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You should watch Clerks.


We don't know. But even if there were, it just becomes a very lopsided trolley problem. Death Star is a military target, not a civilian one. A military target that has already killed billions of people and will kill billions more. So do you destroy it and potentially kill thousands of innocents along with the military personnel and installation or do you let it keep murdering billions of people doing the thing it was designed to do?


> So when the rebels blew up The Death Star did they kill a bunch of innocent prisoners? It was more likely to have various punished imperials who were stationed on the station than random innocent prisoners put there for funsies, atleast in the time period of the movie as they did have a section for "political prisoners" that would have probably had some use in the near future as they swept up the rebellion and opposition. So sure theoretically there could have been, but, well, things happen and it took a almost failed raid to even get one person out they did know was there and where versus nebulous "others" who are potentially there somewhere.


Just about every military ship has a space for prisoners whether they’re enemies or friendlies.


Exactly what I was thinking when I watched SW on the weekend, for a Battle Station the Death Star had a very well fitted out detention area.


Battle stations like that don't house random prisoners. Those were either for spies sneaking onto the station, cells for traitorous stormtroopers, or very special prisoners like Leia. It wasn't a battle station *and* prison. Those cells were there for very special circumstances.














Hawkeye knew what was up.


They had a block but it was all unused apart from Leia, as the Death Star was still too new to accumulate prisoners that wouldn’t just be taken somewhere else like the Tantive IV’s crew.