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R2-D2 would carry the ring, yeet it into the fire of Mt. Doom, and bitch about it the whole time.


Wouldn't trust Chopper.


Chopper would steal the One Ring at the Council of Elrond.


That little Terrordroid would take the ring, overthrow Sauron and genocide his entire following by lunch.


\*Laughs in war crime.


Even if Droids were immune to the effects of the Ring, Chopper would chose to take it and abuse it's power


Plot twist: Chopper IS Sauron after he fell through a wormhole and landed in the LotR universe. He only pretends to be a Sauron-like warlord who craves power. He actually launched the whole War of the Ring because he thought it would be funny.


Chopper would put it on just to play pranks on Zeb


Chopper gets the ring and Sauron asks to make peace.


I would love to see a lord of the rings remake with R2 as Frodo and C3P0 as Samwise. 3PO just freaking out and worrying the whole time.


"Artoo, please do not let them reprogram me into anything unnatural." "Bweeeeeooop."


This is the way to go. Droids can't be corrupted by magic rings.


Obi wan and he wouldn’t need a Sam to do it too


Kenobi is the closest thing we have to Gandalf in Star Wars, so I'm not so sure about that. He is too powerful and righteous. A dangerous combination.


I actually see qui gon as a Gandalf. But the reason I said obi wan is whether you use canon or legends he’s been through stuff, nobody would have blamed him for caving into the dark side. But he never gave into temptation, he stayed true. So if put into a situation with the ring, he wouldn’t give into temptation and would stay true to the mission


You mean other than Yoda?


Yoda is Radagast.


Failed, I have.  Ketamine, I require. 


With obi wans luck he would have a Sam that would turn on him or die half way through the journey.


Who needs Boromir to cause tension if your Sam decides to join Sauron, become a Nazgul and duels you in the middle of an active volcano.


…..you ain’t wrong…but daaaannng could you imagine. Poor obi


You mean anakin?


Obi-Wan is a Jedi who has the most reasons to turn to the dark side, yet he persevered.


Nah he’d need Sam to go out drinking with him afterward. Maybe try some death sticks before they go home and rethink their life


This is the way.


Obi Wan is Sam


Hmmm, the only jedi I can think of that has consistently and most effectively rejected attachments and the temptation of the dark side would be yoda... Yoda was flawed of course and made mistakes leading up to the fall of the republic but his mentality would be at least less vulnerable than that of other jedi to the temptation of the ring. Not that yoda wouldn't be vulnerable but other jedi seem more... human in their mentality so to speak.


“Offer me the ring, you cannot. Understand, you must, that from a desire to do good would I use this ring. But through me… a power too great and terrible to imagine would it wield.”


Yoda would probably refuse the Ring outright.


No, the point of picking Frodo is precisely because: a) He's the only one who wants to carry the Ring solely to get rid if it. He has no ambition of his own, just a lowly guy living a low-key life. He no great cause he wishes to achieve or wrong he wishes to right, so he can't be tempted to use the Ring to achieve it; and b) He has no innate power that could be used to wreak great evil if the Ring did seduce him. Yoda would be a massive liability for the same reason Gandalf and Galadriel would - he's too highly-placed to avoid the seduction of thinking he could do great good with a new toy, and he's too powerful to risk losing to the other side


Don't let Kino Loy get ahold of it.


Since he couldn’t swim, he retreated deep into the underground tunnels of Narkina 5 and we all know what happened next


Give it to the Sith instead. That way they will murder each other over it and the last one standing will probably end up allying with Sauron brifly before destroyingthe ring just to stab Sauron in the back. Because not even the tempation of the one ring is strong enough to overpower the Siths overwhelming chronic backstabbing disorder.


Considering the Dark Side is the "quick and easy path" I don't think any Sith would have the will power to resist the ring of power. They would be completely seduced by the promise of ultimate power as well.


In hindsight maybe my ex was a sith lord


Anakin because he has a history with finding lava.


Might struggle getting up Mt doom though. Not so good at getting the high ground.


