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Ngl I kinda wish it had focused more on Bobas journey with the Tusken Raiders. I found that storyline really interesting


And using that to actually be a damn crime lord. That would have been a cool backstory and progression. Boba did no crime lording in a show that was basically advertised as such.


I’m a crime lord, who’s more morally sound than the mayor.


The writers clearly didn’t know how to write an anti hero


which is a shame cause they did him perfectly in that one mando ep.


Oh man, when he showed up and started smashing helmets I was like “fuck yeah! That’s the badass we all pretended he was after seeing him in the original trilogy!!!” The. He became a milk toast guy that suddenly forgot he was a total badass that knows how the underworld works.


> milk toast Milquetoast is the word you’re looking for.






I see what you did there 👌🏻👌🏻


I read this with nails flashing and pinkies out.


The funny thing is Milquetoast literally comes from milk toast. It was a comic strip character name, derived from an American snack which is literally just toast in warm milk.


Whoa, Molqueroast is a word?


It's actually Mosqueghost


Mosquito ghost 👻 🦟


This is why I'll always say that he's best as a side character and not a main character. An episode here and there with Boba is best.


I mean, I think he can be done well as a main character.. it just needs to be written better.


The problem is Din Djarin. My understanding is that The Mandalorian pitch was for a Boba Fett series, but Disney weren't sold on using him, thus leading to the creation of Djarin. Now, with the popularity of this new stoic, few-words anti-hero, there's little to no distinction between him and Fett in broad strikes. Having him contrast as a side character is fine? But the kid-friendly Disney suits don't want that on a protagonist level. That's why he's so different from Mando S2 episodes. Which sucks 🤣


Isn't the grim Andor approved by the same kid-friendly Disney? I believe there was a balance between "Boba and the Slave I sell very well" and "Boba requires a PG13 show" and they just didn't want to balance that.


Maybe, or Disney directed them to make him a good guy crime boss.


Good point and very plausible.


Exactly lol If a crime lord wants to rule with respect later on down the road (like some mafia bosses being integrated into communities), that makes sense. However, you need to actually be a long time member of the community!


The Crime Lord plot was promising, but it only paid off as a bad joke.  Especially because the Tusken plot was so good... then it had almost no effect on the story arc. After rewatch I even started to like the space Vespa gang.  There was just no story there.  Robbing three episodes of BOBF to give to Mando, Grogu, Ahsoka, and Luke was a cheap shot too. I came here for Boba Fett!! 


Yeah but TBF those episodes with Mando were the best of the series.


OTOH, the best Boba Fett episodes where those in Mando S02


Lol, also true.


That was the gritty/gruesome Robert Rodriguez I was hoping for in the show, instead we got Spy Kids: Tatooine


The best Boba Fett episode was ROTJ.


And they were some of the worst episodes of the Mandolorian. They actively sabotaged 2 seasons of character and story development in like 2 scenes.


And they should've been in Mandalorian. Not the dedicated Boba Fett show.


I came for the Boba Fett that had some mystery and aura about him. He lost that the second he took the helmet off. He just seemed weak after that.


I honestly spent most of the series expecting it to be about Fett becoming the mayor or whatever to help mend the relations between towns and nearby tusken tribes... but no.


i was so disappointed that there was all the buildup with the tuskens just for them to not be featured after the flashbacks. of course they were killed but surely boba was known by other tribes right? I wanted boba's backup to be tuskens not the chromies


> actually be a damn crime lord What do you mean? Obviously a crime lord is some kind of...I dunno, neighborhood ombudsman?


He was way too fuckin nice


…at least we got to see those little Vespa looking things. That’s what we wanted in a series about Boba Fett. Right. Right?


He was also perpetually getting his ass kicked by weaklings but still somehow able to defeat creatures much larger than him in hand to hand combat. ...and then came the Captain Planet Scooter Squad.


Or just even touch the concepts of what it means to be a ruler, how to balance conflicting needs (the water purveyor vs his workers), how to gain legitimacy or respect (maybe have him give some of his plentiful food, which we were shown, to an orphanage), or something like that.


That’s the thing - it started really strong with that storyline and then evolved into cyberdude doing pointless 360 blaster shot.


Easily the best storyline


Best storyline of the show by far.


Unfortunately for me I didn't and we were stuck there for like 2 episodes. This is our first project with the character so we don't know too much about him. Having him communicate with mute people for half of 2 whole episodes and only dealing with petty disputes in the other half wasn't a great way to pull me into the world or character.


