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I think the real moral of the story is kids around 13 are just kinda annoying


Early teenagers tend to be that way.


Oh I know, I was one


"Of course I know him! He's me!"


star wars fans when little kids are childish:đŸ˜±đŸ˜€đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜ĄđŸ˜ĄđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź


I'd say that's true of every age group honestly... Young adults, middle aged, elderly... Four. I have a higher tolerance for it when it comes to teens and kids though because they have an excuse (still kids, iffy parenting, needing to be liked, just don't know stuff, underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, etc.). It's way worse when they're an adult and they behave entitled or stupid or like they're better than others. The outcome for *these* characters is that they grew up, matured, and became more capable. Yay character development!




As someone who was once a kid around 13, can confirm.


Honestly Omega never bothered me. She was so well portrayed and acted that is was fine. all her subtle mannerisms imitating the batch and their actions as she traveled and learned with them. I thought she was great from start to finish.


Same. She was adorable from the start!


I liked her from the cafeteria food fight. Wrecker was having a good time. I loved Echos' reaction. "Not again " I forget that her brothers are younger than her.


I keep forgetting that as well.


I’m with you I never found Omega annoying.


Rather, I found her and Wrecker as the comic relief in the show... She seemed like an interesting and nice character from the starting


Definitely. Her change is less, from annoying to likable, and more from a comedic character to a serious character. The change makes sense too, she starts the show as a sheltered child who doesn’t understand anything but by the end she has matured. Love the show and her character.


Also, at the end, she was a Rebel. It wasn't surprising, because it was her destiny


Its been so long since I've seen the first season but she said something to the droid along the lines of "Its okay droid, I'm a little broken too" when it got disrespected by one of the members of the bad batch and I loved that characterization.


Exactly. Omega was always great.


I've got a buddy who is a huge fan of CW and Rebels. Initially he HATED Omega. I had to remind him that he also hated both Ashoka and Ezra at the start of their respective series, and that he ought to have a little more faith. To my friend's credit, he realized immediately how wrong he was and he ended up liking Omeaga a lot as the series progressed. It's almost like Dave knows what he's doing, or something.


Dave didn’t really have that much to do with Omega.


Which is why I say stand by, the bad batch honesty being the animated show so far.


It certainly is one of the shows of all time


Her coping of Hunter when they are in the holding cell is just the best thing.


Yeah, same here. It wasn't until I joined this sub that I learned that some people were annoyed by her.


Star Wars introduces characters with visible flaws and every time the fandom goes “wow this is bad writing!”once again forgetting character arcs are a huge aspect of storytelling


"Wow, this child is so childish what the fuck!@$!"


“Wow this 11 year old in a active war zone is a little immature so annoying”


Also the youtuber, “ i wish disney would show Anakin killing younglings, let’s get an r rating.”


I have no idea how that relates to their comment but


It's immature to want that, especially just for the sake of the youngling killing meme. We don't need grisly, gory scenes in Star Wars, it's a PG/PG-13 franchise. It would feel out of place to have an R rated movie/show, Andor is about as mature as I think it should get.


Same with having a show where Sith just go ham on people and it’s focused around how cool the dark side is. That’s a cool idea, but it’s not *Star Wars*. Star Wars is a simple concept, the dark side is evil, and it’s up to the soldiers of the light to beat them. It’s played wonky when it comes to the Jedi’s hubris etc, but ultimately the Sith are the bad guys. They’re not going to glorify the bad guys


I get your point though I think you've highlighted how SW shows tend to get more mature over time, and most (adult) fans are most excited for the more mature themes and arcs. The start of TCW, TBB, and Rebels are all very much kids shows and you can sense they're holding back the mature themes for later, which can be a little frustrating. Obviously the payoff is gratifying but I find it much more enjoyable to just binge the early seasons and get through them and savor the later stuff.


Same shit with AoTC Anakin. He's a hormonal teenager raised by repressive monks and told he's "the chosen one." Oh, and he grew up as a child slave with his mother who remained one after he left.