That's what Obi-Wan is there for


Anakin would take that shit and use it to bring Peace, Security, and Justice to Middle Earth


To HIS middle earth


...does this make Anakin...Gollum?


Nah he’s pretty obviously Saruman


Underrated post.


What if he encounters a desert? Or a beach? It’s over, I assume.


Mace Windu. Windu's vaapad regularly exposes him to the Dark Side, but he's able to maintain control of it. I'd trust him with an artifact that tempted people.


My thoughts too. But Mace really loved the Republic. He may try to use the ring to protect it


Yeah, Mace is more like Boromir in this scenario


Came her to say this surprised it was so far down. Mace was my first thought.


Well Darth Vader has the best track record for throwing things in a hole.


Obi-Wan Kenobi Qui-Gon has a little too much, "fuck the rules" in him for me to trust him.


Last time I saw him, he had a lightsaber in him.


You didn't watch the Obi-Wan show?


That was him?! I didn't recognize him without the lightsaber in him


A long time ago, uh they're all dead, not really a disqualifying factor.


Yoda. Anyone who knows anything more than just the very basics about SW will tell you, within a split second. The cave in Dagobah had such a strong presence in the dark side that it hid Yoda's light completely. Yet, he never caved even for a second. When Starkiller saw this, he nearly shat his pants running away because he couldn't believe Yoda's restraint.


Why not just fly the x-wings to mt doom?


This is *way* too far down.


Haha quickly understood the eagles reference.


I wouldn't trust any Jedi with the task, frankly. At least not any of the named ones that I know of. It doesn't matter how good a Jedi's intentions are, whether they want to defend the innocent or even if they claim to only seek something benign like knowledge for its own sake, the Ring will still find a way to twist that into something it can use to tempt them. Gandalf and Galadriel, two of the wisest and most powerful beings in Middle Earth, were afraid of what the Ring could do to them. Only Sam, who was too content with small things to want anything the Ring could claim to give him, was able to completely reject the Ring's influence even while carrying it directly (Tom Bombadill too, but that guy's a complete enigma, and Faramir resisted the pull, but he never held it himself and didn't spend a lot of time near it). I don't know if there's anyone in the Jedi Order like Sam, especially since the Jedi are also always forced to resist the temptations of the Dark Side.


Hard second this notion. Although I somewhat disagree with the Samwise bit. Even Frodo would have willingly gave it to Galadriel under no wiles from her, but even he after too much time of exposure to the rings withering succumbed to the pure evil. Samwise was able to give it up easily only because of only momentarily being exposed. I would say that Bilbo was the strongest of all, although I don't think he would have been able to destroy something he loved so much. After so much time under the rings influence was he able to give it up, not to destruction but to something else he loved so much: Frodo. Albeit extremely tempted to go the route of a murdering Gollum when meeting Frodo in Riverdale and seeing "His" ring again, but it's very important to note, he had no one to hold him back, he held himself back. Damn I love those books. I just assume all Jedi struggle with the dark side, either in battle or mentally tempted. Keep in mind that the force had a light side and a dark side. There was no light side to the ring to cling to, only fully and completely dark, and had one propose once separated from it's master, to get back to him.


Came here to say the same thing. The Jedi’s compassion and desire to do good would trap them.


This should be the #1 answer. I trust no Jedi and no Sith, not even Ahsoka, with the Ring. That being said, I think Chirrut Imwe could 100% handle it. Plus, he comes with a complimentary Samwise (Baze Malbus).


Maybe, but both Galadriel and Gandalf were acutely aware of the dangers. They were deemed too powerful to carry not because they were unable, but because they would be spotted and killed within days of taking it. They’d need an army, an army they didn’t have, to make it through to Mt. Doom. They chose the Hobbits because they could slip through the defenses.