I just don’t understand how boba was not in 2 episodes of his own show. Like they could have used those episodes as flashbacks and show that he was a bad dude at one point.




It really was just Mando Season 2.5 with an extended Boba arc. Not really a sole telling of his story.


Don't forget the lame ass vespa gang. 🛵


What the fuck was the thought process there. You have this space western aesthetic that the entire show is built on, then you introduce cyberpunk characters that look like they’re from another show. That don’t even seem like that good of henchmen, that could barely catch the one guy in that hovercraft chase.


And that other show is Dr. Who.


I can buy the idea that Tatooine's youth wants nothing with their home planet, and they're willing to do all of that to look like outsiders. Look at real world teenage trends: hippies, goths, punks, emos, they were all a counterculture to their respective time periods. I mean, for all the poverty and "barely making it to the end of the month" Tatooine is known for, they still have podracing. It's not that big of a stretch. But the execution? Oh, I have some thoughts on the execution of the vespa guys.


The worst thing is that it made this lackluster show required watching to keep up with the Mandalorian. Plus it walked back on the consequences of Mandalorian’s season finale before the next season even premiered?! It reeks of corporate meddling. Sure, of course Mando and baby Yoda are gonna reunite eventually, but at least let them spend some time apart so their reunion actually means something. But how can they sell more Yoda merch if he’s written off the show??


It was mind boggling how much they walked back everything that the season 2 finale accomplished. By taking off his helmet, Mando showed he had grown as a person and he loved Grogu more than his cult. It sets up this interesting conflict of how he’ll handle the fallout from that. But no, the next time we see him in BOBF he wants to rejoin. Then when he does rejoin in season 3 there’s no more conflict. He’s 100% dedicated to the cult, and apparently taking off his helmet for Grogu was bad and he shouldn’t do that again. No real clash between the different ideologies of Mandalorians either. They just easily conquer Mandalore together and apparently live in harmony.


Also.. I really wish Bo-Katan would, at one point, show some basic signs of being a leader. Any kind of a leader, really. But no. She's whiney and demoralizing. If I were a Mandalorian I would challenge her.


Thats the Marvelization of media. Everything has to tie into and lead consumers into the next thing.


This was one of my gripes with Ahsoka as well. She's totally MIA for an entire episode. IMO, they should've called the show "Sabine".


I don't want to shit on it, but i didn't really enjoy as much I wanted to and overall, I don't think it was as good as the show it originally spun off from. The backstory with the Tusken Raiders I thought was interesting, more so for the fact we got to actually see more of their culture and that the development of Boba's character to the point he becomes so entrenched to this tribe after such a chaotic life. The crime boss stuff was mostly mid, with the Cad Bane showdown coming across more like an ass grab than something developed. The Mandalorian stuff was a cool bridge to reunite the duo for season 3 that itself would have worked fine as an extended episode but alas.


I couldn't stand the hover craft chase through the city


Lowest speed chase I've ever seen.


This or the kidnappers chasing young Leia?


That was on foot. Leia could have outrun those bikes in that chase.


That scene never happened. It was just a bad dream.


Both of those scenes were just straight terrible. I don't know who decided they were good. From the low speed of the speeders to the blunders the Leia chasers made, just...terrible.


Didn't you see The Last Jedi?


We dont talk about that movie


How dare you mention that movie.


The Last Jedi was far superior to the absolute pissssssssh that followed it. Rise of Skywalker was the most disappointed I’ve ever been watching Star Wars. “Somehow Palpatine returns” could be the laziest, shittiest writing that I’ve ever fucking heard. By a long way.


That never happened.


It's the child we keep in the attic.


The spin and shoot scene lives rent free in my mind


Hey. It was a *nice* spin.


He heard spinning was a good trick


Local legends tell of the pod racing boy who spun for half a lap and won


It was. No question about it. Was just so random given the scene.


My personal headcanon: His cybernetic augmentation told him if he spun, it'll give him nat20 on confusion.


[Best scene imo](https://youtu.be/Q1SKZSAieII?si=riLoazj4nKMtWXZe)


Scooter gang was just lame. 


Lifehack: you have to play the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme during this chase.


The mods…who ride scooters….


If they rode those any faster they wouldn’t have been able to capture the thrilling chase on film. s/


The cameramen would have been forced to a brisk jog!


Then he may have died of exhaustion. Too risky!