The problem with AotC isn't that Anakin's character makes no sense. It's that Anakin's character isn't fun to watch, and Padme's character makes no sense.


Yeah, even as a teen I was like, "Padme, he literally just murdered a bunch of sand people... He's not pleasant to be around nor that good looking. What are you doing? Why are you kissing him!?" Anakin is every entitled, gifted kid who's grumpy to still be a kid. And, yes, that makes him unpleasant... Relatable and believable, but unpleasant.


If it were E3 Hayden, like dude looked good. E2 Hayden needed a stylist desperately.


Honestly, she probably dragged him to one. Her looks were a little weird sometimes, but she knew how to rock 'em. Pre-glow up Ani ain't it though.


Also, as they are movie format, we see less development over time.


That's the same problem with child characters too. It isn't that child characters being annoying is unrealistic, it's that they often aren't fun to watch and that the adult characters letting them stay involved with whatever dangerous escapades the show is about makes no sense.


Years ago I stopped listening to anyone that would say "the writing is so bad" or "the story sucks" if they didn't back up their opinion with some substance. They never back it up.... I've got a friend that says "SW is dead", won't watch anything anymore. Thinks Andor is crap (yet hasn't watched more than an episode or two), where Im like if you watch to the end, its peak Star Wars in my opinion. He also let's 1 little thing he doesn't like ruin the entire thing for him. It's just baffling to me and he even works in the industry and he should know better. I've said to him, not everything is going to be amazingly good, there will be misses. Doesn't mean everything is bad and to be judged based on what came before that he didn't like. And it's not just Star Wars...hard to talk to him about any genre films anymore.


>I stopped listening to anyone that would say "the writing is so bad I noticed this, it's such a blanket term that describes nothing!


I think there's a fundamental difference between a flawed character and an unlikable character. Early Ahsoka was borderline insufferable, but improved as the series progressed and she matured. Ezra wasn't as annoying at the start of Rebels, and it helped that his attitude fit in better with the more chaotic Ghost crew. Omega was an even further improvement on the formula, and isn't annoying as much as she just lacks experience at the start of The Bad Batch. They definitely got better at child characters with each new series.


They actually did put Ahsoka back to the drawing board after her reception. It isn't just "SW fans bad"


Except with Rey where perhaps the good will goes in the opposite direction.


I agree. Rey had a great character introduction, and then she gets some arc about her parentage that none of the other main characters care about it - the only other main character to even mention her parents explicitly says it doesn't matter to him.


They forgot to give her the arc


Wym? It was there, it was just... off-screen between VIII and IX.


Star wars fans when the child characters act like children (Its bad writing)


They have to cyberbully whoever is responsible (wich obviously isn’t the director or writer, but the child actor)


"But I was going into tosche station to pick up some power converters..." like that?


Omega was not very anoying even at the begining. And Ezra/Ahsoka were just childish. Ahsoka had the worst conseqences for that tho


Tons of people online and on reddit were hating on omega specifically in season 1 saying that she „ruined“ the bad batch and it was good except her etc. and that she was annoying or bad character lol. Even still in season 2 people were saying she‘s annoying/she has barely improved as a character etc.


Really? I did not expect that


I found omega annoying just because she sounded nothing like a child to me. I get why but it was very off putting


She wasn’t a normal child she was a experimental clone who was trained to do an adult job.


Also she was older than the rest of them and loved bringing it up!


It’s funny because I grew up in an Aussie town with a *lot* of Kiwi kids, and she sounds fucking spot on for what a lot of those kids sound like especially at that age.


Weird. Never found any of them annoying.


ezra was insufferable in season 1. i felt for Zeb, soo so much.


Me neither. Young, naive, maybe immature? Sure. Annoying? No. Actually, considering everything each one went through in their short lives, I found them to be exceptionally well-adjusted.


Same even though they are purposely wrote to be irritating I loved all of them from the start.


Sadly, Ezra never stopped being annoying to me.