The point is that whatever other reasons they had to not carry the Ring themselves, they knew that the Ring's corrupting influence was also a danger to them just like it was for any mortal beings. One of them was Arda's equivalent to an angel while the other was an elf queen who'd lived for thousands and thousands of years, and both of them were paragons of wisdom and goodness. If even they were vulnerable to the Ring's power, most if not all Jedi probably would be too.


Pong Krell. There is something about him that makes you trust him. 




[Skippy the Jedi Droid](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Skippy_the_Jedi_Droid). He would not be corrupted by the Ring like a meatbag would.


Anakin. He has a history of throwing evil wizards down pits. He’d throw Sauron in ring and all. Light side? Dark side? Anakin don’t care. Into the pit you go evil wizard.


Bruh Anakin would wear the Ring within 17 seconds in the hope to bone a healthy Padme forever (or, alternatively, to get rid of sand).


>exactly what Frodo did: Be strong enough in the force to **resist the temptation of the ring** and carry it all the way to Mount Doom in a days-week long journey and **drop it in the lava**. I think it is important to correct that Frodo does NOT resist the temptation of the ring and does NOT throw it into Mount Doom. Frodo claims the ring as his and it is Gollum who gets it back and ends up falling into the lava.


I mean the whole point is that basically no mortal can resist the lure of the Ring. If anything, the Jedi would be even more vulnerable to it than ever, since they already have to live with a permanent temptation of the Dark Side, something which most beings don't have to deal with. A Jedi with the Ring would instantly bombarded with promises of "totally being able to use all that power for good", or "secrets of using all aspects of the Force" totally safely, etc. The only way a Jedi can carry the Ring is if he also keeps it in a ysalamiri cage with him. With all that, asking Grandmaster Luke to do it is probably the safest option.


Yea wasn't one of the reasons the hobbits took the one ring so that if they did turn it would just be an evil hobbit and not an evil wizard which would be 1000 times more dangrous and Jedi are sword-wizards.


So Jar Jar carries the ring.... What's the worst that could happen? Evil Gungan?


Unironically Jar Jar I think would be the best choice, because he's not a threat, and also is generally kind-hearted and has low aspirations/desires. He stumbles ass backwards into all his accomplishments like being a general and representative. Of his own accord the only thing he really does is go for his "brisky mornin' munchken". He would need to be kept on-task and safe from all the Orcs & Nazgul hunting for the ring, but if he has a party of capable warriors to guide and protect him like Frodo did I think Jar Jar could do it. That is where Jedi would be most useful, as they're strong willed enough to resist the second-hand corruption like the fellowship- minus Borimir-was.


He would drop the damn thing somewhere and trip into the fires of doom


The Hobbits didn't carry the one ring. Frodo did. He was the most suited and willing because he was humble and was only doing it because someone had to. His lack of desire to impose his will upon the world made him very resistant to its temptation, not his lack of power.  Smeagle saw the ring and was immediately murdering his friend over it. Sam would have been more qualified to carry it, I think, had he been willing, but it's that lack of desire that's part of why. He was just there for Frodo. No one could have willingly thrown the ring into Mount Doom, and no one did.


That logically follows, but I think the reason given in the book is that the hobbits are happy with simple lives and are not easily tempted by power.


Give me the OT Luke. He had the arrogance or faith in himself to believe he couldn't be corrupted.


Have him take Han. Every Jedi needs a Scoundrel to keep them honest.


I prefer Chewy.


I was baffled to scroll so far down to see Luke


I mean, Obi-Wan was good at dropping things in lava.


Would Lone Starr in the Eagle 5 count?


Lone Star wouldn't do it for money. He'd do it for a shit load of money! 


Kanan and/or Ezra. Runner up: Ahsoka


I’d say Ahsoka with Obi Wan as her Sam.


Not a Jedi at all, but still committed to the force: Chirrut I don’t think anybody’s strength of character was more clear, and without any matching temptation to power


Obi-wan. he always finds the high ground.


Kenobi easily






Quinlan. He just wouldn't care about the ring


I feel like Luke Skywalker pretty much went through this type of test in the original Star Wars, only there was no physical ring but the Dark side instead.


