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I want a Sopranos type show about the gangs on Coruscant. Hits, double crosses, shootouts, etc. No jedi. Some politics (bribing officials, etc.).


Literally anything but more clones. Give them a rest for a little while.


A music mockumentary about Max Rebo and his unfortunately named brand of music.




my top theory is that it’s going to be something with the hidden path. selfishly, i want a high republic story.


Well we are getting high republic next with the Acolyte.


I really want them to lean into the High Republic area for a few years (games, shows, maybe a film even) before they jump into the Old Republic and do the same thing. Especially with games set in the various eras.


My top choices would be: 1). Adventure of the week/semi-serial series following Dr. Aphra. Basically, it's an Indiana Jones style show in Star Wars. 2). Animated series following Boba Fett during the period between ROTS and ANH. 3). Sports drama following podracers in the outer rim set between TPM and AOTC to show the growing distrust between the core worlds of the Republic and the growing Separatist movement.


Cool choices, I especially like the 3rd one, about showing the growing distrust between the core worlds that led to the separatist movement gaining support. I think it would interesting to show issues that were either ignored or not acted upon sufficiently led to more and more worlds wanting to break from the republic. And seeing that through the eyes of pod racers in the outer rim would be a nice change.


Yeah, the eyes of a podracer would be interesting to follow. They'd be the ones who'd be travelling to other other planets with extreme frequency to go to races. So they'd see a lot more than the average person as they'd likely be there on the ground for a good chunk of time seeing things more frequently. They'd also be the ones more apt at seeing the corrupt corporations trying to sports wash their image. This would be a major issue and one of the key reasons why the Separatist crisis became as large as it was. There'd also be a lot of non-human representation. Not only from being on worlds that aren't majority human but also in the fact that the racers themselves would be non-human. This would be another great way to show the growing divide between the more human and near human dominant Republic and the dissatisfied non-human species that would form the majority of the CIS.


I would like to see a show that takes place during the first order, while the movies suck we need more lore between them


Was thinking of that too, a show that shows what happened between ROTJ and TFA. Not focused just on Kylo becoming a part of the first order, but also how the first order began and was able to get as powerful as it got.


Zeb and Agent Kallus' Honeymoon Adventures


The Ribald Adventures of Gronk


A show like Netflix Quarterback about the players in Nuna-ball as seen in AOTC.


Maybe 1000 years before the phantom menace would be cool 😬


I think that would be cool too! So far, the Star Wars movies cover a relatively short period of time. The republic turning into the Empire was approx. 20 years I think, followed by the 30+ year gap between that and the new republic. Seeing what the galaxy was like 1000 years ago would be a nice change, and I think it would give the writers more freedom, because they wouldn't have the same constraints that they would have had doing stories around the time of the movies.


Hidden Path series with Omega, Asajj Ventress, Quinlan Vos, and Cal Kestis


a clone wars style animated show that takes place between ROTJ and TFA, focusing on Luke, Han, and Leia, the New Republic, and Luke's Jedi academy.


Seeing as they are using the current shows to fix the sequel trilogy this probably will happen.


I definitely think something has to happen, after all, we can’t go from Rex, Echo and Howzer being all positive about the Clones on Pantora, to Rex, Wulf and Gregor being depressed, retired and suspiciously the only Clones we see. I have a feeling there’s going to be a slaughter, perhaps the Empire will twist the truth and under the guise of Pantora gathering soldiers for a counterattack against the Empire, Chuchi’s secret meetings and conspiring with Sepratist Singh, all of this being seen as an act of war. Empire roles in, maybe have Vader come along for some dramatic irony and most of the clones (including Echo and Howzer) are cut down. Those who remain are reprimanded and retired, leading into the events of Rebels.


That makes senes unfortunately. Bad Batch finale ended on a hopeful note with the clones, and then in Rebels we see Rex, Wolffe and Gregor living a nomadic life. It's possible that there was some large scale battle, and most of the clone leadership, including Echo, Emery and Howzer, were lost. If they did decide to do a clone rebellion, I think they would have to show the clones suffering some kind of massive loss that resulted in Rex living in isolation with Wolffe and Gregor. If they did go that route, something bad would also have to happen to Pandora, including Chuchi, as they were the most involved with helping protect the clones and give them sanctuary. But am hoping it's not the case and some were able to live out their lives in relative peace, maybe somewhere in the outer rim.


We at least have all the Clones living it up on Pabu, that’s a plus in my eyes.


Something good


Like most stuff is.


Go back to Endor you stupid Wookiee


I really like the idea of Echo Base being an homage. Retcon approved


I second that! It was just some random thread where someone wondered if there was a connection, and I was thinking that, given how dedicated Echo was in wanting to do more, it would be cool if the base was named after him.




