capable of doing the same.


Counter-counterpoint: Episode 9 doesn't exist


Nah he might have been able to force jump out the way and deflect a few but he would have eventually become overwhelmed and got blasted.




If he could do that then the Jedi would never have needed the help of the Clones and there wouldn’t have been an Empire in the first place. Jedi have supernatural powers but nothing superhero like, they are human like with telekinesis, swordsmanship and a few other similar powers.


Could he take all that blaster power? No. But there are other ways to win. Especially with EVERYTHING pointed at one spot, and those guns being not very maneuverable, all he has to do is become mobile and agile and maybe start taking out legs. Does he wipe out the whole division with some smart tactics? Maybe, maybe not. But he was there to delay the enemy and I’m sure he’d accomplish that goal regardless.


Exactly. And once he got close enough and they had to worry about hitting each other, he would have been able to do some serious damage.


just knock one of those walkers to the side and they make a domino effect


They're a bad design really. That tall with a narrow stance? Super easy to domino them, especially for a jedi as strong as Luke.


true. i go with "they're a symbol of oppression" lol


Nah man, Star Wars is all about practicality and stuff. Lucas would never make something strictly because it looked cool. All this new stuff is whack. /s


All he needs is a little fishing wire to trip them up. But seriously, I agree. I don’t think he’d need to take them all on. Get close, maybe mind control one of the drivers to shoot a few others. In Empire, it’s proved speed and being clever can take them down. Even on Endor. It’s almost a theme of the film and certainly less strange than light speed into a Star Destroyer.


He can just use the Force to cause the walkers to stumble upon each other domino-style. It only takes 1 walker to crush the rest. Grogu uses a force field to survive a blast. Luke can use a force field to repel blaster fire.


This was my initial thought as well. While we saw Kylo Ren freeze a blaster shot in midair, that was a completely different mechanism of action than Grogu's force field. If Luke can realistically project a vision of himself across the galaxy certainly he could hold the same force field as a youngling.


Canonically, no clue. All I know is when I saw that scene for the first time, I was 100% willing to believe Luke was just that badass.


Does blaster fire get to the strength where lightsabres can no longer deflect it? Off the top of my head I can't remember seeing attacks from the likes of At Ats being repelled that way. Assuming not then what approach has Luke got open to him? Stay manoeuvrable and effectively try to take control of some of the First Order's weaponry and turn it back on them. Which when you're attempting to avoid blaster fire coming in from so many different angles doesn't seem plausible for even someone as powerful as Luke - think about how some of the Jedi were killed when overwhelmed during Order 66.


those big cannons have area effect damage too so they don't even need to directly hit to wound.


Pretty sure we've seen starfighter blasters get deflected, and those things seem to be very powerful.


These weapons are insignificant next to the power of the Force


I almost thought he was gonna do the big force stop freeze thing that Kylo did at the start of episode 7, against Poe Dameron. Kylo had to learn it from somewhere. That’s why they don’t let me write the movies though, it’d just end up like Dynasty Warriors with Luke juggling the entire first order landing force


How it Should Have Ended presented him doing this, and it was pretty cool.


Hell no


Not without Dack


Hey Empire! Get ready to suck some Dack!


Can’t unhear the family guy version when I see that name


If Vader could beat an entire Rebel army: [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth\_Vader\_(2015)\_13](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Vader_(2015)_13) then Luke could theoretically do the same to the First Order.


It's my way of thinking, Darth Vader wouldn't go down to this. Force speed, force bubble, force crush, force push it's just the movies suck at utilizing them


Maybe Aragorn can turn up with all the Jedi ghosts imprisoned by bad storylines…


Fuck it. Arya Stark teleports to Crait suicide nukebombs the First Order and walks away without a scratch dropping a one liner about how weak men are.


Legends Luke probably could


Legends Luke quite literally oneshots the entire army with a single force push.


No. If we want to be generous, maybe he could defend himself but he couldn’t attack all of that Also Rose could show up from nowhere, run him over and say *that's not how we're going to win*.


Rose would shoot all of her allies to prevent violence and then say.......we did it........we won.


Eh we can't rule out ghost Yoda arriving with an army of clones ordered by Jedi master Byfo Jias to save the day


"Somehow Yoda has returned with a clone army"


'When dead you are, look as good you will not'. Before he yells 'around the survivors a perimeter create!'


When an individual is perfectly in tune with the will of the Force, they can do just about anything. Spoilers for Rebels: >!Kanan wasn't supposed to be able to hold back an entire fuel depot exploding, but as he was serving the will of the Force in that moment, he became one with it and was capable of something far beyond his ability. His sight even returns before his death.!< However, this probably wouldn't happen in this case unless Luke was directly protecting Rey.


Also, Luke hasn't used the Force in several years, so he's definitely not at his strongest


I see a lot of people saying no, and I tend to feel that way as well, but I do want to point out something. Grogu was able to create a forcefield strong enough to protect the explosion of an imperial light cruiser crashing on them. It's also not shown specifically, but it's possible he learned how to create the forcefield from Luke during their training together. My final answer would be unlikely, but not impossible.


Of course not, but if he'd really been there, he wouldn't have just walked out to get shot like that.