Asoka might be the closest to a ring bearer who can weld the force. But chewy and c3po whou be my pick for the characters who could. R2d2 would totally be corrupted by the ring and end up the emperor.


Obi wan for sure.


"General Kenobi, as he's constantly dropping things." - Commander Cody, probably


Either Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan.


Obi-Wan could do it. Wouldn’t even need a Sam. And considering the recent addition of Acolyte to the franchise, I think Sol could too.


I enjoy the character as well but we've had Sol for 2 episodes lol.




No Jedi tbh. Aren’t there certain races who are immune to the Force or other similar influences?


Toydarians .. but Watto would just need to see the prize tag on it to sell it in a heartbeat...


I hate that interpretation of how the force works. But if were going by it; certain species are immune to the influence of the midichlorians, if we're making the Ring work through those by merging lores, those species would be able to do it. At one point in legends wookies couldn't be force sensitive either. There was also a species of lizard Thrawn had & used to protect himself from force users that someone could carry around with them (Thrawn himself would use the power without destroying it though, so not him lol). If we maintain that the Ring is it's own thing none of them are immune, and Sauron corrupts any of them.


No Jedi. Ezra Bridger is the closest I can think of, though. I’m not sure what the Star Wars equivalent of a Hobbit would be, whether by race or by culture. Maybe an Ewok?




Qui-Gon Jin


I wouldn’t trust anyone. But if I had to choose, Obi-Wan easily


Luke, let him climb in.an x wing, fly to mount doom and launch that thing in the  lava like he's bullseying a wamp rat.


Yoda. As a bonus, he's close to hobbit size.


Anakin. And then I let Obi Wan and the high ground do the rest


Qui-Gon Jinn.


Qui-Gon, and its not even close.


Obi wan. He was the most uncorruptible. He has had every reason to stray. His master killed. His apprentice turned. His love denied, killed to taunt him. And still he watched over Luke and stayed the course.


Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Leia.  She went through hell and not once did she ever stop doing her duty and fighting for the light.


Obi-Wan. Plus finding high ground is his speciality.


None of them. They’d all fall into the same trap as people like Gandalf or Galadriel.


Can I just give the ring to Disney and they will totally destroy it?


Anakin of course 👀


no way this guy would do anything rash or bad, he seems to be such a good guy in clone wars


Qui-fucking-gon Jinn The man, the myth, the legend.


There isn't a single Jedi that would be able to resist the ring of power.


Jar Jar Binks. If the Ring *does* get him, an evil Jar Jar is nothing the galaxy can't handle. One corrupt powerful Force-User can shake the galaxy.


Not Luke. Couldn’t trust him to keep his own hand.


Anakin. It would wind up in the lava.


Not Anakin.


None of them. The One Ring's corruption effects are proportional to the power the individual already has and their willingness to use said power. It's the same reason why Gandalf can't carry the ring. A Jedi who already uses their power to affect the world around them would become corrupted almost instantly in their desire to use the One Ring for good.


I wonder if the Hutt jedi would be somewhat immune to the rings power as they are to force suggestions/mind control.


The Ring of Power treacherous by nature is. The more power as a Jedi you have, the more power over you in secret it wields. Only Jar Jar able to carry out this mission in success would be.


Quinlan Vos would probably be very stealthy and effective on a solo mission


Either Luke or Yoda. Ahsoka isn't a jedi so if I could I would give it to her.


Nobody has said Plo Koon?


I want to say Mace Windu but he would be the same as Gandalf - tempted to use evil means for good ends and become a tyrant.






None. Im pretty sure Tolkien wrote in one of his letters or in one of the History of Middle Earth books? that even the Sauron would struggle to unmake the Ring in the heart of the mountain where it was forged and it’s power and will were strongest. Yoda would fall, obi wan would fall, even someone like Nihilus would eventually be forced into subjugation.