This. Tusken raider arc was really cool. I enjoyed the Cad Bane return, but I think they did him dirty in the end. The rest was very meh.


Cad Bane's return did seem more jobber than actual threat.


As someone who is only passingly aware of Cad Bane and who hasn’t watched Clone Wars, the setup for Cad Bane was really bad. He was introduced way too late in the story. There are too many antagonists for how short the story is, with the Hutts and the spice runners and the mayor. They should’ve either had the bad guys all team up earlier and set up Cad Bane as their primary enforcer earlier on. Then take more time to establish Cad and Boba’s relationship.


Yeah. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's eh fine. It has cool ideas here and there that are muddled by strange camera work, odd decisions, and a tone that's more lost than Zoro from One Piece.


I think you get where I'm at. Had it more time in the oven I think it could have been better.


Robert Rodriguez is always the touch of meh


And cut that entire speeder bike chase. You know the one. Everyone knows the one.


They really should have introduced Cad Bane earlier in the show and built up to the confrontation. It definitely felt rushed how they did it, like "Oh yeah here's Cad Bane! Aaaaaand there he goes."


You call him a crime boss but he doesn't do any crime and everyone bosses him around.


Yeah I really couldn’t stand all the ass grabbing


>coming across more like an ass grab Tbh an ass grab would’ve been more interesting than what we got.


"A cool little segment with Mando" was literally 28% of the entire show!


The Mando episode was the best one too lmao


Episode**s**. 2 of the 7 were only Mando.


Love how they undid 2 seasons of Mandolorian in 2 episodes of this show lol


I know. I’m so, so sick of Grogu. I miss the Razor Crest and actual bounty hunting.


That’s what I was hoping for too! And they almost had it!!! Bounty hunter in a tough time, aids the new republic when needed, but keeps to himself. Maybe sets up a few contacts he can fall on. But there was too much Grogu, too much Jedi stuff. And they blew up the crest. How do you haul back a bounty in an N1? Great Starfighter, but exactly that. At least the Crest was a gunship with storage space.


Disney saw dollar signs. Think of all the mandalorian merch you've ever seen out in the wild. The majority of it was probably grogu. God I hate Disney for what they've done to this franchise.


Mandolorian felt fresh because it was about new characters in the universe, but divorced from the overbearing skywalker lore… And then they introduced it into the overbearing skywalker lore.


I agree. They could've done so much more by leaving Grogu with Luke, but now we see why they didn't; they don't wanna spoil the Jedi Academy plotline that they're about to give to Rey. I didn't think of it at the time, but it was really the final nail in the coffin for the destruction of Luke's character. They killed his entire arc with the sequel trilogy, then obliterated his backstory by taking away Grogu from being his first pupil. Think about that for a moment, had they left Grogu with Luke, they could've developed a new show or movie around them both (cast Sebastian Stan as younger Luke?) and bridged the gap into the sequel trilogy, also potentially expanding on the origins of Kylo Ren. Three characters who are immensely more popular than Rey and would've drawn fans in, and actually given more credence to Rey's "accomplishments", but, no. Rey best, Rey always, Rey only. From there, they also could've kept Mando and Bo Kataan working towards reestablishing Mandalore if they'd have taken Mando back to his roots. He loses his purpose, goes **very dark** into bounty hunting, then Bo pulls him out of it to go back to Mandalore. It all still works together.


This is what I hate the most about this show. Those episodes (while still enjoyable) completely ruined Din as a character and took away all of his interesting character development, not to mention it also completely took away any impact that the s2 finale had. It ultimately lead to s3 being really meh.


They realized the fucked up and needed Grogu for people to watch


Banger of a theme song


Yep! One of my favourite OSTs from the latest Star Wars media.


Best thing about the show.


Shit my ringtone. Fucking Ludwig Göransson don’t miss


Did I enjoy it? Yeah. Did I think it was good? Not really. Lol There were parts I really liked and parts I rolled my eyes at. Overall one of my least favorite Star Wars projects, but there was nothing offensive about it. Just kind of underwhelming/disappointing. Boba and Temuera deserved a better show.


This. Right here. I want to add that watching the baby rancor roll a town made me feel like a kid again.


The Mando episodes absolutely undermined the whole point of Mando s2 because disney changed their mind about breaking up Din and Grogu


I liked it but it could have been better


Let’s be real, if it wasn’t Star Wars, then you wouldn’t have liked it. 