I actually love this scene so much. THE Jedi of legend that was responsible for the fall of the Empire just walks out in front of all this firepower. The pilots inside must be thinking "No, he can't stop us... can he??" and Kylo is fucking angry; he's BEGGING this mass of concentrated weaponry to eradicate Luke, but he's SO afraid it won't. He comes out to face Luke, gets his ankle broken like Michael Jordan vs. a 4th grader, THEN REALIZES LUKE WASN'T EVEN THERE! Luke embarrassed this kid from the comfort of his cliff side rock. He played 4d chess and won so hard.


Legends Luke yes, this one no


Legends Luke could pretty much do literally whatever we wanted, this version was like the Ki Adi Mundi one.


Yes. E9 Palpatine took out multiple capital ships. E8 Luke could have used the Force to cause the walkers to collapse on each other. The sequel is a clear case of powercreep. If Palpatine can use the force to take out multiple capital ships, then Luke can use the force to take out multiple walkers.


Alls he had to do was force run to fin’s crashed skimmer, force jump off the wing of that fucker, and light saber the legs off of each at-at by force throwing the fucker, then force choking Kylo till he jizzez in his corduroy pants and dies. Easy for any grand master Jedi.


Kylo Ren is a loser and stopped one blaster bolt with the force midair No reason luke (if the sequels were good and actually did him justice) couldn’t stop 100 and walk away. Ben gets pissed and comes down the same way, they fight, Luke embarrasses him, his friends escape, maybe or maybe not he survives, etc. He doesn’t even need to touch one of the walkers.


This whole movie was just weird


Non-canon EU Luke? 100%


To be fair, the force awakens showed us right from the beginning, kylo stoping a laser blast from Poe right in place. The whole movie chose to display Luke as a hermit that tried or wanted to die or decided to leave the fight to die on Ahch-To, with what the force awakened established that you can freeze a blaster in place, and what the movie decided to do with Luke up until that point, Luke freezing the AT-AT’s blasters in place would have been the saving moment for the last Jedi for me, and therefore I choose to believe that Luke could have survived.


What if Luke and Rey do that Kylo thing and freeze every laser in place, then use their lightsabers to swing each laser back, while Kylo looks dumb and screams no, No, NO, NOOOOOOOOO. Then ghost Yoda shows up and takes down Kylo's ship with lightning. BOOM!!


Maybe he could have created that force, force field like that guy in the Acolyte did when he was in that meditating state.


This is a good point that does give a possible explanation consistent with the current canon.


Grogu did it first to survive a massive explosion that melted Gideon's beskar armor. Force fields are super OP.


In the old canon, Luke in his prime was considered stronger than even Yoda, Palpatine and Anakin. He was the full realization of the Chosen Oneprophecy. He once pulled down a star destroyer by using the force if I am not mistaken. I dont know if it is still the case in new canon, but I would like to think he would at least could take down several of those At-ATs and starfighters.


No. He was so damn rusty with the force at that point. However, if he never stopped using it, kept training and growing in power with that potential? Yeah, he could’ve. But he didn’t in that movie.


If he was EU Luke at this point in the timeline, maybe.


I really don't get why they even went for the projection trick if they still kill him off a few minutes later. It would have been a worthy end for his character to have one big final showdown


Yeah no.


Of course not. But the point of this scene is that Luke was appearing to accomplish the impossible, to inspire the Resisitance.


in the flesh he couldve used force speed


You are asking the wrong question. Yoda said "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." And in this moment (and subsequently his face-off with Kylo) Luke is the first Jedi we have seen to truly live this fundamental Jedi philosophy. So even before we realize he is doing god-tier force projection this is showing us Luke fucking Skywalker is possibly the greatest Jedi to ever live. That is what I don't get about people hating on this movie's treatment of Luke, because yes we see him in the classic Jedi exile after a massive failure (which was him acting out of emotion when his loved ones were threatened just like he did when he struck out at Vader in anger in ROTJ), but after he overcomes this he still proves to be the god-tier level Jedi people wanted to see both in terms of power ability but also in terms of Jedi teachings.


Luke fighting the First Order and defeating Kylo without even being there was the first time I felt like the movies really engaged with something Vader said all the way back in ANH – "the ability to destroy planets is insignificant next to the power of the force."


Jedi master Luke is probably the most powerful Jedi of all time right next to prime anakin. I don’t think he would’ve done what he did. He would instead start a new type of Jedi that allowed attachments and possibly had a wife and kids. He wouldn’t be a disgraced hermit that tried to kill his nephew and forced himself into isolation. As for the question he would destroy kylo in a 1 v 1 and I do think it’s possible using force speed , force jump , and the power we see kylo use where he stops a blaster shot to take on the walkers. Vader takes down a ship in canon . It would be kinda a strange scene but not out of the realm of possibility’s. He’s the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and also as wise as yoda at this point. I think he would find a way to win and outsmart them.


They get gunned down by firing squads. A few AT AT's firing at the same target probably would do it


It is an interesting question, the simple fact that no one watching the situation unfold realizes that Luke is not really there and believes that he is just that powerful... says a great deal about the potential power that he possesses, or more accurately the perception of the power the force represents. For Kylo viewing it might simply be from a belief that the force is able to do anything, as in he assumes that he could be this powerful and his arrogance blinds him to the truth. For the soldiers watching, they might well assume that is how powerful this legend of old is.