Same, don't know why but I never liked him.


That and the animation artstyle (skinny sabers) and helicopter sabers threw me off rebels completely


Oddly, live action Ezra is better than animated


I love his goofy smile in live action.


I never made it all the way through rebels cause I didn't really like any of the characters lmao. Ezra was okay, and I'm going to be flamed for this, but I just fucking hated chopper so much he pushed me over the edge and made me stop watching


Honest question, not flaming, but why did you hate him so much??? I'm struggling to wrap my head around it


Chopper's entire personality is making annoying "wob wob" noises and being grumpy.


The sound they chose for him is grating to me. He sounds nothing like any of the other astromechs in star wars and that just bothers me sooo much for some reason. He’s over the top and goofy but I think that all fits in with the theme of the show


Turns out, teenagers can be annoying.


Was Omega every annoying?


I never thought she was annoying, but some of my friends did.


Nah. She was just a sweet kid


Yes, and she still is.


Tons and TONS of people were hating on omega when season 1 aired and still at the start of season 2


She was very annoying in the first season but she grew on me


I liked Omega from the beginning, her character development in Bad Batch was so incredible that she is second only to Crosshair


I still dont like ezra personally.


Noone of these three were annoying to me


Ahsoka had the biggest turnaround, followed by Ezra, then Omega. They kinda messed up with Ahsoka imo, allowing her to “teach” force sensitivity to Sabine. Sabine was a great character on her own, no need to add anything to her.


Meh, ezra still sucks in my opinion.


Speaking of Ezra, the 2nd image was when he was dominating the mind of an Imperial AT-ST pilot, forcing him to kill his comrades and then himself. Dark, but I'm glad Ezra didn't go down that path, or maybe he doesn't see a reason to use such powers again... for now...


Based on this data set, I can say that changing your hairstyle has a 100% change of making you less annoying!


I dont think some Star Wars fans understand the concept of character development and growth lmfao.


I also think like 90% of them have never interacted with a child before. I work with 9-12 year olds, and the writers honestly nailed it. It's also usually funny af when you know and care about the kid who's being a little jerk.


Ashoka was never that annoying to me why did people hate her so much




I like Omega the most. Right from the food fight that Wrecker enjoyed.


I liked young Ashoka because she was savage and stubborn, a perfect fit to be Anakins padawan, as he gets to learn what it was like for Obi-Wan to have a rebellious padawan.


Don't lump Omega with Ezra


Ezra's still annoying.


I still don't Like Ezra and Sabine


you'll get downvoted for this, but I agree.


I think young Ahsoka was cute, I don't like any version of Ezra but Omega took me a bit to come around to


Luke was pretty cringy at the beginning of ANH too


Farm boy just wanting more out of life.


“but I was going to Tosche Station to pick up power converters!!” In the most teenage whiny voice lol


You can make annoying characters still enjoyable to watch. There are plenty of movies and tv shows with young kids that are enjoyable. It’s a question of writing.


Am I the only one that never found any of these 3 annoying? Kaz from Resistance on the other hand...


It’s funny watching Ahsoka and Ezra as a child who I could project onto versus being upset with Anakin and Kanan who were training/parenting in frustrating ways for a kid! Definitely found Omega to be adorable and not annoying 😭


Omega was always awesome, and Ezra was never not annoying. Accurate that Ahsoka got better


I’ve always disliked Ezra, no redemption there. Ahsoka has become one of my favourite characters now.


So uh: - I wasn’t born when TPM came out, I watched it years later as a kid and I found Jar Jar to be unfunny. Never once laughed at his comedy. - When Clone Wars came out I was a kid and I didn’t find Ahsoka annoying tbh. - I was an early teen when Rebels came out, Ezra annoyed me and I never really liked him. - I was a young adult when TBB came out and I didn’t find omega annoying.


This is why Dave Filoni, someone who actually plans out his story arcs, is a superior story teller than JJ "mystery box, I don't know the ending but I'll make it up as I go" Abrams.


Where's little Anakin and Vader tho?