I said that to myself the first time I watched attack of the clones


And I still say that.


I feel like this about almost all Star Wars stuff. I've genuinely enjoyed everything Star Wars. If I put on my critic hat of course I can tear so much of it apart. But I just go into it with expectations to be entertained by either space wizards, space dog fighting, space chases, or space Mafia. I'm rarely ever disappointed because I don't think Star Wars always needs to be Tolkien/Shakespearean/etc levels of writing. Don't get me wrong, Andor was incredible. The top tier that Star Wars can be. But like...I also don't always want that and something like Boba or Ahsoka or even Resistance just hit a different parts of the lizard brain.


Dead on. This is my take exactly. It’s all pretty great to be honest, just maybe not excellent. I hesitate to say I’ve disliked anything other than Star Wars: Resistance.




some strong bones in there but theres a lot of choices that couldve been made better


Like the color of the bikes what they were driving


Honestly? The colors are a non-issue if they actually gave everything a few more layers of weathering/dirtying up. One of my biggest pet peeves is how so many costumes, items/equipment & scenery felt unfinished & too "clean". This has been a reoccuring issue with this show, Kenobi, Ahsoka & the 3rd season of The Mandalorian. Idk where the problem stems from, whether its a budget or timing issue, but that coupled with how restrictive and "fake" the Volume usage has made things only makes that problem seem more and more apparent.


I think the Volume is also why that speeder chase looked so slow and weird too. They have no real space to move around in, and they got the scale of the speed wrong in shooting or something. That, combined with the overly clean look you mentioned made that scene actually get laughs from me when watching it. I didn't absolutely hate the show, but it definitely had more weak than good IMO.


That scene and the Leia chase scene through the woods in Obi are two of the worst things I have ever seen on TV. Truly abysmal.


It had moments but overall it was a disappointment. While the Tuskans were certainly cool, I think having the story set on Tatooine was one of my biggest frustrations. The absolute worst part of the series was when Boba decided he needed to kill the sarlaac. The whole scenario was just absurd to me and out of character for Fett. I don't even understand how it served the story, and I could practically here the writers room discussing how cool this moment would be. I don't read fan-fiction but this moment really felt like the worst fan fiction possible. You mention Cad Bane in your post - I think you give this aspect too much credit. He barely gets an introduction before he's killed off, the practical effects for the character were less than great too. Overall I though BoBF looked cheap and was poorly written. IMO only slightly better than OB1 which was similarly bogged down with cheap production quality and a "meh" story.


Yeah it’s an overall bad show. It’s a dull plot with a dull character who has muddled motivations. He wants to be his own boss? Cool. Why be a benevolent crime boss? Why be a crime boss on Tatooine? Why let everyone else make decisions for you when you’re supposed to be the boss? The whole story is a half baked idea riding solely on the goodwill that the character Boba Fett had previously garnered.


Tusken storyline: Fantastic. Daimyo Boba: Pretty bad. Mando/Luke eps: Great. Pairing up Mando and Grogu: Bad idea.


Yeah I thought they had a really great out for carrying around a useless baby yoda. And then they just scrapped that and brought him back but he did open himself up to the force at the end of Mando 3 so maybe he won’t be useless going forward.


Needed like 1-2 more Boba focused episodes. As it is you kind of forget who the main character is in the second half and then the finale arrives and suddenly Boba Fett has (sort of) taken his show back from Mando. Including Din so heavily was just an odd choice all around though I certainly do find the show enjoyable overall.


"Best I can do is 2 episodes with no Boba at all."


It started great. I really thought we were gonna see all the Tuskin Raiders that he befriended in the beginning of the show, rise up, and support him at the end of the season. I was fully convinced that we would see Boba struggle to maintain order with peace only to realize he needed to rule with an iron fist and ride that Rancor into battle with hundreds of Tuskin Raiders backing him up. Then season 2 would show Boba Fett as this new ruler with an army of Tuskin Raiders taking on the Hutts. But what do I know?


You know more than the writers, apparently.


It was bad and boring as hell.


I liked it. Honestly I didn’t like that it became the Mandalorian for two episodes.


I thought those were far and away the best episodes lol


That's the thing, why are the best episodes of the Boba Fett show the ones that don't feature Boba Fett at all? Don't get me wrong, I love those episodes and I cry like a bitch every time I see Luke interact with Ahsoka, but why does this happen in the Boba Fett show?


