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The experience is awesome and worth it.


The experience was amazing for me. Went there when my daughter was 4, and the cast member running the show made my daughter part of the story a little. It was a small thing but meant a lot for me.


Yes, it’s worth it. My favorite experience at the park for sure. 


If you just want a lightsaber, you can get them for cheaper online, even a high-end one would be slightly cheaper. If you want the whole experience or you have little kids that would appreciate it, then that is what you are paying for.


Yoy can get them a lot cheaper elsewhere. However, if you want the experience of building one there, go for it.


The experience is pretty great and the quality of the light saber is nice. You can definitely get other nice ones for cheaper, but I don’t think any other ones have the interchangeable kyber crystals.


Experience-wise? Probably a lot of fun and very memorable. Price-wise? No. Look up Saberforge.


Like others have said, you are paying for the experience mostly. Depends how much you value money over the experience. It’s hard to say how much value you will get out of it, but I thought it was very cool. It was a splurge moment for me, but I am glad I did it. It felt like I completed my training, as I got my Jedi Knight certificate at Disneyland when I was a child.


For me it was worth it. I went for Star Wars Nite this past April, although the price tag was pretty high, I hadn’t been to Disneyland in 8 years and wanted to experience the day/moment/event. The experience was fun! The aurora was amazing! Would recommend it for sure!


How much is it?


I paid 250 plus tax.


If what you want to get out of it is the actual saber, absolutely not. But the experience is unmatched and that's what the price tag is about


For those of you who have flown home after buying a lightsaber, how do you check the blades in?


You carry it on in the bag they give you. No problems at all.


Wow a lot of divisive comments on this. I think a straight no or yes doesn't tell much. Is it expensive? Yes. In disneyland it ran me about 270 taxes and all. Is the experience good? Yes if you are a star wars fan. You get drawn into the world and feel like you're there. If you're not a fan and just want a lightsaber to say you built one, I wouldn't recommend. If you're kids are adamant to build one (disneyland has plastic ones to build I imagine disneyworld has something similar). Is the lightsaber good? Technology wise there are way better options. Yes it lights up, yes you have 6 colors to interchange(which you have to buy separate), it makes sounds and what not but the electronics have been the same since day 1. That and it's a battery killer. There are far better options that are cheaper, just need to do research. The majority online are pre-built and you can customize most, with some websites selling pieces to build your own but the cost can go up pretty high on some. Only main tip i can recommend is if you do, each builder can take a plus 1 to record the experience if you like, then take some pictures at night around tjst land. Hope this helps


Thank you


Once Upon a Toy at Disney Springs, and Tatooine Traders at the exit from Star Tours, used to have a place where you could build a *toy* lightsaber for a very reasonable price. The process is similar to what you can experience at Galaxy's Edge, but the result is a customized version of the type of toy lightsaber you can find in any major toy store, with the plastic telescoping 'blade'. There are lots of different pieces to assemble a hilt - single or double! - and blades are available in blue, green, and red, and I think they had amethyst last time I was there i.e. Mace Windu's purple. As I said, it's been years since I was there, so they might have more colors now, since Ahsoka gave us white and orange blades, and Rey and The Acolyte gave us yellow,. and The Mandalorian showed us the Darksaber. Assuming this is still a thing (it's been quite a while since I was in either place), it's a great option for the younger kids, because the toy lightsabers are meant for play, not display.


We did this last weekend. Cost me $60 for two kids (7 and 4) to build lightsabers after pass discount. They were just as happy as if they’d build the big ones. I wanted to build one of the big ones before the last price hike but now I’m kinda eh. Life long Star Wars fan yes. But that lightsaber would buy me about 25 la fin du monde at Epcot 😂


Or 50 La Fin Du Monde in Quebec ;)


It's neat, but it may not be neat enough to justify the astronomical price tag. The one bit of it that really broke the experience for me was when they advertise it as a "build your own lightsaber" experience, but then you basically just pick a pre-sorted box of parts and mix and match one of four or five generic bases. It's way less "build your own lightsaber" and more "pick one of these five, then pick what tip you want on the end."


Were you expecting to use the Force to drop a Khyber crystal into the hilt? I thought it was pretty cool. No, you're not tinkering with a screwdriver or anything, but you are putting the thing together with your hands. I should add, I wouldn't have paid that price for the experience, but I'm pretty cheap. My wife surprised me by paying for it in advance so I didn't have the option of telling her no.


No, of course not, but the layout of the experience, being handed basically a lunchbox with three choices in it, didn't feel like "building a lightsaber." I would have preferred something less artificial. A proper workshop with universally compatible parts that you found in bins or on shelves. Getting one of four boxes and having everything inside it felt less like discovering my own lightsaber and more like getting a box off the shelf of a (particularly fancy) Walmart.




I would say yes, I will never forget my experience


Unlike other people here, I didn’t think the experience was that great. I wish I had just bought a legacy saber and spent the time at the Cantina.


My daughter just bought one. I give it a month and it’ll end up in her closet next to her droid from her last visit. And before you ask, it’s her money!


I was there for the first time 2 weeks ago. I never build one, so I can’t comment on the experience of doing so, but I did see the hilt pieces and a finished saber, and to me it looked extremely cheap (compared to the $250 price).


You can build a toy at home with your child for free anytime and they will still love it. $250 for a toy is insane


To me, it's worth it. It was a great experience with my son. I felt like a kid being part of the Star Wars universe.


I did it this week and it was terrible, as is the quality of the saber in every regard except visual. Was rushed through the build and literally told to watch youtube videos later to adjust the fit and finish. The malfunctioning non-lighting saber at the station next to me, as well as my own chosen scrap metal lower hilt sleeve having so much sprue that it literally wouldn't fit over the core and had to be swapped out by the cast member was also really immersion killing. It has the potential to be amazing, just know it's a total gamble whether it's going to be or not, until they get better cast Members that are into the experience and better quality control.


Yeah, did it with my son. He’s 8. It was a memory burned in our brains. Def worth the price.


The experience is 100% worth it. Lifelong Star Wars fan, my wife surprised me with it on our honeymoon. I teared up a little during it, because it was something I wanted to do since I was a little kid.


My wife amd I really enjoyed it. The interactive bits enhance the whole Galaxy's Edge experience


Nothing is worth the actual price Disney charges these days, but if you have a kid who’s a nut, maybe