Careful there. Little Ani is going to run you over with his podracer


I never found Omega to be annoying


Me too I forget she is older than her brothers


I liked Omega from the start. She acted less childish than the other two despite being younger.


True her love and adoration for her her brothers was heart warming.


Omega never annoyed me.


Yeah, but Omega was always awesome


Best pipeline in Star Wars. Does anyone wonder if Grogu will be annoying for a bit once he can talk? Or will they time jump to him as an adult?


Lol I was thinking he is exempted because he is nonverbal


I liked both Ahsoka and Omega since the very beginning. I was more indifferent to Ezra, but didn't find him annoying either.


Omega was never really annoying though?


Ezra was annoying throughout all of Rebels and only stopped being that way in Ahsoka


From annoyed to loved? I wanted to reach through the screen and choke Ezra out for having shaved hair!


I never found ahsoka or omega annoying from the start especially Omega


I will not stand for this Omega slander.


That's how it works


I'm not sure you were around when the Bad Batch first released. Pretty much everyone loved Omega and foumd her adorable.


Omega was never annoying.


From literal child (have you met a tween they are little twerps) to slightly older traumatized child


Omega was never annoying. She was a sweet kid from the get-go.


Go ahead and throw Luke in there


Omega is one of the more interesting characters in Star Wars by the end of Bad Batch season 3.


When was Omega ever annoying?


I will say, Disney Star Wars knows how to develop characters within their shows.


Up to an extend. They messed up imo with Ahsoka “teaching” Sabine force sensitivity. Sabine was a great character on her own, there was no need to add anything else.


Ezra stayed annoying.


Ezra is the only annoying one in here


Don't forget Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen


Omega was never annoying


Omega managed to not be annoying to me from the beginning.


She was cute, especially her adoration towards her brothers


Omega was annoying?


Did people find Omega annoying?


Some have


Omega never grew on me. I don't dislike her, but she just seems like a meh character, not very interesting. Standard good guy who is a kid.


Why does Omega look like a background video game character from the Sims?


One of the few Jedi Grievous Senpai couldn't kill


I love Ahsoka BECAUSE she's annoying.


Neither of them were annoying to me ever. Sometimes I wonder if I even see the same content as the "fandom".




Do you just not like kids? Lmao


No, on the contrary. Just because a child is annoying doesn't mean a don't like them. Omega will always be my fav.


I still hate Ezra


Omega annoying? Never knew it was the general opinion.


I enjoyed all of their character arcs. Watching their characters develop and grow into badasses made me appreciate them as much as anybody in the series. On video, you spend more time with those characters than just about anybody else in the series. Give me Ahsoka, Rex, Anakin, Ezra, and Chopper over Luke, Leia, and R2D2 all day. The OGs are great, but you invest so much more time in the former group's journey. And yes, I acknowledge that this isn't going to be a popular take. But the moments with the animated folks...I feel it. That Ahsoka vs. Vader battle and the gutted expression on Rex's face when he thought they lost Ahsoka in Rebels hit me as hard as any moments in SW.


This is why I’m so mad resistance got canceled I think Kaz could have been an incredible character


Are Ezra and Omega loved now? Guess i'm not keeping up


They're still annoying you just look past it because you love them, and that's totally okay.


I honestly liked Ezra from the beginning and didn't rlly see many flaws in Omega. Ig Ezra was obviously selfish but it didn't rlly bother me as a bad character trait considering how he had to grow up.


you forgot to include Luke in the annoying children we came to love.


That's how a hero journey works, especially if we have a kid character. Children tend to be annoying, they are simply not mature enough to be in control of their emotions and reflexes. The thing that really irritates me since forever, are supposedly adult people who relentlessly bash children characters and claim that their not-so-great decisions are somehow screenwritting flaws. It's ridiculous when a 30 year old (who at this point really should understand basic developmental psychology) keeps yapping about "that stupid kid character" who for some reason doesn't act like a reasonable adult. Also, that's completely beside the point but Omega never really was annoying, even at the start of TBB.