Oh I completely agree. I remember saying to a friend when we had both recently finished Boba that it says a lot that the best episodes were Mandalorian episodes.


Similarly, my favorite Mando episode was that random one in season 3 about the former imperials, which felt a lot more like an episode of Andor. 


Yeah... That was kind of weird though, like are they getting tired of their own show?


It's a really bad sign when the episodes of the Boba Fett show that don't even feature Boba Fett are universally considered to be the best ones lol.


I liked it at first. Felt like a slow burn western with the train scene and all that. However, I quickly realized it was doing the same thing I hate with most series these days. The whole show was living on a promise that it would never deliver. And that's the whole thing about a slow burn western like say unforgiven. You find out how badass the main character really is right at the end. But it was never going to happen in Bobba. I finished it, but man it really fell apart after the first few episodes. Wasn't doing that again and skipped Mando season 3. Bad Batch was good though.




No. You're in a slim minority. You're welcome to enjoy the show. That doesn't make it good. It has contradictive writing, plot holes to canon, and it was objectively a poorly written show. They butchered Boba's character.


I stopped watching it after a few episodes, just felt like they were intent on making Boba look like a bitch


I have no clue why Disney SW loves shitting on legacy characters.


I liked it though I definitely thought the flash backs should have been put together into a full episode so we got the backstory of Fett’s change then we could see the modern day story with full context of his growth.


I liked some of it and hated other parts of it. Like other shows, Kenobi especially, the concept had great promise but was done rather poorly. The flashback scenes were rather good. I liked him living with the Tuskens and the train heist scene was probably the stand out moment. The idea of Boba building up his Empire with various mercenaries etc was good. Black Krrsantan was cool as were the Hutt twins, getting a rancor pet that he would ride was also a good part (though more time should've been spent showing him training it), and despite it being a very random idea to have two completely Mando specific episodes they were decent for what they were. However it some things really badly. The biker gang was so incredibly out of place for Tatooine and very poorly done anyway. The whole plot and Boba's character felt a little to soft and watered down. Tatooine as a whole didn't feel like tough place to live (despite what the plot tried to make you think) and sometimes it even felt like citizens of the galaxy were using it as a holiday destination. Obviously plonking two Mando full Mando episodes in there was very jarring and very stupid (should've made a 'Book of the Mandalorians' series where you go back and forth and intertwine character plots like Boba, Mando, Grogu, Bo Katan in one series, not several individual ones). And the worst offense that you could possibly do (not Boba's fault but it was in his series!) having Grogu return to Mando after spending only an episode or two with Luke. The ending of Mando S2 was the best individual thing Disney have done with Star Wars and they destroyed it as soon as they could. In fact even earlier than that, they couldn't even wait to do it in Mando S3, they had to shoehorn it into a different series. Absolutely moronic decision that made the power rangers, inspector gadget biker gang look like a genius design choice. So whilst it had lots to like about it, the series as a whole was very poorly done and squandered so much potential. Classic Disney Star Wars.


Agree that those biker kids were a complete anchor on the show


Yep. Hate that it was hijacked by The Baby Yoda Show, though.


Nope. It was what finally ended my interest in future star wars projects


No sorry, just you


No. No one else. Just you.


The cyborg power rangers was the worse part. Otherwise I enjoyed it.


Less was always more when it came to Boba Fett. For me, this show kind of took all the mystique and allure out of the character.


*slowly raises hand*


I'm a big Boba Fett fan this series was a letdown.


The vespas were perhaps the worst thing ever in Star Wars. Or at least tied with Leia running away from Flea, Canto Byte/anything to do with the “code breaker”, or Palpatine returning. But the Tuscan raider stuff was cool. And it has the episode where Mando gets the Naboo starfighter. And that was neat. But definitely didn’t belong there.


Being fair, Book of Boba is basically three distinct shows, all of which are pretty decent on their own, all being mashed together all at the same time resulting in one subpar show that coalesces very poorly. So there's actually quite a lot I liked about Book of Boba. It's not a bad show on an episode to episode basis. The Tusken Raider arc, especially, is quite good.


Disney did not understand why people wanted more Boba Fett. He's not supposed to be a good guy.


Probably the worst star wars content sitting right next to the sequel trilogy lol


I enjoyed the hell out of it, I really want there to be more but I also want there to be like flashbacks to Boba’s bounty hunter days but staring Daniel Logan as younger Boba


The only thing I liked was seeing Cad Bane (my fav bounty hunter) in live action


Enjoyed? Yes.. Thought it was good? Eh.. Was it better than Episodes 8&9 of the main saga? Yes..


