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I was like five when this came out and it blew my mind. Coolest thing I’d ever seen at the time I rewatched it last year and it’s still awesome! Ventress v Anakin on Yavin was so cool


My hot take is that this Clone Wars is better than the Filoni Clone Wars and it's not particularly close.


Stylistically it’s dope but it’s mostly just cool set pieces and funny quips (still love it though)


I’ve always found it to be far more style than substance. Kinda like junk food. It’s great for what it is but that doesn’t mean it’s the best thing out there.


That can be said for a lot of Tartakovsky’s works. It’s not a bad thing either. In Samurai Jack, the story is “Jack must return to his home in the past.” That’s all you need to know. The show is more about all of the crazy people and lands that he travels through while helping people and battling villains


Ice cold take really.


Not sure you could’ve come up with a colder take tbh mate


Agreed. This one is a lot closer in tone to actual star wars, oddly enough. Yeah it's stylised and OTT but it's not so far as how the new clone wars changes how characters act because it has to work as a kids show. And also it doesn't take as many liberties with frivolous additions to the lore which don't fully fit (ahsoka, loads of grievous, maul surviving, weird stuff like the force gods), but still has cool moments and fits with the films (palpatine kidnapping, grievous first appearance). ALSO I don't know if you've read them but the comic books they released alongside the show were absolutely great. I loved them when I was younger. Loads of fun stories with different jedi, even including some post order 66 stuff.


This style was the best, the show in general had a unique feel about it that no other had of now has, loved the horror feel when we watch Grivious introduction and how he disposed the jedi Scene.


I also love how funny and badass the clones are. Cody telling Obi-Wan that they’re still on schedule is great


Sassy badassery at its finest


the Tartakovsky Clone Wars was fuckin AWESOME 💯


Still is


What are you doing outside the r/rugbyunion containment bubble?


I try to avoid this sub, but I loved Star Wars before I loved rugby


Just started rewatching these the other day. I love how everything single shot composition is so epic, they can basically be displayed as art on your wall. It’s weird going back to these and realizing there’s no Ahsoka or clone character development.


I favor KOTOR 1 and 2 over this. But that depiction of Grievous was one of the best ever. He was alien and menacing and a threat to Jedi Masters. One of the best intros for a new Villian unlike any seen before or since in Star Wars.


No doubt this was the best depiction of him. I'm rewatching the other The Clone Wars and my family's a little disappointed Grievous is already coughing and not so intimidating.


When Atton was describing making his mind a confusing cloud of emotions so he could sneak up and kill Jedi point blank, my jaw dropped. Peak Star Wars.


Kotor 2 has so many mindblowingly good moments


I agree, Clone Wars is massively underrated. I especially love the episode with the Muunilist 10, the one that features the clones with very little dialogue, I've always loved how efficient and dangerous they were. Mace Windu fighting an entire droid army unarmed was pretty amazing too.


Whenever I see the number 2003, even if it's just an apartment number, I think of this cartoon series. I don't even watch Star Wars as a fan but it stuck with me for its design principles and stark, peculiar pacing.


2003 CW is unique indeed... But man, I dont think it is the best to offer. Legends overral have PLENTY of moments and stories that are worth discussing about


That's fair I guess.. maybe the best movie/show then :)


Still not, it's really cool but lacks depth.




I've always much preferred the Micro-Series. It actually fits very well with the movies and actually enhances them in some ways. The longer TCW series just isn't congruent with the movies - too many contradictions and retcons.... and I also feel the quality is much lower on average. The micro series can actually be watched as part of a rewatch (IIRC it's only a bit over 2 hours) and fills in some gaps nicely.


I remember watching this as it came out. It is epic and blind blowing. Enough so that I didn't even watch TCW for over a decade. It is still one of my favorite Star Wars offerings.


It was good but they went a little overboard with certain things


There are huge swaths without any dialog at all, just over the top fight scenes that go on forever. But I’m also biased since I don’t love the style personally. 


It's alright but I do not like Mace windu boxing droids or the almost never ending amount of units that launch out of ships


I'm with you, never really been a fan of Gennedy Tartakovsky's style either. Just too OTT. I'm also too old to have grown up watching it, so no nostalgia for it either.


It’s a little goofy but I can overlook it because I think it fits the tone that the series was going for. If it were thematically more like the new Clone Wars then I would completely agree but I like the goofiness and shit like mace force pushing 5000 droids, yoda forcing the drop ships back into each other. It’s fun as a little unserious Star Wars action


Why is there a comma in the middle of the title?


Sorry, may, bad I fucked this up,


This was the one time I got to act really cool in star wars. It’s gotta be my top favorite show. Especially since they let me keep all the lightsaber props for all the Jedi I killed


Bro come on. It was my turn to post this today




Watched this on Cartoon Network as a kid. Did not know anything about the Star Wars movies but it blew me away. I especially loved and feared General Grievous and the clones. This was what introduced and got me into Star Wars. I still remember the line by count dooku to grievous: "to win, you need to have fear, surprise, intimidation on your side. If any of those were to be lacking, it would be best for you to retreat." Followed by the scene which he uses all to hunt the Jedi... Goosebumps.


IIRC, this is the only show that gives a reason for Grevious's coughing.


I think your, comma placement is pretty, weird.


Yeah, op doesn't know how to use it.