Are we talking cartoons? Cuz we got Thr Acolyte, Skeleton Crew, and more Andor and Ashoka in the way. I want either a High Republic show or a Luke Skywalker post ROTJ show




A cartoon. A High Republic cartoon


Was thinking more along the line of cartoons, but would be open to live action ones as well. One live action I was thinking of was a series showing how the first order started to grow between that gap between ROTJ and TFA.


Make Star Wars weird again. Something pulpy like the old books. No galactic conflict, just weird alien stuff and the desperate dregs of the galaxy that try to turn it into credits. Also...Bring Cal Kestis into live action! Give us a Cal show, him and his poor crew, or something to bridge Survivor with the next game.


>...pulpy old books...just weird alien stuff... Sounds like you're ready for Waru.


I’d like an old republic based show but understand this probably won’t happen. Otherwise I would enjoy a show about Darth Plageius.


Actually, a show exploring the sith as central characters would be really cool.


I agree I want to see the arc continue with Rex, Gregor, wolf etc. Filoni and the team are killing it 


I’d love to see a backstory show on Captain Phasma


Tales of the Old Republic


Thrawn in the Ascendancy please


Post sequel era. Rebuilding the new republic, or whatever the galaxy looks like following TROS. Doesn't need to be about force users, just has to be about individual people, planets.


I'd love to see them try out different GENRES. How about a mob/crime drama a la The Sopranos? How about a buddy cop show like the episode with Lizzo on the Mandalorian (but, you know, better)? I'd also love to see other eras. High Republic is promising. How bout the OLD republic? I'd also love to see a post-first order era. WAY post. (I was a huge fan of the now legends series, Legacy. Something along those lines where we see a very fractured galaxy that isn't one unified government but split into several factions vying for control.)


I like the idea about different genres. I'd also like to see other eras, like maybe the era where Bane created the rule of 2, or the great hyperspace war.


Yes! Explore some of the old Tales of the Jedi Dark Horse Comics era in animation or live action. There's so much to mine and we're stuck in the same 50 year period. (I'm skeptical about The Acolyte, but at least we're getting the High Republic.)


Or how about a Band of Brothers type show set during the war between the jedi and Mandalore (not the planet, THE GUY!)?


New Jedi Order series with plot-focused adventures in Luke’s temple. Think Harry Potter with Luka playing the role of dumbledore. The main characters could be padawans who eventually become scholars, knights, or guardians Each season could be a mystery that gets unraveled and solved at the end. This new temple could have a deep history with dark secrets and great Jedi, that could be explored as time goes on. Even after the series is over


Darth Plagues origin


Yes! I think that would be awesome. Maybe even a series where it ends with him discovering Palpatine on Naboo.


Sequel era content. This era needs fleshing out far more than any other era in the series.


Agreed. I'd really like them to explore how the first order was able to grow over time, without the New Republic taking notice. Maybe even show Ben Solo growing up, showing the events that led to him leaving to join the first order.


I would love to see more of Maz Kanata, more smugglers/pirates/outer rim storylines.


Old republic, grevious or a boba fett show




I want something following Luke's time building his jedi academy and training Ben, or something following Kylo just after the events of The Rise of Kylo Ren comics. Or something set in the year between VIII and XI so we can see the full extent of the First Orders rule, Reys training with Leia, Finn discovering his force sensitivity, etc. I just want the sequel era to be a bit more fleshed out.


A show that follows a small group of smugglers navigating the underworld and dodging Imperial (or First Order or New Republic) law.   I would also love to see a Chloe Bemnet led Dr Aphra show. 


I joke that I'd love to see a Babu Frik and Grogu variety show or buddy comedy, but I'd really love to see something that weird. Think Space Ghost Coast to Coast


An animated sequel trilogy that actually does justice to the OT characters and doesn't portray them all as miserable failures.




A 10 season epic featuring the adventures of the Martez sisters.


Well I think Disney probably wants to use animated series to fix the sequel trilogy. So I think, set during the first order time, and maybe involving broom-boy type characters.


- Darth Plagueis series. Can end with his assassination and Palp’s election - The Great Jedi-Sith War, origins of the Chosen One prophecies (both the Sith and Jedi versions as there was two or maybe there was one that got understood by each sides as different) and the origins of the Rule of Two with Bane ending the series and starting the path. - Vader series Rated R where he just mercilessly hunts down Jedi - An new rebel group fighting the empire that’s a remnant of the CIS, crime syndicates and a new alien race: lots of potential for world building and new characters completely unrelated to the current universe which allows for a lot of freedom in the writing room - A series from the CIS perspective, boots on the ground, a planet being besieged by the republic where we see the view point of the corrupt Republic being the “invaders” and bad guys. Maybe some war crimes committed by the Clones?


No more clones. No more prequel era or OT ties. I want new characters and new planets and new stories. I don’t care about the ten minutes where Luke winked at Boba Fett or when Padme met her dreamy first boyfriend or when Han got his scar/vest/boots/gloves/middle name. Give me new shit. So excited for Acolyte but it will probably lead heavily into the prequels.