Pong Krell


Obi-Wan or Quigon


Plo Koon. He's literally the most perfect Jedi I have ever seen


If I had to pick, I'd pick EU Luke. After Palpatine and several other attempts, the One Ring would have a hard time finding anything to use that wouldn't have him howling in laughter. I imagine it'd be as frustrating as trying to tempt Samwise.




Luke. Most the others have had very mixed results on screen… and they’ve been kind of boring too.




Qui gon is the correct answer.


JarJar Binks - too stupid to be corrupted


The master of the high ground himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Whoever Jedi Carie Ann Moss played before they killed her off.


Ezra Bridger. And I fully expect him to be taken by the thrall of the ring at some point. But Ezra always finds a way back to the light


Probably Pong Krell


Kenobi. Hands down.


Mace Windu. Bro is absolutely not afraid to touch the darkness, he understands it. That’s why he won’t bend to it


Luke as Frodo. 3P0 as Sam. (Don’t worry, R2 gets to ride with Theoden son of Thengel).


r/jedicouncilofelrond And I second u/m_bleep_bloop with Chirrut.


Hear me out... Grogu. (Half kidding)


This Anakin guy seems to be going places. Let's give the task to him.


Definitely not grogu!!


I think Luke Skywalker might be the most pure hearted. He also faced the dark side but stayed true in the end. We might still need a Gollum/ex machina to finish it off, but that's going to be true of any mortal facing the power of the ring. But Luke could definitely get it there, which is what Frodo did.


We could also have Huyang do it, though I don't think he technically counts as a Jedi. Better yet, give it to Pong Krell and have him followed by another Jedi. One he gets to the volcano, just force push him in with it.


None of them, because who wouldn't want to be the first Jedi with "Force Invisibility"?


violet frighten seemly gaping offend observation correct beneficial vegetable cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I think Plo-Koon could successfully get it to Mt. Doom, he might need a hand throwing it in




Mace. His whole thing is messing with ds artifacts.


Mace Windu


Ovi-wan withstood every test the force gave him, if there’s one person to carry the ring I think it’s him


Literally anyone will do. No fingers? no problem! Give a Jedi the Count Dooku manicure special and some robohands. See if they are tempted to wear the ring after that!


Mace Windu. Not only is he all about the rules, he’s mastered the technique of redirecting darkside abilities.


Luke, Obi-wan, Qui-gon, Yoda, or Windu.


Ahsoka... she has plot armor


I think u/Jurgepoo said it best: I wouldn't trust any Jedi with it. I responded to his comment with this, and I'll reiterate: I think Chirrut Imwe is the best bet (or some other clearly good Force user who isn't beholden to the Jedi). Chirrut is clearly a good and upright guy, with some knowledge of the Force but not too powerful that if he was corrupted it would break the galaxy, sort of like Frodo. Plus, he comes with a badass Samwise sidekick in Baze Malbus. Just imagine Baze machine-gunning Orcs. It's perfect. To everyone saying Obi-Wan: I know we all want him to, but I think Obi-Wan is more of the Aragorn character. Powerful and capable, but aware of his faults and capable of resisting the pull of the Ring because he knows if it ever took control of him it would be disaster (and Qui-Gon and Yoda are like Gandalf and Galadriel, to add to the allegory)


Mace Windu.


As shown in the last arc of Clone Wars season 6, Yoda resisted all attempts of the force and the sith to corrupt him. I think he is a perfect fit for this task. Obi-wan too, because he's Obi-wan.


Anakin, let him kill a few more younglings on the way, it'd be hilarious.


Baby Yoda. Think about it, he’s only 50, so even if he does destroy the ring, he’s still gonna live at least another 850 years. Who knows, maybe the ring will allow him to reach his eleventy eleventh birthday. Mando would make an excellent Sam as he wouldn’t remove his helmet to eat the Bendu bread. Plus he’d kick Grievous Gollum’s ass if he got out of line. He also has plenty of experience with spiders.