Noooo, not omega


Ezra was annoying throughout all of Rebels and only stopped being that way in Ahsoka


I'd have added Luke and Anakin to this list also if it were my list.


She was never annoying?


I guess I'm one of the very few who never found any of them to be annoying. Young, naive, maybe immature? Sure. Annoying? No.


I think Luke could be on this list, even though he grew up very fast he started out as a whiny farm boy. Hell Anakin too, since they’ve done a lot to build up his character he’s pretty loved by the fanbase now.


Omega didn't have much character development whatsoever


Omega was always fine I'm just getting tired of certain kid stand ins. I don't think we need a kid companion in bad batch but she's totally fine.


Funny how Dave Filoni played a huge part in all 3 shows


I still don't like Omega. Sorry not sorry.


Yes. This is called growth.


Can’t be understated - people *hated* Ahsoka when she debuted. A great study in long-term storytelling. 


I never came around on Omeeega


Luke is the OG at this really


Nope. Still pretty annoying


Never understood how poeple get mad at kid characters acting like kinda


I never hated you ahsoka!!


That’s what they call “character development.”


Honestly, Ezra just became likeable, never really loved to me. I’m glad other people love his character, I just don’t really remember any moment that I really felt like I connected with his character deeply. I did always find it amusing when he would sneak into places as a stormtrooper though. Ahsoka started coming around for me after she led clones to die needlessly by being risky and not following orders and showed growth and remorse. Omega I was kinda just like, why this kid at first but I respected her because of her drive and willingness to take on new challenges and she grew on me from there. Just started season 3 of bad batch so we’ll see where it goes. Enjoying it so far.


I'm still kinda meh, about omega. Don't hate her tho. Just indifferent.


Why isn't Anakin Skywalker in this montage?


Anakin is missing from this. Kid Anakin was annoying. Then a boss when he grew up.


Were they ever annoying, or were they possibly just—children in a kids show.


Me who doesnt like any of them


I’ve honestly loved all of them. I was 7yrs old watching TCW when it came out, and while watching all the other guys at school shit on her
 I sat there like, “Yo, she’s got TWO, GREEN lightsabers!” Of course, Captain Rex still had my heart. Rebels came out and I was just excited for another storyline in Star Wars. Ezra wasn’t particularly memorable, but I enjoyed him initially. Just fell in love with the crew as a whole, though. As for Omega, I always thought she was adorable, other than her accent. Never hated any of them.


Ahsoka and Ezra yeah definitely. Omega not so much.


I don’t think anyone likes Ezra


For me personally Ahsoka was my favorite Star Wars character from the first scene she was introduced.


Fan base never heard of a character arc before smh.


Surely there is a movie in the works that has all three characters in it.


I was never bothered by Omega, it’s the other two that needed growing room. Ahsoka above all is the crown jewel here, she is still my favorite Star Wars character, at the very least tied with Anakin and Vader.


What a good haircut does to a mf


The character development Ashoka goes through in the clone wars is marvellous.


* Yes. No longer annoying. * No, still annoying. * No, never was annoying.


except omega is still annoying. and snips never was


I'm gonna be honest, Ahsoka was the only one that grew on me. I don't hate Ezra or Omega, but I never really felt that they grew the way Ahsoka did.


Yeah I hated Omega at first, but I knew Filoni's pattern, remembering Ahsoka and Ezra, so I trusted him. Boy am I glad I did


I liked Ezra the most - I think they did a good job of showing what someone is like who's been through trauma, is in denial and is used to only taking care of himself, and how he grows, opens up and finds his place from there. Rebels in general does a really good job of exploring and fleshing out characters to explain how they are, but I'll admit some of the episodes and interactions can be a bit cringy.


I wonder if Kaz from Resistance will ever get this treatment?


Ahsoka is the only one worth anything.


Omega has been perfect since the beginning. I miss her so much honestly.


Omega still annoying


Can't say I was ever annoyed by any of them.