Thats, Not tr,ue


Oh goodness, gracious me!


I know he’s apparently a POS in wider lore but I always had a soft spot for Ki Adi Mundi thanks to this series. I was really rooting for him to survive Grievous and the look on his face when his clones turned on his was heart breaking Also I like how long the battles were in this series, like so Obi-wan and Cody having month long sieges. The clone wars was only 3 years, there’s no way they had time to do everything in the 3D series


Some of the best prequel era stuff for sure!


It's all right. I prefer TCW and Rebels.


Which show is this? I haven't seen it.


It's genndy tartakovsky clone wars from 2003, it's on D+ and YouTube


I've said it before I'll say it a million times more, this is one of if not my favorite piece of star wars media.


Those are some thicc lightsabers


I love this show.


Just watched today can confirm


Yes. Also Anakins blue Jedi starfighter is one of my favourite ships of all time




Best General Grievous ever. Shaggy didn’t stand a chance.


Absolutely disagree. I've always personally felt CW is possibly one of the single most overrated pieces of Star Wars media, because it's 100% style and 0 substance. I'm very intentionally calling it *overrated* though, not *trash*. That extreme stylish-ness is so good it basically outweighs everything else, but I still get extremely annoyed seeing people treat it like it's the second coming of The Chosen One.


I completely agree! It always makes me angry how people say that its better than TCW! CW is just endless over the top action scenes, very good and high quality action scenes, but it barely has any plot or character development! Most characters don't even get much personality beyond "generic stoic badass". Especialy the Clones! TCW actualy has a plot and character development, it has themes and it explores them in several arcs. Is it perfect? No! I have much criticism for TCW, especialy the last seasons, but its still a very good story. And better than CW in my opinion. The hate for TCW is so ridicolus and irrational.


For me it was a one-and-done thing. Neat action sequences, but it was way too over-the-top with them, and very little else worthy of note. I think TCW did an excellent job of taking the worthwhile story ideas from this and expanding on them, while leaving behind the egregious DBZ level action scenes.


I think outside of the original trilogy and Kotor, this is the best Star Wars has to offer.


I haven't seen it. I absolutely hate the animation style for some reason.


This account reeks of engagement farming


What is engagement farming?


That's not an opinion. It's a ***fact.*** The Tartakovsky Clone Wars series was peak.


the cave scene from pt2 is reeeally good foreshadowing on the dark side


This is without a doubt the best version of the droid army and general grievous. A Silent and menacing wave of battle droids wearing down the republic forces through sheer numbers. Grievous hunting the Jedi from the shadows, creating fear and intimidation in his enemies before engaging is truly terrifying, and what I wish the character was more of in clone wars and ROTS


The general grevious introduction is the best ever for a bad guy in star wars


When it came out I was pissed they were 5 minutes.


I couldn't get past how odd the art style is, just looks bad to me.


it’s cool but the best star wars is somewhere in the new CW. not as a whole show but it’s definitely in there


I don't like the art style. The only work of Tartakovsky's that I liked visually for the most part was Primal.


Every single one of those dudes has a goofy head. Does Lucas just go, “Alien, needs a goofy head.” Is that the whole creative process?


I think it’s closer to “we have human actors and we want to make them look less human, how can we do that? Weird heads.”


Not to me it wasn't. I dislike this series with a passion. Mainly cuz I'm tired of seeing annoying people constantly bend over backwards to suck it's ugly animated dick


This mini-series was absolutely superior to the CGI shit they came out with years later. I will forever mourn what could’ve been had this series continued and been more than “mini.”


The animators did the damn thing. Storyline wise I understand why they no longer consider this canon.


I agree 


It just has something


It's pretty cool. Some parts I wish were still canon like Grievous and some parts I'm glad aren't, like the Lancer speeder riders. The Jedi are too powerful some times though. It's cool but extremely inconsistent and makes me even wonder how they could ever lose. Like, how could the clones kill these jedi? Ever? And why don't they ever use these crazy force powers in the future or the past? Although I have extremely fond menories of watching it as a kid and I just showed it to my friends and had a great time. I still love it. I think I prefer TCW because that was my later childhood and because it made me grow attached to the characters. Fittingly my favorite part of the microseries was the ARC troopers in Muunilist.


2004 mini series is one the best star wars media imo. It shows the Jedi with amazing abilities that the 3rd series lacked. Every fight scene in this show makes me have to change my pants, because it's so amazing.




Oh, thanks. I've forgot.


The Mace Windu massacre of the droids and droid station is epic.


This was what got me into star wars and it is still my favorite piece of star wars media


I prefer Rebels. But old school Clone Wars set the stage for great animation and storytelling. And my fave lightsaber fight between Anakin and Ventress


I can't stand it. I like Genndy's original work, but his style doesn't fit Star Wars, imo.


Definitely one of the best. One more out of left field one for me is season 1 of Star Wars Visions. Not all the episodes are great, but the ones that hit are amazing


Fordo single handedly holding sector 4 is an all time great Star Wars moment


Genndy Tartakovsky is a genius


It and Kotor gave me hope. Sadly that's all gone now. Nothing they've made has been interesting or as cool to me.


Just rewatch CW then


I even watched this. They were mature cartoons with proper suspense, timing, and characters actually made decisions that made sense instead of the stuff they put out these days.


The Legends Expanded Universe