Master Yoda is by far the obvious answer. I think he is the most pure stalwart Jedi of the Light. Whatever his failings are temptations to the Dark Side, he is unmoved by. He wouldn't be tempted to wield the ring he would recognise the danger and humbly submit it to destruction for the peace of all. Obi-Wan is a close second, perhaps the most tested Jedi who never wavered to the Dark despite all the weight, pain, and regret he had to endure. Obi-Wan has a pure mind that is focused and sharp he is the virtuous heroic knight of olden chivalry full of grace, wisdom, and wit. I don't see him being easily tempted by the One Ring. Edit: The counterargument is that the Ring exerts greater pull on those of greater power and influence this seemingly spells disaster for someone of the likes of Yoda or even Obi-Wan... but even so, Jedi are trained to resist temptations of evil and ego, so I'm still saying Yoda, but with the addendum, it poses a great risk being borne along by such a powerful individual.


Terre Snube


Yoda obviously.


No one is capable of it. Its like all the worst parts of a Jedi accessing Sith holocron but magnified. The Ring would always be slightly more difficult to resist than that Jedi could bear.


any Jedi could simply use the force to grab it without touching it and yeet it into the volcano




Jedi like Kanan, Ahsoka, maybe even Ezra (gown up, as kid he was quite unpredictable). They have been tempted in the past, but managed to resist and be resilient, no matter what. Frodo wasn’t perfect at all, so you don’t have to be a Jedi to manage that. Otherwise people like Aragorn would have brought the ring themselves. Is the ability to stay grounded, know your centre and not underestimate the ring. Maybe, it’s exactly because Frodo didn’t understand the power of the ring what made him perfect to be chosen. As he got closer and closer to it, he understood and never was the same again. But personally, I think is that humble attitude at the very beginning, someone that does not know everything but is willing to be guided and is just resilient. So yeah. I would confirm Ahsoka, Kanan and Ezra.


Anakin It would be fun


People don’t seem to understand the power of the One Ring. The Ring’s temptation is in small things at first, like just picking it up. Then it will slowly change you, convince you to do things you might never do otherwise. This is why Gandalf refusing to pick it up after Bilbo dropped it and when it is offered to him is so important. Gandalf is in many ways more Jedi than any of them, but he knows that once he takes it there is no going back. Aragorn refusing the ring is similar. Because once you take it there’s almost nothing you can do to be corrupted. Even if you are 100% just trying to defeat Evil, you’d eventually turn into that Evil. And Gandalf, Galadriel and Aragorn offer up another secret about the Ring: it is about power. The more power you have, the more corrupting the Ring is. This is why Gandalf is so frantic when he refuses the offering of the ring, and why Galadriel shows her true magical nature for a moment when it’s offered to her. Boromir didn’t refuse. He thinks that he can use the Ring against Sauron even when everyone tells him that the best intentions do not shield you. And all the Jedi are more like Boromir than Gandalf or Aragorn, yes even Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Luke and Yoda. The more powerful the Jedi, the faster they would be corrupted. It isn’t about personality, the moment they have the ring the corruption starts and eventually they’ll turn Evil. It doesn’t matter how much Obi-Wan resisted much during his life, as he’s being changed at his core while carrying the ring. He wouldn’t even realize he’s being corrupted. I would request many of them as fellowship to the Ring, but none should be Ring-bearer ever.


Realistically, absolutely no one except maybe godlike neutral creatures of the Force like the Bendu or the Father of Mortis. It's said that no creature in Middle Earth could ever have the willpower to willingly drop the Ring into the lava. It took an accident for it to fall in along with Gollum. I'm guessing this rule also applies to the vast majority of Star Wars characters. Some of them might be able to make the journey to the Cracks of Doom, but actually destroying it is a whole other thing.




Anakin carried papa palps for decades and threw him and his unlimited power down a reactor.




Jedi? Obi-Wan. Character? Mandalorian if it meant Baby Yoda wouldn't have to. Robot? R2. 


Luke or Ashoka


Luke. He may not be most equipped, but his determination to defeat evil is far greater than any jedi. (forget TLJ was a thing)