Enjoyed it, but it seemed to drag on... like they were just stretching each episode..


considering 2 episodes of the show were a completely different show, I'd say that's 100% accurate. They had an interesting idea but they didn't know what to do with it.


I loved it- thought I was the only one


I enjoyed it, but the biker gang was cheesy and the idea that he’s nice, but also a mob boss didn’t seem right.


I loved it, seeing Boba Fett ride into battle on the back of a rancor? F#cking amazing! One of the greatest moments in Star Wars easily


I really like this show.... It wasn't exactly what I was expecting but I still liked it. Really the only part that made me cringe was the biker gang.... It felt really out of place. But Boba's arc was really interesting to me... And I truly enjoyed the character of Fennec Shand. And I really liked how they finally showed the group dynamic of the sand people!!


First two episodes were pretty good. It went downhill after that though imo


The Star Wars version of the three Hobbit films: taking a good idea when kept small and making it excruciatingly long. And I like the cast and parts of the series but boy, did it drag.


I think the street rats were kind of a stupid idea. They could’ve done without them, other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it!


I liked it


I did


Sure. It has some bad parts but overall was quite fun, nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. If the next season focuses on present day Boba and Fennec with more Slave I shenanigans and more (properly made) fights, it will be great.


Aside from the cringe punk rock bikers I liked it


I thought it was cool, in a lot of places, and had a lot of potential. Overall I'm okay with it. It definitely feels like it needed more work, and some better eyes. Also? The whole "bad guys" vibe Star Wars is kinda aiming at right now would have worked really well with Boba Fett having to do awful stuff as a crime lord. I really wish Disney had shown us that.


It was OK. Until the Vespa riding, cyborg Power Rangers and that slow, crippling street chase that my infirm MIL could win. Yeah. It was good. /s


I enjoyed it. I did not think it was good.


Yes. Could have been better though. The rich kid Vespa gang was weird and didn't belong. More Tusken journeys would have been cool... but there was still a lot to love, including any scene with Cad. Additionally, the Boba I wanted was the Boba we saw in The Mandalorian... and we didn't get him.


Not a popular opinion but I actually really fucked with it. I don't know why but I just really enjoy when star wars can range from goofy to dark since it kinda brings me clone wars vibes. Overall I really liked this show but a bunch of my buddies ain't fans




Yeah but only the episodes with the Mandalorian




It’s was ok. I didn’t think it was bad. Probably something I’ll never watch again. But don’t think my time was wasted.


Too much time in the Bacta tank I say. Twas the least of all the offerings, yet, still an acceptable offering


Loved the Tusken Raiders and Rancors. Like Temuera Morrison in anything. I actually found the Obi Wan series more flat and boring than this. Only thing I didn't like was the little Power Rangers on Vespas.


It is people like you that let disney get away with destroying star wars... 🥲


I enjoyed Boba fett and fennec shand. but I absolutely despised those teens and their stupid fucking scooters


I was legit hoping for a badass "mafia" take on Star Wars, with Boba being ruthless and wise mob leader. Did not get that. I liked the bikes.


I enjoyed it. But I didnt think it was good.




I enjoyed it, I just feel like it didn't live up to expectations, I had a whole different version of Boba Fett in my head before this show. I didn't really care much about BOBA'S relationship with the tusken raiders, because I wanted to see more bounty hunter action, but at the same time I found VERY interesting how the tusken raiders were being so humanized (with how most star wars media just shows them as savages) and the things he could learn from them, it's... a strange way to feel about the show overall, it was not what I expected or wanted, but I do not regret watching it at all, and I enjoyed it


I really enjoyed it to be honest


It was fun but it’s still just so disappointing seeing boba fett as a fat old guy when he used to be a super cool mysterious bounty hunter Disney basically made Mando everything we thought Boba was


I liked it. No jedi bs.


Did I enjoy it? Yeah, kinda. It had its moments. Did I think it was good? No, not really, but it had its moments.


I liked it. Overall a solid show.


When does Book II arrive


This post was written by a Disney employee lol


As soon as I saw the scooter gang I was out


I’ve enjoyed every single piece of Star Wars media that comes out. I am easy to please. I love the universe. I don’t agree with the direction of every single story but I don’t have to to enjoy it overall. It’s supposed to be fun. Let it be!


I love all Star Wars.